Chapter 4: Good Night, Taeyeon

L.A. To Seoul





Taeyeon had been staring at her white iPhone for the last couple of hours that night. She was still wondering. To call or not to. She tossed around in her bed, groaning, in frustration. She thought that if she did not call her, she was totally abusing herself, cause since yesterday after meeting Tiffany, Taeyeon could not let her out of her mind. She finally gave up and determined to hit dial.


A sweet voice answered the phone call on the other line, Taeyeon was shaking. She wondered what time it was in South Korea when she made the call. She hoped she did not disturb the person she was calling. Another hello, Taeyeon still did not speak.


"Prank call?" the other girl's voice was really soft.


"No, no. Hello.. hello Stephanie" Taeyeon quickly answered the girl.


"Who is this?" the girl sounded very annoyed by then


"Its me"


"Who is 'me'?"


"Tae..its me Taeyeon"


"Taeyeon, Taengoo?!" Taeyeon could hear the other girl screamed a little on the other line.


"Yes its me. I hope I am not disturbing you"


"Not at all, why are you calling me? and where did you got my number?"


"Got it from..somewhere"


"Tell me or I'll hang up" hearing that, Taeyeon immediately told the other girl where she got the number.



Taeyeon and Tiffany spoke less than 5 minutes when Tiffany said she was in hurry for her photo shoot. They ended the phone conversation immediately. Taeyeon of course was feeling a little overwhelmed, and she swore, Tiffany's voice could kill her. Her voice was calming, soothing, a little husky, and that caused shivers to run the length of her spine. Taeyeon fell asleep smiling that night.






"Juhyun! Guess who called me today?" Tiffany shouted when she entered her apartment after her photo shoot that day. She approached Seohyun who was reading a book on the couch. Seohyun immediately bookmarked the book and put it down.


"TAENGOO!" Tiffany exclaimed when the other girl was confused.


"Wah, thats good. No wonder you are really happy today"


"Yes! Yes! I am happy. First, she met me now she called me, all the way from America" Tiffany sat next to Seohyun and talked like she had just won a lottery.


"You really like her more than a fan, am I right?"


Hearing that, Tiffany stopped smiling; her cheeks were blushing in pink. "No, I am just a fan girl who is excited when her idol called her"


"Reallyyyyyyyyyy?" Seohyun laughed. Tiffany hit her on her lap.


"Yes. I am just a fan"


"But awhile ago, you told me you had a crush on her in high school" Seohyun said, remembering when not a long time ago Tiffany told her that she had a crush on Taeyeon, the nerdy dorky girl when they were still in high school back in Los Angeles. Tiffany even told her that she left her it girl group, just to be friends with Taeyeon.


"Juhyun!" Tiffany screamed in embarrassment. "Oh my God, why are you doing this to me, Juhyun"! she shouted, putting her palms on her face. Seohyun only laughed at Tiffany's action.


"Sorry, sorry" Seohyun was still laughing.


"Juhyun, I am not dreaming am I? Pinch me!" Tiffany extended her arm to Seohyun.






Taeyeon just left the MTV building with her manager, Yuri, driving her black Range Rover, heading back home. It was already midnight, the MTV Movie Awards just finished. Her performance was the highlight of the show. She even won an award for the best soundtrack in a movie.


"Yul" she broke the silence. "Do I have anything this week?"


"Yes, a couple of photo shoot and magazine interview" Yuri answered, concentrating on her driving. She could hear Taeyeon's deep sigh. "What's up?"


"I was planning to fly somewhere for a vacation" Taeyeon answered, pouting a little, scrolling her iPhone. "You know, before the Asia Tour in 4 months"


"Ah come on, you're going to go for vacation after the tour, don't worry" Yuri said. "But if I let you go, where are you planning to go? South Korea?" Taeyeon was shocked with the question. Yuri really hit the jackpot.


"Tell me about it Taeyeon, you're going to see her, am I right?" Yuri said again. “And what’s with your phone wallpaper? If the paparazzi saw it, you know what will happen”


Taeyeon did not answer the question, she looked out at the window. She knew that she set Tiffany’s photo during her pitch as her phone lock screen wallpaper, but she did not know that Yuri realized it. There was an awkward silent during the ride home.


Once she entered her bedroom, she immediately lay on her bed, turning on the air conditioner. It was hot that night. After few minutes resting, she grabbed her phone, and hit dial. Of course, she was calling Tiffany. She was shaking, once the call was answered, she felt calm again.


"Hello Taeyeon" greeted Tiffany with her soft husky voice. Though they were far away, Taeyeon could see the other girl's smile when she answered it. She greeted back, smiling too.


"Congratulation on the award" Tiffany said as she too watched the live broadcast of the award show Taeyeon attended hours ago. Taeyeon thanked her.


"Do you have Skype?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany. Sadly, Tiffany's answer was a no. Taeyeon was a little disappointed.


"I'll make one for you" Taeyeon offered. "Do not hang up, I am making you an account now" Taeyeon said. She put the call on speaker, and put down the phone on her bed.


Taeyeon then grabbed her new laptop she bought that morning after she went to LA Models. She opened an internet browser, creating a Skype account for Tiffany. Tiffany was still on the phone, in silence.


"Can you download the app, on your laptop? Or you iPad?" Taeyeon said, her hands typing on the Macbook's keyboard. Okay, was the only word Tiffany said.


"What do you want your username and password to be?" she asked again. No answer. She thought, maybe Tiffany was thinking or busy downloading the application.


"Anything will be fine" Tiffany answered her. Taeyeon scratched her head, thinking of the username and the password. She then typed in what came to her mind.


"Okay, done" Taeyeon said, grabbing back her phone. "It's MYHwang, the password is 09031989"


"My Hwang?" Tiffany asked in confusion. "I belong to you?... I didn't know that"


"No, no, its M Y Hwang for Mi Young Hwang" Taeyeon answered, blushing. She could hear Tiffany's laugh at the end of the line.


"Okay, okay, I am logging in now" Tiffany said. They ended the call.


Taeyeon then checked her Skype app on her Macbook. She already added Tiffany as one of her friends on Skype. Tiffany's username was still offline. Suddenly there was a text popped out on her screen.



OMG! Taengoo you are online! I love you! I was outside of MTV building, waiting for you with the rest of the Taengangers but you didn’t show up. Anyway~~Congrats on the award! Taengoo forever!!!!!!!


Taeyeon ignored the text, closing it and looked back at Tiffany’s username which was by then, online. There was a smile on her face. After few second, an image appeared on the screen. It was Tiffany, the background was probably her bedroom, Taeyeon thought. It was all pink. Tiffany looked flawless, even with no makeup on. Her black hair tied in a ponytail. She was wearing a white T-shirt. Both her eyes and her lips smiling.


“Thank you for making me the account” Tiffany thanked her, with her smiles.


“No problem” Taeyeon said, fixing her hair and clothes.


“Omo, you’re still wearing the outfit you wore at the awards!” Tiffany said, laughing while clapping her hands. Taeyeon found it cute.  “Did you call me straight away when you arrived home?”


“Honestly, I did” Taeyeon answered her, even deep down she was very embarrassed.


“And why is that?” Tiffany .


“So that I can skype you” Taeyeon answered smiling like a dork.


“Your room is very white”


“Your room is very pink” suddenly they both burst into laughter together.


Taeyeon and Tiffany skyped for about an hour. They talked about what they did that day and they talked about the past, their memories back in high school. They both enjoyed the talking and the laughing. By then, Taeyeon was already lying on her bed feeling a little tired after the performance she did earlier.


“You know, there was this time I hit a glass door in Mexico during my tour, and with..I was..uhmm.. mmmmmm~”


Tiffany was surprised when Taeyeon stopped talking; her eyes were shut, lying on her white fluffy pillow. Tiffany knew by then that Taeyeon fell asleep. Tiffany found it cute. She decided not to go offline and watched Taeyeon sleep for the rest of the day. It warmed her little heart to see Taeyeon sleeping calmly.


“Good night, Taeyeon”

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NekoLS #1
Chapter 37: Lol the news broke before tang meet her soon father in law what a good impression hahahaha
I know u r hiatus but i just misss this story therefore i reread this again 🥲
Update this pls
Chapter 37: When will you update? :(
Chapter 37: hi, it's been years since you last updated this. :(
creamcarlton #5
Chapter 37: The news cuts are interesting to read :)
Chapter 37: I really love the concept of your story with new cuts ^_^ Comeback soon :)
Chapter 37: omg pls update this soon! this story is so good & i'm dying to know what happens when Yul finds out Sica is only using her to attack Fany ㅋㅋ
hfhvdgjmgdg #8
Hey author are you doing well??
I'm honestly sooooo worried about you
I hope you're doing fine
Its been a long time since you last updated one of my favorite story's everr
More than a year *sigh*
I miss it sooooo much
But i know you have your reasons :)
Take good care of yourself
Bye :)
Chapter 37: waaa taengoo is so cheesy.. hahaha i
like the idea of twitter and IG update hhaha its somehow look realistic :))
Chapter 37: Aw. I almost forgot about this fic., good thing i was reminded by another fic that's almost similar to this. when will you update author? It's been a year :((( i'm looking forward to your update! Fightaeng!