Chapter 9

Blue Green

Byun Baekhyun. He was an unusual character indeed to Kyungsoo. But his smile was bright and his voice was warm so Kyungsoo put him in the good category. Though right now Kyungsoo needed to get his mind of his newly acquainted friend and onto today. Today their project was due. Kyungsoo spent the night before going over their work and making sure his costume had no imperfections. Luhan had called him to tell him that everything was good on his side and he will see him in class.

Kyungsoo's father drove him to school. They never really talked about his brother being alive. Though he wanted to know, he had things to do first. His father seemed a bit busy anyways. Always cooped up at work or in his study at home. Mrs.Do even had to bring dinner up to him a few nights. Something was up. But no one was speaking. Maybe he should call Halmeoni. It's been a good while since he last spoken to his grandmother and a familiar face was always comforting.

"Kyungsoo. We're here." Mr.Do's voice broke him out of his thoughts.

"Ahh thank you Appa. I'll see you at home." Kyungsoo then proceeded to open the door.

"Yah Baby Soo." his father called softly getting his attention.

"Ne ?"

He tapped his cheek and Kyungsoo's lips formed an 'o' shape. He pressed a soft kiss to his father's cheek and pulled away. "Mianhae. I forgot."

"You never forget. Are you okay Kyungsoo ?" his father asked. Worry laced his voice. Kyungsoo nodded.

"Just a lot on my mind."

"Well be safe. Hurry along before you're late to class."

Kyungsoo nodded again before turning around. He entered the school building and made his way through the hall ways to his locker.

"Kyungsoo-ah do you have your costume ?" Luhan's sweet voice was heard as Kyungsoo twisted his locker open.

"Yes." Kyungsoo answered showing the taller boy the costume that was neatly packed in his bookbag.

"Hey are you alright ?" Luhan asked making Kyungsoo look up at him.

"Ne. Why do you asked ?"

A soft hand fluttered along his cheek, a finger swiping gently under his eye.

"I told you." Luhan's voice was soft. Almost airy. Kyungsoo closed his eyes before stepping back. He opened them again as he took a deep breath.

"I'm alright hyung." Luhan studied his face a bit before nodding.

"That's good. I'll see you soon okay."

Kyungsoo nodded.

"Oh by the way," Luhan stopped a few steps away. "Where is Jongin ?"

"Practice. Early meeting."

Luhan gave a small smile. "You're talking less. A quiet body has a loud soul. And your eyes couldn't be more clearer windows."

The bell rang.

"We will speak later Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo sighed once more before shutting his locker. Half of him didn't want to talk. The other half was wondering why he even needed too.





Classes passed by and Kyungsoo noticed he had math with Baekhyun. The boy was very good with numbers and Kyungsoo soon found out he'd have a rival on class ranking. His next class was with Luhan and that was when the school's art show or display as his school liked to call it, would soon began. A bit of excitement and fear ran though Kyungsoo because he'd have to be in front of the whole school in a half and hour and he doesn't think he was ready. The first part of the project was easy. It was just handing in the essay and a brief showing to Mr.Jung what they had made.

The teacher looked fairly pleased with most of the projects and he couldn't wait for the art show. Kyungsoo couldn't wait for it to be over.

The class soon filed out so they could go get changed if they needed to or get set up with their projects. Some kids went all out on digital art and did animations of their mythical creatures and some did 3-D models. Kyungsoo had to admit. He was anticipating some one them.

Luhan pulled Kyungsoo into the back where the school dressing rooms where and handed him his crown. The smaller boy took it and went into an empty room and began dressing. After doing so he exited the dressing room and waited for Luhan seeing as he got done first. Looking around he noticed many of the art display participants were rushing around doing last minuet touches and going crazy. Good thing Kyungsoo's class came here for a couple days to plan out how they were going to add into the show. Those who dressed up the Kyungsoo and Luhan would go in the middle so it would catch the audience interest and keep them captivated to say. 

Luhan exited the dressing room and Kyungsoo eyes slightly widen at the sight. Luhan looked good. His tunic was a light green color that popped from the brown of his bottoms. The design of the clothes made it look like leaves and branches were apart of him, sticking to his body. The pants seemed to be made of giant leaves that were skin tight showing off the slimness of this legs. The crown on his head gave him an forest fairy type look due to his pretty face. Over all he looked wonderful.

"Makeup Kyungsoo." Luhan said pulling him to the side to put green and a bit of yellow make up around his eyes and on one side of his face. He did the same to himself but exchanged the yellow for orange.

Once they were done, the sound of music playing hinted that the show would start. Luhan and Kyungsoo were soon pulled into line where they soon and waited for their turn to go. The first people to go were the real artist in the show. Then was Kyungsoo's class. The ones who did simple drawings and paintings of their mythical creatures were first. Next after them were the kids who did 3-D and clay models. After the last clay model the girls in front of Kyungsoo and Luhan began to walk out onto the stage. They were dressed as sea nymphs. They looked really pretty with the scales and seaweed that twisted along their bodies. They did one turn on the mini runway that was built before walking backstage.

"Ready ?" Luhan asked.

Kyungsoo didn't have time to answer because soon they were out on the stage. Kyungsoo swallowed hard as to calm himself. Letting out a small breath, he relaxed himself and Luhan and him moved gracefully through the run way. They stopped to pose, leaning back to back in a simple but elagant stance. Kyungsoo's eyes met Jongin's in the crowed before they turned around and walked back.

As they were out of the crowds sight Kyungsoo let out a breath of relief.

"Holy ." the girl who was after the people already out said. Kyungsoo couldn't agree more.

Holy indeed.

He was glad that it was over but Mr.Jung told them to stay in costume because they were to do a few after pictures as a group for year book and the national art society. He also wanted them to show off how well they looked. Kyungsoo blushed slightly at that. He hoped he looked good. The possibility of making a fool out of himself out there would ruin him and he couldn't handle so much embarrassment.

About an hour or so later the last people finished up and the whole art show came together to bow at the crowd who cheered and clapped for them and took a few pictures. After that was over Luhan and Kyungsoo walked off stage to find their friends. Well friend for Kyungsoo. On the way through the crowd people complimented Luhan on how good he looked and what a wonderful job they did. A few awkwardly gave a well done to Kyungsoo who shyed away but bowed as thanks.

They finally reached a familiar face as Jongin happily bounced throughout the crowd and pulled them both into a hug.

"Well if it isn't my two favorite nymphs." he said smiling.

"Dryads." Luhan corrected but the boys smile never wavered.

"Pretty doll don't you look lovely." a voice made them all turn heads.

"Baekhyun-ssi." Kyungsoo said blushing at the compliment.

"You know this guy ?" Jongin asked Kyungsoo stepping closer to the smaller.

"Ne. Guys this is Baekhyun-ssi. I met him a couple days ago. He's really nice." Kyungsoo introduced.

"Yah stop calling me with the ssi. Hyung would suffice. It's nice to meet you." Baekhyun said bowing to the other two boys who bowed back.

"Hi I'm Jongin." the youngest greeted.

"I'm Luhan." Luhan said smiling.

"Nice to meet nice friends off Kyungsoo. The other's were a bit...physical." Baekhyun said smiling but the other boys had confused looks. Kyungsoo's a bit worried.

"What do you mean ? Physical ?" Jongin asked.

"Oh don't worry I took care of them." Baekhyun reassured. Jongin gave Kyungsoo a demanding look.

"Hyung why didn't you tell me he was messing with you again ? I would have driven him off for you." Jongin said.

"I do not want to be a burden." Kyungsoo said meekly.

"Oh Hyung, you aren't."

But Kyungsoo didn't feel that way. He felt like a huge heavy tireing burden.




"Do Kunwoo do you ever take a break ?" Mrs.Do asked her husband as she leaned against his study door.

"Not until I find out the reason for someone hurting our son. You know as well as I do Minji. There is more to this." Mr.Do said. Fingers rapidly tapping on his computer keyboard. Kyungsoo had fell asleep a while ago and the house was silent minus the two parents quiet talking.

"Take a break honey. Come to bed." Mrs.Do tried again. Her husband seemed to be running on coffee and energy drinks. That wasn't healthy.

"No I can't. Don't you see. Someone out there is wanting to hurt hundreds of kids for a certain reason. They are brutally murdering and I need to know why. I need to know why someone tried to hurt our son. We already lost one." Mrs.Do gasped softly. "We can't afford to loose another."

"We won't loose another. Your work won't be going anywhere." she grasped her husbands hand. "Come to bed. You need a goods night rest. Work hard tomorrow. Kyungsoo needs us in our right state of mind. Running on caffeine won't help that."

Mr.Do sighed before complying. He'd rest now but not for long.


"Failures. Failures failures failures FAILURES. All of you sicken me. You're brainless and have no controlled. You're imperfect. And for that you shall all be exterminated." cold eyes met empty ones. "Pull the switch."

The worker complied. Behind the glass inside the room where about fifteen different investments. They were all screw ups and had no since of direction. They were empty. Pulling the switch set of a trigger that ended all of that.

"We do not accept failures. Ever. Have 308V dispose of them."

"Yes sir."

"Also send Baekhyun a message. See how he is doing. I need 117E ready quickly. Time is not expandable."

"Yes sir."




"Where is Kyungsoo ?" Jongin asked as Luhan and he sat down on the ground. The space were said boy usually sat was empty.

"With Baekhyun-ssi. He told me to tell you they would be spending today's lunch together." Luhan answered, biting at his mapo dofu. His doe eyes watched as Jongin frowned and grumbled a bit as he bit into his meat.

"Oh." was Jongin's great reply. Luhan smiled before ruffling the youngers hair.

"You're filling with green." Luhan said. Jongin cocked his eyes confused.

"What do you mean ?"

"Jealousy does not suit everyone." Luhan just said before eating more food. Jongin's frown deepened. Did Luhan always speak in riddles ?


"Hyung you said you would teach me."

"Oh did I not forget to add in when you were ready ? My bad." Baekhyun voice mocking.

"That's not fair I am ready. Teach me." Kyungsoo said.

"You're whining. Like a child." Kyungsoo just pouted further at that. "Cute faces won't help either.

"Baekhyun-hyung !" The elder boy chuckled. They were near the baseball field. Kyungsoo followed the elder out of the lunch room and he seemed to wind up out there.

"Give me a good reason to teach you."

"So I can protect myself ?" Kyungsoo tried.

"Hmm still no." Baekhyun said.

"So I can defend myself when needed ?" Kyungsoo tried again.

"Kyungsoo.." Baekhyun turning around to face the boy. "Give me your real reason."

"Fine." Kyungsoo huffed. "I want to learn how to fight so I can crush those who hurt me. I won't learn out of envy but I want to see the faces of those who think they can beat me when I pumble them into the ground. I want to feel them wither under me. I want to show people I am not weak. I want to show I am not someone who is easily bullied. I want to defend myself and protect others like many few have protected me. I don't want to be a burden."

The last sentence came with the crack of the ground. The dirt ground seem to shake as spider like cracks broke it apart. Baekhyun looked from the ground up to Kyungsoo's eyes. The fire and pure determination in them was strong. He smiled.

"As you wish. We shall start on Saturday but until then I will give you a simple list of warm up and tasks to do before hand. You want power then so be it."


"I'm sorry to bother you like this."

"It's no trouble at all Agent Do."

"Please Mr.Do is fine. I came here to ask you a few questions." Mr.Do said sitting down in the offered seat. The couple before him was around his age maybe younger.

"Asks away. Hopefully we can help you."

"Yes well, what can you tell me about your deceased son." Their faces harden before getting a lost look..

"Mr and Mrs.Oh ?" Mr.Do said softly trying to gain their attention back. Mrs.Oh blinked before smiling softly.

"Sorry. It's been a while since anyone asked about him."

"Yes. Something came up and his case seems to relate it and I was wondering if there was a bigger connect. Hoping that you would tell me a few things about him if it wasn't too much trouble." Mr.Do explained.

"Well I-" Mr.Oh started.

"Please. The person who did this is still out there and knowing a bit more could help us getting closer to find him and let your son truely rest in peace."

Mr.Oh's face softened before nodding.

"Sehun. Well he, was truly one of a kind. Good kid. Great grades, looks if I do say so myself. Didn't talk much. No matter how hard we tried. He just liked to keep to himself. Though it all changed when his cousin came over."

Mr.Do's interested peaked up at that.

"Cousin ? And who might that be ?"

"Maybe it would be better if I started from the beginning."





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you