Chapter 14

Blue Green




Kyungsoo's breathing hitched as he caught sight of something green and slimy in the faint light. His heart started to beat faster as the sounds went from groaning to growling. More lights and the beast could almost be fully seen. Kyungsoo couldn't even think before something almost crashed into him. Almost because thankfully Kyungsoo had good reflexes and blocked the attack before it could struck him. Panic set into Kyungsoo as the monster was out to kill. Thankfully more lights and Kyungsoo could see better. He almost wish he didn't as he got the full sight of the creature. It was hideous. With red beady eyes, green slimy skin that was dripping some sort of liquid and huge.

The blue-green eyed male let out a squeak when another long tentacle like arm moved towards him. Quickly moving on instinct, Kyungsoo hands went behind him and pushed up fast throwing shards of earth at the creature. It moved slow though and couldn't really defend itself from the rocks sinking into it's skin. Kyungsoo smirked at that. If he could out do him in speed he could defeat this thing. Placing his hands on the ground, Kyungsoo pressed deep into the ground and huge solid like pillars shot at the monsters sides. It roared in pain and the tentacle arms reached out in quick speed. Kyungsoo quickly tried to move out the way but a smaller tentacle wrapped around his ankle making him fall to the ground. Sending spikes up to where the tentacle was, blood oozed out as it let go. The teenager ran and with each foot touch to the ground he sent out large walls to block the monster from getting him. Crashes and chunks of the earth flew and Kyungsoo moved his hands in a circular motion. The monster was having enough of Kyungsoo and lifted all it's tentacles at once to slam them on the ground.

Kyungsoo lost his balance and fell onto the ground. As he did a tentacle wrapped around his leg and slip up to his waist. Lifting him up, the monster let out a roar and it tentacle tightened around Kyungsoo suffocating the boy. Kyungsoo,  not wanting to die yet, kicked out his feet and forced his power to bend the earth into a long shard stabbing the monsters tentacles. Blood spattered everywhere and Kyungsoo used all his strength and slipped out of the slimy arm. With disgust he wiped off the slime. Red beady eyes met blue green ones as Kyungsoo stomped onto the ground molding two circular type objects. He had one in each hand and began spinning around. The monster looked at him confused and tried to grab Kyungsoo again but Kyungsoo jumped up with a little help with his power and threw the thin circular objects at it.

It was silent as the objects, sharp went through the monsters green skin and through it's neck. Kyungsoo watched as it glanced at him one more time before blood splattered out all around. The red warm liquid hitting Kyungsoo in his face and upper body. The monster went limp and it's tentacle twitched before stopping. Kyungsoo's eyes narrowed at it before giving a near by tentacle a good kick. When it did nothing Kyungsoo gave a triumphant smile.

As soon as he do so, a red light flashed and everything went dark again. Kyungsoo growled in the darkness. His mind alert as he looked into the nothingness. The sound of walking was heard and Kyungsoo turned towards it. When nothing came towards him he relaxed a bit. The lights all in an instant and Kyungsoo turned around to see people in white lab coats and masks on their faces.

"Congratulations Do Kyungsoo. You have past the first test. But don't get too excited there will be many more to come. I hope you last long. If not, don't last at all."

 And Kyungsoo was grabbed from behind by hands. A blind fold covering his eyes and something tied his hands. A sharp pain came on the side of his head and before he knew it, he was gone.




"He passed the first test Yixing. Aren't you happy ?"


"That's good. I'd hate to morn for someone not worth your tears."

Yixing stayed quiet at that. Because he thought everyone was worth his tears. Every single one. And he'll cry more tonight. Because he wants out and the person in front of him wishes nothing of the sort.




Suho looked at the two children in front of him with a stern look.

"A private jet for what ?"

"We think we know where he might be. And the only way to get to him is a through air." Luhan explained.

"Unless you can fly and not telling us." Jongin implied. Luhan punched him.

"You kids to know it's not that easy to just leave the country. Or fly across it. We need money and passports and the plane actually has to be there. Also what would your parents do if you randomly left the country without their permission.?" Suho explained.

"Well you have money. Passports are good because I've been out of the country before and Luhan's from China. About the jet yeah I checked before we got here and your parents are Kim Industries. I think you got more then enough private jets floating around Suho-ssi.  Also I can just tell my mom I'm staying over Luhan's." Jongin said with a smirk. Suho narrowed his eyes at the boy.

"H-how did you know I was that Kim ?" the doctor asked.

"I have connections." Jongin said.

"Fine. But what about you Luhan ?" Suho asked looking at the blonde boy.

"Money and jet is all on you. Passport check. I'll tell my aunt I'm going to China for a bit." Luhan mumbled out the last part. Actually explaining why he was going away would be the hardest. If he said China they would ask him why. He guess he'll make up a believable lie when it's time. Suho looked a bit lost on what to do. The kids had everything planned out. All they needed was him. It was all up to him. He could say no and then they'd have to tell Kyungsoo's parents and involve the police and get everything hectic. Or, he could say yes. And they could be on his favorite jet in an hour ready to go save Kyungsoo and maybe get a good adventure out of this. Looking at the wide eyes of the two teens, Suho made his decision.

"Fine. But I'm coming with."

Jongin looked at Luhan and smiled. Hopefully this all works out well.




Baekhyun woke up the next day in a cold sweat. He dreams were filled with screams, blood and most of all fire. His heart was pounding and Baekhyun really hoped it stopped. Because that's all he heard. The thudthudthud of his heart ready to jump out of his chest. He felt the fear.

"Such a human emotion." Chanyeol's voice ran though Baekhyun's head and he growled.

No. Stop thinking of the idiot. He's insane. He knows nothing. Baekhyun was perfect. The perfect little 25E. Perfect powers, perfect reflexes, perfect body, perfect mind. He was everything his creator wanted him to be. Well until his master decided that he shouldn't be so brainless. And gave him a personality. A mind of his own. Gave him feelings. But not too much. Too much and you turned out like Yixing. Poor Yixing. He was such an emotional person, that's how he grew flawed. With every emotion his perfection grew less. So their master decided to create something from scratch. Something that was strong, smart, beautiful. Someone that will bend for him but will also keep a clear mind when needed. Someone that would protect him but also his to protect. Someone that was dashing in blue. And thus, Baekhyun was made.

Baekhyun climbed out of his bed, slipping on his slippers and walked out of his room. He walked through his living room and past his kitchen to outside of his home. Outside of sector 6. He was glad he wasn't so close to Chanyeol. The sectors were spread apart due to clashing of powers and other flaws that might effect others. Baekhyun was a good two wings away from the other boy. He could breathe easily at least.

The cold air of the building hit Baekhyun and the boy ignored it as best as he could walking down the hallways. Many people were asleep by now. It was about three-four in the morning. Baekhyun liked the emptiness of the building. He couldn't walk around freely without feeling eyes all on him. Sometimes he wished he could morph into someone else but that would bring more stares. Tugging on his sleeve, Baekhyun tried not to let his emotions get the best of him.

Emotions are one of the many reasons why he hated his master. If only he didn't give him any. Then maybe, maybe he wouldn't feel so cold right now, wouldn't feel so sad and most of all scared. But he wouldn't show it. Never. If he did then we wasn't doing what he was made for right. If he doesn't give his all that means he didn't try. And believe me Baekhyun tries. But sometimes he could feel himself slipping from that perfect title and turning..human.

"Hey !" 

Baekhyun jumped as a voice brought him out of his thoughts. Looking up, Baekhyun met with pale gray eyes.

"Hey." The boy in front of him repeated. "Do you know the way out of here ?"

"Yeah it's-" Baekhyun started but the boy continued.

"I'm looking for my sister. She ran away two days ago. I was wondering if she went into this old house but I guess not." The boy rambled and Baekhyun's eyes softened at him. Poor boy. Baekhyun gently placed his hands on the boy back and began pushing him back towards the near by open door. He locked it as he gave the boy a final push in, closing the door.

Hey ! Do you know the way out of here ?" the boy started again as Baekhyun began walking down the hall. He picked his speed up as the boy talked about his sister again. "She ran away todays ago.."

The slamming of a door brought Baekhyun out of his thoughts once more as he turned own the hall. Looking down he noticed the hall was abnormally dark. Pushing energy down towards his fingers his hand began to glow. Stepping into the darkness, Baekhyun lit it up gently. As he did so a hand reached out and grabbed him by the shirt pulling him into a room.

"Miss me baby ?"





Kyungsoo was seriously getting tired of being knocked out. It was becoming a thing and it didn't need to be. Sitting up he noticed he wasn't on a floor or tied up. The bed mattress was fairly soft and the warm blanket let him know without it he would be freezing. Sitting up, there was a knock on the door. Not saying anything the door opened a bit and a head poked through. Pink lips shaped into an 'O' and Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes as the person entered.

"It's good that you are awake." The male said. He wasn't wearing a mask and his coat was bright white with blue around the edges. His voice was soft and spoke in slow Korean. The accent obviously there and Kyungsoo wondered for a moment where he was from.

"I'm Doctor Zhang but too people like you, you can call me Yixing." the male, Yixing explained. Kyungsoo frowned. Yixing looked nice enough. Well so did Baekhyun and you see where that got him.

"I don't trust you." Kyungsoo said bluntly. Yixing's smile flattered.

"Ahh well I hope to gain your trust. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not made for that. I'm made to heal." 

"Made ?" Kyungsoo asked confused.

"Well explain that all soon. First I'd like you to come meet the others. They all should be eating breakfast right now." Yixing said looking at his watch. Kyungsoo.

"Breakfast ?" Kyungsoo repeated.

"Yeah. Did I say the wrong word ? Sorry my Korean isn't fluent yet." Yixing explained scratching the back of his head. Kyungsoo was silent. Yixing really didn't seem harmful. His stomach growled. Even if he didn't trust him he couldn't fight on an empty stomach. Getting up from the bed, Kyungsoo followed Yixing. Walking to closer to the teen Yixing put handcuff like objects on Kyungsoo.

"Precaution." Was all Yixing said. The other male was pretty quiet the whole walk. Kyungsoo pinned him as the quiet type. They reached two purple double doors and Yixing opened one for Kyungsoo to go in. The room was fairly big. There were about ten tables and a small section that held all the food and drinks. There were no "lunch ladies" to give anyone food so Kyungsoo guesses he has to get it himself. As he got his breakfast, Kyungsoo noticed the other males in the room. There were only about fifteen of them. Kyungsoo saw an empty table and quickly made his way there. He didn't want to sit with any of those lunatics.

Soon a figure sat down with him and Kyungsoo looked up to see Yixing. The other male was just watching him. Kyungsoo looked at the other and realized his eyes. They were a soft blue that suited him well. His hair was a sandy brown like color and sat a bit styled on his head. His features were soft and innocent like. He was handsome really. And if Kyungsoo had met Yixing any other way, he knew they probably would have been friends.

Suddenly the doors open and Kyungsoo looked up to see Baekhyun walk through the doors. His eyes cast downward in though as he wore a blue coat similar to Yixing's except his has gold lineing on the bottom. Following after Baekhyun was a very tall boy with a weird look on his face. Kyungsoo's eyes went back to Baekhyun's and he got up as anger filled him.

"You !" Kyungsoo shouted as he grabbed Baekhyun by his collar tugging the older male towards him. "What is this Baekhyun ? Where am I ?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Could you let go doll ?I can't breathe." Baekhyun said calmly. Narrowing his eyes Kyungsoo let go. He then swung his arm back and punched Baekhyun right in his face. All eyes them. Baekhyun grabbed him by his arm flipping him over. Kyungsoo held only Baekhyun's arm and swipped at his feet making him fall. They soon began to throw punches back and forth. Yixing quickly pulled Kyungsoo back and Baekhyun stood up wiped blood from his lip.

"How can you act like this ? Like you didn't kidnap me and didn't put me into some asylum ?! Why are you doing this to me hyung ?" Kyungsoo's voice cracked at the end and he went slump in Yixing's grip. Meanwhile Baekhyun's eyes hardened.

"I'm just following orders Kyungsoo. They're just orders."




Jongin was anxious. His feet were tapping against the floor and his fingers drumming against his thigh. They were inside the airport. Suho having to make sure their luggage right and Luhan feel asleep an hour ago as the wait to board they private jet. They had about fifteen more minuets and Jongin could see the outline of Suho walking towards them.

Telling his mother he was going to be over Luhan's for a couple days was fairly easy but convincing Luhan's aunt and uncle was hard. Luhan casually switched to Mandarin as he talked to them and from the little of what Luhan knew all he got out was 'trying to find him' or something like that. They shut up quick at that and even helped him pack.

"Are you okay Jongin ?" Suho asked. The younger nodded as he looked at the plane schedules.

"Private Jet 215 is now boarding." the lady on the loud speaker said and Jongin's heard did flips.

Luhan was very cute when he was sleepy according to Jongin. The older blinked about five times before standing up, stretching, sitting back down then doing the same thing over again. He leaned onto Jongin a bit as they walked onto the jet. It was real fancy like and Jongin threw Suho a smirk. Being a Kim has it's perks he sees.

"So how long is this flight ?" Jongin asked Suho when they were all buckled and ready to take off.

"10 hours."

"Jesus Christ." 

Those ten hours would be hell knowing they're being used to get to Kyungsoo.





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you