Chapter 3

Blue Green

Kyungsoo gasped as he woke up. He scrambled up clutching his chest and looked all around him. He was in his room. A million questions flew into his head.

What happened last night ?

How did he get home ?

Who was that guy ?

Getting up from his bed, he walked into his bathroom. Looking into the mirror Kyungsoo inspected himself. He was in his nightclothes. The ones Halmeoni got him a couple days ago with the cute cloud pattern. His face was alright. Nothing bruised or scratched.  As he thought he was okay a pain erupted from his chest.

"Ow." Kyungsoo groaned and clutched his chest. The pain grew.

ing his pajama top, he gasped at what he saw.

Blue-green. Seeping through his veins. Bleeding into his veins. All coming from a crystal about an inch and a half in the middle of his chest. Kyungsoo choked on air.

The spider-web like design seemed to glow brighter when Kyungsoo touched the crystal.

Bad idea from the doe eyed boy because soon as he did so, pain reached every inch of his body. The teen struggled to hold himself up. His legs gave out and he tried to hold onto his bathroom sink, knocking down some supplies in the process.

"Kyungsoo ?" Mrs.Do called when she heard the noise.

"U-Umma." Kyungsoo gasped. His sight started to fade as spots of black filled his sight. Kyungsoo felt like he was dying. What was this ? What is happening to him.

As his conscious started to slip, the bathroom door opened.

The last thing he heard was a ear splitting scream.





"My baby."


"Shh honey it's going to be okay."


"O-okay ? You didn't see him the way I saw him."

Beep. Beep.

"It's been a week."

"Just have faith. He's all we got."

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Kyungsoo was swimming in black. His worst nightmare. Black was bad. Bad bad bad. Well not always. But Kyungsoo didn't care. He felt like he was suffocating. Was he moving ? He couldn't see.

He felt dead but at the same time very much alive. Like his body had died but slowly rebuilding himself. Fxing himself.

"Kyungsoo ?"

Light. He saw light. Just a speak. In the far right. Or was it left ? Kyungsoo couldn't tell.

"Come on Soo. Halmeoni needs you."

Halmeoni. Yes she was light. Wanting to go to his grandmother Kyungsoo began to move closer and closer to the light. When he reached it, he noticed it was the size of an orb.


The calling was louder now. But, how does he get to them. The light floated closer towards him and Kyungsoo reached out for it. As his finger tips made contact with the light, his whole vision was filled with brightness before he saw nothing again.

"I think he's waking up."

"Get the doctor !"



Kyungsoo's eyes shot open. He sat up as the brightness from before died down. Something loud was beating in his ears. He tried to look around but he saw nothing. Was he blind ?.

"Kyungsoo !" Arms flew around him and before he could even think, the person holding him started sobbing. The sweet sent of strawberries met his nostrils and he smiled softly.

"Umma." Kyungsoo voice croaked. He blindly wrapped his arms around the older woman. Why wouldn't he see ?

When Mrs.Do pulled back he was taken into another hug.


She pulled away giving him a kiss on his cheek. Fingers ruffled through his hair and he wrapped his arms around the taller person.

"Appa." Something wet dripped on his shirt and he searched for his fathers face, touching his cheeks before wiping the tears. "Don't cry Appa. I'm okay."

"I'm not crying." his dad said sniffing. He squeezed his son once more before backing away wiping the tears. Kyungsoo giggled. His Appa was so manly.

Kyungsoo felt tears pool into his eyes and he went wipe them. Well tried. Instead, he came in contact with something not his eyes.

"What's this ?" Kyungsoo asked mostly to himself as  he touched the fabric.

"It's a bandage." A new voice said making Kyungsoo turn to where it came from. "It's good to see you're up Kyungsoo. I'm Dr. Kim Suho but you can call me Suho."

"Guardian ?" Kyungsoo asked. "Are you an angel Dr.Kim ?" The boy asked curious.

Suho chuckled. The Do child was cute.

"Not at all." he said walked closer to Kyungsoo.

"Oh nonsense. He saved you Kyungsoo. Without him I don't know what I would do. You're more like angel then anything."  Grandma Do gushed.

"You're embarrassing him mother." Mr.Do said noticing  the young doctors blush.

Suho cleared his throat. "Shall we take these off Kyungsoo ?" he asked, fingers on the bandages. Kyungsoo nodded. He wanted to see his family. But most importantly he wanted to know what that sound was. It was very loud. Like another presence was in the room. Curiosity was getting best to him.

Bandages unraveled around his face and fell down onto the bed. The Do Family crowed around the boy as he eyes were closed.

"Come on Hyung open them."

"Jongin ?"

Kyungsoo's eyes flew open at the sound of his best friend and crush for twelve years.

Gasp were heard all around him and he blinked in confusion.

"What -woah?" Kyungsoo said. Taking in the sight around him ne notice everything. Colors and lights he never seen before drowned his sight. The darkness of his parent's hair. The pale skin of his Halmeoni. The fairness of Jongin. The bright shade of brown from Suho's eyes.

"Woah indeed." Jongin said.

"Why are you guys woahing ?" Kyungsoo asked.

His mother just pulled out a mirror and held it up to Kyungsoo. Wide eyes widened.

"My eyes. They're...they're.."

"Green !"


"No blue-green."

Kyungsoo was at lost for words. How was this even possible ? Korean's don't get blue-green eyes. Heck they barely get anything other then brown and black.

Something clicked into Kyungsoo's head and he pulled his shirt down. The crystal was gone.


Kyungsoo looked up.

"Do you hear that ?"




The Do's signed Kyungsoo out of the hospital as soon as Suho said he was good to go. Since Suho was a private doctor to the Do family, he kindly kept his mouth shut about the youngest Do's eye color.

They put Kyungsoo in a wheel chair (which he pouted at) because he was still a bit too weak to walk.

"Goodbye Angel-hyung  !" Kyungsoo waved to Suho as he was pushed out the hospital making the doctor blush but wave back at the cuteness.

Mrs.Do and her husband smiled. Happy that Kyungsoo was alright even if he came out a little different.

Jongin held onto the wheelchair with one hand and reached over to open the car door. Grabbing Kyungsoo he lifted the boy up.

Kyungsoo blushed.

"You didn't have to push me Jongin-ah."

"Shh hyung. Let me spoil you. You're still light as ever." Jongin said as he placed his hyung in the back seat. Mr.Do grabbed the wheelchair to bring it in the trunk and Jongin slid next to his hyung.

Kyungsoo blushed when Jongin picked him up carefully and placed him in his lap. His eyes widen when the younger boy pulled him into a hug. Cinnamon and mint was his favorite smell of Jongin as the boy held him.

"You really scared me you know Kyunggie." Jongin voice was a whisper and it had Kyungsoo wrapping his arm around him.


"Shh." Jongin hushed Kyungsoo. "Save your strength to get better okay ?" Jongin said. Kyungsoo nodded slowly. His face on Jongin's shoulder and his fingers subconsciously held onto his shirt. His eyes fluttered.



Ba thump.

Kyungsoo drifted off to the sound of Jongin's heart beat and something much louder.




"Are you ready to walk now Kyunggie ?" Jongin asked.

It's been three days and Kyungsoo finally felt his body strong enough for him to not use that wheelchair. Jongin had carried him on his back to the park. The first thing Kyungsoo wanted to touch was the roughness of the ground. Jongin carefully placed Kyungsoo down next to a small group of trees and smiled when he heard the other sigh in contempt.

He thinks Kyungsoo looks perfect like this.

Kyungsoo smiled back at Jongin and placed his feet on the groud. He gasped as a spark flew up from his feet, through  his legs and travel all around his body.

Blue-green eyes opened widely as the intense feeling washed over Kyungsoo before fading.

"Are you okay hyung ?" Jongin asked. To be honest to Jongin, Kyungsoo looked like he just felt the most pleasuring thing in the world.

"Y-yes." Kyungsoo stuttered. He took a deep breath, letting his toes wiggle between strands of grass.

Something weird was going on with him.

From the crystal, to the eye color. The loud thumping in his ear and now the feeling of the earth was that so comforting.

Well whatever it was, he hope it does more good then bad.





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you