Chapter 19

Blue Green

The last member. His eyes were a dark red and the rest of his face was covered by half of a face mask. Kyungsoo reacted first. His fist slamming into the ground and they all watched as the earth spiked up towards their enemy. Though the man saw that and lifted a hand up, blocking the crash. Kyungsoo glared and sent giant pieces of rocks at him.

"Guys quite standing there." Kyungsoo shouted as he threw one more rock. Jongin, Suho and Luhan watching him with wide eyes.

"Those of you who can't defend yourselves should run. Because your little friend here just made me angry.!" the red eyed male said, wiping the blood off of his face.

" !" Jongin said tugging Suho out of the way as the man sent a strong force of energy their way.

Luhan begin to try and move at this point but his feet were still stuck solid. 

"Luhan.." Sehun tried to tug him to at least get a movement out of him but his legs stayed in place.

"Sehunnie. Go. Before they catch you again."

"No. Hyung I can't just leave you here. Not when I just got you back. If we need to fight, we fight together." Sehun said then turned his attention towards the male who raised his hand at Kyungsoo and the boy began floating up in the air. Kyungsoo began struggled and a bit of panic set in as he couldn't move.

"Kyungsoo remember what I told you." Sehun shouted as he threw a burst of wind at the male and the guy blocked it.

Kyungsoo froze at that and began to rack his thoughts before he remembered.

"See." he whispered. His attention went to the earth, concentrating on his power and let it flow towards the male. He gasped in shock as he saw thin strings of light run through the earth. Flowing the strings he noticed that they ended up at Luhan, tied tightly around his feet and legs.The same with Suho and Jongin as they weren't fast enough to dodged his power. Opening his eyes he knew what he had to do. But he couldn't do this on his own.

"Sehun !" Kyungsoo shouted getting the taller's attention.

"Yes ?" Sehun asked trying to block the invisible forces.


Light green eyes met blue green as Sehun nodded understanding. Closing his eyes Sehun let the air flow gently towards their enemy. He let it flow slowly, so that it wouldn't be detectable and let it wrap around him. His eyes scrunched up as he felt the wind tangle in-between strings of power. They flowed towards Kyungsoo and he could feel them all around the earth wielders body. Grinning, he opened his eyes.

"I see. You're actually not that tough." Sehun mused as he began moving his hands in circular motions, making three air balls.

"You have a lot of crap to say kid. I can't wait till to see you in the room when we get back." the guy shot out his hands, a flow of strings coming at Sehun but he quickly flattened out his spheres making them into disk and shot them out, cutting the strings. They quickly formed back though and Sehun had to duck out of the way before they touched him.

"Oh I get it now." Luhan said as he watched all of the events play out. All eyes turned toward him.

"Get what ?" Jongin asked.

"You're the Puppeteer." Luhan said. The man looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"How do you know who I am human ?" he asked, the strings on Luhan's body tightened as he spoke. 

"You're mind. It's so open. Like you have nothing to hide." Luhan said and gasped a bit as the strings began to pull at his arm, bending it at an odd angle slowly.

"Stop hurting him." Sehun shouted, throwing disk as the strings, cutting them. 

"I'm fine Sehunnie." Luhan said. Sehun didn't believe him.

"Enough of this talk. If I don't get you pests back soon..." he trailed off and Kyungsoo couldn't help but wonder what would happen.

"Sehun anyday." Kyungsoo said still in the air. The slice was heard quickly and Kyungsoo began to fall. Jongin wanted to catch him, break his fall anything, but he couldn't move. Though he didn't need to. As Kyungsoo dropped he molded into the ground. Sinking into it and as the last of him went in Jongin gluped. The Puppeteer growled as his hands touched the ground. Sehun shot mini tornados as him, trying to gain back his attention. 

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo was underground he reached for the strings and sliced them with the earth. Only it wasn't as easy as Sehun made it seem because every time he tried, they instantly connected. Growling, his attention went towards the new strings that seemed to be shooting out towards him. Though before they could tough him, they dropped. Raising an arm. Kyungsoo made sure the earth was solid and sharp around him as he sliced the strings around Luhan's feet. One string, two string, three. Almost ready though he could see the strings that drop, pick up and drop again. Almost like someone wouldn't let them get to him. But with every drop they moved closer. He had to work quickly, after a couple of more strings, Luhan was set free.

Using that to his advantage, Luhan smiled.

"Sehunnie watch out." Luhan cried. Sehun looked at him confused. "Trust me." Luhan said and Sehun nodded at that, taking a step back. Looking at the Puppeteer, his doe eyes narrowed and the man couldn't help but feel the hair on the back of his neck. Raising his hand, strings shot out at Luhan but the teen couldn't help but smirk. Eyes glowing in their summer sky blue beauty, Luhan opened his mouth.


The red eyes froze a bit as did the strings, before they went away like a poof as the Puppeteer flopped back into unconsciousness.

"That was amazing." Jongin said as he felt himself finally being able to move his legs. Suho just took a deep breath. Feeling too old for this. Jongin yelped as a hand grabbed his ankle from the ground. He almost killed the thing when he realized it was just Kyungsoo pulling himself out. Helping him out, Jongin pulled the tiny male into his arms and smiled as tiny hands clutched at his back.

"If we don't make it off this island I swear to god." Jongin whispered as Suho nodded an amen to that. He was starting to miss his five star way of living. Though he would never admit that out loud.

"Let's go before someone tries to sneak up on us again." Luhan said.

"Wouldn't it be a little too late for that ?" a voice called and Sehun groaned so loudly.

"No." he said throwing a strong gust of wind at the person successfully knocking them out.

"Aye I like him." Jongin said high living the taller. Sehun awkwardly gave it back as he was still confused as to why Jongin looked exactly like the shadow walker. Though looking at the boy he couldn't help but notice the differences. Jongin laughed, unlike the shadow walker. Jongin seemed to like physical contact while if you were within ten feet of the shadow walker you would be into eternal darkness. Jongin showed emotion. The shadow walker was impassive. Jongin was over all the light side to the shadow walker. And Sehun had no reason how that was possible. The same thing with that other guy.

"You look like Joonmyeon hyung." Sehun said walking up towards him as they were all walking back towards the plane. Suho cocked his eye brow at that.

"Really ? Like we could be brothers ?" Suho asked.

"No. Like you could be twins." Sehun said. Suho looked confused at that. He had no twins. Not even any other siblings. He was an only child as far as he remembered. 

"Odd." Sehun said scrutinizing him one last time before moving back towards Luhan.

"Odd indeed." Suho whispered.




"Sir. We've captured half of the escaped subjects."

"Don't report to me until you have captured them all. If it is deemed impossible to capture them. Kill them."

"Yes sir."

"Take the captured to the examination room. It seems like I have to do a lot of reprogramming to do."

"Yes sir. Also... Yixing-shao ye is almost ready."

"Don't call him that !" the master barked. His hand clenched slightly and the other person jumped in shock at that.

"Y-yes sir. Sorry sir. I forgot he-"

"Speak more and I shall kill you. Go find the missing half." 

A bow and the man went running out of the office. The leader sighed as he sat back down in his seat. His eyes flickered towards the mess at the outlook around the building. 

"Such vexatious children."




"." Chanyeol said dodging what looked like to be the last few pieces of the shield. Baekhyun clutched to him tight as they flew back harshly of the impact that hit the ground. Water rippled in the back ground but as you looked around the fluorescent lights shining perfectly normal as the red light stopped flashing long ago. Chanyeol groaned a bit as he felt a pull in his shoulder but tried to ignore it. The cut on Baekhyun's face caught his attention and he quickly wiped the blood away. Red said pale cheeks and Chanyeol could help but like the contrast. It was compelling.

"The door !" they heard someone shout from a distance. "It's open !"

Baekhyun's light blue almost gray eyes met Chanyeol's fiery blue ones and the latter opened his mouth first.


"Open means...escaping. Escaping means.."

"Freedom." Chanyeol finished for the doctor.

"Freedom." Baekhyun repeated.

"Yes. Get up doc. Before the rest of them come."

"They can't hurt me." Baekhyun said.

"Seeing as how is going down, rules are none for the moment. They will hurt you, torture you, eat you alive if they get your hands on you. Because you're one of them." Chanyeol said with a animalistic glint in his eye.

"And why won't you ?" Baekhyun asked wanting to back up a little. 

"You're one of us as well." 

Baekhyun gulped at that. It was true. He was just Yixing. Stuck on both sides. The enemy and ..and their enemy.

"Now get up.I don't want anyone touching what's mine." Chanyeol barked.

"I'm not yours." Baekhyun whispered.

"You bet your sweet quiet literally you are."

Baekhyun flushed slightly at that but glared at the taller. He got up, dusting the dirt off his pants and coat before walking towards the door. Chanyeol walked fairly quickly next to him, his body tense as they could hear others rushing towards freedom.

"Hurry up." Chanyeol cried. Fire sparked out from the bottom of his heals to push him faster. Baekyun settled on running. He didn't feel like using up his powers unless needed.

They reached the door fairly quickly and Chanyeol groaned in annoyance as he spotted two guys fighting at the door way.

"Move." he growled sending a wave of fire on them and they quickly dropped to the ground. Baekhyun watched them try to put the fire out singing their powers but failing.

"They might die." Baekhyun said as they stepped into the hallway.

"It was us or them." Chanyeol said. "And most likely it will always be them. Your human emotions make you remorseful doc.That could get you killed."

"I'm not some fragile human 96E. Stop treating me like one." Baekhyun spat.

A flame rose on Chanyeol but he immediatly put it out.

"Bad pets get punished. I'll only warn you once."

Baekhyun watched the older male walk down the hall and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He had been warned of he threat he knew nothing about.




Yixing felt like he was drowning. Drowning in the pain he tried to run away from. He gasped for air but it didn't seem to flow through him.


A voice called his name and he looked around but only saw the darkness.

"`Yixing. You're bleeding."

Confused Yixing looked down and noticed the red liquid staining his white shirt.

"Yixing why are you bleeding ?"

'I don't know.' Yixing wanted to say. Because he didn't know. He couldn't even feel the pain as the blood, dripped dripped dripped out of him.

"Yixing you're dying."

Yes. He might if he kept bleeding out like this. Though death wasn't something he felt he needed to avoid. Wouldn't it be amazing to be gone with no worries. Maybe he would have a better life with the dead.

"Yixing stay alive. Heal yourself for me."

'Me ? Who is me ? Who are you ?' Yixing thought. The voice was warm and smooth. It was like hope. If he knew what hope was. He was sure that's would hope would sound like if it had a voice.

"I need you Yixing. Wake up."

Wake up ? Was he sleeping ? If so then did someone kill him in his sleep. Is that why he was bleeding ?:

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up."

The voice chanted and Yixing felt the blood rush begin to rush back into his body.

"Wake up !"

Yixing opened his eyes with a gasp, taking in the air. He looked around the all white room and squinted as it hurt his eyes for a moment. As they adjusted, Yixing sat up and looked around. He was laying on a bed with dark blue pillows and cotton white sheets. The room itself was huge and extravagant but dull.

"Yixing-ssi. Please lay back down." a female voice said and Yixing looked at the lady in a white coat. Similar to his own but her's did not have the blue around the edges like he did. The blue that stained him.

Her brown eyes were kind and he laid back down. She checked his heart monotor before writing something down on paper.

"Master will be in shortly of your awakening." she said. Yixing nodded, still not finding his words as she walked out.

He had almost forgotten Master had put him to sleep. Does this mean the events were over ? He hoped they were. The door soon opened and his eyes caught the sight of his master.

"S-sir." Yixing bowed.

"Yixing. Calm down." the heart rate monotor was going off fairly loudly and Yixing tried to control his heart beat.

"Sorry sir." Yixing said.

"Not a problem. How are you feeling ?" their master asked.

"Like I..have awoken from death." Yixing said.

His master went quiet at that before he nodded.

"Death. I see. Food will be brought shortly. And a few books for you entertainment." the master walked back towards the door. "Don't leave this room until I tell you to."

"Yes sir."

And as the door shut quietly behind him Yixing could hear the echoes of screams.




They reached the landing place of their plane and Kyungsoo couldn't help but let out a breath of relief. He was finally going home. And this time he was sure he would stay there. This kidnapping crap was going to get to him one day and he would be a paranoid mess.

"This one." Luhan pointed to Suho's private jet.

"Kim airlines...Angel-ssi you have your own airlines ?" Kyungsoo looked back to Suho who flushed.


"Loaded." Jongin whispered.

"Well lets just get on it and into the air before they notice." Sehun said. The jet stairs were a bit high so Sehun let Joonmyeon climb first before he grabbed Luhan by the waist and heaved him up, wind dancing gently under the elders feet.

"Sehunnie warn me next time !" Luhan cried. Kyungsoo giggled at his flushed expression and Sehun just shrugged as he flew up. Kyungsoo lifted Jongin and him by the earth, boosting them a little as they walked up the stairs. Setting into the nice leather seats, they all sighed.

"I'll tell the pilot we're ready." Suho said turned down to the cockpit.

"We're ready to fly immediately" Suho said pushing the curtain back. He gasped as he saw blood staining all of the buttons and the body of the pilot twisted into the small corner. His face empty with pain. Covering his mouth. Suho turned around to go tell the kids.

"Guys the-" stopping Suho was greeted with the empty seats of his jet.

"Time to sleep. The master will be seeing you when you wake up." a female's voice whispered in his ear before a kiss was placed to his temple, and the lights went out.




"They're all leaving."

"Yes I know."

"Should we follow them ?"

"I don't think I can. The punishment of getting caught would be..most deadly."

"Joonmyeon.." Minseok trailed off. He didn't know what to say to that. To the truth.

"Here is safe. Most of them can't breathe under hear like we can." Joonmyeon said. His ocean blue eyes looking down.

"They're kill each other." Minseok whispered. He could already feel the warm blood melt his ice.

"They're too young to know. They'll never know if they're dead." Joonmyeon said. Water rippled gently around him. Touching him with comfort. His eyes watched the water around Minseok freeze gently. Little crackles of crystal like patterns on the ice before they turned back to water.

"A few of them know. We know." Minseok said.

"Of course we do. Why do you think we're still alive."

"Because he wants us to be."

"Besides that obviously." Joonmyeon said rolling his eyes. Icy blue mockingly glared at him. But the glaring quickly stopped as they both felt the sparks of lightening ripple over top of the water.

"The sparker. What does he want ?" Minseok whispered with a glare.

"Don't. Stay here hyung. I'll deal with him." Joonmyeon said.


"What was it that you said earlier ? All I had to do was bat an eye ?" 

"Fine. But one bad move and he's ice"

Joonmyeon nodded at that before moving up to the surface. The lightening that shot near almost touched him but the waves pushed it away, Redirecting it.



Joonmyeon scrunched his nose up at that. "Don't call me that horrible name."

"It fits someone of your beauty perfectly."

Joonmyeon snorted at that. "You didn't come here to just flatter me did you ?"

"No. I have a request."

"For ?"

"Right now the shields and wards that are holding us prisoner are down. All they have is man power. Human man power. If we take this chance we all can escape. Get ride of this hell hole and live the lives that we want." The Sparker said.

"Technically they have a few of us on their side." Joonmyeon said.

"They can die along with them." The Sparker spat.


"Why are you protesting at a chance of freedom ? When it is right at your finger tips. I'm trying to help you." The Sparker said and Joonmyeon sighed at that. He stood up walking around the water swiftly before he was stand a good feet away from the other male. Though Joonmyeon swore if the other male took a deep breath he would feel it.

"I'm not protesting. I'm just not going to do anything about it. Not yet. You out of all of us should know what happens when you disobey. When you rebel. I'm trying to get out of here without the consequence of death. To me and others surround me. Leaving would be like walking into a trap. All the insane and brainless are escaping. And they'll be the ones to die first." Joonmyeon said.

"You're much prettier with your mouth closed." The Sparker huffed.

"Jongdae ! Get serious." Joonmyeon shouted.

"Don't call me that !" electricity rippled through him and Joonmyeon could feel the water freeze and Minseok stood on guard, ready to pounce.

"Calm down. Before you attract them." Joonmyeon said. He didn't want any unwanted company.

"They'll die before they reach you." The Sparker- Jongdae said.

"What about you ? What if they reach you ?" Joonmyeon asked.

"Worried about me ?" Jongdae said with a smirk.

"No. I just think you're not fit to die." Joonmyeon sighed a blush on his cheeks.

"Pretty." Jongdae said stepping closer. His arm reaching out to touch the other but Joonmyeon took a step back.

"Not yet Sparker. We can't escape just yet. I have a feeling something big is coming and we need to be here when it happens." Joonmyeon  said.

"And where'd you get these feelings ?" Jongdae said.

"The water. It whispers the secrets of those who touches it." Joonmyeon said.

"Have you gone insane Aquamarine ?" Jongdae asked.

"If I have..I'd be all over you." Joonmyeon said, and he watched the way Jongdae's adams apple bobbed up and down.

"I'll live for the day that happens then." Jongdae said with a smirk.

"You'll only live if you don't do anything foolish." Joonmyeon said.

"Then I won't do anything foolish."

Jongdae walked away at that. His footprints leaving sparks against the sand.





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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you