Chapter 20

Blue Green

"You're so risky Joonmyeon. He could have killed you." Minseok's voice rang through the water and Joonmyeon couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"He wasn't going to do anything he would have already done hyung." Joonmyeon said laying horizontal in the water. All the rukus up above seemed to have stopped and knowing their master, those who had tried to escape were getting a painful warning. 

"I wonder when they will come for us." Minseok said knowing their previous conversation was getting then nowhere.

"Soon. We'll probably be in our rooms for tomorrow. Maybe even the day after that." Joonmyeon said, never turning his gaze away from the surface.

"The kids will get restless. Especially the Sparker." Minseok mused.

"I know. But that's not really our problem is it."

"No. Well unless he tries to kill one of us. Then it is."

Joonmyeon pushed some water the older's way making him stumble a bit. Minseok glared at him before rolling his eyes.

"I'll give you frost bite later."

"It'll just liquefy." Joonmyeon laughed. Though his later was cut short as the tapping on the water gained his attention.

"They're here." Joonmyeon said pushing the water up under his feet and made his way to the surface. Minseok followed suit and they looked at the guards.

"Let's go subjects." one of them said and Minseok glared at the word. They followed them anyway and gasped when they were suddenly pulled apart.

"Hey let go !" Minseok cried trying to tug out of the guards grasp. 

"What are you doing ?" Joonmyeon asked. They had not used their powers yet because they didn't know what type of situation they were in.

"Change of plans for you two. Master wants you in separate subject rooms. He want's to talk to The Original. You are going back to your room." the guard holding Joonmyeon said.

"What are you going to do with Minseok ?" Joonmyeon asked.

"You don't need to know subject. Now shut up because we put you in The Room." 

Joonmyeon closed his mouth at the threat but glared at the male.

"Let's go. We don't have much time." They began to walk separate ways.

"Hyung !" Joonmyeon called watching the older get pulled down the hall. The fear in Minseok's eyes was the last thing he saw before the doors slammed shut behind them.

They threw Joonmyeon into his room and he landed onto the floor without his usual grace.

"You could be gentle." Joonmyeon huffed.

"Consider yourself lucky subject. At least you're still alive." the guard smirked.

"What are you saying ?" Joonmyeon asked.

"Oh nothing. Sweet dreams."

The door locking echoed through Joonmyeon's ears and he didn't know he was banging on the door until his hands began to bleed.

"Let me out." he chanted with each bang. Minseok. What were they going to do with him ? Their master rarely saw them unless it was for something big. "Let me out !" he shouted loudly but was greeted with only the echo of his voice.

Joonmyeon woke up not knowing he had fallen asleep. He was laying on the floor, hand still touching the door. The blood stained door. His hand looked terrible and he knew he would have to get Yixing to fix it up the next time they let him out. Sitting up from his position, Joonmyeon let out a shaky breath and wiped his face with his unbroken hand.

"God you look terribly beautiful broken."

Joonmyeon's head whipped up fast and he met the intense face of Jongdae.

"What are you doing in here ?" Joonmyeon whispered. His voice hoarse from screaming all night.

"Watching you." Jongdae said as if it was simple every day thing. For him it probably was.

"How did you get in here ?" Joonmyeon asked watching the other warily.

"Some tricks are best left unknown Aquamarine." Jongdae lifted himself up from where he was standing and began walking towards Joonmyeon. The elder quickly tried to make a wall of water to block them but his main hand was broken and the water raised up a bit before falling.

"." Joonmyeon swore as he winced. He really needed Yixing right now.

"Bad words coming out of pretty lips. Are you scared Joonmyeon ?" Jongdae asked squatting down so that they were eye level.

"No." Joonmyeon said. He wasn't. He was just being cautious. You had to be when you were around Jongdae. He was unpredictable and deadly.

"Good." the grin on Jongdae's lips shouldn't have had Joonmyeon gasping but it did.


"Me ?" Jongdae asked confused.

"I-.." Joonmyeon flushed as he didn't even know why he had opened his mouth.

"Pretty pretty pretty. I want to touch you now." Jongdae voice fell into a whisper as their eyes connected. Electric blue meeting sea blue and Joonmyeon hated how his voice rang through his ears.

"No." Joonmyeon whispered back.

"Please ?"

"You're begging now Sparker ?" their faces were closer now and Joonmyeon could feel the other's breath began to touch his face.

"Only if it will make you say yes." Jongdae's eyes flickered down towards Joonmyeon's lips before going back up towards his eyes.

"What if I keep saying no ?" Joonmyeon his lips.

"Then I'll say yes for you." and lips placed on Joonmyeon's in a electric kiss that made the latter groan. Jongdae's hand placed on his cheek as he tilted his head slightly to get better access. Tongues danced and lips crashed against each other and Joonmyeon knew that he should stop because he was kissing the Sparker. The insane psychopath but, he couldn't. His lips were addicting and he felt drawn towards them. The hand placed on his cheek sent static through his body and he didn't know if that was Jongdae using his powers or something else.

They pulled apart with a gasp. Joonmyeon took in deep breaths and let his eyes flicker up towards Jongdae's. Something shown in them that should have felt uneasy to Joonmyeon but right now he was just trying to feel the good. Taking another deep breath of air, Joonmyeon let his head fall in the place between Jongdae's shoulder and neck. He chuckled when Jongdae's breath hitched and closed his eyes.

"Sparker what would you do if I gave myself to you ?" Joonmyeon's hushed voice caught the silence again.

"Have you gone mad over night ?" Jongdae asked.

"Maybe. So much is going on. I'm losing myself."

"You want someone to fine you ?" Jongdae voiced out.

"I need someone too. Would you fine me ? For I cannot find myself on my own."

"I don't think you realize how long I've been waiting for you to say that Aquamarine."

"Call me that again and you'll be soaking wet for a weak."

Jongdae snorted at that. "How..cute. But you shall sleep now. For I have some things to do. And I don't want you to be awake to hear them."

"Things ?" though before Joonmyeon could say anymore, the light shock to the back of his neck ran through his body. He fell unconscious in the arms of a enemy, that fell in love with him.




Jongin woke up with a thud. His eyes opening to the dark room and he could help but feel a little bit of terror creep up into his skin. He got up quickly and felt around to see if he could find anything through the darkness but he only met with solid walls.

"Where am I ?" Jongin whispered to himself. His eyes adjusting to the dark and he could make out the outline of a bed and a few other furniture pieces. Frowning, Jongin reached over towards the nightstand and bed with a lamp. Flicking it on he heard a growl coming from the corner. Turning around, Jongin was met with dark blue eyes in the shadows.

"Turn it off you idiot." the voice said and Jongin could help but pout at that. He wasn't a idiot.

"Who are you ?" Jongin asked looking at the person.

"One could say I'm you. But we all know whose who here." the male stepped out of the darkness and Jongin's eyes widen as he met with a face looking just like his own.

"Holy ! You look just like me." Jongin cried.

"Obviously." the other grumbling. His hand flickering over towards the lamp and shadows reached over towards it to burst the lamp's bulb. Darkness enclosing them but surprisingly Jongin could see clearly.

"You're one of them." Jongin said eyes wide.

"Sadly." the other male said sitting down on the bed.

"Oh well I'm Kim Jongin. Human." Jongin greeted and sat down in the chair that was across from the bed.

"Kai. Not human." Kai said. His shadows flickering out from behind him in a slow teasing like dance.

"That's pretty cool and all but I need to get out of here. You know, back to the human world. If you could just point me that way out..." Jongin said with a smile.

"You really are an idiot. There is no way out. They like to keep me enclosed. So they put no door down here because my shadows can sleep through the cracks. They're cautious like that. But I take it you and a few other's decided to break someone out. They're going to be really strict now." Kai said letting the shadows wrap around him like a cloak.

"You're...really creepy." Jongin said and Kai just rolled his dark blue eyes. "But I have to get out. I don't belong here."

"And you think we do ?" Kai asked.

"Well...I don't know. Are you from here ?" Jongin asked.

Kai was quiet at that. To be completely honest, he didn't know where he was from.

"Do you even know how old you are ?" Jongin asked again. 

"How old are you ?" Kai asked.

"Sixteen. Don't answer my question with a question."

"Don't ask questions I don't want to answer."

"Why are you such a douche ?" Jongin growled.

"Why do you insist on talking ?" Kai sneered.

"I'm just trying to be nice. But seeing as you don't know the meaning of nice I don't know why I am wasting my time." Jongin said. "It doesn't matter anyways. I'll get out of here soon."

"And how will you do that ? You're just human." Kai asked.

"Apparently not human enough."

And that was the first time Kai noticed the shadows wrapping around Jongin's leg like a snake curling up around it's owner.

"How are you doing that ?" Kai asked trying to move the shadow back over towards him but it would move.

"I don't know it's been here ever since you decided to be captain of the douches." Jongin said with a pout.

"Grow up. This is serious."

"Oh my god I just turned sixteen ! I have enough reasons to act the way I do now. But you, you have no excuse." Jongin cried pointing a finger at Kai and shadows arched up to sharply point at him.

"Calm down human. Before you accidently kill one of us." Kai said narrowing his eyes at the boy. Jongin huffed. They were quiet for a good ten minuets before Jongin's stomach growled. How long had he been down there ?

"Uh do you know when they give us breakfast ? Or lunch ? Or dinner I honestly don't know what time it is." Jongin rambled and Kai gave him a glare.

"Whenever they bring us back up." 


Jongin knew they weren't going to get along anytime soon. Kai was just so chic in a way that Jongin wasn't. Jongin was more cute then anything and he hated to have to do aegyo to get a good response from the other. Though he doubt it would work. Kai wouldn't want to see his own face trying to act cute. That would be... weird. Weirder than this whole situation.

Though minus all that he had to find Kyungsoo. They were so close from escaping. Just a few good moments and they would have been in the air. But then these girls came out of know where and knocked them out with a purple mist and began to take Jongin and his hyungs back to where Kyungsoo and Sehun had just escaped. If only they were quicker. All of these set backs would be troublesome. He knew his parents were probably ripping Korea apart trying to find him. He was pretty sure Kyungsoo's father, being the chief of police would have got the government all in the case. They were probably all over the news right now.

Too bad they were half way across the world from what he knew.

"You're admitting sadness human. Stop it." Kai said from where he was laying down on the bed. Jongin gave him an 'are you serious' face.

"No. I'm not gonna stop being sad because I need to be sad. I just want to go home with my hyung and kiss the out of him and tell him I lov-" Jongin stopped right there and Kai cocked his eyebrow at that.

"And tell him what ?" Kai asked sitting up now to smirk at the other.

"Nothing. Y-you don't need to know." Jongin sputtered and he could feel heat rise into his cheeks.

"Hmm." Kai said letting out a hum as he watched the human. Their emotions were weird and all over the place. One minuet he was depressed and the next he was admitting something that Kai wasn't too sure off but it felt highly familiar.

Just then a soft cranking sound began and Jongin could feel the room began to move up.

"What's going on ?" he asked Kai and Kai shrugged.

"They want us out for a reason. Maybe not." Kai said.

"Do I get to eat ?" Jongin asked. He was sure he couldn't do any escaping on a empty stomach.

"Maybe human." 

The room stopped and the ceiling began to split open and light resonated throughout the room. Kai's shadows quickly swarmed around before they hid in the shadows and Jongin looked at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"You can stay in the light ?" the teen asked.

"Yeah. I just rather not." Kai answered before looking up. They were greeted by the guns of guards and a doctor in a white coat.

"Come with us subject and Kim Jongin." the doctor said as the guards pressed the button to bring out the stairs for them to climb. Kai seemed to glare at the name before he walked up the stairs. His shadows seeming to follow him from shadow to shadow as he walked out. This is when Jongin noticed that Kai was actually wearing a black cloak. His black foot clad feet made no sound as he moved. Jongin walked cautiously behind him. The shadow that was wrapped around him disappeared but he could feel it around somewhere.

"Where are we going ?" Jongin asked as that they were walking around for a few good minuets. 

"You will eat and then you will be sent to the training rooms." the doctor said before he stopped at a door and swiped his hand over the beaming light before it opened.

Jongin and Kai walked in and the door shut behind them quickly.  Eyes turn towards them and some widened in curiosity. Jongin could hear a faint what the in the background before he turned his attention back towards Kai.

"Do I just go up and get the food ?" Jongin asked. 

"Yeah." Kai said a bit unsure.

"Do you even know ?"


"Oh my god never mind. I'll figure it out on my own." Jongin said storming up to were the food was set at. Kai watched him pick up a set of chop sticks and a tray. He watched the human scoop of some of the food and put it into certain sections of the tray and even grabbed some juice. When he came back, they sat in the corner that Kai liked and Jongin began to stuff the food into this mouth. It felt like he hadn't ate for three days.

"You've been out for two days if you're wondering." Kai said.

"Mwo ?" Jongin swallowed the rice in his mouth and looked at Kai. "How do you know ?"

"You were in my room. Also I have a clock." Kai said.

"I hate you." Jongin said and Kai rolled his blue eyes.

"Shadow Walker." 

The two boys looked up at the name and they were greeted with a boy with orange eyes.


"Shadow Walker ? Angel ?" Jongin questioned as he looked back at Kai. Why would he called the boy that ? Why did they have some super cool awesome code names ?

"Shut up right now." Kai said turning his attention back towards the orange eyed boy. "What do you want ?"

"You need to be careful walking around with a human. They will think you have gone soft." the boy said.

"I don't care what they think." Kai said and Jongin could tell he meant every word.

"Yes but rumors spread and you will gain more enemies. You as well human."

"Jongin." said human corrected him. The boy hummed.

"I'm just letting you know. As you can't see a lot of us are missing." Angel said.

"Probably dead."

Jongin gulped at that began he did not see any of his hyungs around.

"You'll be next if you don't be careful." and with that the orange eyed boy walked away.

"A friend of yours ? Didn't know you had any." Jongin mused.

"Not at all. Tae. He just seems to stick with me for some reason." Kai said and Jongin nodded at that. The doors slid open again when Jongin was done his food and most of the people in the room were chatting quietly.

Two people walked out. One with a white doctors coat except it was different from the other doctors'. This one had blue in it and the males eyes where a pale blue. Almost white if you looked hard enough. Next to him was a man who looked exactly like Suho hyung. Except this man was wearing blue garments and his eyes sea blue. His hand seemed to be bandaged and he said something to the doctor before his eyes connected with Jongin's.

"Who's that ?" Jongin asked.

"Joonmyeon. He seems to be missing his other half though." Kai said looking at the guy. His blue eyes shined and then there was a whistle sound being heard.

"Are we leaving ?" Jongin asked as he watched everyone began to stand up.

"Yeah. Training rooms." Kai said. He got up and followed everyone towards the training rooms.

Well the training rooms didn't look anything like Jongin imagined. It was filled with many different landscapes and was that mountains in the back ground ? Jesus how big was this room ?

"How is this room physically possible ?" Jongin asked Kai.

"Magic." Kai smirked and Jongin rolled his eyes this time. But as he thought about it, magic could really be the only legit reason here.

"Jongin ?" A voice broke him out of his thoughts and Jongin looked up to see Kyungsoo looking at him with confused eyes.

"Hyung ! You're alright ! Where's Suho-hyung ?" Jongin asked as he squeezed the smaller boy into a hug. Kyungsoo hugged him back before pulling apart.

"I don't know. When I woke up I was alone. I tried to feel for him but the room I was in was made out of metal." Kyungsoo pouted at the last part before his eyes flickered over towards Kai.

"Who is that and why does he look exactly like you ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Oh that's Kai. He's a bit of a douche." Jongin explained earning him a slap from a shadow.

"As to why we look alike..I honestly don't know. There's a guy that looks like Suho-hyung. Except he's much more pretty with red hair instead of Suho's brown." Jongin explained.

"Oh I know who you're talking about. That's Joonmyeon-sshi. He's really nice. Him and Minseok-sshi. I also can't find Sehun and Luhan. I don't think they got here yet." Kyungsoo said frowning.

"What do we do ? How are gonna get home ? I'm pretty sure they've redid all the shields and everything you broke." Jongin said.

"Yeah sadly. We will have to make up another plan. But not here Jongin. There are too many open ears." Kyungsoo said.

The door slid open to reveal Sehun and Luhan. They both spotted the others and regrouped.

"Are you two alright ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Yeah. I just feel like I've been in a unwanted sleep." Luhan said rubbing his head. Sehun nodded. Never one for talking. His eyes met Kai's though and he let out a growl.

"What are you doing here Shadow Walker ?" Sehun asked.

"What ever I want too leaf blower." Kai said and Sehun growled at that. Though Luhan's hand on his bicept had him conflicted between shoving Kai into a solid metal wall or being comforted by Luhan. He settled for the latter and let Luhan run his hands up and down his arm soothingly.

"That doesn't explain what you are doing with the humans." Sehun said.

"You have some room to talk. Though I'm not too sure about them being completely human." Kai said eyeing the group. His eyes landed on Kyungsoo's blue-green one's and he moved closer towards the small male. He leaned down a bit so that they were a few inches away.

"Odd. You eyes. They're not like ours. What are you ?" he asked.

"What do you mean ? We all have some sort of blue eyes." Kyungsoo said.

"We have shades of blue and green reflecting ourselves and powers. You on the other hand, have both. No one has ever had both." Kai said glaring down at the smaller and Kyungsoo couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy at his dark blue gaze.

"Well I don't know. I'm new to all of this." Kyungsoo said with a frown.

"Power ?"

"Earth. Why do you need to know ?" Kyungsoo asked. Kai was a douche.

"Hmm. You have a spark in you. Let's see if it will grow." And with that said Kai placed his lips on Kyungsoo's. Kyungsoo squeaked and tried to pull away but that all failed when Kai stuck his tongue in his mouth and he felt something pour down into his body. 

Jongin was already upset that Kai was all up in Kyungsoo's face but when the other began to kiss Kyungsoo he was seething. He was about to break them apart when Luhan stopped him.

"Look." Luhan whispered. "At their mouths idiots." he rolled his eyes as he read the two teens thoughts.

They could see something misty and dark flow from Kai's lips into Kyungsoo's and they watched at how Kai pulled Kyungsoo closer pouring more of the black mist inside of him before he pulled apart. Kyungsoo broke off into gasps and he shoved Kai hard.

"What the hell did you just do ?" Kyungsoo asked. His blue-green eyes glaring at the taller man.

"Just watering a seed. You'll thank me one day." Kai said smirking. He could see why Jongin felt attraction towards this human but Kai had someone else in mind.

"I want to punch you in the face." Kyungsoo said.

"That's only if you can catch me." and with that Kai disappeared with a poof. The wisps of black smoke was left in the place that he was standing and Kyungsoo frowned.

"I hate him."

"I hate him more. Are you okay ?" Jongin asked.

"Yeah." Kyungsoo said. He felt perfectly fine except that that douche kissed him and it was kind of embarrassing. Then Kyungsoo realized something. "That pabo ! He stole my first kiss !" Kyungsoo cried. Jongin's eyes darkened at that and his fist clenched.

"Wow this is getting really intense." Luhan whispered and Sehun nodded watching everything. Though he was really curious about what Kai had put into Kyungsoo. The Shadow Walker wasn't trustful but you could trust him more then The Sparker. Actually you could trust anyone more then the lightening wielder.

"Let's go hyung. I need to clear my thoughts." Sehun said tugging Luhan down towards where he would normally train at in the desert. Though this spot was a bit risky because the Sparker liked to used the desert as well. But from the way his wind blew with ease, it doesn't seem like that man was around.

"I hear them talking Sehunnie. We've all been asleep for two days. I wonder why." Luhan mused as he sad down in the sand.

"Hmm. I never know their true reasons. The only one who would be even close to knowing is Yixing. He's Master's favorite." Sehun said letting the air wisp around his feet as he sat down in front of Luhan.

"We still need to get out of here. But I have a feeling it's going to much more harder then how you and Kyungsoo got out." Luhan said letting the sand crawl up his skin before he flicked it out, letting it hover in the air. Sehun watched him in a bit of wonder.

"You're right. They'll probably keep a close eye on us now. I have a feeling Master will be meeting with us soon." Sehun said.

"Do you think that's where Suho is now ?" Luhan asked.

"Actually... he could be."




"Humans on unhuman territory. Do you know how dangerous this is ?" the intimidating voice asked Suho but the doctor narrowed his eyes.

"We're only here to get two humans back. That's it." Suho explained. He couldn't see anything in the blinding white room and it hurt to look around. He could barely move from the chair he was strapped in and felt oddly drained of energy.

"How did you even find this island ?" the voice asked.

"I have my ways." Suho said.

"Keeping secrets will get you no where." 

"Take your own advice. Though you should know, these three kids I brought with me are very important. I'm very important. If you don't set us free you'll be having more problems then a few kids trying to escape." Suho said and he could hear the people mumble in the light.

"I don't think you  know what you've stepped into Mr.Kim." a female voice said this time.

"I'm just trying to help people I care about. But you guys want to be difficult." Suho glared but closed his eyes again. Maybe if they turned the lights down he could actually make out what they were talking about. They're words were beginning to slurr and it was messing with his mind.

"Difficulty is our second nature Mr.Kim. Though you don't have much time before the anesthesia kicks in." the woman said.

"You guys are going to be in a lot of trouble..when..when.."

"Shh Mr.Kim. We'll be seeing you soon. Sleep for now."


Suho woke up to white again. But this time he was lying down and the brightness of the room was ten times less then the other. He could hear the shuffling of someone beside him and he turned his head to see golden brown hair. Closing his eyes again, Suho blinked a bit slowly before opening them again.

"Who-" Suho stopped as s ringing sound grew in his ears and hands placed on his chest.

"Be still Suho-sshi. The anesthetic has almost worn off." the voice flowed like honey through Suho's ears and he gasp when a hand touched his ears and the ringing stopped.

"How'd you do that ?" Suho asked when he had finally calmed down.

"You could say I have a healing touch." the man said and Suho could make out the faint bitterness in his soft accent voice.

"Where am I ?"  Suho asked looking at the male. His white coat blending in with the walls making him look a bit angelic.

"The east wing. My wing. It's where I recover people like me." the male said.

"Like you ? You have powers as well?"

The man turned around and gave Suho a smile. His teeth pure white and Suho briefly wondered if they were bleached.

"You talk a lot Suho-ssi." the male said in a non-rude way. Actually everything he was saying was in the kindest tone.

"I'm sorry." Suho apologized.

"No need. I find voices pleasant that aren't my own." the man said. He stuck something in the tubes connect to Suho and Suho could feel himself began to feel a lot better. Taking in the sight of the male he gasped softly at his face. He was really pretty. Soft cheeks and pink lips. Pretty pale blue eyes as well. Well at least that gave away that he did indeed have powers.

"Either the anesthetic is still working or I can't recall you name." Suho said and smile when the other male laughed softly.


"You're Chinese ?"

"Yes. Is there a problem Suho-sshi ?" Yixing asked.

"Ah no. No not at all. It's just that I couldn't place your accent." Suho explained not wanting to offend the other.

Yixing didn't say anything after that. He just wrong something on the tablet in his hands as his hand waved over Suho's body.

"What are you doing ?" Suho asked.

"Checking your body functions. You out of all people should know how this works Doctor." Yixing said. His palm moving towards Suho's head and the other male looked at the faint glow coming from the hand hovering over him.

"Well the human way is way more technical then this." Suho mumbled mostly to himself. Yixing hummed and Suho noticed how the male never really looked at him in the face. In the eyes.

"Well you're perfectly fine Suho-sshi. I have healed your cuts and bruises and even the nagging headache that would have came right about now. I'm going to put you back to sleep though. For you are not completely ready to met with the others."

"Wait !  Why are you doing this ? You don't seem like them Yixing. You seem like us trapped in their clothing. You don't have to do this Yixing. You could let me go." Suho said and saw the conflict in Yixing's eyes. The male leaned over towards Suho's face before tapping his fingers on his temple.

"Rest well Suho-sshi."

Yixing's voice followed through like air. Lingering a bit before fading into nothing.




Minseok was in isolation for twenty-six hours. He knew because they kept a clock in their to keep track. The padding of the floor, walls and ceiling reminded him faintly of The Room. He had only ever been their once. And he would never like to go back. He fell asleep twice. Once for three hours and the other for eight. No one came to visit him. They slid small portions of food through a slot and Minseok was reluctant to eat it. He learned out the hard way that he needed to eat because the second time he ignored the food, the ways began to go through electric waves. His body could only withstand so much of that before he passed out.

He woke up to a new meal, and ate it warily. His eyes searching around for a camera but there was none in sight. Minseok wasn't entirely sure what they wanted from him but the quietness would drive him crazy. He was worried about Joonmyeon. How his aquatic friend screamed out his name before the doors slammed shut keeping them apart.

Frost covered his skin and he didn't realize it until the food he was eating felt solid as he took a bit of it. Groaning, he defrost the food and set it back on the tray. He must have ate enough because no electric waves came. Well that was until the door slid open and was met with face of his master. The man was tall and his face serious. Minseok gulped.

"Subject 1E." the man said.

"Master." Minseok bowed and the man waved it off.

"What is it that you wanted to see me for sir ?" Minseok asked.

"Well from the breakout a couple of days ago, I'm sure you've noticed subjects escaping but I do recall you and subject 90E saying in the training room. I want to know why." the man said and Minseok cocked an eyebrow.

"We knew it would have been inevitable sir. You would have killed us in minuet. If not, we would have been... reprogrammed." Minseok explained. Though he wished he didn't say the last part because the piercing stare of his master made his whole body freeze.

"You know I don't like lying. Especially coming from you Minseok. My first creation."

"I'm not lying sir." Minseok said.

"But you're not telling me the complete truth."

Minseok was quiet at that.

"It's quite alright 1E. I won't force you to tell me your thoughts. But, I will tell you to be careful. Because you're life can restart as quickly as it was made."

"Yes sir."

"Good now for you punishment."

"S-sir ?" Minseok was so close to getting away freely with this. He shouldn't have gotten his hopes up.

"Subject 96E. I'm sure you're familiar with him. I believe you call him the Sparker."

The electric shock that hit him had him coughing up blood. Minseok gasped and fell painfully as he clutched his side.

"Don't kill him 96E. Just... put him to sleep." the master said turning around to go back out the door.

"Yes master." Jongdae said grinning. The door shut quietly as the room filled with electricity bouncing off the wall. 




Joonmyeon woke up the next day to have Yixing sitting down on a chair in front of his bed, healing his broken hand. Blood caked the torn skin and he was surprised to see Yixing healing it with ease.

"Go back to sleep Joonmyeon. You have a few more hours until you are needed to be up." Yixing said. His ever so soft voice soothing Joonmyeon.

"When did you get in here ?" Joonmyeon asked. His eyes still closed as he focused on the feeling of his skin being heal back together.

"About two hours ago. They wouldn't let me heal you until the blood was cleaned up. None of them really knew how to clean up blood and master wouldn't let me do it so we had to wait until a cleaner came." Yixing explained. He had finished healing but he needed the bones to stay in place so he grabbed the gauze.

"Idiots." Joonmyeon said and Yixing chuckled slightly. He then sighed.

"You shouldn't hurt yourself like this. It pains me." 

"You shouldn't worry like that Yixing. I'm fine." Joonmyeon said.

"That's because I healed you." Yixing said and tried not to take notice of Joonmyeon's pout. "Why'd you punch the door so much ?"

"They took Minseok-hyung."

"Ahh." Yixing said but his brain was wandering. Was the elder alright ? Knowing their master he probably wasn't. Wrapping the last finger, Yixing placed the aquatic's hand down on his torso before looking at him.

"They laugh at your pain you know. Calling you idiotic because these walls in this section are sound proof." Yixing said letting his fingers go through Joonmyeon's hair. He frowned as he noticed how dry it was.

"You haven't been in the water since you've gotten here have you ?"

"No. I was kind of occupied." Joonmyeon said.

"With ?"

Joonmyeon just blushed at that question and Yixing nodded.

"Do you want me to pour some on you. You're drying out." Yixing offered.

"Sure. This is really such a lame weakness." Joonmyeon laughed.

"It's alright. We all one. I just happen to know them all."

"Except Master's."

"Master is a... special case." Yixing said going over with a bowl and dipping it into the small pool that was on the other half of Joonmyeon's room.

"Special enough to only care about you ?" Joonmyeon asked sitting up some.

"Maybe." Yixing said moving back over towards Joonmyeon. He poured the water gently on his head and face before moving down towards the rest of his body. The water clung to Joonmyeon and soon it was being absorbed inside of him.

"Thank you Yixing-ssi." Joonmyeon whispered.

"Go to sleep Joonmyeon. I'll be here when you wake up." Yixing said. Joonmyeon nodded letting the sleep take him. Not noticing Yixing tear's mix in with the water that poured onto him.




Luhan watched as Sehun woke up the fifth time that night with tears streaming down his face. Luhan wiped them away every time and brushed the bangs away from his sweaty fore head.

"Do you wake up like this every night ?" Luhan asked once the younger calmed down.

"Sometimes. Only when I dream about umma, appa and you." Sehun explained.

"I see. They're just dreams Sehunnie. I'm right here. Uncle and Aunty miss you very much as well." Luhan said.

"Sometimes I forget." Sehun said. Luhan caressed his cheek before he slid down and rested his cheek on the younger's chest. 

"You know I was never scared." Luhan said gaining Sehun's attention. "The day you got taken and I couldn't do anything, I felt so useless but I never was scared. I felt like you were always there with me. Then one day you actually where. I could hear you. But I didn't say anything at first because I didn't know if you could hear me back. You were so grumpy. The first words I heard you speak in months and you told someone to 'leave you alone before you made them'. I went to bed that night with a smile on my face. Because you actually were alright. The second time I heard you, you were so sad. I gained the confidence to talk to you and thank god you talked back. It was a miracle Sehunnie. How I could speak to you from your mind. Aunty thinks I'm crazy. And Uncle never looks me in the eye. They say I remind them of you in their heads. They argued a few times about it. But I couldn't help but want to talk to you Sehun. I missed you as much as you're thinking right now." Luhan whispered and Sehun let his arms wrapped around the older male in a tight hug. He let a few tears slip out over all these years. 

"Luhan-hyung I-"

"Shh Sehunnie." Luhan cut him off. "We need energy for tomorrow. Do you want me to sing you, your favorite lullaby ?"

Sehun was quiet for a moment before nodding.

"Which version ?"

"Japanese. It sounds better in the original language." Sehun said making Luhan chuckle.

"Yasahshii kaze ga fuku itsumo no michi de

Anata ni aeru toka sonna koto de ii

Chiisa na kodou no yure ga omoi ni kasanari

Shizuka ni tokeru no wa tada matter iru 

Hito wa doue kotae wo motomeru no ?

Watashi wa kore de shiawase nano ni shiawase nano ni~."




"You two. Trying to escape has led you too to The Room. And you know what happens when we get here."

Chanyeol gave the man an insane grin as he spat fire on his face. The man cried before water was being thrown at him and he was left with a burn on his check, And few guards escorted him out and replaced him with a new doctor. Baekhyun was sitting behind Chanyeol as the first thing they did when they captured him was break his hands. He screamed at the pain awakening Chanyeol and he burned that doctor to ashes. And here they where now.

"If you don't calm down we will bring in Master." the new doctor said and Chanyeol snorted.

"Oh that's rich. If I calm down you will hurt us. Or worse. And I'm not in the mood to being reprogrammed again. If you guys haven't noticed I get worse every time." Chanyeol said. Fire admitting from his body like a shield as a guard tried to shoot him.

"Stop ! We can't kill them. We don't have time to make another fire welder." The doctor said hitting the guard to make him stop.

"Do I have to do everything myself ?" the deep voice of their master had everyone frozen. Well except Chanyeol. Chanyeol just grinned and let the fire burn brighter.

"You my subject are going to be sleeping for a long time. As for you Baekhyun. I think it's time to reprogram you." the master waved his hand and Chanyeol's fire went out in a instant. He growled in annoyance as he couldn't weld it back up.

"Dream for a while fire welder. For when you wake up, expect hell." and with another wave of the hand, the light in Chanyeol's eyes faded and he fell to the floor with a thud.

"You Baekhyun. Don't worry your pretty little mind. You my blue jewel , won't remember any of this ever happening." 

The light faded out of Baekhyun's too and he fell limp against the wall. Mind blank from all recent activities.




AN- Hello my fellow readers. It is I, the great and powerful who hasn't updated in a while but it is all good because I have given you a long chapter. Sadly track season has started so guess who is going to be more busy ? But don't worry. I won't forget you guys. I'll update as much as I can. If you're wondering about how the story is set up, well it starts off in present but then goes back in the past before Jongin woke up in the room with Kai. If you still don't understand just ask. Also if you're wondering about the song Luhan has sung to Sehun. It's called Ai no Uta by Mai Fukui. The part he has sung translates to 

The gentle wind always blows on the road
I want to meet you, but is it okay for such a thing
There’s small heart beats and our feelings will overlap 
I’m just waiting for them to dissolve quietly into each other

Why do people yearn for answers?
I’m happy with this, happy 

Well any more questions, I'll be here to answer. PLEASE COMMENT RATE AND SUBSCRIBE



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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you