Chapter 21: NY To LA

L.A. To Seoul


Yoona didn’t know how the two of them ended up in the same room and sharing one cup of ramen. She looked over at Seohyun who was enjoying the instant ramen. She stopped eating awhile ago when she texted Jessica. It made her feel bad about asking Jessica what the next plan was, and at the same time she feel bad for doing this to Seohyun’s best friend because deep down, she really liked the girl. Her phone vibrated and she grabbed it from the table.

“I’m really blank right now, thanks to bratkrysoojung. I’ll text you on what to do next, I’m going to fly to LA now. Takecare Yoong”

She put her phone back on the table and sighed. She sipped the plain water from the bottle beside her phone.

“Everything okay, unnie?” Seohyun asked when she realised Yoona’s face expression. She stopped eating. “Is it your cousin?” she asked again. She thought maybe Yoona’s cousin was the one who texted the other girl because Yoona stayed at the new apartment with her all day.

“How many times should I tell you not to call me unnie?” Yoona looked at the younger girl and smiled again. “And no, it’s not my cousin, just a friend” Yoona answered the girl’s question.

“I mean, what should I call you beside unnie?”

“Just call me Yoona”

“Oh, okay” Seohyun paused before speaking again, “Yoona”. She blushed a little calling the girl like that.

Yoona smiled to the girl before grabbing her phone back when she saw it light up. It was another text.

“Yoong unnie, I’m warning you not to follow evilsica’s plan. If you’re really a Taenganger, don’t do what she asks you to do. Ps, I’m quitting this whatever VVIP thing. I’m so done with this. Takecare unnie, and please come back to LA soon, you don’t have to listen to her and stay in Seoul, just come back. I love you”

Yoona sighed again for the second time before replying the text. She wondered what happened between the Jung sisters. She was now torn.

“Are you both okay? Don’t call your sister like that, Soojung. And don’t quit this, I know how much you adore Taengoo. And please don’t do anything first, I mean make decision first without talking nicely to your sister and me. I’ll come back soon, don’t worry. Please take care of yourself. Love you too Krystal”

“Yoona, are you okay?” Seohyun asked when she saw Yoona sighed. She thought maybe Yoona lied to her about the cousin thing. Maybe it was really her cousin texting her asking her to go home.  “I mean, if your cousin wants you to come home, I don’t mind staying here alone”

“No, no, it’s not my cousin” Yoona spoke. “Its just a friend and I’m staying here with you tonight and watch Keroro with you” Yoona said smiling. Now Yoona remembered why she was there, she had been staying there since 5 hours ago. It was a coincidence when Yoona was walking not far from the apartment building when Seohyun ran out of the building screaming. She told Yoona that she saw ghost in the new apartment. Yoona then decided to stay there to accompany the young girl.

“Are you sure?” Seohyun asked. She was surprised when Yoona moved her hand to hold hers. “Yes, I am sure. Don’t worry Juhyun, I’m staying here”




The whole road trip from LAX Airport to her parents’ house was nerve-wrecking. Taeyeon wasn’t really sure if it was a good idea to bring Tiffany home to see her family. But there was nothing else to do as they were not that far from her family home already. It was just the two of them in her white Ferrari. The rest of the girls joined Yuri.

“What is it Taetae?” Tiffany asked when she saw the expression on Taeyeon’s face.

“Nothing, I’m just…overwhelmed?” Taeyeon answered. She saw Tiffany’s uneasy expression form the corner of her eyes. She regretted herself for saying what she said just now as it just worried the other girl. She turned to see Tiffany when the light turned red. She took Tiffany’s hand and held it before rubbing it gently with her thumb. “You don’t have to worry baby, everything is just going to be fine”. Tiffany was facing the window and she looked worried. Taeyeon sighed inaudibly and the music player in the car.

“Wah, my favourite song!” Taeyeon shouted and pumped up the volume. The light turned green and she started to drive. She was dancing along to the catchy up beat song when she saw Tiffany was still not responsive. “Baby, look at me” she said and danced dorkily while she was driving. Tiffany hit her on her shoulder and gave her a glare. But that didn’t stop Taeyeon from dancing like a dork. For a minute, Tiffany tried her best not to laugh but she couldn’t help it. She burst into laughter when she saw Taeyeon’s dance becoming extremely silly. She even joined her and danced insanely. Taeyeon laughed too when she looked over at the crazy Tiffany.

“Taetae, you gotta stop, focus on driving!” Tiffany said in between laughter. “Come on, Taetae, stop it” she said again catching for air. Taeyeon stopped dancing and laughed like an ahjumma, “You okay now?” she asked Tiffany. Tiffany nodded, giving Taeyeon her famous eye smiles. She leaned in closer and gave Taeyeon a quick peck on her cheek. “I love you, Taetae. Thank you” she kissed Taeyeon again on her cheek.

“Stop kissing me baby, before I pull over and make out with you in this car in the middle of the road”

Tiffany laughed and sat back properly, “Such a byun!”

“Did you know that I was thinking of making out with you high above in the air? On the plane just now?” Taeyeon smirked.

“Oh my God, Taeyeon!” Tiffany blushed and hit Taeyeon on her lap. Tiffany thought no wonder Taeyeon was all clingy to her during their flight back from New York to Los Angeles. Rubbing her lap countless times and kissing her shoulders for a lot of time, she even bit some part.

“What?” Taeyeon shrieked. “How can I control myself when you dress like this?” Taeyeon said and looked over at Tiffany. She loved it, totally loved it when Tiffany wear something that show her shoulders and thighs. “Look at that shoulders, and those thighs” Taeyeon said looking at her favourite part of Tiffany’s body.

“Yah Byuntae!” Tiffany yelled and covered her shoulders with her hands.  When she did that she realised Taeyeon was now looking at her thighs. She moved her hands from her shoulders to her showing thighs, covering them. “Concentrate on driving, Tae!” she yelled again. Taeyeon didn’t speak a word and focus on driving. She was expressionless. Tiffany could see Taeyeon’s rising and falling chest, she is breathing heavily this is no good, Tiffany thought inside.

Tiffany ignored the sound of Taeyeon’s heavy breathing and she looked outside of the window. She was palpitating too. After a few minutes of long silence, Taeyeon finally spoke, “Baby”. Tiffany turned over to see the driving Taeyeon. Taeyeon’s face was nothing but serious.

“Baby, can we pull over? I really, really, really, really





can’t hold this”




Taeyeon walked out of the car and quickly made her way to the other side to open the door for Tiffany who was laughing so hard. Taeyeon chuckled seeing Tiffany. There were already in front of the Kim residence.

“Tae, the officer’s face was like…what the hell is wrong with you two?” Tiffany spoke breathlessly. Taeyeon then burst into laughter when she remembered the police officer’s face. She remembered she stopped her car in the middle of the road and jumped on top of Tiffany, kissing, and biting Tiffany’s neck when someone knocked on the car’s window. Taeyeon, without moving from Tiffany, pulled down the car’s window. The officer’s face was priceless when he saw the two of them were in the middle of doing their ‘business’.

“I am sorry misses, but can you please continue somewhere not on the road, there’s a major traffic jam behind your vehicle” Taeyeon said imitating the officer’s voice. Tiffany clapped her hand and laughed harder. Taeyeon hold her tummy because it hurt so bad that she was laughing like that.

“Okay baby, breathe, we’re already here” Taeyeon said, still laughing a little. She grabbed Tiffany’s hand and turned around walking towards the humble house. Taeyeon stopped laughing when she realised the house was dark, from outside to inside.

“What is it Taetae?” Tiffany stopped laughing when Taeyeon stopped walking.

“Okay, I actually told my mom that I’m coming but why is it that our house is dark” Taeyeon said, confused. She continued walking with Tiffany beside her. Taeyeon reached for the door knob and was surprised when she found out that it wasn’t locked. She slowly opened the door then suddenly



Taeyeon was shocked, Tiffany too was shocked. There were at least 30 people inside of the house when the light . Taeyeon was confused though, it wasn’t her birthday or Tiffany’s, she wondered why those people screamed surprise to the both of them. Taeyeon was dumbfounded, she walked confusingly towards her mother and hugged her.

“What is this for?” she asked when she let go. She looked over at the crowd and she saw Yuri, Sunny, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon. She raised her eyebrows and approached them. She hit Yuri’s arm.

“Yah Kwon Yuri, when did you arrive? Tiffany and I left the airport earlier than you guys, how come you guys are here now”

The crowd laughed when they heard what Taeyeon said. Tiffany was as confused as Taeyeon and stayed quiet, standing behind Taeyeon.

“Your mom did this. She wants to celebrate your Grammy winnings” Sunny said.

“Party!!!!!” Hyoyeon shouted.

“Yah, quiet!” Sunny shouted back. The crowd laughed.

Taeyeon walked towards her mother and hugged her once again. “Thank you, mom. Thank you for this” she said, almost crying. Mrs. Kim patted Taeyeon’s back. “I’m so proud of you, my daughter”.

“Okay people, grab your foods!” Sooyoung screamed and the crowd went grabbing foods from the living room, while Taeyeon was still embracing her mother.

While hugging, Taeyeon saw someone she knew very well behind her mother. She let go of her mother and hugged the person.

“Hyuna, what are you doing here?” Taeyeon asked when she let go. She smiled ear to ear.

“Your mom know I’m in town and she called me yesterday to come over, so here I am” Hyuna said happily. “Congratulation, Taengoo. And thanks for picking me as your celeb crush during Oprah’s”

“Ah, it’s really nothing” Taeyeon said humbly. Taeyeon realised Hyuna was looking somewhere else, so she turned around to see what Hyuna was looking at. It was Tiffany. Taeyeon smiled to Tiffany and reached for her. She grabbed Tiffany’s hand and walked together back to Hyuna.

“Baby, this is Hyuna, of course you know her. The girl in Gangnam Style” Taeyeon chuckled. “And Hyuna, this is my girl friend, Tiffany Hwang”

Tiffany smiled to Hyuna and extended her arm for a shake. Hyuna grabbed her hand. “Nice to meet you Tiffany shi, I read so much about you”

“Nice to see you too, Hyuna shi, and you look beautiful in real life” Tiffany said smiling. They talked for a few minutes.

“Okay, go grab your foods Hyuna, don’t be shy. Tiffany and I are going to change first. All of you are pretty and the two of us are still wearing these clothes” Taeyeon said to Hyuna. Taeyeon turned to face Tiffany when Hyuna left.

“Okay baby, let’s go change, we stink” Taeyeon laughed. Tiffany just smiled and nodded. She felt a little awkward seeing Taeyeon all fangirling over Hyuna when they talked. She knew she shouldn’t feel jealous about it so she just tried to forget it.

After a quick change to short dresses, the two girls went downstairs. They approached Mr and Mrs. Kim who were talking to Taeyeon’s uncle and cousin.

“Mom, dad, can I talk to you for a minute” Taeyeon said and bow to her uncle and cousins. They left Mr. and Mrs. Kim with Taeyeon and Tiffany.

 “Mom, dad” Taeyeon blushed. “Umm…this is Tiffany, and…she is my…”Taeyeon stopped when a giant walked passed them

“Girlfriend” Sooyoung said and ran away from the scene while laughing out loud.

“Aish, that girrafee” Taeyeon muttered. Both her parents laughed too, including Tiffany.

“Hello Mr and Mrs. Kim, I’m Tiffany” Tiffany introduced herself and bowed to the two elders.

“I don’t know any Tiffany but I know Mi young” Taeyeon’s mother teased Tiffany. Tiffany’s cheek turned red. “And just call us just like before, you called us auntie and uncle, right? Back in high school?” Taeyeon’s mother asked and touched Tiffany’s hair. “You are really beautiful now, Mi Young” observing Tiffany’s face.

“Just call us dad and mom, that’s better” Taeyeon was shocked with what her father just said.

“You don’t have to be shy, mi young” Mrs. Kim chuckled a little when she saw Tiffany blushing. “Just call us mom and dad like Taeyeon does”

Tiffany nodded, trying her best not to show her bright cheek. Mr and Mrs. Kim left the two to talk to the rest of the guests.

“Okay, what was that?” Tiffany said when Taeyeon’s parents left them. “I’m sooo…this is just” Tiffany shook her head. Taeyeon laughed a little seeing Tiffany like that.

“Breathe baby, breathe” Taeyeon rubbed Tiffany’s back with her hand. “Go talk to Sunny and the rest, I’m going to talk to the guests first, yes baby?”

Tiffany nodded and Taeyeon walked away to greet the guests. Tiffany walked towards Sooyoung who was busy getting ‘some’ foods on her plate. Sooyoung realised and put her plate down on the table and bowed to Tiffany.

“I’m sorry, I interrupted your first meet with your in laws” she said while bowing.

“Yah Sooyoung ah” Tiffany said while laughing. “You’re funny, stop it”

Sooyoung took her plate back and start eating some of the foods. Tiffany took an empty plate and put some foods on it.

“Call them mom and dad, huh?” Sooyoung teased Tiffany. “That’s a green light, Pani, just get married now”. She earned a hit on her arm from Tiffany by then.

Tiffany finished putting the foods on the plate and turned around to search for Taeyeon. She smiled when she saw Taeyeon talking to a young girl who she knew very well. She walked towards them.

“Hello Hayeon” Tiffany greeted the young girl. The young girl bowed to Tiffany.

“Haeyeon ah, do you remember Tiffany unnie?” Taeyeon asked.

“I remember Miyoung unnie” the young girl spoke, smiling to Tiffany. “Hello Miyoung unnie” the girl chuckled.

“Hayeon ah, just call me Tiffany unnie” Tiffany said.

“Okay Tiffany unnie. Umm..I’ll leave you two now” the young girl bowed again.

“Here” Tiffany said, giving Taeyeon the plate on her hand.

“Uh what is this?” Taeyeon asked and took the plate away from Tiffany.

“Its for you, taetae” Tiffany said, giving her eyesmiles.

“Aww…baby you’re so sweet” Taeyeon said and rubbed Tiffany’s hair softly. “I love you but eat with me please, this is just too much for just me”

After finished eating their meal, the two walked towards a group of moody people sitting on one couch.

“Yah you guys, what are you guys doing staring at people and playing with your phone?”

Sunny stood up and came closer to Taeyeon, faces inches away. “90% of the people attending this party are elders, trust me Taeyeon, I am craving for fun” Sunny said. Taeyeon looked over at Sooyoung, Yuri and Hyoyeon.

Taeyeon clapped her hands, “Come on Taengangs, come to the basement, we’re having a private party!”

With that, the rest of the girls stood up happily, Hyoyeon even danced a bit with Sooyoung before walking away following Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny to the basement of the Kim resident.

“Hey Hyuna, come join us” Sooyoung said when she saw Hyuna standing alone near the elders. Hyuna happily joined them.

Taeyeon turned the light in the basement and she was surprised that the place didn’t change so much. The last time she went there was 3 years ago when she had a party with her friends for winning the best new artist in Billboard Music Award.

“Let’s karaoke!!” Sunny said and grabbed one of the microphones. Yuri the tv and the karaoke set.

After singing one song, the girls were pumped up, they even turned the volume up. Taeyeon wanted to sing but the rest of the girls didn’t let her, they told her jokingly that they were sick of her voice as the radio played her songs 24/7. So, Tiffany volunteered to sing a song. The rest of the girls were surprised by Tiffany’s voice, of how good it was.

After almost 2 hours karaoking, drinking and laughing out loud together, Yuri, Sooyoung, Sunny and Hyoyeon decided to went home because they were all tired from the flight from New York. Hyuna was the only guest left in the Kim resident, she went downstairs to bit farewell. Taeyeon saw Tiffany was all tired, so she sent Tiffany first to her bedroom and asked her to rest while she went downstairs to sent Hyuna.

“Hey thanks for coming Hyuna” Taeyeon said while she walked Hyuna out of her parents house.

“No biggie Taengoo” Hyuna said. “I’ll go now” she said again once they were out of the house.

“Where is your car?” Taeyeon asked when she saw no car except for her parents cars and her car.

“Oh, I parked at your neighbour’s place” Hyuna said then laughed. She was asked to park her car at the house near the Kim residence, not just her but the rest of the guests, as a part of their plan.

“Oh, now I understand” Taeyeon said and laughed. “I’ll walk you there”

They walked together to Mr. Smith’s house. “Tiffany is pretty, you’re lucky” Hyuna spoke. “And she’s kind too, I like her”

“I know right, she really has a good heart” Taeyeon said, proud of her girlfriend. “And I am happy that my parents are okay with it, and the fact that they liked her is just overwhelming”

“Yeah, please get married soon will you?” Hyuna hit Taeyeon on her arm. “And invite me yeah?” Hyuna winked. The y finally arrived in front of Hyuna’s car. “We’ll see each other a lot soon, you know, for your tour”

“Yeah, I almost forgot that you’re the one who’s going to do the opening act for my concert”

“You always forget things, Taengoo , you’re getting old!”

“Go now, it’s late.” Taeyeon said and hugged Hyuna. “Thank you Hyuna, you’re really good to me, what I said to Oprah was all nothing but the truth” She then kissed Hyuna on her cheek.

“Okay bye babe, sleep well”

“Yeah, and you, drive safely will ya?”

After waving to Hyuna, Taeyeon walked back to her home and locked the door. She was surprised when she saw her mother sitting on a couch near the door.

“Mom..” Taeyeon said when she approached her. Her mother motioned her to sit beside her. Taeyeon did what her mom asked her to do.

“Taeyeon ah, you grow up so fast” her mother said. “And I am really happy for you”. Taeyeon was confused with what her mother just said. “I don’t care who you’re dating, as long as you’re happy then I’m fine, and your dad and I really like Miyoung”

“Mom…I” Taeyeon stood up and face her mother. Her mother stood up before Taeyeon could speak and pat Taeyeon’s head.

“Just get married soon, I need grandchild, your brother is just stubborn” her mother said then left her there, dumbfounded.

It took her 5 minutes to function back. She shook her head, not believing what she just heard from her mother. She walked to the stairs and entered her room. She found Tiffany who was already on bed, sleeping. She smiled when she looked at Tiffany who slept peacefully. It warmed her little heart. She pulled the blanket and put it on Tiffany’s body. She kissed Tiffany’s forehead before she turned off the lamp and went to the bathroom for a quick shower.



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NekoLS #1
Chapter 37: Lol the news broke before tang meet her soon father in law what a good impression hahahaha
I know u r hiatus but i just misss this story therefore i reread this again 🥲
Update this pls
Chapter 37: When will you update? :(
Chapter 37: hi, it's been years since you last updated this. :(
creamcarlton #5
Chapter 37: The news cuts are interesting to read :)
Chapter 37: I really love the concept of your story with new cuts ^_^ Comeback soon :)
Chapter 37: omg pls update this soon! this story is so good & i'm dying to know what happens when Yul finds out Sica is only using her to attack Fany ㅋㅋ
hfhvdgjmgdg #8
Hey author are you doing well??
I'm honestly sooooo worried about you
I hope you're doing fine
Its been a long time since you last updated one of my favorite story's everr
More than a year *sigh*
I miss it sooooo much
But i know you have your reasons :)
Take good care of yourself
Bye :)
Chapter 37: waaa taengoo is so cheesy.. hahaha i
like the idea of twitter and IG update hhaha its somehow look realistic :))
Chapter 37: Aw. I almost forgot about this fic., good thing i was reminded by another fic that's almost similar to this. when will you update author? It's been a year :((( i'm looking forward to your update! Fightaeng!