Chapter 5

Blue Green

Doing thing the project was fairly easy with Luhan. The older boy was more then welcomed to give ideas and put his own into the work. He was also pretty funny and didn't mind the quietness of Kyungsoo. He could tell the younger boy seemed to have social issues and didn't want him to feel uncomfortable so he was very easy and gentle around him. Kyungsoo thought back to the day they first had lunch together which was a two weeks ago.

Jongin and Kyungsoo were sitting quetly while they ate their lunch. Kyungsoo was softly singing to himself as he was working on his project at the same time. Jongin didn't say anything because the boys voice was very soothing. He could remember the first time he heard Kyungsoo sing. They were about twelve or was it thirteen ? Kyungsoo and him weren't friends. The boy rarely spoke a word to anyone but Jongin still thought it was nice to at least have someone greet them a goodmorning. And so that's what he did. He spotting Kyungsoo out in the yard waiting for school to start along with the other kids. But unlike the other kids, he was alone. He was sitting on the bleachers with his headphones on his head slightly bobbing to the music. The faint sound of the music could be heard through the headphones and Jongin almost didn't want to disturb him. Though he looked rather alone. Jongin was about to make his presence known when Kyungsoo opened his mouth.

"I paid all my dues

And he wanted to know

That'd I'd never leave him

Now I'm ready to go

And strange as it seems

He's endless to me

He's just like paperwork

But harder to read

Patience, my enemy

and loving's my friend

It's harder to leave with my heart on my sleeve

Then to stay and just pretend

Oh, he knows me so well

Oh, he knows me like I know myself."

Jongin was shocked. The language he couldn't understand Kyungsoo's voice sounded fluent in it. His voice sounded amazing.

"Your voice is perfect." Jongin said tapping Kyungsoo softly on the shoulder. The smaller boy let out a squeak and blushed when he realized who touched him.

"A-ah goodmorning." Kyungsoo said pulling his headphones down and bowing. Jongin bowed back smiling.

"Goodmorning." was all Jongin got out before the school bell rang. Kyungsoo grabbed something quickly before walking back towards the shoe leaving Jongin a bit confused. He wanted to tell Kyungsoo how wonderful his voice sounded and if he could sing again. But that would have to wait another time. Jongin began walking back to the school before another question popped in his head.

"Was he not wearing shoes ?"

"Hey hyung why'd you stop singing ?" Jongin asked breaking out of his thoughts before looking over at Kyungsoo.

"Luhan's coming." Kyungsoo mumbled putting his bento case in his bag. Jongin's eyes looked over and saw Luhan walking towards them. The blonde haired boy was holding a case in his hands and be bowed to the other boys.

"Sorry for being late. I had band practice." he said sitting down in front of them. Jongin raised an eyebrow and pointed to the guitar case.

"You play ?" Jongin asked. Luhan shook his head and his bottom lip.

"No, it's my cousins. I had to pick it up for him since he's not here today." Luhan said.

"That's nice of you." Jongin smiled. Luhan smiled back. He then looked at Kyungsoo.

"Let's get this started ne ?"

Kyungsoo nodded.

"First things first. Do you know anything about dryads ?" Luhan asked.

"I know a bit." Kyungsoo admitted.

"Let's write down what you know and branch off from that."

They worked quietly as Jongin sat there watching them. He soon got bored and asked Luhan could he see his cousin guitar (which Luhan agreed to quickly) and opened the case. He gasped at the sight of the instrument. It was an acoustic. Old and beautiful,. Warn down from years of play. There were faded scratch marks on the wood and the strings looked a newer then the guitar itself. Jongin looked closely and traced his hands over the chinese character (which looked more like calligraphy) written in small print on the bottom right of the guitar. Jongin put the guitar back in the case and closed it carefully. Whose ever guitar it was, he was sure they'd rather not have him touch it.




Luhan sat across from Kyungsoo in his room. They were sitting on his floor with papers scattered around them and laptops placed next to them. Luhan and Kyungsoo have become pretty close in a weeks worth of time. Kyungsoo got know him a bit more too. Luhan was seventeen years old. From Beijing China. He came to Korea about a year ago because he wanted to study in a different country. His parents let him go with a few conditions and now he is living in Korea with his aunt uncle and cousin.

"You should meet him one day. You remind me of him." Luhan told him one day.

"How so ?" Kyungsoo asked. His blue eyes courius. Luhan didn't talk much about his cousin.

Luhan smiled sadly and scooted closer to Kyungsoo. "You both seem to be missing a piece of yourself." his hand came over to touch Kyungsoo's face. Kyungsoo eyes fluttered at the soft touch as Luhan thumb ran over his eye lids before caressing his face. The warmth went down further and he felt Luhan's hand on his chest.

"Right here."Luhan whispered.

They haven't said a word about his cousin since.




"Luhan-hyung. I have the perfect idea." Kyungsoo said to Luhan the next day in class. Everyone was in their groups with Mr.Jung walking around if anyone needed his help. Luhan looked at him with curious eyes.

"For the creative part of the project, we-we  could make costumes." Kyungsoo sputtered. Maybe Luhan wouldn't like that idea.

"That sounds wonderful ! Why don't we come over my house this time and start designing the outfit ! My aunt has a lot of fabric and cloth that she doesn't use stored up. We can find what we need there." Luhan said.

Kyungsoo eyes widened. Luhan's house ? They never go to Luhan's house. He was started to think the boy didn't have one.

"Oh okay. I'll just have to tell my parents." Kyungsoo said raisng his hand to get the teachers attention.

"Yes Kyungsoo ?" Mr.Jung said walking over.

"May I call my parents ?" he asked. Mr.Jung nodded. Kyungsoo got up and walked over to the school's phone. He quickly punched in his fathers number and waited for him to pick up.

"Yoboseyo ?" his father answered.

"Appa." Kyungsoo said quietly.

"Oh Baby Soo. Why are you calling me during school ? What's wrong ?" Mr.Do asked concerned.

"Nothing. I was just wondering could I go to Luhan-hyung's house after school ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I don't know Soo. It would be better if you came home." Mr.Do said after a moment of silence.

"But Appa." Kyungsoo whined. He looked out the window next to him and pouted. "Please. It's for our project and we really need to get this part started because it's due by the end of next week."

Mr.Do sighed. He could hear the pout in his son's pleading voice and gave in because Kyungsoo wasn't asking for much. He never did.

"Fine. But only if you call me when you get there and when you are ready to leave so I can pick you up."

"Alright. Thank you Appa." Kyungsoo said hanging up. He did not stop the smile that bloomed on his face.

Mr.Do tightly grasped his phone that was in his hands. The dial tone long ended and he was left with silence. His eyes glanced at the pictures of the four kids deaths and he closed his eyes. Let an angel protect his son on his way to Luhan's house.




"Jongin I'll see you tomorrow okay." Kyungsoo said at the end of the school day. Jongin looked at him weirdly before he saw Luhan waiting on Kyungsoo before nodding.

"Alright hyung." Jongin said pulling him into a hug. "Call me." he said pulling away and walked in the other direction after Kyungsoo nodded.

Kyungsoo then turned to Luhan and smiled at the older boy when he looped his arm with Kyungsoo's and began pulling him into the direction of his house.

"Oh you live on the other side of town." Kyungsoo said more to himself and he took in the sight. He doesn't really come to the other side of town unless he was going to his grandmother's house. They walked for a few more minuets before they entered Luhan's district of town and went into the gates. Luhan stopped walking at the fifth house and pulled out his keys from his pockets. Kyungsoo was approving of the house. It was three stories with a nice front yard. The house was a peach color and looked super friendly and welcoming. They stepped inside and took their shoes off.

"Aunty are you home ?" Luhan called but go no response. The walked into the kitchen and on the black bored was written "Gone shopping. Be back in a bit."

"Well that answers that. Come on Kyungsoo-yah. Let's go find the fabrics." Luhan took the smaller boy by his upper arm and pulled him through the house. Kyungsoo barely had time to look at the house but from what he could see it was pretty normal. They went up the stairs and down the hall. Kyungsoo was taking that his was Luhan's room and said boy opened the door.

The room was very Luhan with anime posters on the wall and a few clothes scattered on the floor. The walls were a blue color and the floor was cherry wood. His bed set matched and everything was pretty neat.

"You can go look around while I go find the fabrics." Luhan said walking out of the room. Kyungsoo took his advice and explored Luhan's room for a bit. He walked over to his desk. Homework was neatly stacked along with other papers. His eyes flickered to the bed and saw a brown object laying on it. Moving closer he pulled the thing closer and noticed it was a photoalbum. A pretty cool one Kyungsoo admitted. The cover seemed to be made out of leaves and rock paper maché. The texture was smooth and slightly rough on some parts. Kyungsoo flipped it open. A smile graced his lips as he saw pictures of baby Luhan. There was one of him eating with food all over his face. One of him walking with a man holding his arms to balance him, one of his showing off a picture that he drew. Kyungsoo flipped through the ablum and stopped at the last photo. It was a bit blurry and seemed to crinkle around the edges of age. It was a picture of the top of someone's face. The hair was style with a hat placed on top. The eyes were what drew in Kyungsoo the most. They were brown and obviously asian. But that's not what got Kyungsoo. What got the boy was the way the looked. Like they were-

"Hey I didn't know what to choose so I brought everth- oh. You found my album." Luhan said stopping as he saw Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo quickly closed the album and put it back in its respected place. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright." Luhan cut him off. "You can pay me back by showing me your embarressing baby pictures." the older boy said with a smile making Kyungsoo lip twitch upward and nodd. He was glad Luhan was not angry at him.

"Okay Kyungsoo. Which color do you like best ? I like this one it brings out your eyes more." Luhan began showing him different fabrics and cloths. Kyungsoo said a few things here and there but mostly he stayed quiet. He couldn't get those eyes out of his head. He didn't know any one elses eyes  could be so haunting since Jongin's.




"How is Subject 117E ?"

"Inactive. He doesn't seem to progressing at a respectable rate."

"Inactive ? How is that possible ? Subject 117E is the first E subject to survive this long. We can't risk another failure."

"What would you like us to do sir ?"

"Get me Subject 220B. We're going to give Subject 117E a little awakening."




"What do you mean the battery needs to be replaced ? Can't you just give me some power from yours ?" Mr.Do asked.

"I'm sorry sir but that would work if your battery was just dead. You need a new one. Good thing I have spares."

"Oh great how long will that take ?"

"About an hour..."

"An hour !"

"I'm sorry sir." the mechanic bowed. Mr.Do sighed the millionth time today. It was almost night already and he still haven't picked up Kyungsoo form Luhan's. He was on his way to do so but then his car broke down in the middle of the the highway. Pulling out his phone, he scrolled through his contacts to "Baby Soo" and pressed the call button. After one and a half rings Kyungsoo answered the phone.

"Appa ? Where are you ? You said you were going to be here thirty minuets ago. I got worried." Kyungsoo's caring voice said and Mr.Do felt bad.

"I know Soo. I know. It's just my car broke down. You're going to have to walk home."

"Ahh chinca ? It's getting so dark." Kyungsoo said sadly.

"I'm sorry Soo." his father said again.

"It's alright Appa. I'm a big boy. I'll call you when I get home okay. Love you !" The clicking of the phone being hung up and Mr.Do put his phone in his pocket.

"Let's get this over with."


Kyungsoo said his goodbyes to Luhan before walking out of the district gates. He wished Luhan could at least walk him half way but the boy had to stay home and wait for his aunt and uncle. His cousin never came.

Letting out a little puff, Kyungsoo began walking to the way towards his home. It was eerie. Being on the other side of town alone was a new feeling towards Kyungsoo and he shivered as a breeze blew by. No one was really out save for a few late shoppers and people going home from work. The lights on this side of town were  bit dimmer then the ones on Kyungsoo's so it was much darker here.

An idea popped up in the small boys head and he pulled out his phone.

"Yoboseyo ?" a deep voice answered.


"Hyung ? Did you finally get home ?" Jongin asked.

"Ani. I'm walking from Luhan-hyung's." Kyungsoo answered.

"Mwo ? Kyungsoo-hyung it's late ! Are you walking alone ?" Jongin asked. He frowned at the answer he got. Kyungsoo could hear rustling in the phone before Jongin spoke again. "I'll meet you half way okay."

"Ne." Kyungsoo hyung up and sighed. Half way was about ten minuets away. He crossed the street and entered the deserted part of town. Kyungsoo sighed to himself and began walking quickly. A sound of something moving in the distance made Kyungsoo pick up his pace and he was almost jogging. He looked around but nothing was around minus a street light. The houses were dark and lights were off. He could see the corner he had to turn onto a more busier street and he tried to calm himself.

Just a few more steps Kyungsoo, just a few more. Step after step he grew closer until he finally reached the corner. Letting out a small sigh of relief he put his hand up to his heart and began walking normally.

"See Kyungsoo. Nothing to be afraid off." he said to himself.

"Don't be to sure about that." a voice said from behind him. Kyungsoo jumped and turned around. He was greeted by a taller male. Kyungsoo couldn't really make out the details of his face but he could see the smirk on the taller's lips.

Kyungsoo gulped. "W-what do you w-want ?" he asked. His voice shaking as fear spread through him. He backed up and the man moved forward.

" For you to turn on."

"W-what ?" was all Kyungsoo could get out before a punch was thrown to his face. He fell to the ground at the impact and let out a groan. The man gave no time for Kyungsoo to move before he punched him again. Punches and kicks kept coming and Kyungsoo didn't know if they were going to stop. All of his body ached and he felt a hand grab him by the shirt lifting him off the ground till he was face to face with his predator. Looking through swollen eyes, Kyungsoo tried to get out the mans grasp but he was just too strong for the poor boy. His small fingers tried to unravel the larger ones but they wouldn't move.

"You're pathetic." the man said looking at Kyungsoo. The boy could barely breathe as the hand that was holding him by the shirt went around his neck. Kyungsoo began struggling with even inch of strength he had but there was barely any. The hand squeezed his neck tighter and Kyungsoo's eye sight began to fade.

"I said. Turn on."




Jongin was panicing. Kyungsoo didn't meet him half way. Kyungsoo wasn't even past half way. He called him about ten times now and the older boy still didn't answer. He called the boys parents and they told him to continue looking and they will be there soon.  Soon wasn't soon enough. He could picture poor little Kyungsoo getting kidnapped, or worse killed.

Those thoughts scared Jongin to the point where be frantically began calling Kyungsoo's name and ran around the town. He crossed to the other side of town and began running towards the direction of Luhan's house. Kyungsoo had to be in that distance. He kept running and calling Kyungsoo's name.

After about ten minuets of running around he could feel his heart starting to crumble. He can't loose his favorite hyung like this. Kyungsoo was his best friend and he'll be damned if anything happened to him. He turned  a corner and took another step. Only his foot didn't make contact with anyhing and he fell forward. He tumbled down the hill until he stopped.

"Ow." Jongin groaned. He was all scratched up now and he landed on his arm wrong.

"Uhnn." a sound was heard in the darkness and Jongin's head turned towards it. He squinted and tried to see something. Another groan was heard and at least he could tell it was a person. Getting up slowly, Jongin walked over to the sound and he spotted a figure. He jogged a little over to it and realized it was a male.

"Hey man are you okay." Jongin asked bending down. The guy was on his side, back facing Jongin. Jongin grabbed his shoulder and turned the man on his back.

A scream admitted from his lips and he scrambled back bumping into something. Turning around quickly, Jongin's eyes widened.

"Kyungsoo !" he cried. The boy was slumped up in a sitting position on some sort of wall behind him. Quickly he moved closer to the boy and gasped at what he saw. His body was in a horrible position and his clothes looked stained with blood. His face was bruised and swelled up in some places. Blood came from his nose and bottom lip.

Jongin's heart shattered.

"Kyungie." he said softly. The older boy seemed to be unconscious. You could tell by the faint movement off his chest going up and down. Jongin called the ambulance and waited for there arrival. Jongin carefully pulled the boy into his lap and held him close to his chest.

"It's okay now Soo. I'm here. They won't hurt you anymore. Whoever did this to you they won't hurt you anymore."




"This isn't how I pictured our next meeting Kyungsoo." Suho said as he sat down in the chair next to Kyungsoo's bed. His clip bored laid on his lap as he wrote down Kyungsoo's heart rate, blood pressure and so forth. It was quiet in this part of the hospital. Kyungsoo's parents specifically requested for a private wing. Suho looked at the boy with pitiful eyes. He laid there alone, unconscious. A tube stuck down his throat to help him breathe, three broken ribs a broken nose and a fractured skull. The swelling went down on his face and the bruises were fading. He still had a cut on his bottom lip and next to his eye. Those would heal over good in no time at the rate Kyungsoo was healing. Which was pretty fast for someone in his situation.

Who would do such a thing ? Suho thought. Especially to such an innocent boy.

Getting up from his seat, Suho checked the boys tubes one more time before exiting the room. As he was shutting the door, a finger twitched.





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you