Chapter 8

Blue Green

"I can't." Kyungsoo said. The soil between his fingers blew away in the soft wind as Kyungsoo tired to make something happen. Anything. But nothing did. The teens patience was wearing. Jongin huffed.

"Well how'd you do it the first time ?" he asked again and Kyungsoo could feel his annoyance level going up. This is the third time Jongin asked that.

"I told you." Kyungsoo said through his teeth. "I was angry."

"Well get angry. Problem solved." Jongin said.

"That's unhealthy. Also if you haven't noticed. I have nothing to get angry over."

"Well hmmm..." Jongin thought biting his bottom lip. Kyungsoo would have thought that to be cute but right now Jongin was getting on his last nerve. He kept repeating the same questions like he didn't know the answer from when Kyungsoo told him the first five times. Then he kept calling his name over and over again. Kyungsoo wished he had a different name because if he hears it come out the younger teens mouth one more time-


"What !" Kyungsoo snapped. The ground beneath them shook. Jongin grabbed onto Kyungsoo upper arm to steady himself. Kyungsoo was confused for a moment. The annoying feeling he once felt faded and the ground soon stop shaking.

"Kids are you okay ?" Mrs.Kim voice called from inside the house.

"Yes mom." Jongin answered before looking back at Kyungsoo.

"Hyung. You can create earth quakes."

Jongin laughed because this was unbelievable and Kyungsoo gave him a weary smile. The shaking outside may have stopped but the turmoil inside Kyungsoo seemed stronger then ever.

"Promise me something." Kyungsoo said his bottom lip. His voice in a hushed whisper.

"Anything." Jongin said leaning close.

"Tell no one of this."


"Please. I don't even know what this is. It scares me Jongin-ah. If people knew, I'd probably end up as some science expirement." Kyungsoo laughed. It was kind of bitter. Because something like that wasn't funny.

"I promise."

"Thank you." Kyungsoo said and Jongin pulled him into a hug. He could feel the rapid beating of Kyungsoo's heart through his chest.

"You're scared." he said pulled him closer.

"A bit."

"Don't worry. I'm here." Kyungsoo pulled back and smiled at the younger because that was true. Jongin was there. And hopefully he wasn't going anywhere.


"No no no. Place your thumb right here and then strum."

"Yes isn't that nice." Luhan said and smiled. The room filling with the tune of the guitar.

"You play better than me now. Soon it'll be you teaching me." Eyes fluttered close as Luhan hummed softly to the acoustics sounds.

"You,neowa hamgge han sungan, hamgge hattdeon gieokdeuleun. You, nae gaseumi than guseokgwa nae gwitsok gipeun gose meomulleo~"

"Luhan ?" The music stopped and Luhan opened his eyes.

"Yes Aunty." he answered looking over at her from his bed.

"I've been calling you for a while now. Come down to eat before your food gets cold." she said. Luhan blinked. Calling him ?

"Oh. Sorry Aunty. I guess I couldn't hear you over the guitar playing." he said walking down the steps. A sleepish smile on his face.

"A-ah." his aunt said lowly.

"Doesn't he play well? He's getting better everyday. One day he'll be famous. Just wait aunty." Luhan rambled happily. The smile on his face made the woman cringe and look down at her food. She bit her lip as she held back tears.

She hasn't heard his guitar playing in years. She probably never will.




"Kyungsoo-yah are you sure you don't want your father and me to take you ?" Mrs.Do asked.

"Ne Umma. I'm be fine with these two." Kyungsoo said reassuringly. He wasn't a baby. Though he got attacked twice, he's sure a third time wouldn't happen. Especially since now he's not alone.

"Okay. Well, tell me when you are done and I'll pick you kids up."

"Ne." Kyungsoo said hanging up. He then looked up at the two taller boys. He nodded and they followed him inside the building. After a short wait, the teens were called to the back. The nurse gave them a room and bowed before walking out. Kyungsoo took off his jacket before hopping on the bed. His feet dangled in the air and the other two boys sat in the chairs.

"Not to be rude but why am I here again ?" Luhan asked playing with the thread on his shirt.

"Hyung. You've been bothering me about am I doing well and all and now you're going to see how well I am." Kyungsoo said with a small pout.

"Aigoo Baby Soo." Jongin said teasing as he leaned up to ruffle Kyungsoo's hair. A tint of pink came across Kyungsoo's cheeks.

"Don't c-call me tha-" a soft knock on the door interrupted Kyungsoo.

"Come in." all three boys said as the door opened.

"Angel-hyung !" Kyungsoo said hopping down from the bed to hug the doctor. Suho chuckled and hugged him back.

"It's good to see you too Kyungsoo-yah." the doctor said before pulling back. He then turned to the other two boys in the room and bowed. The teens bowed back.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Kim Joonmyeon but you can call me Suho." Suho greeted. Luhan and Jongin introduced themselves back and Suho turned back to Kyungsoo.

"Let's get started shall we." 

Kyungsoo took his shoes off and stepped on the scale. Suho looked at the number and wrote it down. Kyungsoo hopped off the scale and Suho gestured for him to stand to measure his height. Once getting that done, Suho checked his temp, reflexes and bone strength. He wrote everything down on the tablet he was holding and soon they were finished.

"So ?" Jongin asked.

"Well he seems fine. No fever, reflexes are good, should drink a bit more milk though. His height is below your age average and he is still underweight." Suho said.

"Still ?" Jongin repeated.

"How is that possible. He eats a full meal every time I see him." Luhan said and they all looked at Kyungsoo. The boy flushed slightly.

"I all seems to go r-right through me."

"How many times to you go to the bathroom ?" Suho asked.

"H-hyung !" Kyungsoo blush increased. Why is Suho being so embarrassing right now.

"Mwo ? I need to know because it might be an effect with your weight." Suho said seriously. Kyungsoo pouted some before gesturing the doctor to come closer. He then leaned up and whispered in Suho's ear. His breath tickling before he pulled back.

"O-okay." Suho said quickly writing down what the teen said on his tablet. "Well everything is fine. Just eat more please. And stay active to get rid of these chubby cheeks." Suho teased pinching Kyungsoo's left cheek making the younger stick his tongue out at him.

"It was nice meeting you two." Suho said bowing a goodbye to the other teens. They bowed back and Kyungsoo glomped the doctor when he stood up from his bow.

"Goodbye Angel-hyung ! Thank you for the check up." Kyungsoo said and Luhan could not contain a small squeal.

They left the doctors office and waiting until Mrs.Do got there.

"See Luhan-hyung. I told you I was fine." Kyungsoo said a bit cheeky.

"Okay okay. Just making sure." Luhan said lightly shoving Kyungsoo's shoulder. You can never be too sure.


"Mr.Do I think it's safe to say the killings have stopped. It's been weeks since the last killing and we know the killer has some sort of schedule. They wouldn't just stop." Mr.Do's assistant said.

"Without a reason Minlee. They wouldn't stop without a reason. A reason we need to find out soon. My son could have been one of those kids. Do you understand that ?" the mans voice raised.

"Mr.Do ! Do not let your emotions pull you into such conflict. We will find the person who is doing this. And we will stop them." Minlee said. 

"Yes Minlee but we have no place to start. No evidence. No traces left. The killer is most likely impossible to find. If it weren't for my son to be the only known survivor then we wouldn't have known he was even real. We need to speed this up." Mr.Do turned around from where he was standing, grabbing the files.

"Cancel all my afternoon appointments. I'm going to need a few hours by myself."

"Yes sir."

Taking the elevator up to his office, Mr.Do was busy in his thoughts. The only connection throughout the killings did not make any sense. Though they weren't just random teenagers  it still made it hard. The population of Koreans with blue eyes were second to none. If you count the ones with mix blood it still was a low number. The killings weren't once place either. It was all over Korea. Some even in China.

What also didn't make sense was what did the killer want. Many kids have gone missing over the years but only a few have been actually seen dead. A few were classified dead because they haven't been seen or heard of in years. That was the only conclusion.

The elevator doors opened and Mr.Do walked into his office. He shut the door and sat at his desk. Opening the files he tried to make connections.


The man who attacked Kyungsoo was classified dead years ago but he suddenly showed up. How ? That's what they were missing. The how part. How are these kids getting killed. How was the man who harmed Kyungsoo alive ? Well was alive until someone brutally murdered him. Who murdered him ?

Mr.Do took a sip of his coffee. A pair of intense brown eyes caught his attention and he grabbed the file. One of the youngest kids to be attacked. He would be around Kyungsoo's age now. Missing for three years now. Related to-

Mr. Do eyes widen slightly. He'd have to make a few calls.




Another class Kyungsoo disliked in school was physical education. That's right. Gym. Why. Why would anyone create such horrible thing when there are people as un-active as Kyungsoo. The boys pilled into the locker rooms and began changing. Kyungsoo slipped on his basketball shorts and reluctantly put on his sneakers before fixing his t-shirt and exiting the locker room. Jongin and Luhan weren't in this class with him so he was all alone.


"Do Kyungsoo I haven't seen you in ages. You're going to fail this class if you continue to not come."

Kyungsoo flushed when the class laughed at him.

"Mianhae." He mumbled before sitting down on the bleachers with the rest of the class.

"So today we have three options. Speed ball, doage ball or kick ball." the gym teacher announced.

"Sir ?" a girl called raising her hand.

"Yes ?"

"Why do all of those games have to deal with you getting hit by a ball ?"

"Because I want to laugh at your pain. Don't ask questions Jinri. Now choose a game so we can pick team captains." the teacher barked.

Kyungsoo groaned to himself. Another reason why he didn't like gym. Team captains were the worse because no one really pick Kyungsoo unless they know he would be useful during the game. Which is never. They chose a game and captains were picked. Kyungsoo was busy playing with his fingers and kids got picked left and right. Soon he and this other girl were the only two left.

"God this is so hard. We got the nerd kid and the weird mute girl." kids laughed as one of the captains spoke.

"I'll take weird and mute over owl eyes any day." the other captain said and the girl walked to his team's side. Kyungsoo frowned and he went to the other teams side.The game started but most players just ignored him mostly. They didn't even try to hit him with the ball so Kyungsoo just gave up trying to play. He stayed in the back till the teacher blew the whistle singling the class to stop and have free gym.

Kyungsoo shuffled over to the bleachers and sat there. He watched as everyone played happily by themselves. Though looking at everyone else he could feel a pair of eyes on himself. He scanned the gym room but no one seemed to be missing. Turning around he looked through the bleachers but saw nothing. Facing the gym again, Kyungsoo tried to shrugged it off. But then the nagging feeling of someone watching him turned up again and he turned around really fast. Something moved and if he wasn't looking for something he would have missed it.

Someone was watching him.

Creepy but Kyungsoo wanted to know who was watching him. Telling the gym teacher he had to go to the bathroom, Kyungsoo slipped behind the bleachers and looked around. It was empty. Kyungsoo was about to go back to sitting down when he heard a small squeak sound come from the locker room door. Walking over to it, the small boy peaked inside.

"Hello ?" Kyungsoo called out of reflex but then put his hands over his mouth. That is how people always get killed in movies Kyungsoo use your brain.

Bitting his bottom lip, Kyungsoo stepped further into the locker room. He looked behind the lockers but he saw no one. A dripping sound was coming from the back and he walked towards the shower and bathrooms. He walked over to the dripping faucet and turned it off. A squeak came from the handle as he turned it off.

Soon he was grabbed from behind and slammed into the wall.

"Look what the cat dragged in." 

Oh crap. Kyungsoo knew that voice. He looked at the person holding him and sighed in annoyance. Does this guy not give up.

"What do you want ?" Kyungsoo asked pulling the hand off of his collar.

"You think you'd get away from smashing a freaking chunk of rock in my face ? Do you see what you did to my face ?!" the bully asked almost hysterical at the end.

"Umm...made it better ?" Kyungsoo said unsure. One of the groupies laughed. A hand around Kyungsoo's neck told him that was the wrong answer.

"I'm going to enjoy smashing your face in." the bully said smiling before bringing up his fist. Kyungsoo closed his eyes and waited for the impact.

"Hey !."

Kyungsoo opened his eyes at the shout and let out a small noise because a fist was a few centimeters near his face. Pulling the hand off his neck he took in a deep breath of air and looked over to were someone shouted. There stood a boy. Around his age and height. Maybe taller, with his hands on his hips and his face stern.

"Pfft. Excuse me little girl. But this is the boys locker room."

The boy looked offend and stormed over to the bully and punched him in the face. His groupies went to hold the new boy back but the kid seemed faster and dodged their movements. While the bully tried to stop the blood from gushing out of his nose, the boy grabbed one of the bullies hand twisting it behind their back before throwing him into the other guys making them stumbled. Kyungsoo watched wide eyes as the small boy dodged and reflected punches but also gave them back. With a final kick to the stomach the boy sent them running out of the locker room.

Dusting his pants off, the boy turned around looked at Kyungsoo.

"Are you alright ?" he asked looking at Kyungsoo carefully.

"Yes thanks to you. Thank you." Kyungsoo bowed.

"Oh it was nothing. I'm Baekhyun by the way."

"K-Kyungsoo." Kyungsoo said standing up straight. They stood in silence for a minuet before Kyungsoo spoke up.

"So how did you l-learn how to fight like that ?" he asked curious.

"Oh I learned hapkido at a young age." Baekhyun explained.

"That's pretty cool skill to have."

"Yeah...would you like me to teach you ?"

Kyungsoo eyes widened. " You would do that ? But you don't even know me."

Baekhyun smiled as he ruffled Kyungsoo's hair before wrapping an arm around his shoulders and proceeded to walk out the locker room. Kyungsoo grabbed his close on the way out.

"Silly kid. Stick with me and we'll become great friends."




"Our project is due tomorrow hyung. I'm so excited." Kyungsoo whispered to Luhan as they finished doing last minuet touches in the library.

"I know. We are going to look so good. Those other kids don't know what hit them." Luhan said smugly. Kyungsoo laughed.

Though he had a weird feeling about tomorrow.



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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you