Chapter 4

Blue Green

Ba-thump, ba-thump, ba-thump. Kyungsoo laid wide awake in his bed. The red numbers of his clock red 2:45 and he pouted.The last time be been to sleep was four hours ago and the was only for a short while. He had school in a few hours and going to bed was a big no for the Do child. He hasn't been in school for almost a week. But, the thumping only seemed to increase.  It was like a chant. Calling him. Or maybe a drum. Playing the beat of something big. Ba-thump. Ba-thump. Ba-thump. Kyungsoo groaned.

"Umma." Kyungsoo said sitting up from his bed. Not taking it anymore as the thumping increased. A ringing went threw his head as he got up. Holding the wall he walked down the hall way. The thumping only seemed to go louder. It was until he passed his parents room that he knew where he really wanted to go. One word playing continuiously through his mind.

Kyungsoo finally reached the bottom of the stairs. Well with a little difficulty but he did it. A whine came out from the blue-green eyed boy's mouth when the ringing and thumping increased. He walked past the livingroom. through the dining room and into the kitchen before he stopped and opened the back door. A sigh escaped his lips when the ringing died down some. He stepped outside.


The sound stopped.

A weight felt like it lifted off of his shoulders as he heard the sound of...nothing. Silence was peaceful. A smile graced his lips as the grass touched his feet. Almost as if curling onto him. Kyungsoo didn't know how tired he was untill he legs began to give out and he fell down with a soft thump.

"I guess I'll...just rest here...for a bit." Kyungsoo said as he drited off to sleep. He failed to notice the soft glow admitting from his skin and the watchfull eyes on his body.




"Kyungsoo ? Kyungsoo !"

"Baby Soo where are you ?"

'Hyung ? Hy- Kyungsoo ?" 

Jongin let a smile play on his lips as he took in the sight of a peacefully sleeping Kyungsoo lying in the flower bed. Walking down the deck steps, he quietly stepped towards Kyungsoo's resting body and bent down. Jongin's eyes softened at the sight of Kyungsoo's resting face. His long eye lashes fluttered agaist softly flushed cheeks and plump pink lips puckered for a moment before going back into place.  Brown hair cascated his face in a soft of halo. Jongin cooed. His hyung was so adorable.

"Kyungsoo-yah. Wake up." Jongin said shaking the smaller boy by his shoulder.

"Mmm." Kyungsoo whined. His body twisting slightly in annoyance.

"Come on hyung. If you don't the tickle moster will get you." The younger boy said in a playful tone. Kyungsoo opened one eye before closing it again shaking his head.

"Okay well you asked for it." Jongin said before his hands touched the older boys sides and began tickle him. A scream came out of Kyungsoo's lips before he starting going into a fit of giggles.

"Stop ! Stop ! Ahaha." Kyungsoo laughed as he tried to twist out of Jongin's grip but Jongin was the stronger out of the two.

"Nope. You should have got up when I told you."

"Jongin please." Kyungsoo said tears filling his eyes from laughing so hard. Jongin seemed to noticed and stopped to let the boy breathe. Kyungsoo catched his breath before closing his eyes again.

"Goodmorning hyung." Jongin said cheekly making the older smile.

"Goodmorning Jongin-ah."

Jongin got up from the ground and dusted off his school pants. He put a hand out for Kyungsoo to take and the older complied. As the taller pulled him up Kyungsoo let out a yelp.

"Sorry. Did I pull you too hard ?" Jongin asked looking at Kyungsoo.

"No but..." Kyungsoo brought up his arm.

"Is that ?" Jongin started.

"Dirt." Kyungsoo finished for him.

"I was going to say earth but.." Jongin picked at a chunk of "earth" that was sticking to Kyungsoo's arm. All over his arms were pieces of the ground stuck to him. Jongin tried to pull one off but Kyungsoo cried out in pain. It seemed as if it was connected to his skin. Swatting the younger hands away he inspected himself.

"What is this ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I don't know."

'Kyungsoo honey." The voice of his mom startled him. "What are you doing ?" she asked. Kyungsoo quickly brushed the pieces of earth off his skin. Jongin took notice at how easy it was for him to do so.

"Nothing. Jonginnie was just waking me up."

"Well hurry up or you'll be late for school. You're lunch is packed."

At the sound of school Kyungsoo dashed into his house and put on his already placed out uniform. He brushed his teeth and combed his hair into place before running back down stairs.

"See you later Umma." Kyungsoo said as Jongin and he stepped outside and he saw his father in the car reading the paper waiting.

Taking the front seat because it was his turn, Kyungsoo poked his appa's cheek.

"What's wrong Appa ?" he asked putting his seat belt on. Mr.Do drove out the lot and shook his head.

"Nothing to worry your pretty little head about Soo." he said.

About ten minuets later they reached school and Kyungsoo kissed his appa on the cheek goodbye and Jongin and he hopped out the car.

"Yay I'm back !" Kyungsoo said excitedly. He felt a tad bit different today. Like some sort of new energy coursing through his veins.

"Why so much energy.?" Jongin asked as he slung an arm around the shorter boy.

"I don't know. I'm just happy."

"That's good Kyungie." Jongin said ruffling his hair.

"Yah ! Don't do that." Kyungsoo snapped softly.

The made it to their first class before the late bell and sat in their seats. Jongin was a row and two seats back from him so they couldn't talk much to each other. First period was not always Kyungsoo's best.

Third period was better but at the same time, his worst.

"Well well well look who's back from the dead."

"If it isn't the oh so famous Do child."

"Famous ? As if. The little nerd is more invisible then air."

Kyungsoo sighed. He had grew to ignore their taunts but they were still so annoying.

"Settle down class. It's good to see you back Mr. Do. And with contacts. Pretty." the teacher said.

"Ne. Kamsahamnida Songsaenim." Kyungsoo said back respectfully. Blushing slightly at the compliment.

The teacher smiled before continuing. "Today we are going to learn about...mythical creatures !"

The class stared back at him. "Don't all get too excited at once." he said before going up to the bored. "Since you're all so excited I guess I should tell you all about the project." Groaned admitted from the class. "Oh boo hoo." The teacher said.

"But Mr.Jung. We already have projects in the other classes." A girl called out.

"Oh really ? I guess I shouldn't assign you this project." Mr.Jung said. The class let out cheers. "Sike !"  Mr.Jung said as he finished writing on the bored.

"Now to explain the project. You are all going to pick through this lovely jar and pull out a slip of paper. Who's ever name is on it is your partner. Then, your partner is going to go over to the other jar a pick out the type of mythical creature you are going to have.  Once you get your creature there are three parts to the project. One, which is everyones favorite part, the essay. No less then three pages but do more if you please. Next is where you get creative. You and your partner are going to design a costume for the creature you have and the both of you are going to dress up as it." The class actually started to seem interested at this point. Kyungsoo bit his bottom lip. Partner projects and Do Kyungsoo did not mix. Mr.Jung continued. "But you don't have to design a costume. That's just the most interesting one. You could also do a play or maybe draw your creature in your style. Paint, color, clay I don't care. Be creative. Last part is the presentation. You all will be in this years art display. There you will present what you have done. I am giving you all a month. Nothing more. The dead line is the day of the art display. I exspect you all to be ready by then. Now, the partner picking."

As people chose partners, Kyungsoo waited his turn. The project seemed pretty cool but hard at the same time. Kyungsoo was good at essay and the design would be easy but presenting. That was always Kyungsoo's weak point. Being in front of a crowd with dozens of eyes staring at you. Watching your every move. Judging you. It all scared Kyungsoo. He placed that in the bad section of his mind. Anything that scared him was bad.

"Kyungsoo ? You're next." Mr.Jung called.

Kyungsoo slipped out of his thoughts and got up from his chair. He walked up to his teacher and stuck his hand in the jar Mr. Jung was holding. Finding a slip of paper, he grabbed it and pulled it out.

"Go on read it." Mr.Jung said.

"Xi Luhan ?" he said. The foreginness of the the name rolled of his tongue in a weird way. His eyes met a hand in the back and a blonde haired boy walked up. A few awws were heard through the class as they wanted this boy to be their partner.

"Oh I almost forgot. Luhan-ssi is an exchange student from China. He came on the second day you were out." Mr.Jung said introducing the two boys. Kyungsoo turned to the taller boy whose hand was sticking out.

"Nice to meet you." he said in slightly accented korean. Kyungsoo's cheeks heated up as he timidly mumbled the saying back. Luhan was very pretty. With doe eye, a button nose and pink lips. Kyungsoo now knew why people wanted him to be his partner.

"Well, what's on the paper ?" Mr.Jung asked.

"Oh um.." Luhan said bitting his bottom lip as he opened the folded paper. "Dryads."

Maybe it was Kyungsoo but Luhan seemed to say the word a bit uneasily.




"So do you want to work on the beginning of the project during lunch ?" Luhan asked as they walked through the hall to their next class. "It's because I don't really eat the food here and have time but if you don't..."

"No no no. It's okay." Kyungsoo said. Luhan smiled.


"Baby Soo !" A voice called before Kyungsoo had an arm full of Jongin.

"I told you not to call me that..." Kyungso said blushing. Jongin had to say that in front of Luhan.

"But it's super cute just like you-oh." Jongin finally noticed the person next to Kyungsoo. "Hi. I'm Jongin." he said bowing respectfully.

"L-Luhan." the chinese boy blushed, blowing back. Jongin seemed to notice and smirked.

"You have really pretty eyes Luhan-ssi." Jongin said.

"I-ah-thank you."

Jongin chuckled at the flustered boy.

"Stop you're scaring him." Kyungsoo said smacking Jongin in the back of the head.

"Ow." Jongin mumbled looking back at Luhan.

"I-I'll see you at lunch Kyungsoo-ssi." the doe eyed boy said before walking away quickly. Jongin smiled.

"It must of been my everlasting charm." he said cheekly.

"Yeah sure. Let's go." Kyungsoo said grabbing Jongin by the arm towards their next class.




"Lastly on todays news four people have been found dead. Two of them were female while the other two male. All around the same age of sixteen years old. Reporters say that the bodies were surrounded by their own pools of blood. Almost if if they had rejected their own blood from their system. Poliece have not found the killer yet but are still looking. The only clues they have is what the killer might go after. All four victims were of the same race and looked similar to each other. Brown hair, pale skin and surprising blue eyes. Further news about the killings will be given daily but right now it is best to stay indoors after ten o'clock pm.-"

The sudden blank screen of the t.v shocked Mrs.Do. Her hand rested on her heart as she looked over to see her husband.

"Honey, you're back early.'

"Yeah. The boss said I should take a break. From what happened to Kyungsoo and what's going on with the killings I think I need to." Mr.Do said putting his suitcase down and sitting in hs chair.

"You know what I think you need ?" Mrs.Do said.

"What ?"

"A drink." she got up, givng her husband a kiss before making her way towards the kitchen. Images of dead children kept popping through her head. A flash of dead blue eyes turning into dead blue-green ones and she sighed.

"Maybe I need a drink too."





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you