Chapter 9: Baby Girl

L.A. To Seoul



The both of them finally arrived at Taeyeon’s mansion in Hidden Hills, California. Holding Tiffany’s hand, Taeyeon lead the way inside the house. Tiffany liked it every time Taeyeon did that.

“Welcome back, Taengoo”

A voice startled the lovebirds. Taeyeon was still holding onto Tiffany’s hands, approaching the other person together. Taeyeon smiled at Yuri. Tiffany then bowed to her. Yuri smiled at the two of them, but that smile was different. Taeyeon knew it.

“Wait here, Yul” she said. She then grabbed Tiffany’s hand and led her upstairs, to her bedroom. Yuri stayed at the mansion’s foyer, waiting for Taeyeon.

“You can rest first, okay baby girl?” Taeyeon said once the both of them entered the huge bedroom, it looked like a presidential suite, Tiffany was impressed. Tiffany blushed a little hearing ‘baby girl’, Taeyeon recognized, she knew Tiffany liked it when she called her that. “I’m going downstairs first” Tiffany only nodded.

Yuri could hear footsteps coming towards her, the house was big, every sound echoed. She turned around to face Taeyeon. No more smiles.

“What are these?” Yuri said, presenting Taeyeon a couple of papers. It was three pages printed news. Taeyeon took it, and walked inside the living room, not far from there. She knew what was coming, and she didn’t want Tiffany to overhear her conversation. Yuri followed her from behind.

Still not talking, Taeyeon sighed. She put the papers on the table, and sat on the couch. Yuri stood, arms crossed.

“You know, people are rooting for you to make mistake since day one” Yuri said in a cold tone. “And you’re going to do a big one”

“Tiffany is not a mistake” Taeyeon said, she was breathing heavily by then. “Being in love is not a mistake, drugs and alcohol are”

“Why are you talking about drugs and alcohol when I am talking about something else?”

“Because you said people are waiting for me to mess up, and mess up, from my knowledge is the use of drugs and alcohol addiction” Taeyeon was right. Celebrities usually messed up their life and career with either two of that.

“You are talking to your manager, Taeng. The person who came to you and bring you all of these” Yuri was mad, of course. She was right too. She was the one who searched for Taeyeon 5 years ago after watching her videos on Youtube, and helped her till she was now on top of the world, being one of the greatest in music industry. “You gotta get your mind straight, Taeng”

“No, YOU, gotta get your mind straight” Taeyeon stood up, hands clenched. “You have to accept that I am a human being, and I have feelings” she approached Yuri, and looked into her eyes in fierce.

“You can fall in love and be in a relationship well maybe when you’re 25 or 30, not now, you’re still a rising star, just don’t mess things up, don’t mess this dream of yours just because of a girl”

“So you are saying that I should let go of these feelings, ignore them and when I am 25, I make a move?” Taeyeon laughed sarcastically. “I have no control over my feelings, my emotion. If I fall in love, then I fall in love, I can’t stop feelings. Can you?”

Taeyeon then walked away, leaving Yuri. Yuri was upset with what Taeyeon just said. Jessica was right, this girl is changing Taeng, she thought.




After having dinner together, Taeyeon rose from the dining table and stepped over to Tiffany. Taeyeon wanted to clear her mind after what happened that afternoon with Yuri by going out with Tiffany. She knew it was late, but nothing could stop her.

She held out her hand. Tiffany took it and rose. Letting Taeyeon lead her way. Taeyeon brought her to her garage and opened her red Ferrari 458’s door for Tiffany to enter.  

During the car ride, Tiffany hold onto Taeyeon’s right hand, rubbing them softly. She didn’t want to think of where Taeyeon was about to bring her to, she wanted to surprise herself.

“I love you, Tae” Tiffany said, looking at Taeyeon who was driving.

“I love you too, baby girl” Taeyeon smiled at her.

Taeyeon opened the car door for Tiffany once they arrived at a location. Tiffany stepped out, and realised the sands. They were at a beach. Tiffany was excited. It was already late, no one was there. The air was a little cold. The clear sky speckled with stars. The moon, nearly full. Taeyeon took Tiffany’s arm in hers and they walked. The moon lightning their way. They stopped near the water.

Before Tiffany could do it herself, Taeyeon kneeled down and unbuckled her shoes, slipped them off her feet and hold them with her hands. Tiffany stepped onto the sands. Soft and smooth. She smiled and squished it between her toes. Taeyeon watched her. She knew where Tiffany was going next.

Tiffany let out a giggle as the water touched her feet. It was cold. Almost numbing. But she didn’t care. She couldn’t resist the temptation to feel the water on her feet. Tiffany turned around and looked at Taeyeon who standing on the beach. Tiffany gave her that look as if to dare Taeyeon to come in after her. Taeyeon grinned and shook her head. Not this time. Taeyeon was staying safely on dry land. Or she thought. Tiffany  suddenly kicked a stream of water towards Taeyeon, barely missed soaking Taeyeon’s dry buttoned shirt.

Taeyeon wasn’t expecting that, though she should have been. Tiffany laughed with her eyesmiles, with her hands covering her blushing cheeks. At that moment, Taeyeon fell in love with her a little more, wondering how that was possible when her love was already overflowing.

Bored with her solitary play, Tiffany rejoined Taeyeon on the sand, putting her hands around Taeyeon’s neck, and looked up at her with those sparkling eyes, of course with the famous eye smiles. Taeyeon kissed her forehead, her nose and then, her lips. They kissed playfully, eagerly. Lips smiling, tongues playing, eyes laughing. Taeyeon’s hands on Tiffany’s back of her neck. Holding her close. Afraid to let go of this goddess that has graced the earth just for her.

They kissed until nearly out of breath. Parting with quiet laughter. Amused at their youthful enthusiasm. Tiffany took Taeyeon’s hand and started to walk towards a wooden chair near there. She was radiant. Taeyeon was captivated. At that moment, Taeyeon swore, she would follow Tiffany to the end of the earth. Taeyeon sat on the chair as motioned by Tiffany. Tiffany then sat on her lap, putting her head on Taeyeon’s shoulder. All they could see was water smooth as glass, reflecting the moonlight. Tiffany finally relaxed, resting against Taeyeon. Enjoying the beauty of the beach and the moonlight and the stars. Silence. Except for the sound of the ocean hitting the sand. And the beating of their hearts. Taeyeon took Tiffany’s hand and caressed them. Those hands of Tiffany’s were anything but fragile. Tiffany yawned.

Taeyeon lifted Tiffany’s head from her shoulder. Kissed her forehead, her cheek, her lips. Softly. Just barely touching her. Taeyeon rose and helped Tiffany to her feet. Lead her to the car, and opened the door, with Tiffany’s shoes still in her other hand. Tiffany entered the car, and sat down, her feet hanging out. Taeyeon kneeled down and brushed the sand from Tiffany’s feet and slipped them into her shoes  Tiffany watched Taeyeon’s concentration on putting the shoes, falling in love a little more, wondering how that was possible when her love was already overflowing.

When Taeyeon was about to stand, Tiffany took her face in her hands, gently, and kissed her lips. Their over spilling emotion mingled and swirled around them. They were in their universe once again. Locked in a kiss under the starlight and moonlight.








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NekoLS #1
Chapter 37: Lol the news broke before tang meet her soon father in law what a good impression hahahaha
I know u r hiatus but i just misss this story therefore i reread this again 🥲
Update this pls
Chapter 37: When will you update? :(
Chapter 37: hi, it's been years since you last updated this. :(
creamcarlton #5
Chapter 37: The news cuts are interesting to read :)
Chapter 37: I really love the concept of your story with new cuts ^_^ Comeback soon :)
Chapter 37: omg pls update this soon! this story is so good & i'm dying to know what happens when Yul finds out Sica is only using her to attack Fany ㅋㅋ
hfhvdgjmgdg #8
Hey author are you doing well??
I'm honestly sooooo worried about you
I hope you're doing fine
Its been a long time since you last updated one of my favorite story's everr
More than a year *sigh*
I miss it sooooo much
But i know you have your reasons :)
Take good care of yourself
Bye :)
Chapter 37: waaa taengoo is so cheesy.. hahaha i
like the idea of twitter and IG update hhaha its somehow look realistic :))
Chapter 37: Aw. I almost forgot about this fic., good thing i was reminded by another fic that's almost similar to this. when will you update author? It's been a year :((( i'm looking forward to your update! Fightaeng!