Chapter 20: A Night In New York

L.A. To Seoul



Yuri learned an invaluable lesson about ‘love’ today; it caused double the work. She took two showers that morning, instead of just one. She brushed her teeth twice too. She changed clothes four times instead of the usual two. She checked the time on her watch no less than a thousand times during Taeyeon’s interview. But now she was there, she was sitting across the table where Jessica sat. She looked over at Jessica’s calm face. She smiled at her.




“Ah, oh, yes what is it Jessica?” Yuri shook her head, she was surprised with the loud voice. She was relieved that they were at a private room in one of her favourite café in New York or else people surely were going to be surprise just like her with that volume.

“You’ve been smiling at me without speaking a word for 5 minutes” Jessica chuckled and grabbed her orange juice and took a sip.

“I am sorry” Yuri apologized. Her face was blushing.

“How was the interview with Oprah? Did Taengoo enjoy it?”

Yuri nodded before sipping her coffee. “Yeah, of course she enjoyed it. You didn’t watch it?” She put down the cup and looked at the other girl. She was wondering though why Jessica asked the question, if she was really a Taenganger, she would watch the live show.

“Err…I woke up a little late this morning I missed it. But I’ll try to watch on the website or Youtube” Jessica replied, guilty.

“It’s okay…err…about the…” Yuri paused, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to continue.

“About the kiss?” Jessica said and smiled at the blushing Yuri. She moved her hand on the table, and hold Yuri’s. Yuri was shocked with the action, she swore her hand just melted. “I like you” Jessica continued and gently rubbed Yuri’s trembling hand. “I like you, Yuri ah”

Yuri couldn’t find a word or sentence to reply to what Jessica just said. The only word on her mind was ‘breathe’, it kept going over and over again on her head. Breathe Kwon Yuri, Breath.

“Breathe!” she shouted. Jessica was surprised and took her hand away from Yuri’s. She then laughed hard, she almost cried. Yuri was embarrassed with what just happened, she put her head down to avoid seeing Jessica’s face.

“It’s okay, Yuri-ah” Jessica said and took Yuri’s hand on the table again. Yuri was still looking down. “We can take things slowly, okay?” Jessica said. Yuri couldn’t help but looked up to Jessica and found the other girl was giving her a smile. She smiled back, awkwardly. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” Jessica smiled again. Yuri swore she just had asthma attack although the fact that she didn’t have asthma.



“Hello Yuri? Yuriiiiii~” Jessica called her softly. Getting no respond, she hit Yuri’s hand.

“YES!” Yuri screamed. “I mean…yes, I want to be your girlfriend, Jessica” she said, feeling embarrassed.

“You’re adorable, Kwon Yuri” Jessica said and pat Yuri’s hand. “and you’re my girlfriend” she winked at Yuri. Yuri blushed more.




Taeyeon sat down beside Sunny and Sooyoung, while waiting for Tiffany and Hyoyeon to get ready for the dinner that night. It was a dinner to celebrate all the winner of The Grammy Awards the previous night. The three of them were all ready, putting nice clothes and make up, with their nice hair.

Taeyeon abruptly stood up when she saw Tiffany coming out of their room. She stood still, looking at Tiffany, amazed. Tiffany was wearing white blouse with a short gray skirt. Her hair swayed like there was wind, for Taeyeon, the view was perfect for a shampoo commercial with a bonus, the eye smiles. Taeyeon was captivated with the beauty, she swore she just saw a goddess. Her jaw dropped.

“Taetae” Tiffany approached the motionless Taeyeon. “Taetae!” she raised her voice a little when Taeyeon still didn’t move, standing still and smiling like a crazy person. “Tae!” she screamed.

“Oh…oh what is it?” Taeyeon was shocked.

“See, whenever I put on new clothes, you’re always like this” Tiffany pouted a little.

“I am sorry” Taeyeon chuckled. “It is like falling in love again” she said with her fingers making the love sign. Tiffany smiled looking at the gesture and hit Taeyeon on her shoulder. They stopped laughing when suddenly someone cleared a throat. Tiffany looked over behind Taeyeon, it was Sooyoung, grinning.

“Yah, the two of you, stop making me miss my boyfriend” Hyoyeon suddenly appeared and stood behind Sunny and Sooyoung.

“I am sorry, I can’t help when I see my girlfriend like this” Taeyeon said and took Tiffany’s hand. Smiling to her.

“I am not done yet” Tiffany said. “I need you to do my hair” Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon.

“I am not a hairstylist, baby” Taeyeon paused. “Plus, you look good like this, with your hair like this” she said and put one of her hands on Tiffany’s head and gently rubbed the girl’s hair. Tiffany blushed.

“Seriously Taeng! OH MY GOD, I don’t have to see this” Sunny said and suddenly stood up, approaching the lovebirds. Sooyouyng and Hyoyeon were laughing so hard. “Come here Tiffany, let me do your hair” Sunny offered.

“No Sunny” Taeyeon said and pulled Tiffany away from Sunny. She was afraid, she thought maybe Sunny had another agenda. Maybe she wanted to chop Tiffany’s hair instead of her legs, she thought.

“Taetae, let her” Tiffany said softly and rubbed Taeyeon’s hand. Taeyeon let Sunny did Tiffany’s hair, she even came into the room with the two girls, guarding Tiffany.

“You don’t have to worry, Taetae. Sunny and I are okay with each other, right Sunny?” Tiffany said, looking over at Taeyeon through the mirror reflection. Sunny was concentrating doing Tiffany’s hair. She only nodded.

“Anyway Taengoo, where is Yuri?” Sooyoung appeared at the room’s door. Taeyeon turned over.

“I have no idea but she said she’s going to be here soon” Taeyeon answered then leaned against the wall next to the room’s door, looking at her girlfriend through the reflection. “She said she was meeting someone”

“That girl is weird. One second she’s like a zombie, and one second she smile like a dork” Sooyoung said. “Is there any chance that she’s in a relationship, because that was exactly how you were Taeng”

Taeyeon hit Sooyoung’s arm. “I wasn’t anything like a zombie” she looked over at Tiffany who was smiling at her. She smiled back.

“Yeah you did, and now you’re just smiling like a dork” Sunny said.

“Yah, Sunkyu, don’t get involved in this. Focus on my girlfriend’s hair” Taeyeon said.

After another few minutes, Sunny was done. And Yuri too was already there at the hotel, picking up the girls for the dinner. They arrived at the venue little late thanks to the New York traffic.

Taeyeon felt a little disappointed when she was told that she was going to sit at a different table while the other girls were put together at another table. She sighed as she sat in between Taylor Swift and Carly Ray Jepsen. She tried to search for Tiffany, and was relieved that she could saw her not far from where she was at. Tiffany too was searching for Taeyeon. And when she looked over at Taeyeon’s table, her eyes met Taeyeon’s. They smiled to each other. Tiffany wasn’t sure what Taeyeon was mouthing, she kept asking ‘what’ to Taeyeon. Taeyeon sighed and grabbed her phone from her blazer’s pocket. Tiffany saw it and within second her phone vibrated. It was a text from Taeyeon.

“I said, you’re beautiful, kekekeke”

Tiffany smiled and looked over at Taeyeon, Taeyeon was winking at her for a couple of times. She blushed. Taeyeon saw it, she saw Tiffany was blushing and she like it. She continued giving Tiffany winks. She stopped winking when her phone vibrated.

“Stop it Taetae, people are watching. Go talk to Taylor or Carly. You look pretty too, and handsome with that kinda style. I love you Taetae”

She looked at Tiffany and Tiffany was giving her her eye smiles. It warmed Taeyeon’s heart. Tiffany saw Taeyeon was still staring at her, she knew that kind of stare, it was full of love, it was sincere. She smiled warmly back to Taeyeon. She was confused though when she saw Taeyeon put her head on the table for a second and looked back at her. Tiffany mouthed ‘why’ at her. Taeyeon stick her tongue out. Tiffany found it cute. Suddenly her phone vibrated again. Taeyeon send her a picture. A self-camera photo of herself that she took a minute ago. The phone was under the table and she made a funny face. No wonder she put her head down, Tiffany thought. She then clicked ‘camera’ and took a photo of herself sticking her tongue out and send it immediately to Taeyeon. After sending it, she looked over at Taeyeon who was now grinning like a crazy person. She then received a text.

“You look cute baby. Please eat well, will you? I love you too, baby fany. Kekeke”

Tiffany smiled and looked over at Taeyeon again who was by then busy talking to the blonde Taylor Swift. Tiffany was surprised when her phone vibrated again.

“PS: Don’t let Sooyoung steal your food. Kekeke. I love you, beautiful”

Tiffany laughed when she read that. She was glad that Taeyeon always took care of her. She liked it when Taeyeon’s like that, warning her about Sunny chopping off her legs and now warning her about Sooyoung’s hobby of stealing other people’s foods.

The dinner went well, especially for Sooyoung who had a chance taking a photo with her favourite actor, Brad Pitt. For Yuri, Tiffany, Sunny and Hyoyeon, Brad Pitt was sent from heaven, without him, their foods might get stolen from the Shikshin.

Taeyeon met the five girls back at the entrance of the dining hall, she quickly grabbed Tiffany’s hand and smiled at her.

“Naughty girl” Taeyeon said and sticked her tongue out to Tiffany. “Don’t sent a picture of your merong, please? I cannot handle it, I melted”

Tiffany didn’t say a word, she just smiled at Taeyeon and squeezed her hand. The two of them had to wait for the elevator, thanks to the four girls who left them. Once the steel door opened, they entered, and stood next to each other, Taeyeon clicked one of the buttons. There was a western man behind them, Taeyeon gently pulled Tiffany closer to her. From the corner of her eyes, she could saw the man was smiling while scanning on Tiffany’s behind, specifically on her . Taeyeon turned around.

“What are you looking at?” she asked softly. The man moved back a little. He knew who the girl was, he regretted doing what he just did. No one mess with the superstar Taengoo. Getting no answer, Taeyeon raised her eyebrows “Nice huh?” she said, looking at Tiffany’s then looked up to the man. Thank God the elevator door clicked open or else Taeyeon would already punch the man on his scared guilty face. Tiffany realised the anger on Taeyeon face, especially with her clenched fist. She took Taeyeon’s arm “Come on Taetae, let’s go” she said with her cheerful voice, hoping it would calm Taeyeon down. Taeyeon walked out of the elevator when Tiffany pulled her, although she never left her eyes on the man’s face. If a stare could kill, the guy would be a dead man by then. Thanks to the elevator door again as it closed.

“Did you know that that jerk was staring at your…asset?” Taeyeon said once they entered the limousine, sitting next to Tiffany. The rest of the girls were eavesdropping. “I swear I would come back in that building and punch him”

Tiffany smiled and put her hand on Taeyeon’s cheek. She gently rubbed it with her thumb. “You look adorable when you’re jelly, Taetae” she said presenting her eyesmiles. Somehow, Taeyeon cooled down with the gesture. She grinned when Tiffany kissed her cheek multiple times. “Do you feel better now?” Tiffany asked in between kisses. Taeyeon nodded and gave Tiffany a quick peck on her lips.

“Yah, you too, please wait, we’re going to arrive soon, hold your feels” Sooyoung shrieked.

“Yeah, once you guys are at your room, you can do whatever you want, I don’t even want to know” Sunny said and closed her eyes with her palms when she saw Taeyeon kissing Tiffany again.

“Taeng” Yuri said once the two of them pulled away from the kiss. “So you’re going to visit your mom once we arrived in LA tomorrow?”

“Oh ya, about that” Taeyeon said and gazed at Tiffany. “Yes, I am going home to visit my family…with Tiffany”

“Oh, you’re going to introduce her officially?” Hyoyeon asked. Taeyeon only nodded.

“I am sorry but I can’t join you tomorrow, I’m meeting someone in LA” Yuri said and grabbed her phone from her bag when it beeped. It was a text from Jessica.

“I hope you eat well, I’m flying back to LA in an hour, see you tomorrow. I love you, Yuri. Take care”

“Okay, that’s okay, I think I’m fine with or without you since Tiffany is joining me. But hey, who are you secretly meeting?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrows. “Are you dating someone?” she asked again.

“None of your business, Taeng” Yuri said smilling while typing on her phone, replying Jessica’s text message.

“I hope you already had dinner. I’m flying back tomorrow and I promise I’ll see you as soon as I landed, yes? Kekeke. Have a safe flight. I love you too princess. And btw say hi to you little sister. Hehe. Take care, princess”




“Who are you texting, unnie?” Krystal leaned in closer to Jessica who sat not far from her. They were already at the JFK airport for 30 minutes now. Krystal had been observing Jessica since they arrived, her big sister has been concentrating on her phone since then.

“Uh, no one” Jessica lied. She put her phone down.

“I know what you are up to, unnie”

“What do you mean by that?” Jessica turned to face her little sister, raising her eyebrows.

“I know your plan, why are you so immature?” Krystal gave Jessica a glare, crossing her arms.

“You are immature” Jessica said with a cold tone.

Krystal suddenly stood up and walk in front of Jessica, facing her big sister. “You’re immature, why are you so mean? If you are really Taengoo’s fan, you’re supposed to support her on everything. I know your plan on dating Manager Kwon, you even sent Yoona to Seoul to check on that model, why are you like this?” Krystal raised her voice.

“How dare you talk to me like that, I’m your unnie!” Jessica stood up. Krystal turned around and walked away from her. “Where do you think you’re going?” Jessica shouted.

“I’m not going to fly back to LA with you, I’m changing my ticket!” Krystal screamed back without even looking at Jessica, walking towards the counter sections.

Jessica groaned and walked briskly to Krystal. She pulled Krystal away from the counter. “Stop Soojung!”

“No, you stop it. Stop it unnie, stop all of this!” Krystal yelled, fighting to get Jessica’s hand off her arm. “Let me go, I’m not flying back with you” she ran away from Jessica.

“You’re gonna regret this Soojung!” Jessica yelled out. She groaned when suddenly her phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out. It was a text from Yoona.

“Sica, Stephanie’s housemate just told me that Stephanie is going back to Seoul in few days, what do you want me to do?”







guys, I know, I know, I am sorry for the late update, it's just that, I'm writing another Taeny story and I'm busy with mid year exam... kekeke. sorry yeah?

and sooooooooooooo, as an apology, here's a photo teaser for the new story.

the new story has nothing to do with LA to Seoul, it's another story :)

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NekoLS #1
Chapter 37: Lol the news broke before tang meet her soon father in law what a good impression hahahaha
I know u r hiatus but i just misss this story therefore i reread this again 🥲
Update this pls
Chapter 37: When will you update? :(
Chapter 37: hi, it's been years since you last updated this. :(
creamcarlton #5
Chapter 37: The news cuts are interesting to read :)
Chapter 37: I really love the concept of your story with new cuts ^_^ Comeback soon :)
Chapter 37: omg pls update this soon! this story is so good & i'm dying to know what happens when Yul finds out Sica is only using her to attack Fany ㅋㅋ
hfhvdgjmgdg #8
Hey author are you doing well??
I'm honestly sooooo worried about you
I hope you're doing fine
Its been a long time since you last updated one of my favorite story's everr
More than a year *sigh*
I miss it sooooo much
But i know you have your reasons :)
Take good care of yourself
Bye :)
Chapter 37: waaa taengoo is so cheesy.. hahaha i
like the idea of twitter and IG update hhaha its somehow look realistic :))
Chapter 37: Aw. I almost forgot about this fic., good thing i was reminded by another fic that's almost similar to this. when will you update author? It's been a year :((( i'm looking forward to your update! Fightaeng!