Chapter 12

Blue Green

Kyungsoo was breathing heavily as he dropped from were he was being held and fell onto the floor. It's been about a week and he's being training almost non stop. When he wasn't training he was either at school or sleeping. Baekhyun was playing no games into training the younger boy. On the second day he made Kyungsoo go with Youngjae to learn how to bring his power out with out being controlled by anger. It was much better in Kyungsoo's opinion because it was mostly meditating and trying to feel out his power. He later learned that Youngjae had the power to control emotions so when Kyungsoo was getting a bit uneasy he would place a gentle hand on his shoulder and the younger would be at peace. Learning with Youngjae taught him to accept the beating. Though he did not know what he was yet, they believed it was something to do with his power so what better way to help his power than accepting something.

The thumping was peaceful and when he closed his eyes, feet and toes wiggling in the dirt he could feel the earth all around him. It was like a pretense of a person but strong. Learning this way he would be able to control the earth easily. The third day he was training with Himchan. Himchan was teaching him offense. How to come at a person before they could come at you. How to know your surroundings and how to be cautious. It was a bit hard with Himchan's highlighted senses but Kyungsoo found out that nothing came easily so he would give it his best. The next day he was training with Zelo who was just a kid and Kyungsoo couldn't, wouldn't hurt him but Baekhyun was having none of that.

"In battle there will be no hesitation. They do not care if you are young or of different gender. It is attack or be attacked. Killed or be killed. You may not be ready for that yet but that is why I am training you. Control your emotions. Don't let them interfere. If you do so, you will be killed."

Kyungsoo gulped at the words. But he took them into consideration. After training with Zelo and doing a few small sessions with the rest of them daily he had come to train with Daehyun. Kyungsoo was a bit weary about the other boy because he was quiet and seemed to lurk around in the backgrounds and popping up when no one expected. Daehyun taught him how to mold his power.

"Picture it as clay." Daehyun said that day. "Create with it. Build whatever you want out of it. If you want it to be circular then round it out. Want it sharp around the edges, carve it. It's your power toots. Don't let it control you. You control it." Daehyun showed him how to do so with his shadows. The admitted from the middle of his palm and Kyungsoo blinked when it took on the form of a butterfly. It fluttered up and landed on Kyungsoo's nose before poofing into black mist.

The Do child took all of their advice into consideration. Especially Baekhyun's. The older teen was good with his words and left a big impression on the younger.

Another thing that Kyungsoo was doing when he wasn't training was hanging out with Jongin and Luhan. Somehow the kiss brought them closer and he could feel the difference that it made. He guess Luhan noticed too because the elder would coo and aww at them. Kyungsoo would give him a blank look and Jongin would blush. He would soon have him. Somewhere along the way their roles had switched. Kyungsoo would be the one who blushed and shyed away but now that was Jongin. Now Kyungsoo would speak up a bit more and have sharp come backs or witty remarks. Luhan stilled cooed at him because he was cute.

Baekhyun seemed to not bother him with his personal life of friends and family. He may have pulled the boy away once or twice to see if he was doing okay but Kyungsoo was more than okay. He felt lighter and stronger. He felt right. He hasn't felt right in a long time.

Right now Baekhyun was training him. The older male yet to show any signs of distress as he pranced around dodging Kyungsoo's attacks. He didn't even draw out his power as he stepped on the giant floating rock before kicking one that was flying at him sending it straight to Kyungsoo. The younger boy ducked and the loud crash of the rock getting slammed into the wall was heard.

"Going to have to do better than that doll." Baekhyun mused. His face passive but the amusement in his eyes shown brightly. Like he was toying with the younger. Kyungsoo didn't like it. He molded the rock into billions of shards and aimed them at Baekhyun. The elder's eyes widened slightly when he realized he couldn't dodge the shards due to the two walls Kyungsoo placed to keep him in place. As the shards were about to touch the elder Kyungsoo gasped when a bright light admitted from Baekhyun's palm and cut right through the shards making them fall to the ground.

The room was silent as Kyungsoo stared in awe at the light before in disappeared.

"Wow hyung that was so cool !" he gushed. Baekhyun shrugged because it was nothing really. He wouldn't be the best if he couldn't doage a few measly shards. Kyungsoo let out a groan as he was suddenly slammed into the ground hard. His air was closing for a split second before he choked out a breath.

"Don't let your guard down." Baekhyun said before getting up from the younger. Kyungsoo nodded sitting up. He wouldn't.


"How many have we lost this time ?"

"Six sir."

A sound of disapproval was heard before the male stood up looking out his window.

"You know why I'm doing this right Xing ? I'm not a bad guy am I ?"

"Yes sir, no sir."

"I'm just trying to change the world. But if more them keep dying we won't have anyone to change the world." Eyes flickered to the other male across the room. "Call Baekhyun before meal time. He has two days left. I wonder if the 117E is even ready. How much has Baekhyun progress into him. Do you think he'll do well Xing ?"

"I hope so sir."

Lips formed into a tight line. He hope so too.



"Hyung you seem so much more fit now. Have you been working out ?" Jongin asked one Saturday night they were in his room. They were sitting on Jongin's bed shoulders touching as Jongin fumbled with his fingers. Kyungsoo could feel the heat pool into his cheeks. He looked at Jongin with his bright blue green eyes and gave him a smile.

"Maybe." he teased. Jongin pouted slightly.

"With out me ? Your best...something ?" The younger looked away.

"Are we not friends anymore.?" Kyungsoo asked confused. He looked away to.

"To be honest I don't know what we are anymore." Jongin said. His voice low but Kyungsoo heard him clearly. He could hear the movement of Jongin's fingers before he grabbed his hand, holding it.

"We can be anything." Kyungsoo whispered. He felt Jongin's hand twitch.

"We're whatever we want us to be." Jongin whispered back.

Kyungsoo just smiled. His hand tightening the hold. He didn't say anything for whatever reason. Maybe he was scared or maybe it just wasn't the right time. They had time. Jongin wasn't going anywhere and neither was he. So they settled down under the blankets of the full sized bed, knees touching hands clasped.

The next morning Kyungsoo wakes up first like always. And like always he stares at Jongin for a bit. He always wanted to touch the other boys face when he's like this. So peaceful. To run his fingers up his gentle jaw-line to the slope of his nose down to his plush lips. Jongin had nice lips. They were big and probably soft. He wouldn't touch him just yet. His moved Jongin's bangs out of his face before getting up out of the bed. He walked over to the window pushing the royal blue curtains back and jumped in shock when he saw a figure standing in the middle of the street.


Kyungsoo quickly ran down the steps passing Mrs.Kim.

"Are you okay sweetie ?" She asked. Kyungsoo nodded before slipping out the front door and down Jongin's porch steps.

"You're finally up." Baekhyun said his arms folded against his chest.

"What are you doing ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Just watching over you." Baekhyun answered simply.

"Why ? Is someone trying to get me ?" Kyungsoo asked. He wouldn't be surprised.

"No. And if they were you shouldn't be worried. You're strong now."

"I was always strong." Kyungsoo tisked.

"Where you ? My mistake I didn't know crying and letting people overpower you was strong."

Kyungsoo bit on his bottom lip. Baekhyun was right. That wasn't strong. But feeling the beating pulse under his feet and the energy of the earth around him was strong.

"What do you want ?" the younger asked.

"Well I was going to come and get you later but since you're already up, let's go."

"But I-"

"Hyung ?" a tired voice called and both boys in the street looked over to see a newly awoken Jongin rubbing his eyes.

"Oh he's cute when he's not plotting my death." Baekhyun said grinning when Kyungsoo glared at him.

"What's wrong Jongin-ah ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"What are you doing with him ?"

"I just came to stop drop off some of the supplies for our chemistry project. Is that a problem Jongin-ssi ?" Baekhyun asked. His eyes playful as he gave the younger an innocent look.

"No but-"

"Good." Baekhyun interrupted before pulling Kyungsoo to whisper in his ear. "You have thirty minuets." before pulling back. A smile graced the older boys face as he ruffled Kyungsoo's hair, walking away. "I'll see you later doll."

Jongin was still glaring when Baekhyun was no longer in sight and Kyungsoo pinched his cheek.

"I don't like him." he grumbled.

"Yes well he's hyung's friend so please just bare with him."


"For me."

"Fine. But that still doesn't mean I like him."

Kyungsoo chuckled. He then stepped back.

"I have to go home."

"Why ?" Jongin pouted.

"I have somewhere to be later on so I need to get ready."

"But your stuff.."

"I'll come back later to get it. I'm just across the street."

"Be safe hyung." Jongin yelled as the other began walking across the street.

"Don't worry about me Jongin-ah. I'm the safest person you know." Kyungsoo shouted back. The younger couldn't help but snort at that. Seeing those blue green eyes gave him all the more reason to be worried about his hyung. For some reason Kyungsoo was not safe in the outside world and that scared him.


"You're late." Baekhyun said standing up from his place on the steps.

"Sorry." Kyungsoo said but Baekhyun waved him off.

"So what am I learning today ?" Kyungsoo asked eagerly as they walked down into the training room. Training was hard work but always fun to do so. Also his B.A.P friends were really nice. Especially Zelo. He was the only one cautious with him while others pushed him to his limits. He was gentle and eyes brightened up every time Kyungsoo gave him something to snack on. Speaking of the B.A.P members, where are they ?

"You won't be learning anything today."

"What ?" Kyungsoo asked stopping once they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm going to take you somewhere." Kyungsoo's eyes brightened at that.

"Oh really ? Where ?"

"Hmm I guess you can call it another place to train."

"Wow. How are we going to get there. You don't have a car."

"I have my ways."

"Oh how long will it take ?"

"Don't worry doll you'll be sleep for most of it."

"What ?" Before Kyungsoo could say or do anything else a hand clasped on his shoulder and he began to feel really really tired. The room started spinning and he dropped to the floor. The last thing he was was a smirking Baekhyun standing over him before everything when black.




Luhan was laying on his bed listening to music as he scribbled down words in the book he was writing in. He had just began to finish the last of the "you" character when he froze. The pen in his hand slipped through his finger tips as Luhan started blankly into nothing. The next song on his playlist began playing being Luhan out of his still state. He flipped his journal open to a blank page and picked up the pen blindly moving it across the page. The tempo picked up and so did Luhan's wrist movement. He's eyes not staring at the paper as it went faster and faster until suddenly he stopped. Looking down, Luhan seemed to come back from his faze and gasped at what he saw.

"No no no." Luhan chanted as he ripped the paper out of his book and got up from his bed. He grabbed his cell phone and began walking down the steps.

"Luhan honey,  what's wrong ?" Mrs.Oh asked as she saw the boy rush down the stairs grabbing his coat and trying to put his shoes on at the same time.

"This is so bad auntie. So bad." Luhan kept repeating as he finally got his left boot on and opened the door. "I'll be back !" He shouted before walking out into the cold evening.

He immediately went through his contacts and pressed on the one he was looking for. After two and a half rings he finally heard a hello.

"Jongin-ah ! Thank God you answered."

"What's wrong hyung ?" Jongin asked. Luhan never called without a reason.

"We have a problem."

"Where are you ? I'll meet you-."

"No there's no time. Just be ready on your porch in ten minuets. I'm almost there."

Jongin said a quick okay before the dial tone was heard. Luhan sighed. The paper was still clutched tightly in his hand. Why was this happening ?

When he reached Jongin's, the other boy was already sitting on one of the chairs.

"So what's up ?" Jongin asked as the older stood in front of him.

"When was the last time you spoke to Kyungsoo ?"

"He stayed the night over and then left this morning. He said he had something to do why ?" Jongin answered confused.

"When was that ?"

"Around eight maybe nine."

"That's like four hours ago." Luhan mumbled to himself.

"Hyung what's wrong ?" Jongin asked standing up. His height surpassing Luhan's so the elder had to tilt his head up.

"I believe Kyungsoo is missing."

"And why do you think that ?"

Luhan handed Jongin the paper and Jongin eyes widened as he saw what was on there.

"I saw it."

Jongin's eyes tore away from the paper to Luhan.

"Saw how ?"

Luhan was silent at that. Jongin looked at him for a minuet before back at the paper.

"You're like him aren't you." Jongin asked lowly. Luhan was confused at that.

"Like who Jongin ? I don't understand. I'm like no one." 

"Like Kyungsoo-hyung. You both are...different. How else would you see this."


"Please hyung. Don't keep me out the dark. If Kyungsoo-hyung is really missing then we need to be truthful with each other from now on."

Luhan was silent before nodding.

"Now tell me. How exactly are you able to draw a picture of Kyungsoo being tied up on an airplane by a masked person ?"

"It's a long story."

"Do we have time ?"

"No." Their eyes connect and Jongin couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his chest.



"I'm so glad we have a private jet." Youngjae said sinking into the plush seat as he took a sip of his drink.

"Don't be glad yet." Baekhyun's voice called from one of the seats up front. "We still have to get there before our time is up."

"I don't know if we're gonna make it with this ten hour plane ride." Himchan said a row behind them.

"We will." Baekhyun's voice was hard. His eyes looking at Kyungsoo's unconscious body in the seat in front of him. "No go to sleep. You all will need rest before meeting up with the boss again. Groans were heard and Baekhyun smirked. They never liked meeting up with the boss. But duty calls. And with seven hours left to go, Baekhyun drifted off into sleep.


"Are the cars in place to pick them up ?"

"Yes sir."

"Did you clean the spare room ?"

"Yes sir."

"Are all the other subjects in their quarters ?"

"Yes sir."


"Everything is fine. Please do not worry. They will be here in a few short hours and then we will put him to test. If he passes the spare room is ready and his testing shall began next week." A hand placed on his shoulder and the one in command let out a sigh.

"It's just I want everything to be perfect."

"Patience. That's all you need. Get some rest before they come. You know how Baekhyun is."

A groan was heard and the other male laughed before bowing, making his way out of the room.

Yes patience was all he needed. But sleep did not seem to come.





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you