Chapter 2

Blue Green

When Kyungsoo was ten he knew the feeling in his chest was not going away any time soon. So he decided to embrace it. You're only young once. Or so his mother says. He remembered when he found out Kai was the once who moved across the street five years back. His heart almost exploded. He told his Halmeoni to lock all doors and don't let any dark eyed angles in.

To say Grandma Do was confused was an understatement. But she couldn't help but do so as Kyungsoo was just so cute screaming and putting pillows up to the windows and doors for "protection."

"Palli ! Palli Halmeoni !" Kyungsoo urged her from the hallway. Carrying all his stuffed animals in his arms and ran down the steps. "They can't get in." he mumbled to himself. Setting Leo the Lion down in front of the door last.

"There." Kyungsoo let a out a breath of relief. "Now my heart can stop."

"Kyungsoo-yah are you alright ?" His mother called from the kitchen.

"Ne. Just having a nostalgic moment." Kyungsoo said.

"Nostalgic. That's a big word for a boy your age."

"Appa told me it. He says the more words I know the better places I will go."  Kyungsoo recited smiling. Mrs.Do smiled. Her son was cute.

"Well when you get older, maybe you can impress someone special with those big words of yours." Mrs.Do teased.

Kyungsoo blushed at the thought.

Someone special.




As Kyungsoo was almost fourteen he realized the feeling in his chest, the blush on his face and the butterflies in his stomach could only mean one thing.

He was in love.

And he had fallen hard at first sight.

The first time Jongin had spoke to him- like really spoke to him not a one worded greeting or asking for a pencil. No. The first time Jongin had really spoken to him, Kyungsoo almost died. 

See growing up, Kyungsoo kept learning more and more big words. The idea of impressing people stuck to his brain and he wanted to share them with all. But when he was about eleven some kids thought that those big words were a sign of higher status. That Kyungsoo was trying to show that he was better then them. So, they decided to knock the little prince of his pedestal. The easiest way to do that for them was with a punch.

Bulling wasn't an easy thing for Kyungsoo but he tried to not let it get to him. He tried fighting back but as they grew up they seemed to get stronger too. While everyone was beginning to lift weights, Kyungsoo was lifting books and that took a tole.

A fist made it's way towards Kyungsoo's already bruised up face he closed his eyes. He made it out of the hallway into the school's fields before hands grabbed him and pulled him away from wandering eyes. There the kicks and punches began. So as he braced another one he couldn't help but peak one eye open when he felt nothing. Looking up, he say someone standing in front of him.

"So this is what we do in our free time." The voice of the person in front of him broke his silence. Kyungsoo blushed. He could tell that voice out of millions.

"Jongin out of the way." one of the bullies said.

"Really." Jongin said. A small laughed escaped his lips. "Like I'm going to move and just let you bully this poor kid. No." he said sternly.




"Leave." The way the tan boy said it was almost like a growl. The bullies their teeth in annoyance before walking away.

"Consider yourself lucky. Nerd."

Kyungsoo outwardly pouted. He was not a nerd. He didn't even look like one. But they were so intent on calling him that.

Jongin turned around towards Kyungsoo with a hand out. Hesitating before taking it, Kyungsoo was lifted off the ground with ease. He almost flew into Jongin at the force of the pull.

"Sorry. You're much lighter then I expected." Jongin apologized. Their eyes met again and Kyungsoo forgot how to breathe for a moment. His cheeks heating up.

Kyungsoo just blushed harder when he realized his hand was still being held.

"Are you alright Kyungsoo-yah ?" Jongin asked. The shorter boy nodded. Quickly scrambling to the ground to pick up his scattered books. Some where ripped making Kyungsoo let out an annoyed sigh. Bullies were very annoying.

"Let me help you there." Jongin said and began picking up a history book and other objects. He stopped briefly when he noticed Kyungsoo's feet.

"Hey where are your shoes ? Did they take them ? I'll go get them back-"

Kyungsoo grabbed the taller boy by the wrist stopping him.

"N-no they didn't." he muttered timidly. God this was embarrassing. Could he ever talk to Jongin without stuttering.

"Oh then where are they ?" Jongin asked.

Kyungsoo pointed to his bag.

"Ohh that's right. I forgot you never wear them outside. Sorry Kyungsoo-yah." Jongin said. "Come on let me take you to the nurse for the burse on your eye."

The taller grabbed Kyungsoo by the wrist, taking his bookbag from him and began pulling him to the nurse office.

The whole walk, Kyungsoo's face was red as a cherry. His heart fluttered because Jongin's grip may have been warm and a little too tight  but his eyes were still their everlasting pit of darkness. Darkness that seemed to call Kyungsoo from the light.




After the incident Kyungsoo and Jongin became closer. When Kyungsoo refused to sit at the lunch table like a normal human being, Jongin let himself be taking to wear the shorter boy normally eats. Excusing himself from his friends, he followed Kyungsoo out into the school's fields. The shorter walked through a make shift path that only he seemed to see before he stopped in front of a old weeping tree. Kyungsoo sat down. The branches drooping down in a closing like way that it seemed to hold Kyungsoo. Like a protective cage.

He watched as Kyungsoo slipped off his shoes, sliding them into his bag and set his lunch aside. His toes wiggled slightly between the grass and he let took a deep breath. The wind brushed his hair lightly and Jongin felt like he was intruding. Kyungsoo looked so peaceful.

"Do you eat here every day Kyungsoo-yah ?" Jongin asked softly sitting beside him. Not wanted to startle the boy. Kyungsoo nodded. Well mostly he ate here. If he made it past the bullies.

They opened their lunches and began eating. Kyungsoo ate half before he broke the silence.


"Yes ?" Jongin answered. This was the first time Kyungsoo called him hyung. This was the first time anyone called him hyung. He was the youngest in their grade.

"No." Kyungsoo shook his head.

"What ?" Jongin asked confused.

"I'm the hyung. I'm older than you."

"Stop lying." Jongin said seriously.

"I'm not." Kyungsoo said shyly looking at the ground.

"Dude you are so not older than me ! You're too cute !" Jongin exclaimed.

Kyungsoo choked on his juice.

"Y-you think I'm c-cute ?" Kyungsoo stuttered. A rosy blush on his cheeks. Darn it. He thought he got past that phase.

Jongin reached over and pinched his cheek.

"You're adorable hyung."




"....right hyung."

"....hyung ?"


A shout broke Kyungsoo out of his thoughts and he looked wide eyed at Jongin.

"Mwo ?" he asked.

"You were spacing off again. You're turning more and more into onew-hyung every day." Jongin teased. Kyungsoo stuck his tongue out at him.

"But you're cuter." Jongin winked.

"Yah ! D-don't say that." Kyungsoo blushed.

Still after all these years Jongin can still make him blush at those simple words. He should be used to it. But he's not.

Kyungsoo eyes looked down out of habit and his eyes widened at the sight of the time. 

"Crap Jongin-ah I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." Kyungsoo said quickly rushing to put on his jacket and shove his books in his bookbag at the same time.

Jongin smiled before helping him.

"You only live across the street you know." He said as he put Kyungsoo hat on his head and the smaller boy looked up at him.

"Yeah I know but..." a blushed covered his face again at how close they were to teach other.

"Okay okay. Get going Kyunggie." Jongin said pulling him into a hug before opening the door. " Be safe." he said before Kyungsoo stumbled out into the night.

Could Jongin be more of a Casanova.

Taking in a deep breath, he walked off the Kim's front porch and across the street to his own house. Before he could make it up the second step his mother opened the door.

"Baby Soo. Could you run down to the store really quicky and buy some basil ?" his mother asked.

Kyungsoo sighed before nodded. Not like he had anything better to do. Taking the money from his mother he gave her his bookbag before skipping down the street.

It was about 9:35 pm and most citizens were inside. It was a school night so no kids or teenagers roaming around also. Kyungsoo shivered and buttoned his jacket up tighter. The nights cool air whisking at his cheeks as he made his way around the corner. Crossing the street he made it into the small corner store and found the basil. Paying the small amount of money, he thank the cashier politely before strolling back into the night. Wanting to get home as quickly as possible, he took the backway to his house.

Cutting into the darker streets of town.

Kyungsoo pulled his hood up. The feeling of someone watching him was strong and he picked up his speed. Remind him to never take the back way again. A crashing sound and that's all it took before Kyungsoo took off into a sprint.

He turned the corner to his street before he crashed into someone.

"Ow." the person moaned under him.

"Oh my god. Mianhaeyo !" Kyungsoo said.

"Mhnmn." the person mumbled.

"Er...what ?" Kyungsoo asked. Not really understanding.

"I said, get off me kid." the person under him said clearer.


Kyungsoo got up and dusted himself off.

"I'm sorr-" his words died in his mouth as he was pinned into a gate.

"I should kill you."

"W-wait wait !" Kyungsoo began rambling off reasons why he shouldn't be killed before a hand covered his mouth and the man titled his head up.

Kyungsoo eyes widened. What was he doing.

"Hmm..." the man said. His eyes scanning over Kyungsoo before smiling.

"Maybe I won't kill you."

"Mmh ?!" Kyungsoo cried through the muffled hand before someone his eyesight began to blur. The last thing he saw was a perfect smile before he was into darkness.





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you