Chapter 23

Blue Green

Four days went by. Four days of intense training from all of the subjects. All they did was eat sleep and train. Mostly watching their backs and trying to keep their powers hidden from others. As the days past the more tense everyone grew. Their master was silent. He sent no new notifications or updates about what was going on and it unease the subjects. The final Crusades will surely be different from any other. Jongin had spent the past couple of days training hard. His only thoughts were of survival and getting Kyungsoo back home safely. He missed home so much but he knew he had to do everything one step at a time. And the first step would be surviving The Crusades.

Living with Kai was odd. The boy lived in darkness and was very silent. He left and came without much of a word and everyone seemed to stay clear of him. Well everyone besides that angel kid. During the training hours Jongin would alternate between his friends. One day he would spare with Kyungsoo and the next with Luhan or Sehun. Sometimes with that group B.A.P. They were pretty nice but Jongin didn't trust them. He didn't want to trust anyone more then necessary. Because in one more day they would be killing each other anyways.

Today was the last day of training. Most subjects took this day to sleep and others to get in some last minute practice but other then that everyone was on the edge. They have yet to hear a word from Suho and Jongin wondered if he was alive.

"Stop thinking so hard Jongin you're making my brain hurt." Luhan whined as they finished training.

"Sorry hyung. I'm just-"

"Worried I know. We all are. But like I've said before, I don't see us dying here. We will survive this."

Jongin looked into the others blue eyes and nodded. Soon Kyungsoo and Sehun came from out of the forest and sat down next to them.

"You guys finished ?"

"Yes." They both nodded. Sehun laying his head into Luhan's lap letting the other play with his blonde locks.

"Should we all sleep together tonight ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Do you think they will let us ?" Jongin asked. He'd do anything to rest with his friends instead of the creepy Kai.

"Pretty sure they're expecting most of us to die so they're letting us off easy tonight." Kyungsoo said and Luhan sighed. Sehun took his free hand and gave it a squeeze making the older smile at him.

"My heart is uneasy." Luhan said placing his and Sehun's linked hands to his chest.

"You and me both." Sehun said grabbing the other hand to place it on his pounding heart.

Kyungsoo watched them with a bitter smile. The love between the two was so strong he hoped they'd all survive so those two could get married or something. The alarm rang signaling bed time. They all sighed looking at each other before getting up and walking to the doors.

"Can we sleep together ?" Luhan asked a guard who shrugged.

"Take this as your dying wish kids." The guard said walking them towards Sehun and Luhan's shared room.

They all gulped at that and flinched as the door locked shut. Pushing the mattresses pillows and blankets into a pile on the floor they all laid down next to each other.

They were silent for a moment. Trying to sleep but sleep could not come during their busy minds. Kyungsoo kept sighing and Jongin kept shuffling around. Luhan and Sehun just stared at each other, faces worried.

"I'm scared Soo.." Jongin said after a while, turning to face Kyungsoo.

"I am too Jongin-ah. But we have to be strong for this." Kyungsoo said and bit his lip as Jongin slipped his hand into his.

"Tomorrow calls for a whole new type of strength. Please survive Soo. I can't do this without you." Jongin said and Kyungsoo gave a bitter smile.

"Dying here is not a option. Sleep Jongin. For tomorrow we wake up into a new world." And with a silent signal for Luhan, the older put Jongin to sleep as well as Sehun.

"You should rest as well." Luhan said.

"Just let me look at him for a while." Kyungsoo said staring at Jongin's face through the darkness. "I don't know the next time I'll see him."

"I know that feeling." Luhan said looking at Sehun. The poor child was only 15. Luhan felt so bad as to having the other suffering in such a situation. With the last look of their friends faces, both males slipped into their last peaceful sleep.


Kyungsoo woke up in his own room. The earth below him molding against his body as he was curled up into it. A banging on his door had him fully awake and up.

"Wake up subject. You have 15 minuets to get dress and eat. The first round begins in forty-five minuets." A guard yelled as something slipped through his door. Kyungsoo got up to inspect it. It was a bowl of rice and meat, a water bottle and his outfit.

Kyungsoo looked at the green blue and black material. The clothing was leather and skin tight. As Kyungsoo slipped it on he realized it was stretchable and water absorbent. It felt very light on him and he felt like he was a video game character or something. He had just finished lacing up up the black boots before his door opened to reveal four guards.

"Come with us." Is all they said.

Kyungsoo followed without resistance. They walked onto the elevator and one guard placed in a code before the elevator shot down.

It opened a few moments later and Kyungsoo gasped as they entered a large area. So this was the battle grounds ? It seems to be similar to the training room instead it was mostly all forest and a few mountains.

"Walk through there." The guards said pointing towards a pathway into the forest. They didn't seem to follow him as he walked the path. This unease the earth wielder and he gulped.

After a few moments, Kyungsoo walked into a clearing. There were three other people there and he looked at them with a confused look.

"Hey Sweetheart." Jongup said.

"Where's the rest of your group ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"They split us up. I woke up alone." Jongup explained and Kyungsoo nodded. His eyes then shifted towards the other two people. Both girls. Both unfamiliar."

"Um hi I'm Kyungsoo." Kyungsoo greeted and both girls narrowed their eyes at him.

"Minzy." The one girl with brown hair and dark green eyes said.

"Min." The other girl with short blonde hair said. Her eyes a lighter shade of green.

"It looks like we are a group." Jongup said. "Well for now."

"What do you mean for now ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Once a few groups are dead, they will move on to the next half and we will get different groups." Min explained.

"That's ..."

"Mind boggling ?" Minzy said and Kyungsoo nodded. "It's all a trust thing. Once the clock starts we trust no one but our group for now. After the group rounds, trust no one." She said eyes hard and Kyungsoo gulped.

"We have about 15 minuets left, we should come up with some plans. Why don't we start with powers." Jongup suggested and they all nodded. "For starters I have the power of resurrection."

"So you can't die ?" Min asked.

"More like I don't stay dead." Jongup explained. "Plus I feel no pain."

"Well I'm a mind controller." Min said. "I can make anyone in my sight do anything I want."

"I control the earth." Kyungsoo said at his turn.

"I control nature." Minzy said simply.

"Okay now that that's out the way. We need a strategy. Most of the people here are smart. They won't just come at us straight ahead. We don't know what type of powers they have so we have to be alert. We need to have eyes everywhere. Min you seem the most valuable since you can control people but Minzy you have the most advantage seeing as we are in your element. It would be best to have Sweetheart be our eyes underground, Minzy be our eyes in the trees and Min be our eyes everywhere else." Jongup said and they all nodded.

"What about you ?" Min asked.

"Don't worry about me. If somehow someone strikes first, sweetheart you should attack back then Minzy will be the following attack and Min and I will do the finishing blows." Jongup said.

"Wow you're good at plans kid." Min said and Jongup grinned. Though his grin faded as the sky lit up with their masters face.

"The time has finally come my subjects. The final Crusades are here. Round one will now began. You have eight hours."

Kyungsoo gulped at that. He just needed to survive this for eight hours. But could he do it ?

"In four hours you will be switching groups. Those who survive this round will move onto the next. And those who don't, well they'll be dead permanently. On a count of three the crusades will began."





Baekhyun awoke with a gasp. Where was he ? What was going on ? He looked around to see the forest. Trees standing tall and through the clearing he could see the dark red of numbers down. What was going on ?

"Good you're awake." Baekhyun looked over to see the bright eyes of a blonde haired boy.

"We have to move. We can't waste time." The boy said.

"Who are you ? Where am I ?" Baekhyun asked.

"Don't you remember me Baekhyun ?" The boy asked.

"No. How do you know my name ?" Baekhyun asked.

The boy looked at him with serious eyes before they widened. "They wiped you good." He said mostly to himself.

"Well I'm Luhan, that's Youngjae and Fei. We're you're group partners for the first half of the first round of the Crusades." Luhan explained. Baekhyun eyes widened.

"Crusades ? As in a battle ?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yes. A battle of death."

Baekhyun gulped. He suddenly regret waking up.

"We have to move. I sense a group of people moving closer towards us." Luhan said moving deeper into the forest. The others following him.

"We can't run forever." Youngjae said.

"Yeah but until we have too, we better stick to surviving." Luhan said and they all nodded. He was about to take another step when he froze.

"Wait." He whispered. "I sense something."

The forest was suddenly too quiet. He could almost hear those boys breathing.

"Sense what ?" Fei asked taking a step.

"Wait don't !" Luhan shouted but it was too late. Something thick wrapped around Fei's leg. She yelled in shock but quickly touched the rope. A purple substance spread out from her finger tips and began burning the thing off of her. She fell to the ground and narrows her eyes.

"What was that ?" She asked.

"Someone set up traps. And they're all around." Luhan said. He could sense somewhere near but at the same time he couldn't pin point them.

"Watch out !" Baekhyun shouted as he shoved Youngjae down as a giant rock was being thrown at them. Using his powers quickly, Baekhyun made a light beam cutting the rock before it could smash into him. It's split in two half around him before crumbling to the ground. They all looked around with cautious eyes. Anything could be a trap.

"Luhan can you detect all the traps ?" Fei asked.

"No." Luhan said. "I'm telekinetic and telepathic. I'm only getting images of the near future." He explained.

"How near ?" Youngjae asked.

"As in if you take another step forward you would instantly hit with a thousand knives." Luhan said and Youngjae took a step back.

Baekhyun just watched them with confused eyes. How did he wake up in the Crusades ? The last thing he remembered was...well he doesn't remember the last thing he remembered.

"We have to stick close though. There's still three hours and thirty minutes of the first one left." Youngjae said and they all nodded.

They let Luhan guide them around all the traps that he could see. The more they inched into the forest the darker it got. And the darker it got the more uneasy Baekhyun. He wanted to flick his lights on but that was just giving away their position. He let his eyes glow bright to see better though and he gasped at what he saw.

"Luhan wait !" Baekhyun whispered tugging the boy back.

"What is it ?" Luhan asked looking at Baekhyun.

"Do you feel that ?" Baekhyun asked. His hand unconsciously tightening its grip on the other.

"Feel wha- oh." Luhan said eyes going wide. "Baekhyun I want you to turn your lights on."

"No. That will just give us away." Baekhyun said.

"Just for a moment." Luhan said. "Trust me."

Sighing Baekhyun let his hands glow. The other two in the group looked around with cautious eyes before widening. There laid a few feet ahead of them was a large black dome. It reminded Luhan of his first time on this island. Could this be the same person ?

"If we walked into that, there would have been no way out." Luhan said.

"Well what are we going to do ? There doesn't seem to be anyway around it." Fei asked.

"Let's turn aroun-" Youngjae could even finish his sentence as some bright flickered across and burned the side of his face. The boy screamed falling to the ground hand trying to stop the blood flow.

"Youngjae !" Luhan called trying to step towards him but another beam flickered his way.

"Oh look what we have here. If it isn't little Luminescence. I see Master woke you up at the perfect time."

"Sparker." Fei glared at him with hatred.

Jongdae smirked at her.

"Where's your group ?" She asked.

"Around Miss Venom. Something you need to worry about." Jongdae said raising his hand to shoot out more lightening but Luhan waved his hand throwing him into a tree. The Sparker hit it with a thud. He looked at Luhan with hatred.

"You humans. So annoying." A large ball of lightening shot out of Jongdae's hand aim at Luhan. Baekhyun beamed it the other way sending it onto the giant black dome. They watched as the whole thing lit up in sparks before shattering. A roar echoed through the air.

"." Jongdae's swore. "You did it now Luminescence. You unleashed the beast."


Jongin looked up as a roar echoed throughout the place. Could there be monsters in this place too ?

"Keep moving Jongin-ssi." A gentle voice broke Jongin out of his trance.

"Sorry Yixing-hyung." Jongin said to the smaller male.

"Could that be what I think it is ?" Minseok asked. His orange and blue eyes giving a look of terror.

"Hope it isn't." Kai said. His shadows curling around him protectively.

"You guys have monsters here ?" Jongin asked confused.

"We have things unimaginable here." Minseok said.

They carefully kept walking forward at that. The roar seeming to get everyone on edge and the other groups probably felt the same way. 2 hours and fifteen minutes left to go. Will they survive ?

Maybe Jongin should be careful of what he thinks because as soon as he said that a group of people jumped out to attack them.

One male seemed to spit out lava as he jumped at Minseok. The Original quickly moved shooting out blast of ice at the lava before it could reach him. He made a small wall of ice and backed flipped off of it before kicking the lava guy in the face. As his foot made contact with the males ice seem to spread out from it and onto the males face. The guy hit the ground with a thud screaming. He tried to shoot lava out of his palms but the thick layers of ice began to freeze his body making his movement cease.

Minseok looked away from that guy and watched Yixing silently take down a guy. He let the male get one slice out of his cheek before grabbed his wrist. The man began screaming as his whole arm seemed to sizzle and burn. He backed up from Yixing but the burning seemed to travel throughout his whole body before the man fell down to the ground with a thud. Not moving in the slightest.

Jongin and Kai finished fairly quickly as well. They had both gotten girls, one tried to the life out of Kai but he quickly let his shadows choke her to death while Jongin dealt with a girl shooting out lasers from her eyes. He quickly blinded her with a shadow and Kai snapped her neck.

As the last two bodies fell to the ground they all looked at each other. Yixing's cut had healed instantly and Minseok's frost seemed to let of cold air from his body.

"Keep moving?" Jongin asked and they all nodded.

"Keep moving."


Kyungsoo was moving swiftly underground. He could feel everything around him and let followed his group as made their way through the forest. They were getting closer towards the mountains when a large roar was heard. Feeling through the earth, Kyungsoo could see giant footsteps making its way through the forest. What was that ?

When his group stopped Kyungsoo popped up from the ground.

"What's going on ?" He asked.

"There's a force field blocking us." Jongup said.

"Is it Yongguk's ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Could be. But many powers are similar." Jongup said.

"But none completely alike." Min said.

"Maybe I can go under it." Kyungsoo said letting himself go back underground. As soon as he did he could feel people surrounding them. Without notice, Kyungsoo pulled his group underground with him, making sure they had air.

"Kyungsoo what's wrong ?" Minzy asked.

"There's people surrounding us. Can you guys not feel them ?" Kyungsoo said and the two girls shook their heads.

"Maybe they're protecting their minds with force fields." Jongup said.

"Maybe. Then how will Min control them ?" Minzy asked and they all shrugged.

"I don't-"Minzy was cut off when something dug itself into the earth and pulled her out. Kyungsoo tried to pull her back down but the earth seemed to move away from whatever was pulling her.

Pulling them all back up they found Minzy trying to free herself by using the vines of the forest to free herself but every time they got near something would cut them.

Kyungsoo was about to free Minzy when Min let out a scream. They all turned to look at her to see something had caught her on fire.

"What the ?" Jongup when to help her when an invisible force pushed him back into a near by tree.

"Let her burn Jongup."

"Yongguk-Hyung ?" Jongup looked up as the older male walked out into the open.

"So this is your force field. So that mist must be Zelo ?" Kyungsoo said and the curly blonde hoped of the forest.

"Stop killing them ! They're on our team." Kyungsoo said.

"Sorry tuts but these girls aren't trust worthy. No one is here. You have thirty more minuets left of this half. Try to get through it okay ?" And then they were gone.

Minzy fell to the ground screaming. The burning acid like mist still wrapped around her body and no matter how hard she tried to put it out, it will only spread more. Min has long gone stopped screaming. Her body burned to the crisp.

"Jongup ?" Kyungsoo called.

"Yeah sweetheart ?" Jongup answered.

"This won't end until everyone is dead will it ?" Kyungsoo asked turning away as Minzy gave her last dying scream.

"I actually don't know. But this right here won't be the last death." Jongup answered putting a gentle hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"Let's keep moving."


"Isn't this interesting ?"

"Yes sir. Everyone seems to have gotten stronger."

"It's time for the second half. Knock them all out. Then put them in different groups. To make this more fun put enemies together. I want to see how far trust runs through the subjects."

"Yes sir."

The guard walked out leaving the master to watch everything by himself. Said man zoomed up on a certain doctor.

"So you're still alive Yixing. Didn't Daddy always tell you, you'd grow up to be strong ?"


Kyungsoo opened his eyes to a bright light. Wait, when did he fall asleep ? The last thing he remembered was following Jongup and then nothing.

"Kyungsoo ? Are you awake ?"

Kyungsoo looked over to see the sea blues of Joonmyeon.

"Joonmyeon-ssi ! You're alive !" Kyungsoo said pulling the other in a hug.

"Of course. I can't die that easily." Joonmyeon said, his blue eyes crinkling as he smiled.

"You're not going to die at all." The dark voice of the Sparker made Kyungsoo tense up. He quickly pulled the male underground until only his head was showing.

"What are you doing here ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I'm in your group bunny." The Sparker said as sparks of electricity ran through his body before the earth around him crumbled and he jumped up. "Don't ever do that again or I will kill you." He spat and Kyungsoo glared back.

"Hey. No fighting. And no killing group members." Joonmyeon said. "Especially you Sparker."

Jongdae looked at Joonmyeon and tisked. Those caring eyes made something stir into him and he looked away.

"Now that everyone's awake, we should eat." A familiar voice said and Kyungsoo looked to the left of him.

"Baekhyun ?"

"Do I know you ?" Baekhyun asked.

"Of course you do. You're the bastard that put me in this place." Kyungsoo said.

"Oh ?." Baekhyun said without much emotion. He can't recall doing anything like that. "Sorry."

"Sorry ? Is that all you have to say ?" Kyungsoo said a bit upset.

"Save it kid. Master wiped him clean. He doesn't remember a thing. Not where he is. Not who he is and damn sure not who you are." Jongdae said. "Now shut up and eat."

Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun cautiously while he ate. Surely their master couldn't simply just erase all his memories. That's impossible.

"Let's get going." Joonmyeon said standing up. They all followed suit. Kyungsoo was uneasy, so their master could knock them out and transfer them in a matter of seconds, wipe memories and create anything. Just who was this so called master of not God ?


"Honey are you still looking ?"

"I can't not stop looking. That's our son who has gone missing."

"The police said he was dead. It's been over two months."

"I'm apart of the police ! Our son is not dead. There was no body found. There was nothing found. Three boys and a doctor can't just disappear without a trace. It's impossible."


"Don't honey me. You gave up on our son far too soon. I know he's alive. Wherever he is, he needs us to find him."

A sigh came from Mrs.Do's mouth. She set a plat of dinner down for her husband before exiting his office.

"I haven't given up." She said to herself looking at a picture of Kyungsoo. His smiling face seemed to break her heart as she hadn't seen that smile months. Hadn't touched her son in months. Haven't said good morning or goodnight, haven't hugged him, haven't talked to him, haven't laughed with him or shared a smile with him in months and it was breaking her.

A knock on her door brought her out of her thoughts. Wiping her tears away she opened the door. Her heart skipped a beat.

"S-Seungsoo ?"

"Hi mom."


Sehun was running as fast as he could. His while group beside him had died thanks to the monster that was now roaming the jungle like forest. Whoever let that thing out will surly pay if he made it out alive.

Using the wind as another boost of speed, Sehun jumped from tree to tree. The monster was right on his trail and he had no where hide. Jumping through large leaves, Sehun quickly used his powers to push himself up as the ground disappeared from below him.

Floating back to the earth, Sehun looked over the clift edge. He could not see the bottom so he didn't know if it had a bottom or if it was a never ending drop.

Something slimy wrapped around Sehun's waist and he squirmed to get out the monsters clutches. He used the wind to cut a sharp gash in it and the creature screeched before letting him go.

Though as he dropped the monster breathed fire at him. Closing his eyes bracing for the pain, Sehun braced himself.

Though as nothing hit him he opened his eyes to see the fire just floating mid-air.

"Move." A voice said and Sehun looked over to see a darker haired boy. Scrambling away from the fire, Sehun looked at the other with wide eyes.

"Tao ? You're alive ?" Sehun asked. "But you died years ago."

"Seems like master has new plans. And they involve me." Zitao said his eyes flickering towards Sehun making the young teen eyes widen.

"Your eyes. What did he do to you ?" Sehun asked.

"Survive the first rounds and I'll tell you." And with that Zitao was gone. Leaving Sehun in shock and the monster frozen in time.

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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you