Chapter 21

Blue Green

Kyungsoo watched as the water move back and forth gently on the makeshift shore. He was sitting on a large stone. knees pressed up aganist his chest. He had made Jongin go with Luhan and Sehun for a while because he needed some alone time. He couldn't help but think how his parents were reacting to all of this. How much they were searching for him. If Kyungsoo could make this all go away he would. He just wanted to go home. To cuddle in his bed with his parent's, watch old reruns of their favorite movies and drink tisane tea. He wanted to wake up with Jongin who was supposed to wake him up but fell back to sleep, lying across from him. He wanted to be a teenager. To hang out with friends and play games and have fun. He wanted to go back to school. To learn and make his family proud to getting a succesful future. He wanted dark red pieces of paper. To fold and turn them into tiny little pigeons and add them to the collected hidden in his brother's old closet because he wanted him to come home. He needed his hyung's overflowing personality of love and pertection. He wanted his family whole again. He wanted so much and it all seemed like it all was never going to come back.

Kyungsoo let out another sigh as the water moved gently.

"You reek of sadness human."

Kyungsoo jumped at the voice and turned around to meet familiar electric blue eyes.

"Sparker. What are you doing here ?" Kyungsoo asked taking guard.

"You're in my territory remember. Or well the edge of it." Jongdae said.

"I didn't see you come in through the door. Nor in the dining room." Kyungsoo said.

"Good." Jongdae simply said. Kyungsoo glared at him but turned around. He figured if the Sparker wasn't doing anything now, he wouldn't do anything for a while.

"Are you going to tell me why you're stinking up the air with desolation or are you just going to glare at the sea ?" Jongdae asked.

"Why should I tell you anything ? You tried to kill me." Kyungsoo said.

"Sometimes enemies have the best advice." 

Kyungsoo was silent at that. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth.

"I want things to go back to normal. When I was just Kyungsoo. Not Kyungsoo the EarthShaker or Kyungsoo the human. Just Kyungsoo a human. I wish this was a dream. So I can wake up to having brown eyes, no powers and, a normal life. I hate these eyes. I hate this power. I hate this pain I'm feeling. I hate you. I just want to go home. Is that so much to ask for ?" Kyungsoo knew he might have said a bit too much but it was no use to stopping him now. He felt the need to let it out and the man behind him gave him a chance.

"Desire of having is the sin of covetouness." Jongdae said making Kyungsoo roll his eyes.

"Quoting Shakespeare now ? That seems a little bit low for you."

"Maybe. But don't expect me to say what you want me to say. I'm not your friend kid. I don't care about your childish feelings or how much of a brat you are. I don't care if you being here is a mistake. I'm not here to help you. I could kill you in a second." Kyungsoo gasped as he felt the electricty rippled in the ground.

"Then why are you talking to me ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I get bored too." Jongdae said and Kyungsoo met his eyes again.

"I pictured you as the type to torture to cure your boredness." Kyungsoo said. Jongdae snorted.

"I'm not ruthless kid."

"So you have a heart ?"

"Heart ?" Jongdae pondered on that for a moment. "I'm not sure I know what you mean."

With that said, Jongdae turned away towards the forest. Kyungsoo watched his figure for a moment before he went back to looking at the water. The waves no longer moving.



Joonmyeon looked across the iceland with a worried face. There was no sign of Minseok anywhere, not even in the water. A twisting pain in his stomach grew and he couldn't help but worry for the small elder. He knew it had been a couple of days and mostly everyone was in their respection biomes, so where was he ?

"Do you think you could bring back the dead Yixing ?"

The question startled the younger and Yixing met Joonmyeon's eyes with worry.


"Answer me truthfully please."



"I-I don't know. I've never- I never had to- to b-bring-"

"How rude of you Aquamarine. To ask the gentle Peony of his greatest fears."

Both boys jumped as Jongdae's presense became known. How he always managed to sneak up on someone will never be known.



Both of them said at the same time. Jongdae walked a bit closer and grinned when Yixing took a subtile step back.

"Oh don't be afraid of me Peony. We all know I cannot hurt you if I wanted to." Jongdae said.

"I-I'm not scared." Yixing said wiping his watery eyes. "It's just you feel like a giant ball of pain. And it hurts to know how I can't heal it."

"Pain ? But I'm perfectly fine." Jongdae said.

''It's not just your pain I feel."

Silence met Yixing's words and he felt like he had said something wrong. Joonmyeon looked at him with curious eyes. The flashing of red light on Yixing's beeper cut the tension.

"I should get going. Please take care of yourself and your hand Joonmyeon. And Sparker, please try not to harm Joonmyeon. Sometimes, he is just as delicate as I."

"Yixing wait !" Joonmyeon called out. Yixing turned around with a questioning face. 

"Yes Joonmyeon ?"

"If you- if you see Minseok and he's alright would you let me know ?"

"Of couse."

"Thank you."

The smile on Joonmyeon's face made Yixing give a small one back. As he left it faded. Yixing was one-hundred percent certian that Minseok was not alright. And from the feelof it, he never will be.

"What are you doing here Jongdae ?" Joonmyeon as he turned back towards the lightening weilder.

"Here I thought you missed me. My pretty jewel, what's gotten you so upset ?" Jongdae asked as he placed a gentle hand on the other's cheek.

"Well for starters, you knocked me out cold without any explanation after I-" Joonmyeon began to flush a bit as he trialed off, looking away.

"After you what ?" Jongdae asked liking how the pink contrasted against pale cheeks. His fingers traced over the smoothness and Joonmyeon flushed harder.

"After I gave into you."

Jongdae cursed the world as Joonmyeon looked up at him with wide eyes and he lost a little bit of control and pulled the water bender flush against him.

"I'm going to kiss you." Jongdae said not letting Joonmyeon get a word in as his lips pressed towards his. He gasped and melted as Jongdae kisses were egar and forceful but passionate and dare he said a bit loving ? Joonmyeon didn't know what he felt as Jongdae kissed the feelings out of him. His hands wrapped around Jongdae's neck and began kissing back. Jongdae smirked at the reaction before pulling away. Joonmyeon gasped for air and looked Jongdae in his electric blues.

"You're magnificent." Jongdae whispered as his hands trailed over Joonmyeon's torso making the elder shiver at the tiny sparks that tingled against him. "And mine." a kiss to his lips. "All mine." Joonmyeon gasped as he his world flipped upside down and he was being placed on the icy ground. Warm lips attatched to his neck and he moaned.

"What have you done to me Sparker ?" Joonmyeon asked, his hands craddling Jongdae's head that was at his collar bone. "I want you."

"Not here." Jongdae said making Joonmyeon whine as he pulled away.

"But soon. Soon you'll be untouchable."

And though Joonmyeon didn't know what he meant, his heart skipped a beat at the passion of the words.




"Subject 1E. Processing."

"Body tempature- 70 degrees fahrenheit. 21 degress celcius.

Heart rate- 105 BPM

BMI- Normal

Muscle Mass- Normal

Height- 5'7 ft 173 cm


Minseok groaned as he heard the monotnous voice echo throughout the room. He opened his eyes to see green scanners run up and down his body. It took him a moment before images of what happened to him flashed back into his mind. Panicing, Minseok began to sit up but was restrained by tight straps around his chest waist, wrist and ankles. As he moved pain shot through him and he screamed.

"Calm down Subject 1E. You are alright." his masters voice floated throughout the room.

"M-master. I feel like I'm burning." Minseok gasped. He hadn't felt heat like this since ... since ever. His frozen body tempature never let him reach anything warm.

"It's alright. You need to calm down though. It will all go away shortly."

"Mas- AHHHH!" Minseok screamed as the heat exploded up to his face blinding him.

When Minseok opened his eyes, it wasn't to a neon green light but to the pure white of the healing wing. The beeping of his heart monotor was slow and for a moment he wondered if he was dying.

"Minseok-ssi. It's good to have you back." Yixings soft voice from beside him made Minseok jump.

"What happened ?" Minsrok asked.

"You began reacting badly to the serum they injected you with. Your body began rejected it. Master had to reprogram you in order for you to fuse with it." Yixing explained.

"Fuse ? Serum ? I don't understand. What were they trying to do with me ?" Minseok asked.

"Please calm down Minseok-ssi. I do not know much, only what they have told me in order to assure your health. You are as fine as we know off. You can leave in a few minuets." Yixing said putting a gentle hand on the ice makers shoulder.

"What about Joonmyeon ? Did they hurt him ?" 

"No. No one has touched him. He is as safe as can be with the Sparker."

Minseok couldn't help but flinch at the name. His hands trembled as he clasped them together.

"Are you scared of him ?" Yixing asked.

"No." Minseok answered quickly. But the memories of lightening ripping his skin apart flashed through his mind and he couldn't help but shudder.

"It's alright to be afraid of him Minseok-ssi. But I believe he is much more terrified of us." Yixing said before standing up. "Now, lets get you out of here. Joonmyeon is very worried about you. And it seems we have some new, guest."

"Guest ? Master... did he ... create more ?"

"No. It seems like they're creating themselves"



Minseok was escorted to his room after leaving the healing wing. They would not let him in the training rooms even though everyone was there. His door slid open with a mist of cold fog and the guards frowned. Minseok's room was like an ice box of sorts. Normal humans would never get used to his cold way of living. He often wondered why his master gave him the gift of ice. Of frost. The ablility to freeze any and everything with just a simple touch. It was nerve racking because the masters plans were never know and seemed to be always changing. But that was probably his plan. To confuse them so no one would be able to trace the real thing. Their master was a tricky man. He was sure The Sparker was his deathly reincarnation. Speaking of the lightening weilder, he wondered why he was with Joonmyeon. There was obvious affection for the water bender but there was always two sides to Jongdae.

Walking by his mirror, Minseok gasps as he saw his reflection. His brown hair gone and replaced with a light pink. His eyes were worse though. One, ice blue and the other a golden color of sort. What did they do to him ?

A knock on the door made him look away.

"Yes ?" he called.

"The master sends you a message." a guard said before the small slot beside his door opened and a card was dropped in. Minseok quickly grabbed the card and waited for the foodsteps to fade before he read the card.

"You can freeze well my little Original. But how well can you burn."




"Attention all Subjects." the voice over the intercom held authority and everyone seemed to reconignize it as their master. Luhan looked at Sehun before a hologram of the master formed in the air for all to see.

"Due to unexpected breakout and intrustions, we will began the Crusades early this year, I wanted to hold back but it seems most of you are getting anxious. You will have one week to train. Nothing more. You will then be seperated into your groups based on power. The first rounds will be a group effort. If you survive you move on to the next rounds. If you do not, then you will be demolished. I will assure you everything will be fought fairly. Cheating is not prohibited but if I don't see it then who am I to know you have been cheating. I will let you know now that if you die, no one will be brought back. These are the final test and I only want the best. Do not make friends in the group rounds. Everyone is your enemy. Those who survive the first and second rounds will go onto the third. As for the third rounds there will only be twelve survivors. Twelve of the strongest. Prove yourself worthy and you will live to see the world quiver under your hands. Rest tonight. Training starts tomorrow."

The hologram cut off and the training grounds was left with an eerie silence. Luhan looked back over to Sehun who was tensed up.

"What's wrong Sehunnie ?" Luhan asked.

"Death willl be among us soon hyung." Sehun answered.

"Not for us. You, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Suho and I, we will survie this." Luhan said.

"How do you know this."

"I see us living a far better life then this Sehun. A life that doesn't end here. Even if we have to beat these rounds to get through them." Luhan answered. His voice strong.

"But are you ready to kill hyung. To have blood stain your hands ?"

"Are you ?"

"I'm ready to protect you at all cost."

"The cost does not mean dying for me or killing for me. But we need to surivie. So lets focus on that." Luhan said taking Sehun's hand and squeezing it.

"Then we should train hard for the next seven days."

"Like our lives depend on it ?"

"Because our lives depend on it."




"I feel like that guy is insane." Jongin said. He had finally found Kyungsoo again and they were both sitting in the earth land.

"Yeah. Whatever plan he has, it's purly insane. But we have to go through it in order to survie." Kyungsoo said.

"And how will I survive hyung ? I mean you guys all got fancy powers but what about Suho-hyung and I ? We are just human. The only thing about me is the shadows love me." Jongin said.

"Shadows ?" Kyungsoo question.

"Yeah make a little wall so I can show you."

Kyungsoo did as he was told and the shadow on the other side of it began to bend its way towards Jongin. As if it wanted to touch him.


"I know." Jongin said. He let his hand reach into the shadows and they intertwined around his wrist.

"Does it hurt ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Not at all. It just feels like someone is putting a comforting hand on me." Jongin explained.

"Maybe you're like Kai." Kyungsoo said.

"As much as I don't want to be compared to that guy, you could be right."

"Then you should ask him for help. He could train you."

"The guy hates me."

"He doesn't hate you. He might be a bit of a douche but we don't know. He's the only chance at helping you survive." Kyungsoo said.

"But do we need a person with the same powers. Did the person who train you have the same powers ?" Jongin asked.

Kyungsoo frowned at that question. "No. No he did not."

And maybe from the mention of Baekhyun, he couldn't help but wonder what happened to the boy.




"Sir. You called me ?" Yixing asked while bowing.

"Yes. It's about the Crudades."

"Yes sir ?"

"You will be joining them this year."

Yixing froze. Him ? Joining battle. Full of blood and hatred and pain.

"Sir I don't- if I may say this but is that a good idea ?"

"I think so. You are very powerful Yixing. More then you think."

"But sir. I don't think I would be useful. I would die in a second. My power isn't meant to harm." Yixing said.

"I know all of your power Yixing. Please do not worry. I have a feeling you won't be dying any time soon. Do not think too much about it. You will train with the others tomorrow."

"Y-yes sir."

"Also, please wake up Subject 96E and 95E. Their reprogramming is complete and I want them ready tomorrow."

"Yes sir."

Yixing gave one last bow on his way out. As the door closed he felt the room began to spin. His body trembled.

"Dr. Yixing !" A guard gasped as the male fell to the floor. Maybe he needed to rest a while. That sounded like a good idea. The last thing Yixing saw was his masters face, as the world went black.





AN-  Hello everyone how are you guys ? Heh... I am sorry. It's the end of the school year everything is hetic. Just wait until the summer. I will make it all up for these late updates. I'm sorry. PLEASE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE AND RATE !!

Bye ~

Ps. Are you ready for the Crusades ?

Picture of Minseok's new look. 

Also where is Suho ?

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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you