Chapter 10

Blue Green

The Oh family had only one child. That was odd for their usual big family so they spoiled him. The aunts and uncles loved taking him out.  Cousins came over and played with him and grandparents enjoyed buying him everything. The child name was Oh Sehun. He was the youngest of the Oh's and the particular family believed life was a gift. That you should enjoy it to the fullest. They taught Sehun that through love.

It was a typical day in the Oh family when Mrs.Oh got a phone call. She gasped at what was being said to her before hanging up. She'd have to speak to her husband about this.

The first day they met it was a Saturday evening. Cold and windy the day was. Snow and rain was falling hard and the sky darkened by the minuet. Sehun was home alone waiting for his parents to get back from the airport. Something about picking up someone. His young eleven year old mind didn't really member. Maybe because he wasn't really listening. Though now he realized he should because it was getting crazy outside. The storm was building up and his parents were gone for a while now.

He sat waiting on the couch. His fingers picking at the thread as he stared at the fireplace. The fire was lit big and bright warming the house fully. Sometimes Sehun would turn it on just to blow the fire out. He liked the way wind could either destroy or increase the burning element.

"Sehun ?"

A voice called the child and Sehun looked up to see his mother and father taking off their shoes and brushing of their coats. He got up and walked to them smiling. Looking past his father his smile flattered some as he noticed another black haired person. The boy was obviously smaller then his dad and seemed to cling to the older man. His other hand was clutching something tightly to his chest.

Being the kind person that his parents taught him to be he stepped up to the boy.

"Hi. I'm Sehun." he greeted. The boy eyes flickered from Sehun to Mrs.Oh then back to Sehun. He looked a bit confused.

"What's your name ?" Sehun tried again but the confusion stayed in place. "Umma what's wrong with him ?" Sehun said folding is arms as they all walked into the living room.

"He doesn't speak korean." Mrs.Oh answered simply.

"Really ? Then how will we talk ?" Sehun asked.

"He'll learn over time. He's going to be here for a while." Mrs.Oh explained.

"Does that mean I have to share a room with him ?" Sehun asked.

"Sorry kid but until we clear out the extra room you two are stuck with each other." Mr.Oh said. Sehun frowned. He didn't like the idea of sharing but he guess he has to.

The Oh family ate dinner with small chatter. The new boy as Sehun liked to call him, was picking around his food. His face looking at the meet with interested.

"Do you not like it ?" Sehun asked and wide eyes met his before slowly taking a bit of the meet. Mrs.Oh frowned when she noticed he didn't eat the rest of the dish. Once their communication was at least okay, she would have to speak to him about wasting food.

At night it was awkward for Sehun. The rain had stopped but the snow was falling down faster then ever. The two boys were clean and dressed in their pajamas. Mr.Oh had pulled out the futon for the other boy and it was set and ready for him to lay in. Sehun gestured for him to lay down and the boy complied. The Oh child snuggled into his bed and turned around to the other boy.

"Goodnight." he said softly. Not caring if the other did not understand. Though he said goodnight the other did not fall asleep. He stayed up and watched the reflection of the snow fall down on his wall.

Morning came and Sehun woke up to find the futon empty. He walked out of room and went to eat breakfast. The other brunette boy was no where to be seen so Sehun shrugged. He peaked outside and noticed it was still snowing. At this rate they will be snowed in. Good thing his mother brought lots of food. The rest of his morning and some of his evening went with Sehun playing by himself like he usually did when no one his age was around. His father was busy on the computer and his mother talking on the phone with one of his aunts. After a few hours he got bored and went to go see what the new boy was doing.

Climbing up the stairs, Sehun turned towards his room. His speed picked up when he heard a noise. Pushing his door open fully, he gasped as he saw the taller boys hand strum up on the strings.

"What are you doing ?!" Sehun snapped.His hands grasping the guitar out of the others reach with a glare. How dare he touch his stuff without asking. Most importantly how dare he touch this. His most scared item.

"Don't touch what's not yours." Sehun snapped. He tried not to sound like a brat because he wasn't one. The taller looked at him with a shocked face before reaching his hands out to touch the guitar again. Sehun put it out of his reach and frowned.

"No." he said. The other boy was persistent though because he stuck his hand out. Almost as if asking to see.

"Do you even know how to play ?" Sehun asked. In reply he got the guitar snatched out of his hands and the other boy walking to the futon. Sehun watched him sit down and put the guitar in the lap. He strummed a few cords before tightening the D and B. He loosed the E cord a bit before strumming once more. The sound rang through the room and Sehun watched with intrest.

The older boy played and Sehun was stuned. Never in his elven years of life has he heard something so beautiful.

Moving closer to the other, Sehun came to a conclusion.

"Teach me."

Though they could not communicated by words just yet, Sehun thinks the next best thing would be music. Over the next year that's what they did. The other taught him the basic of guitar and Sehun taught him the basics of korean.

Sehun was twelve and the other boy fourteen. He would be starting highschool the coming fall and but his korean was still not good enough for him to fully communicate. Sehun grew quiter as they grew up and the older talkative. Sometimes he would sing to Sehun at night. When the storms were long and the skies dark, he would sing. He would hum in korean or sing lowly in his native. Sehun didn't mind the native. When it lulled him to sleep he would dream. Of bright lights, the soil and wind. He would dream of vas empty fields and mountains. He would dream of the sea and fire creeping up on the surface. But soon as the older stopped, it would end.

"Hyung wasn't that awesome !" Sehun exclaimed in one of his few moments of emotion. He and the older boy had just got finish the concert they were at. The stadium was just down town and Mrs.Oh dropped them off. Sehun told her they would be walking back. It wasn't far. Maybe about ten minuets.

"Yes." the older answered. A smile on his face but he kept glancing around them.

"What's wrong ?" Sehun asked the older boy.

"Nothing. It should be nothing." he answered.

"Hyung." Sehun said sternly. Not used to his bubbly hyung being quite as he.

"I just want to go home. Really badly." the older answered. His voice turning a bit anxious.

"Fine." Sehun said grabbing the fourteen year old's hand and pulling them to the way of their house.

"S-sehun someones near." the elder said quietly.

"Hyung no one is near. You're hearing things."

"But Sehun-"

"Stop okay ! Aren't you supposed to be the older one. You're scaring yourself." Sehun said stopping in front of his hyung hands on his hips. The older looked like he wanted to cry. Sehun's face softened at the sight and he sighed.

"Let's just go-" his voice cut off and the older looked worried.

"What ? What is it ?" he asked scared.


"What ?"

But Sehun didn't have time to answer. He grabbed the older's hand and sprinted off. They ran until they got to the field. Just their luck that the grass was high and they could barely see the house peaking over it. But this was the only way home. Running in Sehun prayed that his hyung kept up. Those practices should do him justice. Sehun ran blindly through the tall grass before he tripped.

"Oh my god what did you even trip over get up !" his hyung cried in choppy korean. His voice not over a whisper as he tried to pick up the younger. Sehun groaned as he noticed something wet on his legs. Water. That was weird. There wasn't water anywhere in this field.

"Hyung." Sehun gulped because he was scared and confused.

"Get up." his hyung said tugging at Sehun's arms.

"I-" Sehun never got to finish. He was gripped by his ankles and pulled back. He screamed as his hyung disappeared behind the tall grass.

"Hyung ! Luhan-hyung !"

"Sehun-ah !" was a faint call before he saw black.

Luhan was scared. Like bricks scared. His heart raced and beat loudly as he ran through the field looking for Sehun. No no no this can't be happening. He couldn't see anything and the temperature was dropping. He looked and looked, surely Sehun was alright. He just had to look.

"Sehun-ah !" Luhan called but he got no answer. He ran forward before stopping. Red eyes met his and he gasped.

"Sorry kid. But we're not here for you." Hands shot out from behind Luhan wrapping around his mouth and waist before he was pulled further back into the fields.

"Luhan-hyung !"


"What do you mean you couldn't find him in the fields. You found Luhan ! My son should be there to !"

"Mrs.Oh please calm down. His is a hospital."

"I don't care ! My son is out there with killers and you're telling me to be calm. Find him."

"We're doing our best. We don't have much evidence and the boy who is our only hope is unconscious."

Luhan groaned as his mind was a bit fuzzy. Weird noises and shouts were heard. He blinked his eyes open and saw white. Hospital white. He knew this white before. Mind clearing up a bit, he turned over to see his aunt yelling at some guy. Poor guy, he looked really helpless.

"Luhan ?"

The young teens eyes looked over and met with his uncles. Mrs.Oh stopped shouting at that and her and the man in the suit both walked into the room.

After getting checked by the doctor, he nodded and the man in the suit looked at Luhan.

"Son, could you tell me exactly what you remember last."

Luhan's eye brows scrunched up but nodded.

"Sehun and I were walking from the DBSK concert..." Luhan told him all he could remember in the best way he could say.  Mrs.Oh was in tears by the end of it.

"And what about Sehun. What do you think happened to him ?" the man in the suit asked.

"He should have got away. He must have."

Luhan was let out the hospital later on that day. Mr and Mrs.Oh were silent as the whole ride. Luhan was hopeful.

About a two months later when the Oh's realized that maybe Sehun wasn't coming back, they noticed something off about Luhan. Mrs.Oh picked up on it when she caught him talking one night in his room.

"Yeah Sehunnie. Aunty misses you. So does Uncle. I miss you to. No, I didn't touch your guitar. I think you left it somewhere. I've been studying Korean so maybe when I get older I can go and get it okay ? Ne. Sing you a song ? Only if you promise to come back soon. It's dark there ? And rainy. Close your eyes Sehun. Let me ease you mind."

Mrs.Oh stood there silently, listening to the boy sing. Her eyes fluttered at the sad but calming tone of the song. Luhan's voice was soft and melodious. When he stopped her eyes opened back up.

"Good night Sehun." Luhan whispered. His last words as he drifted off to sleep.

Mrs.Oh shut the door softly. Something wasn't right.




"What happened to Luhan afterward ?" Mr.Do asked. 

"Well first I tried to make him stop talking to himself because I thought he was going insane. We then realized the problem was bigger and sent him back to China to work with some specialist. They found nothing wrong. Only an upset heart." Mrs. Oh said.

"It should heal in time. That's what they said. He's gotten way better but some nights I can still hear him singing and congratulating Sehun on his guitar skills. It hurts but we are dealing with it." Mr.Oh finished.

Mr.Do nodded. Happy with the information he just got he stopped the tape recorder he had and bowed at the Oh's thanking and apologizing to them before leaving.

Pieces were now fitting together. But some still didn't add up.




When Baekhyun said a simple list of task Kyungsoo thought he meant simple like normal. No those tasks were outrageous and had the small boy aching afterward. He did a task after school before school and before bed. Slowly getting use to Baekhyun's insane method. Finally Saturday came. Kyungsoo told Jongin that he'd come over after spreading the morning and evening with Baekhyun. He should have left of the Baekhyun part because Jongin didn't want him to go after that. But it wasn't his choice so Kyungsoo told him to it up. Jongin eye brows raised at that because Kyungsoo never spoke that way. He told the elder boy that who just shrugged before walking away.

Kyungsoo has been acting weirder as the days go by.

"Meet me at the Park at 8." Baekhyun texted which made Kyungsoo frown. It was 7:30 and Baekhyun was lucky Kyungsoo was an early riser. The boy made himself a small but healthy breakfast before slipping into some jogging pants and a tshirt. He brought a water bottle and a few other things in case of emergencies and told his parent's he'd be back home before dinner.

He got to the park fairly quickly and saw Baekhyun sitting there tapping his feet.

"You're late." the older boy said. Kyungsoo looked at his phone which showed 7:55."

"I'm five minuets early." Kyungsoo said.

"Which is late in my world. Come on, we need to start  immediately."

Baekhyun walked them past the park and through the small grove of trees into an open field.

"Is this private property ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Does it matter ? It's my property now." Baekhyun answered. Kyungsoo sighed because who knew the older boy was so sassy. They both started to do a few stretches to warm up. After that Baekhyun walked up to him.

"First, I shall show you how to defend. You can't learn offense without defense." 

Kyungsoo nodded.

"First I want to see what you can do. Which is little but hey it'll give me a clue on what can be your strong point. Now, just go with the flow and block my attacks." Baekhyun said. Kyungsoo was about to nodd again but a fist was making it was to his face. His arms instinctively covered his face blocking the punch.

"That was goof but you left yourself wide open for other moves. You can't have that. Don't fully cover you face so you can't see. Do it half way. That way you can protect yourself but also see if I'm about to make another move or not." Baekhyun explained. He then stood back and drew his fist back to punch at Kyungsoo. The younger boy took Baekhyun's advice blocking his face but not fully. When he did so he could see Baekhyun's other fist about to punch him so he moved out of the way.

"That was good ! You're actually a good leaner. Let me teach you the basics."

The rest of the morning was spent with Baekhyun teaching Kyungsoo how to block and defend himself correctly. They took a break when Baekhyun's leg slid out knocking Kyungsoo to the ground.

"Water time."

The next week was a good week. Kyungsoo spent most of his time with Baekhyun. They switched the defense to offense and when Kyungsoo accidently punched Baekhyun in the stomach and almost cried out an apology, Baekhyun knew he had to step the training up. He can't have Kyungsoo crying when people are trying to kill him can he ?

The more time he spent with Baekhyun the more Kyungsoo found him funny and great to be around. One time when they went out for a snack and some girl bumped into him and scoffed at Baekhyun, the boy sass snapped back. Kyungsoo knew not to get on his bad side.

Right now Kyungsoo was sitting under his tree. His shoes next to him as he the milk slowly out of it's carton. Jongin and Luhan walked up to the spot. Surprised to see Kyungsoo in his seat.

"Kyungsoo-yah it's feels like I haven't seen you in forever." Luhan gushed squeezing Kyungsoo into a hug.

"Yeah hyung. Why aren't you with your new best friend Baekhyun ?" Jongin asked a bit rudely. He was being a brat and if Kyungsoo wasn't so head over heels for him he would have said something about it.

"He had to go do something. Also he's not my best friend Jongin. You know that." Kyungsoo said. Jongin scoffed.

"Yeah sure." he muttered. Kyungsoo sighed. Really this kid. How is he his best friend again. Leaning over, Kyungsoo grabbed Jongin's attention by placing a hand on his knee.

"Jonginnie. Please don't be upset with hyung." Kyungsoo said sadly. His heart shaped lips into a pout and his wide blue green eyes looking down sadly.

"Aww." Luhan cooed watching the scene from the side lines while chewing on his lunch. Jongin's heart swelled at the sad face of Kyungsoo and pulled him into a hug.

"Hyung don't be sad. I'm sorry I'm upset. It's just I'm not used to sharing you. Exception of Luhan-hyung." Jongin gushed out. Kyungsoo felt his cheeks flare as Jongin wrapped his arms around him. Why was his embrace always so warm.

It made Kyungsoo almost feel bad for being such a good actor right now. Almost. He was going to make the best out of this. Maybe one day they wouldn't just be friends. Maybe something more.

"And save." Luhan said with a click. Kyungsoo and Jongin turned their heads to find him with his cell phone pointing at them.

"Hey ! What are you doing ?" Jongin asked.

"Recording this heart warming moment. I should record all your guys moments and make a video out of it. Oh my god, I'm totally gonna do that." Luhan began mumbling to himself and Kyungsoo giggled. His hyung was cute.

Jongin looked at him and gave him an awkward smile. More like an apology smile. Kyungsoo debated to tell him that it was okay. He doesn't have to share. But he chose differently and settled with a smile back. One that crinkled up his eyes and showed his white teeth. One that hid the sadness.




"Baekhyun. I expect you are doing well."

"Yes sir. The subject is doing good at his training."

"That's good to hear but I told you to speed it up. His powers are awakened but he roams around without knowledge. I need you to incorporate them into the training."

"But sir, his power seems to run on anger I-"

"Don't tell me this bullcrap Baekhyun. All of your powers can be harness from within so ing harness his powers within. I don't care if he's not ready you better make him ready."

"...yes sir."

"Now, train him with his powers. You have two weeks. I want him here as fast as possible. Don't get caught."





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you