Chapter 15

Blue Green

A life without emotions is meaningless but a life with too many is suffocating. Without emotions what is there to life ? You don't cry, you don't smile, you don't love. People might as well think you insane. But with too many, you love too everyone, cry all the time and smile as much as you can because deep down you're sad and don't want to live. But then you do because there are people who give you hope. Yixing is one of those people. One of the ones who shed a tear at killing a bug and smile at every little hello. He's one of those people who would give his all just to make someone he hates feel better. It's not his fault though. He's just made that way. Made to love too much. Made to feel too much. He's emotions were a defect and Baekhyun was created to better emotions. Yixing envied him sometimes.

But then his master gave him the power to heal.Gave him power to fix, recreate. He could heal the ones that were hurt, ones that he hurt. He could fix a broken leg and arm. He could recreate cells, tissue and muscle. But the one thing he couldn't heal was himself. If he could he would make it so he wouldn't cry so much, wouldn't care so much, wouldn't love so much. Because these emotions sometimes drew him insane. And if he had the courage he would beg his master, beg him to take them away.

But Yixing wasn't so courageous.

So he stood on the sidelines. Being showcased as a mistake on his masters right and Baekhyun as the prize on his left. And now, Yixing was here healing the poor Kyungsoo who had a distressed looked on his baby face. The boy gasped at first when Yixing's hand glow a faint blue and began to heal the swelling on his cheek and the cut on his fingers.

Yixing then placed his fingers near Kyungsoo's eye and wiped the tears away.

"Don't cry." Yixing said softly. His fingers still glowing as the tears dried up. Kyungsoo looked at him with sad eyes. More tears flowing. "Please stop crying." Yixing said. He wish he could stop the boy from crying. If he didn't soon Yixing would stop crying and the master didn't like it when Yixing seemed weak around other people. But it wasn't his fault. Tears pooled in the doctors eyes. He was just made that way.

"Why are you crying ?" Kyungsoo asked wiping away his tears.

"You're sad. And I don't want you to feel sad. You're better off happy. Everyone's better off happy." Yixing explained pulling out a cloth to wipe his tears.

"Take your own advice." Kyungsoo said looking at Yixing a bit weirdly before composing himself. He shouldn't cry. He needed to be strong enough to get out of here.

Yixing composed himself as well. His eyes a bit red and he could still feel the lingering feeling of sadness but he better to ignore it. Wiping his hands on his pants Yixing cleared his throat.

"Let's get you back to the others."




Luhan was wide awake on the plane ride. Five hours went by and he felt halfway there. Though he couldn't deal with the turbulence. It made his heart pound and his eyes shut tight on reflex. Opening them back up, he looked around the jet. Suho was asleep and he wasn't too sure about Jongin. He seemed to be listening to music with his eyes closed.

Another shake of the plane and Luhan let out a whimper. He wasn't very good with heights. Anything more then two feet of the ground was too high for him. He liked the ground. It let him know that no matter what he wouldn't fall. He couldn't. Closing his eyes, Luhan let out a shaky breath.

"Almost there Han. Half way there." Luhan whispered to himself. Sort of to calm himself. He would listen to music but he had gotten a headache fifteen minuets ago and it's pounding lingered. Trying to take his mind off of things Luhan tried to focus on something. Something that he usually did unconsciously and alone.

"Sehun ?"

Silence answered Luhan and the teen frowned. Trying again he concentrated harder.

"Sehun ?"

"Hyung ?" The scruff of Sehun's voice answered him. A smile small graced Luhan's face and a sort of comfort came. He always got that feeling talking to Sehun.

"How are you ?" he asked in slow Mandarin so Sehun could understand.. He didn't want Jongin and Suho to think he was talking to himself so he took Sehun's laptop and opened it, acting like he was video calling someone.

"Better than usual." Sehun answered. Luhan frowned.

"Are they hurting you ? I can't see you. I can never see you." 

"There's not much to look at. I'm probably hideous."

Luhan laughed slightly. He was sure Sehun was a cute as he remembered him. Or so he hoped. If he ever got to see the younger boy he would break down crying with joy. Because his little Hunnie was okay. 

"You're beautiful." Luhan blushed as he said that.

"You're beautiful too hyung. Even more then I remember probably. I wish I could see you."

"I'll come find you. I haven't stopped looking. I never will."

Luhan could almost see the smile on Sehun's face as the younger talked. Almost because even with his gift, it wasn't enough to grace him the mental image of the boy.

"That's good to know. Don't loose hope. I'll be waiting."

"I hate to know you've been waiting for so long."

"Soon I won't have too. I've been getting stronger. I'll have to go eat soon."

Luhan frowned but he knew when the other had to go, he had to go. Sometimes for days, other for weeks, months even. 

"Alright. Try to make a friend today. If you stick to someone maybe they will help you get out."

"I doubt it.

"Don't loose hope. Isn't that what you told me ?"

Now Luhan could really see the youngers smile. Probably turning into a smirk.

"I have to go hyung."

"Keep waiting for me Hunnie. I'll find you soon."

And then Sehun was gone. Like the wind he hit Luhan gently and then breezed on by. Luhan hoped to catch him one day and never let him go. Because no matter how hard Luhan tried hard not too, he left like it was his fault. His fault that Sehun got captured. If only it was him. Luhan had nothing while Sehun had everything. If only they were switched then maybe, just maybe he would feel like something had gone right.

Because Luhan was clueless and a danger zone. No matter where he went something wrong happens. But not anymore. He would start with Kyungsoo. He would get his friend back and hopefully if his hunch was right, them maybe Sehun was here too. Because Sehun and Kyungsoo were similar and there must be a reason why they were captured. Luhan wasn't going home without both of them on this jet.




Yixing dragged Kyungsoo towards a different room this time. It had a much larger door and when they opened it, it was huge inside. It seemed like outside inside. Except many different climates in one. There was a desert, an ocean, grassland, rockland, and iceland. One one side was a dark forest and Kyungsoo shivered as it had an eerie feeling. There were a few people inside and a couple of them seemed to be talking to each other.

Baekhyun was there and Yixing gave Kyungsoo a look to tell the boy to leave the other alone. Everyone gave them glances as they walked in and Yixing cleared his throat softly.

"Everyone this is Kyungsoo. He's one of us. Please treat him like you treat us." Yixing explained and some nodded. He said something in a different language and a few more nodded. They all turned away after that and Kyungsoo felt like he did when he was in school. Like a nobody. Yixing placed a gentle hand on his shoulder before exiting the room. Sighing, Kyungsoo walked past a few of the others and went to look at his surroundings. He didn't want to meet anyone else. He wouldn't be staying here long enough to want to know them. He was going to get out.

Oldly enough all the plants, water and ice were real. Kyungsoo tapped his foot on the rockland and was glad to know it was real as it cracked underneath his feet. Glancing around the others seemed to disappear somewhere and Kyungsoo was alone again. With a frown, Kyungsoo sat down and began to mold the rock which was much like earth. His hand placed gently on the ground and lifted it up making a big sphere like object come though. He picked it up and twirled it around. As he did so, Kyungsoo felt eyes fixed on him. Gently, he flicked the sphere through the air before catching it and throwing it in the direction at the person at the speed of light.

Surprisingly the sphere shot back, landing on the ground broken. Kyungsoo raised one eye brow as he looked up.

"Who's there ?" He called. No answer came.

"Come on you can't hide when I know your there." 

After a while, a few movement of the branches and leaves, a boy stepped out. Kyungsoo got up from the ground and eyed the boy. He didn't seem like he would cause harm. But Kyungsoo kept his guard up.

"What's your name ?"Kyungsoo asked. The boy was silent. Kyungsoo frowned and took a step closer.

"Umm.. are you death? Mute ?" 

The boy shook his head.

"Well then tell me your name. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Kyungsoo." Kyungsoo said. He watched as the boy face was straight but he's eyes seemed to be swarming in thought. After a while the boy his lips and opened his mouth.





Baekhyun was a bit upset but nothing he couldn't handle. He was just a bit shocked that Kyungsoo actually landed a punch on him. Not a lot of people could do that. And the people who could weren't some sixteen year old kid that he taught how to fight. Frowning, Baekhyun walked into the forest, stomping on his small feet. His fingers glowed as the darkness tried to surround him. The light coming off of him was comforting to him. Walking deeper inside, Baekhyun sighed. He didn't want Kyungsoo to hate him but he couldn't afford to let Kyungsoo grow on him. Growing would lead to caring and Baekhyun didn't do attachments.

The rustling of leaves made Baekhyun spin around and he looked at the happy face of Chanyeol. What was he happy about ? There wasn't anything to be happy about. Growling, Baekhyun ran towards Chanyeol with his fist ready. The taller not expecting anything like that, almost got punched in the face. Almost because he had good reflexes and caught Baekhyun just in time by grabbing his arm. This led to Chanyeol tripping over his own feet and making them both fall.

"Yah! You idiot !" Baekhyun growled from underneath the taller. Chanyeol laughed sheepishly. "Get off." Baekhyun growled trying to push Chanyeol off of him.

"Not until you promise not to try and hit me again. What was up with that cutie ? A bit upset baby boy caught you with a left hook ?" Chanyeol asked with a grin. He smiled wider as Baekhyun's eyes narrowed. Oh he was right it seems.

"Oh baby, don't be mad. Sometimes people get the best of us." Baekhyun growled more at that. Chanyeol shifted so he was more comfortably on top of the other. "Fiesty. I like."

"Ugh Park Chanyeol you are so not my type. Get of of me before I kill you." Baekhyun cried out annoyed.

"Mmm. Not my type ? I'll convert you to my type. Besides you're already under me. All hot and ready."

"I'm hot and ready to blind you. Now get off of me before I chop of you with light so bright you can hardly see it."

Chanyeol leaned back a bit at that but he was ready to give up.

"You're just upset. Over a human at that." Chanyeol said leaning closer.

"Shut up." Baekhyun glared.

"You're emotions are showing. How human."

"I said shut up." Baekhyun said. Their lips centimeters apart.

"Make me." Chanyeol mumbled before placing his lips over Baekhyun's.




Luhan awoke at the sound of somewhere moving beside he. His eyes opened as he looked up to see Suho rummaging through a near by bag.

"Sorry to wake you up." Suho said as he noticed the blonde teen awake.

"It's okay." Luhan said brushing it off. "What time is it anyway ?" he asked. The window shades were pulled down and he couldn't see any light behind it.

"It's about six maybe seven o'clock." Suho said looking at his watch. Luhan nodded. They had at least two more hours to go. Suho zipped up the bag and sat back in his seat next to Jongin in front of Luhan. The silence was a bit awkward and Luhan looked everywhere but Suho. The doctor noticed this and cleared his throat.

"So, we're going to be with each other for a while. Do you mind telling me about yourself ?" Suho asked. Luhan looked at him with a blank face.

"O-or you don't have to. Sorry." Suho blushed.

"No it's okay it's just...I'm not good at talking to others." Luhan explained.

"Is it because I'm a doctor ? Don't think of me like that then Luhan. Right now I'm not Dr.Kim. I'm Suho-hyung." Suho said the blush slowly going away.

"Hyung..."Luhan whispered.

"O-or Suho-hyung. If that's easier to say. Jongin said you're from China."


"That's cool. I've always wanted to go to China. To visit the Great Wall and all."

"I'ma actually from that area. Beijing." Luhan said.

"Oh really ? How much different is it from Korea ?" Suho asked.

"Very. But I've been here for a while so I'm a bit used to it." 

"When did you come here ?"

"I was about eleven or twelve."

"Oh so you've been here for five years ?"

"Well not exactly. I  did go back home for a bit ?"

"Why ?"


Suho nodded at that. He didn't want to pry to much on the youngers life. As he was about to open his mouth, Jongin began to stur awake. As he opened his eyes, he quickly rubbed them with a yawn.

"What time is it ?" he asked.

The other two males laughed. Luhan had asked the same thing.

"We have two more hour's Jongin-ah." Luhan said.

"Two more hours till we get Kyungsoo-hyung ?"

"Yeah. Two more hours till we save Kyungsoo."




Yixing made sure his eyes weren't puffy before he opened his masters door.

"I hard you call for me." Yixing said standing in front of the male at his desk.

"Yes I-" his master looked up and concern filled his face. "You've been crying."

"No I-"

"Don't lie to me Yixing."

"Sorry." Yixing apologized. His master nodded before he looked back up towards him.

"Who did it ?" the master asked.

"What ?" Yixing asked confused.

"Who made you cry ? Who was it ? Who ever it was they will pay for making you shed a tear. They-"

"No ! Please !" Yixing said. He didn't want anyone hurt.


"Sir I am sorry but no one had made me cry. It was my fault. Please do not hurt anyone for my sake."


"Please." Yixing pleaded. His masters gaze softened.

"You know I'm only trying to help you Yixing. I only want what's best for you."

"I know Sir. Thank you." Yixing bowed.

But what Yixing really wanted to say was that the only help he needed was for these damn emotions. Take them away. If not all then some. Because Yixing was dying inside and felt like clawing his heart out at the sight of his masters concerned face.




"We will shortly be reaching your destination in ten minuets."

Luhan let out a breath at that. Jongin looked at him with a smile but his eyes were wide with excitement. Suho tightened his seat belt. Luhan felt his heart drop. Closing his eyes Luhan prayed everything went well. His gut usually would tell him if something was wrong or not but right now he felt nothing. He didn't know if that was a bad thing or not.

"Breathe hyung." Jongin's deeper voice said as he placed a comforting hand on top of Luhan's.

Luhan's closed eyes tightened. Just breathe Luhan. 








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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you