Chapter 18

Blue Green

"Like I'd tell you anything." Kyungsoo spat. The other boy glared and his grip on Kyungsoo's neck tightened and Kyungsoo choked on his own breath as the electricity began messing with his air ways.

"Bad boy. Don't you know better then to bite the hand that feeds you. I'm in control right now. Tell me what you are doing or I'll force it out of you." the threat was nothing short of frightening as the sparks seemed to flare wild in the older's eyes. Kyungsoo tried not to cower in front of the other male but he just reeked of power. Power that seemed to admit off of him like an odor and made Kyungsoo wonder why had he not notice it before. Being too caught up in the plan he had not had the time to think someone was tailing him. Speaking of the plan, Kyungsoo needed to be quick. For they don't have much time.

"Let me go." Kyungsoo tried again though he could barely get any more words out when the hand tightened.

"Tell me and maybe I'll think about it." the Sparker grinned and Kyungsoo swore he saw a pitch fork and devil horns on the other.

"I don't have time. We have to get out."

This seemed to catch the others interest and he leaned in looking Kyungsoo in the eye, their faces inches apart. 

"Out ?"

"Y-yes." Kyungsoo choked. "Out. A way out. Let me go and then we all can escape."

The sparker snorted. "No one has ever gotten out. Well unless they die."

"I can't make any promises but just let me go please. I don't have time please."

The grin on his face was sadistic. "So pretty begging. I'll give you ten minuets. And if nothing happens then, well lets just say you and I bunny are going to play a little game." The hand around Kyungsoo's neck let go and the boy quickly in some air before running back towards the shield. He tried not to shiver as the Sparker eyes watched him closely. Ignoring the other Kyungsoo closed his eyes and touched the shield. He let his power shoot out and began to move a thin layer of the earth up through the cracks of the shield and move up. The more he went the harder the pressure the earth made making dents bend back the metal and bits of it began to break off and fall down. Kyungsoo could hear on the other side the same thing happening and he knew Sehun had managed to reach the edge as well.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Kyungsoo focused on his power. He pushed out far, adding for earth until light began to peak through and he could see the faint outline of the ocean like place behind him and the green of the trees. 

"You're actually doing it." The Sparker whispered from his place and Kyungsoo grinned a little. He was doing it. Just a few more feet and he would reach the center. He could feel the wisps of Sehun's air began to touch his earth to guide him and he followed it. 

When he, no when they touched the center it was quiet for a moment. Kyungsoo could feel The Sparker's power spiked up and before they could do anything the shield fell.


"Come on light. I just want to touch you." Kai said trying to move closer but every time he did he got hit with a beam of light.

"Leave me alone." Baekhyun said. The raw terror in his voice as Kai's shadows tried to consume his light.

"Baekhyun calm down. Your human emotions are showing. You can't so him that." Chanyeol whispered into his ear as the boy began shaking. Though his words were to calm the small doctor down, it didn't stop Baekhyun from glowing bright.

"Light don't keep me away."

"Stay back !" Baekhyun shouted. His light basting so hard that it knocked Chanyeol a few feet away from him.

"I won't hurt you." Kai's voice was soft but all Baekhyun could see darkness.

"You can't keep me away like this. I need you. To touch, to hold. To be mine." 

"Yours ?" Baekhyun whispered looking up. Their faces only inches apart.

"Mine." Kai said again moving slowly not to startle the other.

"Y-you're so close. P-please back up." Baekhyun warned but his voice was airy like he was in trance.

"Why would I do such a thing when I've got you this close to you. Let me hold you."

"Hold me ?"

Kai's hand reached out to touch his cheek. The shadows whisked around his fingers gently touched Baekhyun and the latter almost leaned into the touch when a crack was heard and light beamed directly on Kai's dark face. He jumped back with a gasp, hiding into the bushes.

"What's going on ?" he asked looking at the other two boys.

Chanyeol blinked before looking up.

"The shield. It's breaking." 

A loud crash was heard from afar and light shined through directly on Baekhyun. The shadows hissed and danced around him but the boy seemed to be frozen.

"Come on doctor. We have to go." Chanyeol's warm hands grabbed Baekhyun pulling him over his shoulder. They had to get away from the center.

Baekhyun laid limp in his grasp. He couldn't get the image of the darkest blue eyes filled with loneliness in the light.


"You did it." 

"I did it." Kyungsoo and the Sparker both said at the same time. But the younger had no time to waste. Quickly, Kyungsoo ran to the door and kicked it open. Seeing no one outside, he turned down the hallway and began running. Red lights flickered on and off and a loud alarm blocked out any other noise. Kyungsoo hid behind a nearby wall and a few guards ran by. When they were out of sight, the young teen ran towards the end of the hallway. 

"Got you." a hand caught him by his t-shirt tugging him backwards. Kyungsoo immediately began to struggle. He twisted himself around kneeing the guy in his stomach. The male groaned and he tried to grab Kyungsoo but a blast of wind threw him onto the wall knocking him out. Turning around Kyungsoo let out a sigh of relief.


"Let's go. More of them are coming." Sehun said.

Kyungsoo nodded and they raced down the hallway. It was at that moment that Kyungsoo realized he couldn't feel Sehun. The other was using his powers to help him glide through the hallways easier. While that was a smart idea, Kyungsoo wondered if it was tiring. They turned down the corner passing the rooms of the subjects and into the main room. Hiding behind a metal pole they watched as people in coats ran around trying to gather their stuff and others in dark outfits having weapons ran towards where the biome room is at.

"How are we going to get passed all of them ?" Kyungsoo asked more to himself. 

"Look there at the left. There is the elevator. If we can do to there we can go up and make it to the main floor and from their fight our way out."

"That sounds easier said then done. What about getting off the island ? Can you fly a plane cause I can't."

"Wind controller remember. Besides if we turned it on they could track us down." Sehun explained.

"Let's get passed these guys first. Shall we blow them away or bury them 6 ft under ?" Kyungsoo asked. He could feel his power surging though his body.

"Both would be better and quicker." Sehun said. They nodded towards each other and Kyungsoo stepped out first.

"Look their goes-" before the man could say anything else, Kyungsoo covered his mouth harshly with earth. The thick piece wrapping around his head and the man muffled voice drew others attention. Heads turned to him and Kyungsoo waved his arms in circular motions and the group of people were under ground. As they were out of the way, Kyungsoo darted towards the elevator with Sehun right behind him. They blocked the guards trying to attack them and blasted the doctors away. When they began shooting, Sehun made a wall of strong air around him and Kyungsoo so any bullet would reflect right back. They reached the elevator and Kyungsoo opened it and shut it quickly once they got it. They pressed the top floor button and the elevator began to move up.

"I can't believe this is working. It's almost considered easy." Kyungsoo said and Sehun frowned at that.

"Yeah too easy. Be careful. If they catch us, we're as good as dead."

The seriousness in Sehun's tone was strong and Kyungsoo couldn't help but wonder what horrible things had the other been through. 

With the soft 'ding' of the elevator door opening, the boys quickly guarded themselves up, Kyungsoo covering his fist and forearms with hard solid rock and the air around Sehun began to pick up. They walked out looking around to see the main floor empty. Kyungsoo looked at Sehun and his eyes widened before he shot a disk like piece of earth behind Sehun hitting the guard that was about to shoot him.

That one movement started war. Men came out from all sides attacking the two and Kyungsoo was thanking for Baekhyun teaching him hapkido. He wrapped his legs around one guy, flipping him over and slamming him hard into the ground. He softened the ground just enough to make the guys face go deep underneath. Hopping off of him he slammed his fist into another guys wrist elbow and neck making him fall to the ground in pain. More guys came after him and Kyungsoo was getting fed up. He didn't feel like fighting all day. He had to get back home.

With a deep breath, Kyungsoo cleared his mind and placed his hands on the floor. Opening his eyes he pressed in softly. At first nothing happened and the guards thought he was just playing a trick. That was until a until a crack spread through the ground and the whole floor crumbled under their feet. Screams and shouts were heard as they fell down all the floors. Turning back to Sehun, Kyungsoo watched him kick guy down the large hole before looking at him.

"Let's go."

They stepped outside and the hot sun was welcoming to Sehun. He hasn't saw the sun in years. The feeling of never ending air surrounded him and he took a deep breath and his power pulsed like a heartbeat before it blasted all around him. Kyungsoo had to cover his face and waited till the wind died down.

"What the hell was that ??!!" Kyungsoo shouted and Sehun looked at him and shrugged.

"We need to leave quickly."

"Obviously." Kyungsoo muttered under his breathe but Sehun has seemed to have heard him as he blasted air under Kyungsoo feet making him fall."

"Douche." Kyungsoo said and he could feel the air stir around him as a warning. Maybe Sehun wasn't so bad.




"Jongin since you're the only one who can get out of the box, you'll be the one to draw the one whose making it out."

"So you mean I'm going to be the bait." Jongin frowned.

"No not like...okay well maybe. But once he is out the whole box shall shatter and then we will be at our advantage again. We can't let him make another one. Also be careful, one of them is missing. Suho-hyung, you're going to be fighting with me. We at least have to get their numbers down. Being out numbered isn't helping us at all. I'll tell you whose around you and what they are doing. They can see in this darkness just as much as us. Let's use this against them."

"What about you ?" Suho asked,

"Yeah what about you hyung ? Besides being the only one with powers in our group we can't let you get hurt." Jongin said.

"Don't worry about me I'll be just fine. Any trouble just call for me. Not out loud though, I'm always in your head." Luhan said.

The Korean two nodded before giving Jongin one last hug and they split apart.

Jongin quickly ran outside the dark prism and took a deep breath. He surely is too young for this type of stuff. Clearing his throat he began trying to call the creator of this thing out. He shout and shouted. Profanities that he was sure his Kyungsoo-hyung wouldn't be proud of and other taunting words that could easily offend another. After a while nothing seemed to be happening. The creator wouldn't come out and he didn't know how much time he had. Or how much they needed.

Walking up to the prism he angrily kicked it. Funny thing was his foot just went right through it. This only make the sixteen year old upset and he kicked harder.

"Why. Wont. You. Come. Out !" with the last word said, Jongin used all his force and the sound of glass shattering was heard. Looking down Jongin saw the sharp edges of where the hole was and he couldn't help but smile. He could break this thing. If so, that meant he didn't have to wait till the creator came to him. He would just drag him out. Quickly grabbing his metal pipe he began swinging it hard, shattering more and more of the black prism. When he was about to do his eighth swing, a hand stopped him.

"What are you doing ?" 

Turning around, Jongin saw a boy dressed in all black and his face was filled with anger.

"What does it look like I'm doing. I'm breaking this." Jongin said cheekily and pulled his pipe away from the other's grip.

"How are you able to break this ? How are you even out ? You're human."

"I asked nicely ?" Jongin was really pushing his luck. He knew it but good thing the creator was out because the prism was gone. All he he had to do was distract him enough to give them time so he can't make another.

"Humans shouldn't talk back to their superiors." the red head boy hand molded a dark object into a sword and began to try and slice Jongin with it.

"What the hell man that ain't cool !" Jongin cried when he ducked and watched as everything the darkness touched it molded into some type of 3D shape and shattered it into a billion pieces. Fighting back, Jongin sung the metal pipe so his and the sword collided with a loud clank. Now it was all about strength. The taller male was stronger as his weapon seemed to bend Jongin's back. But Jongin couldn't let him win. Standing his ground Jongin began to put more strength in and lift the other's weapon off of his. What looked like to be a turning event changed soon as the sword began to spread its darkness and consume Jongin's pipe.

The teen quickly let it go as most of his pipe shattered.

"Now. Let's see if I can contain you with this." the taller hands began to mold something else and before it could touch Jongin he was being pushed back by a gush of wind. Turning around, Jongin caught the sight of his hyung and some taller boy.

"Kyungsoo !" Jongin cried happily running towards the smaller. Before he could even reach him he was pushed back into a near by tree with an invisible force.

"What the hell." Jongin tried to speak but the force was choking him a bit.

"Sehun !" Kyungsoo cried hitting the other. "Let him go what do you think you're doing." 

"It's the shadow-"

"He's not a shadow anything. He's human just like me. Let him go. He's my friend."

Reluctantly, Sehun let Jongin go and the later took in a deep breath.

Small arms pulled him into a warm embrace and Jongin could help but pull him closer.

"H-hyung wha-I-you-" Jongin sputtered.

"Shh Jongin-ah it's alright. Hyung is here. You came to save me didn't you ?"

Jongin nodded into the smaller's chest and smiled when he was pulled tighter.

"We was so worried."

"We ? Who else did you come with ?"


Jongin couldn't get any other words out when two figures came through some bushes.

"Angel-sshi ! Lu-hyung !" Kyungsoo was pulled into a group hug by the two and he hugged them just as tight.

"I'm glad to see you two. Let me introduce you to someone. This is-"

"Sehun-ah ?"

All eyes looked to Luhan with worry and confusion.

"Luhan-hyung is it really you ?" Sehun asked taking a step closer. Luhan could older nodd as tears pooled his eyes and his throat ached. The blonde was soon pulled into a hug and he couldn't help but cry. Sobs raked though his body and Sehun could only pull him closer.

"Don't cry Lu. You're so pretty now, you shouldn't cry." Sehun cooed though he couldn't help but let few tears fall as well.

"We should give them space." Kyungsoo said though he wanted to know what was going on just like the others. The two nodded and Kyungsoo raised his hand making  four rock walls to surround them.

"I guess we all have some explaining to do."



Sehun let Luhan cry. He let him shake with sobs and let his fingers clutch tightly against his shirt. When Luhan was done he let the older pull away some before looking him in the eyes. His small hands touched his his cheek gently before his sniffed.

"It's really you." Luhan said switching to mandarin.

"It's really me. God how are you here ? What-" Sehun stopped mid sentence.

"What ? What's wrong ?"

"Your eyes. Why are they blue ?"

"You can't really talk when yours are green."

"No. My eyes are this way because of them. Did they ?"

"No they didn't do anything. My eyes just turned like this. I'm sorry I can't change them back."

"Ah no they're beautiful. You're beautiful."

Luhan could help but blush at that and his eyes began to water again.

"Are you alright ? Are you hurt ?" Sehun asked worried.

Luhan just shook his head. "It's just, this is the first time you've complimented me in person. You never say such nice words to me."

"I'm sorry hyung." Sehun apologized in Korean making Luhan smile.

"No more apologies okay ? I finally got you back and we should be happy alright ?" Sehun nodded at that. "Now look at you. You've gotten so tall. And these muscles and your hair. Your mind. What have they done to you ?"

"Things that I'd rather not go back to. But we need to go quickly. Kyungsoo and I already broke out and who knows who else got free. They're probably on their way now. If we get on the plane and in the air soon, they wont be able to catch us." Sehun said urgently.

"Alright lets-" Luhan froze in his place.

"Hyung ?"

"I can't move." Luhan whispered trying to move his feet but they seem stuck in place.

". Kyungsoo !" Sehun shouted and the one wall disappeared.

"Yes ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"We have a problem."

"What kind of problem ?" Jongin asked.

"I believe he's talking about me." 

All eyes went to where the voice came and they were met with a boy dressed in black.

"Crap. He's the last one." Luhan said eyes wide.

"The last one ?" Sehun asked confused.

"The missing member of course." The boy grinned. "Now let get you rats back in your cages."




"Sir. A few of the subjects got out."

"How much is a few ?"


"How much !"

"T-twenty sir."

Books flew and hit the worker in the head.

"You're all idiots. Presume with lock down. Make sure the remaining subjects stay in their rooms." the master got up, tightened his tie and stepped into his private elevator. "You want something done you have to do it yourself. Forgive me Yixing. Seems like someone will be getting hurt today."

Meanwhile Yixing's body laid limp in his room. Eyes closed, chest still.





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you