Chapter 7

Blue Green

"You put your fingers like this, and now play."

Kyungsoo followed his instructions and pressed the keys. The sound flowed through the quiet room and the young Do child smiled.

"See you're getting better." the other boy said ruffling Kyungsoo hair.

"Hyung could you make me another pigeon ?" Kyungsoo asked getting up from the bench to pull out the paper. The older boy smiled.

"Sure Kyung. Though I'm sure you know how to make them now."

"But you make them better than me."

"True." the older boy teased making Kyungsoo stick out his tongue. He watched as the other boy folded the paper neatly in half before folding it again. A few more flaps and folds and soon the older boy stuck out the green and white origami pigeon.

"I wonder why you like these so much." the boy said watching Kyungsoo make it fly. 

"Play for me hyung." Kyungsoo said pushing the older boy back to the piano.

"What would you like to hear ?"

Kyungsoo thought for a moment before whispering into the older boys ear. The elder of the two nodded. This fingers skimmed the keys before music surrounded the boys.




"What do you mean you're leaving You didn't even finish high school yet. You're still a child."


"Honey nothing. He is my child. I set the rules with him. If I say no then it stays a no."

"When are you going to learn not to baby me ? I'm seventeen. Old enough to make my own choices."

"Exactly you're seventeen. Not eighteen. Not nineteen. And not twenty. You're not an adult. You are staying and that's final."

Kyungsoo watched from the top of the stairs as his mother argued with his brother. He watched as his father tried to calm down the angry woman but  she wouldn't. He watched as his brother got angrier and angrier as his mother repeated no. Before anyone could do anything an "I hate you." floated through the air. The Do family was quiet as they watched the oldest child grab his coat and storm out the house. The sound of a car engine going before it faded. 

Kyungsoo watched as his mother slammed her glass on the floor making it shatter before breaking into sobs. Mr.Do sighed before pulling his crying wife into his arms, trying to comfort her.

"Umma ?" Kyungsoo called from the stairs.

"Go upstairs Kyungsoo." his mother said. Her voice shaking.


"Now !" she shouted scaring the six year old. He jumped before getting up quietly and ran to his room. Shutting the door, Kyungsoo settled in his bed with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. His wiped them quickly from his chubby cheeks before closing his eyes. The real world was dark and bad. Maybe in his dreams there will be good.




The next night Kyungsoo heard shuffling in his room. Opening his eyes, he looked over to see a figure walking closer to his bed.

"Hyung ?" he whispered as the older boy slipped into his bed.

"Hey Kyunggie."

"Where have you been hyung ? Umma was scared. I was scared." Kyungsoo asked curling to the older boy. He heard his hyung tch before a hand came to his back comfortly.

"Don't worry Kyung. I'm here now."

"You're trying to leave though. Don't leave. Don't leave me."

It was quiet for a moment before his hyung pulled him into a hug.

"Go to sleep Kyung." his brother cooed.

"Be here when I wake up ?"Kyungsoo asked. The arms just tightened around him. Kyungsoo bit his lip. "Sing me a song then. Please."

"Stories read, prayers said

Close your eyes sleepyhead

While angles linger in your dreams

And hold you in their feather wings

Just like you, I was small

Not that long ago at all

I wish you all the happiness

That God gives freely if you ask."


Kyungsoo awoke to the sound of his mother crying. His eyes fluttered as he tried to wake up fully. Sitting up, he noticed his bed was empty.

"Hyung." he whispered looking around. Noticing he wasn't there, he ran to his bathroom but that was empty also. He then opened his room door and ran down the hall. Opening his brothers room he noticed it was empty too.

"Hyung !" he called looking out the window. His car was gone.

No no no no no no. Kyungsoo chanted to himself. He ran down the stairs almost hysterically.

"Umma ! Umma where is hyung ?" he asked. His mother sobbed harder.

"Appa ?" he turned to his father with wide eyes. His father just shook his head.

"No no no NO !" Kyungsoo shouted before going back up to his room. He wiped away the tears as his eyes flooded with them. Trying to calm himself. the Do child looked around his room. Soft hiccups admitting from his mouth as his chest moved up and down rapidly. Something gold caught his eyes and Kyungsoo looked at his dresser. Getting up from his bed he picked up the gold object and felt his heart break.

It was a gold origami pigeon.




"Kid, hey kid are you alright ?" a voice broke Kyungsoo out of his thoughts. Kyungsoo looked up to see a worried old man.

"Ne." Kyungsoo said nodding his head. He had stopped to rest in the city and must of have been in a daze. Getting up from where he was sitting, Kyungsoo kindly thanked the man and told him not to worry before leaving. His fingers tingled as he began walking back home. He didn't want the same thing that happened a couple days ago to happen again.

Blue-green eyes stared up at the crossing light waiting it for it to turn so he could cross the street. His head kept bringing up memories that he didn't want. Images of what just happened of him almost smashing his bullies skull in also corrupted his head.

The light turned green and Kyungsoo quickly crossed the street.

He was almost home when he was pulled into someone's arms.

"Jongin." he said. His voice a bit raspy from god knows what.

"Hyung. Where were you ? You scared me and your parents. You just got home from being attacked. You can't keep going off like this." Jongin scold making Kyungsoo groaned. 

"Shut up." he mumbled. Fingers moving his fringe out of his face.

"W-what ?" Jongin stopped. Kyungsoo never told anyone to shut up.

"Nothing. I just need to go home. Like really need to go home." the older said brushing by Jongin. The taller boy was speechless. Did Kyungsoo just push him away ?

No that can't be it. Jongin shook his head at the thought. Maybe Kyungsoo just needed to be alone for a bit. He can give him that.




"Sir have you put a location on subject 220B ?"

"No. It's almost as if he has been wiped of the grid."

"How is that so ? That's only  possible if..if..."

"220B was killed."

"But no one can do such a thing except the other B experiments. Unless 220B had came in contact with something much stronger then it self."

A smile graced on the persons lips.

"It seems that subject 117E has finally awoken. This is good. Now, lets see how long he can survive."

"What are we to do sir ?"

"I am to do nothing. You on the other hand are going to have to go undercover."

"U-undercover as a human ?"

"Yes you've done it once before. But this time, make yourself a bit older."

"What should my mission be sir ?"

"You shall befriend him. Then I want you to train him and bring him here. If he does not meet up to standard, kill him."

"Yes sir."




Kyungsoo seemed to get over his shock a couple days later. His parents were still a bit on the sad side but chose to not show it around their son. They did not want to depress the boy. He apologized to Jongin for being rude but Jongin shrugged it off and said it was alright. Luhan pulled him into a bone crushing hug when he saw him and tears flowed out of his eyes. He apologized several times making Kyungsoo blush because they were in the middle of the hall way and all eyes watched as Luhan bowed to Kyungsoo three times before the latter stopped him.

"Hyung these costumes look perfect." Kyungsoo gushed at lunch. While Kyungsoo was in the hospital, Luhan had asked his mother for his size measurements and decided to finsh up the project.

"Thank you. I wanted to do something that was both a little bit us."

"They look creepy." Jongin said his nose scruched up in distaste.

"Hey ! Dryads are originally female so it was a bit hard for me to make them "manly." Luhan giggled.

"Yeah because the two of you are manly." Jongin said under his breath making Luhan smack the back of his head.

"Don't disrespect your elders."

Jongin pouted. He sometimes forgot he was the youngest with these two because they both has such youthful faces. Meanwhile Kyungsoo was busy looking at the costumes. Luhan had did such a great job on them from the texture to the designs.  Though they looked a bit eerie, it kind of went along with their concept.

"Oh I almost forgot." Luhan said looking through his school bag for a moment before pulling something out. "This is to go on top of your head."

Kyungsoo took the object from Luhan's hands and nodded approvingly. It was a sort of crown. Made from twigs, many different types of leaves. Between the twigs and leaves were flowers beautifully blooming through them. A mixture of daises, hibiscus , magnolia and rue made up the flowers.

"It's beautiful." Kyungsoo said.

"They have a meaning you know." Luhan piped.

"Doesn't everything." Jongin said more to himself but Luhan nodded.

"Yeah. But for Kyungsoo I had to pick out things that represented him. The daises for innocence,"

Kyungsoo cheeks flushed and he pouted as Jongin laughed at him.

"The hibiscus for rare and delicate beauty. The magnolia for his love of nature and the rue for sorrow."

"Why sorrow ?" Jongin asked. That didn't seem to fit his hyung.

Luhan decided to change the subject. Jongin might not have seemed to noticed the pain in Kyungsoo's eyes but he did.

"I made one for myself too. Though it's not all that compare to Kyungsoo's." Luhan said pulling out his crown. It had the similar leaves and twigs though the flowers were different. 

"What kind of flowers are these hyung ?" Jongin asked.

"This is a campanile. For gratitude. A peony. For prosperity but also bashfulness. A white violet for modesty and an asphodel." Luhan explained.

The younger two nodded waiting for Luhan to continue. But he didn't.

"What about the asphodel hyung ?" Kyungsoo asked. Luhan seemed to be a bit in a daze before he shook his head.

"Oh these ? These symbol my deepest regrets."




"Jongin-ah. I have to tell you something." Kyungsoo said after school that day. They were in his back yard alone. Mrs.Kim went inside a while ago for a short nap and Mr.Kim went to the markets. Kyungsoo and Jongin were huddled up in the grass in Jongin's tent. Kyungsoo didn't really like being in there because it cut of his contact with the wonderful ground but he didn't mind that right now.

"Sure hyung. You can tell me anything."

Kyungsoo nodded before taking a big breath. Trying to figure out a way to say this.

"I-...I did something. Something bad." Kyungsoo said making Jongin's eyes look at him curious.

"How bad ?" the younger asked.

"You know the guy that-that bullies me right ?" Jongin's expression changed.

"Did he do something to you again ?"

"No-well yes but...what I did to him was worse." Kyungsoo said. Words jumbled.

"What could be worse then someone hurting you hyung ?" Jongin asked.

"Me hurting them."

"How ?"

"I- I smashed a huge chunk of the ground in his face. Then I ran. Thank goodness he isn't dead but it scared me. To think I almost killed someone." Kyungsoo said.

"You what ? How ?" Jongin asked agian.

"I don't know. It just happened. Like an instinct. I wanted him to stop hurting me and my first thought was to punch him right in his big mouth. So I did. Only it wasn't with my fist." Kyungsoo said. Blueish eyes looking down at his hands. Jongin didn't believe it. What Kyungsoo was telling him was impossible. Very impossible.

"Show me." he said.

"Show you ?" Kyungsoo repeated confused.

"Pick up the earth hyung. Show me how you stood up for yourself."




"Are you the new transfer student ?"


"It's very nice to meet you. I am your principal, Mr.Kim."

"It's nice to meet you too. My name is Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun."





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you