Chapter 17

Blue Green

Kyungsoo had to mind himself that it was just Sehun. It was just Sehun whose wind was caressing over his skin ever so slightly that caused him to shiver. But he needed to concentrate. They didn't know how long the lights would be out so they had to move fast.

"What do you see ?" Sehun asked  him as they hid in one of the many trees in the tropical area.

"I see." Kyungsoo took a moment to look around with his power. "Nothing. Where is everyone ? It's as if they disappeared."

"They're hiding just as we are. You have to be cautious here. Especially when anything can happen."

Kyungsoo nodded at Sehun's words before looking at him. "What about you ? What do you see ?"

"I see maybe a little less than you do. Though I can feel everything. The air is everywhere. There are two boys in the water. Another two where we are at. A few more in another few sections. There are sixteen of us here. Seventeen if you include the dead one at the bottom of the water."

Kyungsoo felt a bit uneasy at that but he nodded. 

"Shall we began ?" 

"Let's go."

And Kyungsoo landed feet first on the floor. The thump echoed in his ears as he was still connected to the whole floor. He did not hear Sehun drop. But that was part of the plan. Sehun would be invisible to Kyungsoo as Kyungsoo would be to everyone else. Placing his hand on the ground, Kyungsoo let the earth mold around him until he arm was bicep deep in. Grinning, Kyungsoo was then fully underground without a trace.

Sehun watched the smaller with a faint hint of curiosity. Sadly Sehun failed to remember that there was no air underground. So how would they know when the other was in place ? Shrugging, Sehun guessed they would have to wing it. Feeling the wind stir between his fingertips Sehun disappeared as well but going a different route then his newly found acquaintance.

Kyungsoo though was fairly alright. Though the earth was a bit weird he could mold it fine to let himself breathe. He kind of felt like a mole digging as he zipped through to find the things he needed. As he was about to pass the iceland Kyungsoo saw someone sink under the ice. Keeping his defenses up Kyungsoo quietly began to go around the ice. Well that was until a freezing cold ice like hand wrapped around his ankle and tugged him into the cold. Kyungsoo was shocked though he quickly grabbed his composure and grabbed some of the earth anchoring himself. Sadly the only land that was close now was the one underwater. Feeling the vibrations of the water, Kyungsoo turned around to see a boy with bright icy eyes, curiosity running through them.

Running out of air, Kyungsoo hand to swim up. He let go of his anchor and tried to quickly swim but instead of ice, water wrapped around his ankles and pulled him back down. The boys heart sped up as the nagging feeling of needing to breathe kept flashing through his mind. It was only until he felt hands touch his face that he realize that he could breathe. Taking in big gulps of air Kyungsoo looked around to see another set of blue eyes except this time they were much much darker. Like...the ocean at night.

"Calm down human."

Kyungsoo looked at the water boy with confused eyes. Human ? Calm down ? How could he calm down when he was seconds away from drowning.

"You have to keep quiet. The Sparker is around." the water boy said again.

"Sparker ?" Kyungsoo croaked out when he regained control of his breathe.

"Yes." Kyungsoo jumped in shock as he forgot the ice boy was around.

"Why do we have to be quiet ? What will he do ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"He's almost as bad as the pyromaniac. They kill everything insight." the ice one said.

"Besides. Water and electricity makes a deathly combination."

Kyungsoo shivered at the water boys words before nodding. He was soon then  pulled deeper into the water as sparks of lightening went through the top of the water. A cold hand covered his mouth and  Kyungsoo was very glad he could breathe. Five minuets past before he was let go and the two boys made a sigh of relief but their guard was not let down.

"Is it common to just kill someone here ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Here ? No. In the battle rooms ? Yes." The water boy answered.

"He's not here to kill, just to scare." the ice boy said.

Kyungsoo gulped at that.

"I'm Joonmyeon by the way. And his is Minseok. He's the first creation." the water boy Joonmyeon said.

"I'm Kyungsoo. And first creation ? What do you mean ?"

But before Kyungsoo could get an answer the lightening struck about five feet beside him as as he looked up he could see the faint shadow of The Sparker.

"No time to explain now. We must get you out of here." Minseok said quickly tugging Kyungsoo towards the opposite side of the water.

"What about you two ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"The Sparker wouldn't dare to hurt The Original." Joonmyeon said and Kyungsoo could faintly see the blush on Minseok's cheeks at being called that but it quickly went away.

"Also The Sparker practically adores Joonmyeon here. If anything all Joonmyeon would have to do is bat his eye lashes and The Sparker would do anything for him."  Minseok said.

"Oh be quiet you." Joonmyeon playfully sent some water to swirl in Minseok's face but the water froze into a spiral like structure as soon as it touched him.

"Respect your elders. Let's go Kyungsoo-ssi." 

Kyungsoo gave Joonmyeon a quick parting smile and let Minseok tug him away. As they reached the edge of the water that was a sort of beach looking place Minseok touched the air bubble that surrounded Kyungsoo's face letting it freeze before it burst into millions of tiny little snow flakes.

"Wow. You're power, it's beautiful." 

Minseok smiled before pushing Kyungsoo gently out of the water.

"Be safe. Not everyone here is as nice as they seem."

As Minseok swam away Kyungsoo couldn't help but keep his words in mind. Touching the desert he let the small grains of the earth open up him in. He had a plan to finish. He couldn't risk anymore setbacks like this. Unfortunately Kyungsoo missed the large flicker of lightening as he was gone with the sand.


Sehun thought it was weird as he could suddenly feel Kyungsoo but that must mean he was getting closer toward their destination. Picking up his speed, the boy stopped when he felt the air move somewhere in front of him. Hiding behind one of the large rocks, Sehun let his power gently move around to see what was going on up there. He could feel three people. The two were moving together and the other one was a good fifteen feet away from them.

Sehun frowned but then stopped his power in that area. He wouldn't affect another person's hunt. Turning into a different direction he speed off again. Leaving the leaves gently breezing.


Chanyeol put his guard up as soon as the shield went up. His casted a small tiny ball of fire into the air before light as he looked at Baekhyun laying on the ground. This was not safe, leaving themselves wide open. They had to move. If anything they had to go to Chanyeol's elemental range. Scooping the doctor up into his arms Chanyeol began to head east, the ball of fire following him.

He was about halfway there when the shadows behind his flames began to dance. Holding Baekhyun closer, Chanyeol let a thin layer of fire to enough him and Baekhyun. Hot enough that it wouldn't burn the other but enough to protect him. As he kept walking he could feel the shadows get closer and closer.

Growling slightly every time they moved a inch, he tried to keep a clear mind. Going up against the shadow walker you had to be careful.

"What do you want you little pest ?" Chanyeol asked when the shadows were about a foot away from him. Making his ball larger in size the shadows backed up a few feet.

"Always so feisty. I like it." the voice said and Chanyeol was more then annoyed that he couldn't tell where it was coming from.

"I'd like to shove fire so far up your as-"

Chanyeol was cut us when a bit of a shadow began to shoot out and if it weren't for the flame that covered him, Baekhyun would of had a big gash on the side of his cheek.

"Ah ah ah fire-boy. Wouldn't want that temper to cost little luminescence his life would you." 

"What do you want Kai ?" Chanyeol growled out as the boy stepped out from the shadows.

"Hand over the light."

Chanyeol smirked at that before letting a flame caress Baekhyun's thigh causing the doctor to moan in his sleep.

"I cannot do that. Seeing as he is already in my possession."

"I gave you a warning."

"When will you learn that light was never meant to be with the dark."

"When are you going to learn without light there is no dark. And without me there is no him."

"Shut up !" Chanyeol sent a wave of flames towards Kai but the other gracefully dodged it.

"You'll hurt him like this." Kai warned wrapped a shadow around the doctor's wrist. Chanyeol burned it off quickly.

"Why do you care. As soon as the lights are on, you'll be gone."

"I guess it's a good thing that they'll be off for a while."

Chanyeol couldn't even get his next retort out before Baekhyun opened his eyes. Looking around the doctor locked eyes with the darkest pair of blue eyes he had ever seen.

"Who are you ?" Baekhyun asked waking up quickly trying to get out of Chanyeol's grasp but the latter wouldn't let up.

"I am your other half." Kai spoke as the shadows lifted up from ground to stand tall behind. "They call me darkness."

And at this exact moment Baekhyun began to freak out. The shadow caressing his cheek brought terror to his eyes and he did the only thing he could do. the lights.



Luhan couldn't take this anymore. They were just standing there in the dark for what seemed like hours. He hand to find a way to get out of this or the others would have the upper hand. Suddenly a image flashed into his mind and he quickly ducked as something shot though the darkness. 

So that's how they wanted to play it ? If they wanted to cheat then Luhan would as well. Closing his eyes he tried to see what was going to happen next. He needed instances not minuets. So he focused hard. Hard enough that the darkness lifted slightly. Opening his eyes Luhan smirked as he grabbed the person before they could hit him from the back and twist their arms around before kicking them out of the darkness. The satisfying thud to a tree made Luhan smile at himself.

He had to find his friends first though. Suho should be the closet as they were near each other before it got dark. Closing his eyes Luhan saw right image he needed and began running the opposite direction of where he was sitting. Jumping up mid run, Luhan kicked the person off of Suho before tapping their head knocking them out.

"Hyung follow me." Luhan whispered grabbing the elder by his wrist.

"Luhan-ah ? Where's Jongin ? We need to-"

"Shh. They have ears as well as we do. Jongin is alright for now."

"How do you know this ?" 

"Can see the future remember."

"Oh right. But that doesn't explain how you can see in the dark."

"I can't. I'm just following your minds."

"Our minds ?"

"It's like skipping stones. I go from one bouncing right off the other."

"Won't they feel it ?"

"Did you feel it ?"

"Good point."

They were quiet for the next moment. Luhan side stepping and ducking things Suho didn't see but the other tried to follow his exact movements. When they came to a stop, Suho wondered what was going on.

"Where are they ?" a voice whispered.

"I don't know. I can't see anything in this stupid black box."

"Don't let Leo hear you say that."

"I don't care what he hears. We are hear to capture and how are we going to capture when we can't see. If he doesn't hurry up I'm setting my own way."

"Controlling plants. What are you going to do ?"

"Maybe paralyze them so we can take them back. Before He gets upset."

The rest of the whispering was too low to hear as the two guys seemed to walk away.

"Weird." Suho whispered.

"What is it ?" Luhan asked.

"You just took out two guys. Those two guys are walking away and one is creating this box. Weren't there six of them ?"

Luhan almost smacked himself for forgetting that but an image smacked him before he had the chance.

"Jongin." he whispered and ran off, Suho following close behind. they ended up in the jungle part of this island and Suho didn't like the way this was going. Taking one more step he bumped into something that prevented him from going forward.

"I think we found the edge."

"If so then where is the opening. Where is Jongin ?"

"I can feel him. He's..outside the box."



Jongin was trying to control his breathing. Easier said then done as he had ran like his life depended on it. Which it did. He didn't stop running until the darkness slipped from his sleep and he was out into the sunlight. He gasped noticed his was back into the open and he turned around and his mouth dropped at the sight of the large black rectangle.

Was he just in that ? If so he was glad he got out. But what about his hyungs ?  Were they still trapped in the black prism or did they get out as well. Silence met his questioning thoughts.

Sighing, Jongin being to go back towards the darkness. He needed to help his friends.

As he ran back in he was immediately pulled into arms. Struggling Jongin was about to hit the person when they gently caressed his face.


"L-Luhan-hyung." They hugged tightly before pulling back. Suho pulled the youngest into an awkward hug but it was a hug non the less.

"What are you guys doing the exit is right here." Jongin said grabbing their hands pulling them.

"Jongin wait." Luhan tired to say something but Jongin stepped out and they were forced back.

"What the ?" Jongin reached in to grab them again but they wouldn't go beyond the prisms border.

"Hyungs. What is this ? Why can't you leave ?" Jongin asked.

"It must be the one controlling it. He's keeping us trapped." Suho said.

"But isn't it meant to trap us all ? Why am I the only one who can get out ?" Jongin whispered.

"I don't know. But maybe this could be a good thing. Right Luhan-ah ?" Suho turned to where he at least thought Luhan was standing.

"Actually. This could work out."

"What could work out ?" Suho and Jongin asked at the same time.

"I have a plan. But I can't risk to say it out loud." Luhan said.

"Then how will you say it ?" Jongin asked.

"Like this."

Both of the boys gasped as Luhan's voice rang in their head.

"Now let's see if this works."




"Yixing. Why are you shaking ?"

"I'm sorry Sir." Yixing tried to control himself but he felt himself only shake harder. "I-I don't know what's w-wrong with me." the smaller sputtered as if he was glitching and the other looked at him worriedly.

"Tell me what's wrong ? I can fix you." 

"I feel p-pain. Everywhere. Everywhere someone is h-hurting. Sir we've got to h-help them. S-sir we-we."

"Yixing !"

The loud tremor of his masters voice made his squeak in shock and he put his head down in shame.

"Sorry sir. S-so sorry."

"It's alright Yixing. You just need to calm down. No one is hurting. Everyone is fine. All of their lights are still on. No one is hurt."

Yixing only shook in response. 

"Would it be better if you rested for the rest of the events."

"That w-would be nice sir. T-thank you."

And with the flick of the wrist Yixing's body went limp, falling gently into his masters arms, eyes fading.




Kyungsoo was close. He started to speed up under the sand as he could see the edge of the mixed biomes and saw the sheild that caged them in. Sehun should be closing in to on the other side. Hoping out of the sand Kyungsoo led the grains slowly slide from his body. As he was about to take a step onto the building floor a spark shot before he was blasted into the hard metal of the sheild.

"Well no one told me we had bunnies running loose. How did I manage to find one popping out of the sand."

A hand grasped grasped his cheek and when Kyungsoo tried to shove his away it slid down towards his throat. Rising the sand, Kyungsoo was ready to burry the other 10 feet under.

"Oh sweetie don't be like that. Wouldn't want something bad happening to your pretty face." his voice was playful but his threat but real as the tingling of the electricity struck him. Not hard enough to slice through but just enough for the ache that made Kyungsoo drop the sand.

"Good little pet you are. Now, what you are doing running around in the dark ?"





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you