Chapted 24

Blue Green
The first round of the crusades had past. Kyungsoo had realized this as he woke up alone. His group no where to be seen. It was terrible how the master could just knock them out and wake them up without a problem. His power was really on a whole different level but Kyungsoo wasn't scared. No he was getting out of here. He was laying in a bed of moss near a mud flat. The mud moved as Kyungsoo shifted. He looked around to see the sun coming up. 
"Good morning everyone." Their masters voice floated through the biomes. "Today is a very important day. It marks the start of the second rounds. Now the second rounds is all about survival. You will fight till the death until there is only twelve left standing. Choose your enemies wisely."
Kyungsoo tried not to gulp at those words. His enemies. As of right now he knew who his friends were but not his enemies. He didn't know which was worst not knowing. Who to trust or who to destroy. All he know is that he needs to find Jongin, Luhan and Sehun and get out of here. The other eight he didn't care about. Swiftly going underground, Kyungsoo began to track his friends.
He felt around for a moment. Not feeling much in his radius and began to move around. The earth being mostly everywhere had its benefits as Kyungsoo could grab people unknowingly and trap them. If they weren't who he was looking for he just got left, leaving them to struggle in the earth.
Suddenly a hand punched through the earth and Kyungsoo was pulled up.
"Seems we have someone crawling around." Kyungsoo was met with a strong looking male. His eyes sharp and face twisted up in annoyance. "Think you can survive staying out of sight ? Think again tiny human, nothing here is unseen." The guy said and threw a punch at Kyungsoo. The small teen was quick to dodge it but Kyungsoo wasn't expecting when he felt the force of the blow hit him from the opposite way.
"You think you can defeat me ?" The guy asked.
"I don't want to but you're making the chances of you living slim." Kyungsoo said.
"Oh so now you're going to kill me ?" The guy asked.
"Maybe-" Kyungsoo was cut off when a piercing scream hit both of them. They looked up to see a girl.
"What wre you two boys fighting so early for ? Want to end the crusades already ?" She asked.
"Shut up Siren. You'll be next to die after I finish him." The guy said.
"How about I do you both a favor and just kill you both." She said and took in a deep breath. Kyungsoo reacted quickly as he put up a shield if earth to protect him from the harsh scream. It practically shattered his earth and Kyungsoo flew back from the force of it.
"Shut up !" Kyungsoo cried using his earth to spike up at the girl. She flipped and moved out of the way but Kyungsoo turned it into mud and she suddenly slipped.
"Don't forget about me !" The guy said throwing a punch at Kyungsoo but the small boy quickly went underground to dodge it. The after affect hitting the earth with twice as much force.
Kyungsoo knew he had to get away. Mingling with these two wasn't doing him any justice. He knew it was time to get serious. Gripped them both up with his earth, he began to mold them inside mud squares. They both thrashed around and Kyungsoo hardened the mud. The girl tried to scream so Kyungsoo began to choke her. The guy tried to punch his way out but it wasn't happening. Kyungsoo just strengthen the hold of the earth. He then dropped the cubes underground and sent them well past six feet under.
"Try screaming and punching out of that." Kyungsoo said before running away. He was actually kinda hungry but there was no food around and he wasn't really near any plants or fruits. 
"Kyungsoo ?" 
"Hyung !" Kyungsoo pulled Luhan into a hug. "I'm so glad you're alright." Kyungsoo said and Luhan hugged him back just as tightly.
"We must be quick about all of this. There are a lot of people scattered around just waiting." Luhan said.
"We are like blind mice in a field of snakes. I don't like this." Kyungsoo said.
"Blind ? No. Field of snakes ? Yes. Remember people can't hide their minds. They're humming all around me. Here eat." Luhan said handing him a package of bread.
"Where'd you get this ?" Kyungsoo asked taking bites.
"There's these containers hidden around." Luhan said.
"Yeah let's find Sehunnie and Jonginnie and Suho-hyung and get out of here." Luhan said and Kyungsoo nodded. They set off outside of the forest near the sea. It was odd how peaceful it was near the water. Well as peaceful as it can get with screaming in the distance.
"Let's just go around this. I feel safer on land." Kyungsoo said and Luhan nodded. They were about to turn away when they realized their feet were frozen to the ground.
"What the-"
Luhan didn't finish as the ice suddenly shot up and engulfed them in a huge ice sickle. Kyungsoo couldn't even blink as they were frozen inside the thing. He tried to move the earth with his mind to break the ice but the ice kept freezing it. It was only until the person who wield this power came out that the ice stopped crushing around them.
"Kyungsoo-yah ?" Kyungsoo heard as they were suddenly free.
"Minseok-hyung ?" Kyungsoo gasped finally being able to breath.
"Sorry. I set up traps around the sea. Can't trust anyone in the second rounds." Minseok said.
"Please my friend, he won't hurt you." Kyungsoo said and Minseok let the other teen go. Luhan dropped down with a gasp.
"You two are walking around so recklessly, you'll get killed." Minseok said.
"I can handle myself." Kyungsoo assured. He took in the sight of the older male. "Your eyes..." 
"Master. Sometimes at the worst times, we all need changes." Minseok said.
"And what type of changed was made for you ?" Kyungsoo asked.
"Not one I'm proud off." Minseok said.
"Where's Joonmyeon hyung ?" Kyungsoo asked.
"I don't know. But I need to find him soon." Minseok said.
"Well good luck." Kyungsoo said.
"Stay alive Kyungsoo. I actually like you." And then Minseok was gone.
"Who the heck just sets up deathly ice choking prisons ?!" Luhan huffed.
"I guess we really do have to be careful." Kyungsoo said. "We can underestimate this place."
"Of course not. We are fighting to the death." Luhan said. "And our death it shall not be."
The Sparker was annoyed. He sent out a last burst of electricity and it burned the body in his hold to a crisp. The second rounds were always so boring. He wanted a challenging before leaving this place. The people he kept meeting were half asses and rejects. He wanted someone strong. Someone-
Jongdae blinked as he was suddenly thrown to the ground as something blocked his path.
"What the.." Jongdae got back up and shot electricity out. It reflected back and almost shocked him to pieces.
"Oh if it isn't our biggest fear. The Sparker." Jongdae looked over to see Yongguk.
"What do I owe the pleasure of, Yongguk?" Jongdae asked.
"Your death maybe ?" Yongguk asked and sent another force field at Jongdae. The smaller male blocked it and shoot out a large ray of electricity. Yongguk blocked it and tried to throw a punch at Jongdae. Jongdae dodged it and sent a kick at the bigger male. 
"You picked the wrong person to take your life Yongguk. Because we all know I don't play fair." Jongdae said slamming his hands down on the ground. This sent a large amount of electric shocks and made Yongguk cry out in pain. He jumped up quickly though as stepped on a force field.
"That won't protect you." Jongdae said throwing electric balls at the male. He tried to block the rapid balls but Jongdae was already annoyed. And when he was annoyed, death was the only thing that settled him. He jumped up and threw a punch at Yongguk. The force field came up but Jongdae let his sparks fly out. They wrapped around the field crushing it. Yongguk gritted his teeth as he tried to strengthen his shield but Jongdae punched right through it. His hand grabbed the male and he wasted no time just frying him. Yongguk screamed and blood gushed out of him but Jongdae didn't care.
"Such a shame for you to die this way. Maybe I'll find that little bunny human of yours next. Until then, met the rest of your friends in death." And Jongdae sent out one last huge shock that stopped the force fielder heart and sent his eyes rolling back into nothingness.
"Wow. Bravo." There was clapping as Jongdae was done.
"Don't tempt me Pyromaniac." Jongdae said glaring at the tall boy. He turned around to meet the others crazy grin.
"Why ? Want to kill me Sparker ? Does your thirst for blood not settle after killing so many ?" Chanyeol asked hands blazing.
"I suppose killing one more wouldn't harm anyone." Jongdae said and Chanyeol chuckled.
"You're funny. I don't know why you waste your time hanging out with the dark." Chanyeol said.
"You're a fool to not realize we all need the dark." Jongdae said. "As much as he might need your little light."
That did it and Chanyeol was pushing Jongdae up to the nearest tree, hand raised and ready with fire so hot, it was melting the plants around them.
"Watch what you say Sparker.  I'm not afraid to kill you. Your blood might be delicious roasted." Chanyeol growled.
"I know big guy I know. You would think how tinkered your brain is, master. But aren't you supposed to be asleep ?" Jongdae blinked in realization. "Unless.." Jongdae grabbed Chanyeol and shocked the taller. He sent another wave of electricity and the body began to morph. "Unless you're not Chanyeol at all. What are you doing girl walking around as others ?"
Jongdae said gripping the girl by the throat.
"Crazy bastard." She spat and Jongdae hummed. 
"I can't help but agree." And he sent sparks all the way to her brain and it shake and swelled so much it blew up.
Jongdae decided to get away from the forest. Too many people around to die. Too much time. He would look for this pretty jewel and then leave this trash with him. So Jongdae made his way towards the sand. It would be easier to be in his familiar surrounding then the forest. He was probably a good twenty feet away from the edge of the forest when he felt something wrap around his ankle. He shocked it and pulled at it. His eyes widened as he realized it was water wrapped around him.
"Aquamarine ?" Jongdae looked at the older male who seemed to be in pain.
"What's wrong my jewel ?" Jongdae asked.
"I'm drying up." Joonmyeon said, groaning in pain. Jondgae immediately picked him up.
"Then let's get you wet again love." Jongdae began to run towards the sea. It would take a while if he just ran but they don't say fast as lightning for nothing. Jongdae sent sparks out of his feet and raced across the sand dooms. He ignored the dead body's as the thin body in his hands was quivering up. Once he finally reached the sea he place Joonmyeon in it. The male immediately crawled further into the water until his whole body disappointed. He came back up moments later, looking much healthier. Jongdae pulled him into a kiss.
"Don't scare me like that." Jongdae said.
"Sorry I would have been fine but that one girl who likes to drain you of your powers got to me." Joonmyeon explained.
"Did you kill her ?" Jongdae asked.
"Of course but she took a lot out of me. I might have to stay here for a while more." Joonmyeon said.
"How proud I am of you." Jongdae said brushing the others hair out his face to kiss him again. "But soak up, I'll protect you." Jongdae said kissing him again as he sent out electric beams to the boy trying to sneak up on them. They crushed into his body and he screamed before dying.
Joonmyeon didn't have a doubt in his mind that Jongdae could protect him. And kill anyone who tried to stop him.
Baekhyun was running. He has woke up next to a giant monster frozen near a cliff. He didn't know what kind of fight happened there but he didn't want to know as soon as he stood up someone began attack him. Mist blocked his senses as he shot rays at them.
"I'm sorry hyung !" The person shouted. "But you are not who you were once and it would be much simpler to have you dead." The kid called. The mist began to chance him and Baekhyun shot a beacon of light through it making it disappear. He aimed at the guy and shot light disc at the tall teen. The boy tried to dodge them but Baekhyun was persistent in his advances. He was so caught up into slicing the younger teen, he didn't notice something wrap around his waist until he was pulled back and slammed into a rock.
Baekhyun groaned and opened his eyes to see another blonde boy.
"Are you okay Zelo ?" The blonde asked.
"Yes Daehyun-hyung." The kid said.
"Bastards." Baekhyun said as he got up. He shot too large rays of light at the Zelo kid and was happy when one struck the kid in the leg. He screamed as blood gushed out and Baekhyun wasted no time sending another beam into his another leg.
"Baekhyun stop !" The older blonde, Daehyun called and shot out black molds. Baekhyun dodged them and cut some with disks of light. He made sure to kill that little mist maker. That kid almost killed him in his sleep. He sent out a super large disk of light. He pretended to shot it at Daehyun and as the make tried to block it, he moved it around him and sent it slicing Zelo's head off. Daehyun screamed out the Zelo's name. He looked a bit frozen so Baekhyun took this as his chance to pin the taller towards another large rock.
"Who are you ? How do you know me ?" Baekhyun asked.
"So the rumor is true. Master really erased everything." Daehyun said.
"What are you talking about ?" Baekhyun asked. Everyone he met so far has been saying the same thing. Master whipping him clean, master erasing everything. What exactly happened to him.
"If master didn't like the life you were living, he created a new you. A better you. Odd because you're masters favorite creation. His best toy to get into people head." Daehyun spat.
"You sure sound like you care. Did you care for me, Daehyun-ah ?" Baekhyun asked.
"Not this you. Maybe the old you, when you actually cared about how others felt." Daehyun said.
"Then the old me was weak." Baekhyun spat and tightened his old on Daehyun choking him a bit. "Maybe that's the reason why master erased him. But now there's only me. And I am the one you all call luminescence so please Daehyun, die quickly and see the light." And so Baekhyun put his hand on Daehyun's temple and sent in large rays of light inside the others head. Daehyun screamed and cried out as the light shot out of his eyes and mouth until he went limp with death.
Baekhyun wasted no time moving back on foot. The second round was the death rounds. The surviving twelve would see masters true plan and Baekhyun was now more curious then ever. He needed to stay alive. Finding a small brink of water, Baekhyun began to take a few sips.  He would have to eat soon. He was crossing into the ice biome and new that there would be no food that way. He finally found a small tube of bread and ate it quickly. The forest was turning to a jungle and Baekhyun was cautious. It was too silent for death to be going all around them. He paused as he noticed something move behind him. Looking to his left, Baekhyun saw nothing. He did the same to his right and saw nothing. Talking another step, he felt that presence again. Someone was following him.
"Just come out so I can kill you already." Baekhyun spat. When nothing happened he sent a ring of light out, burning everything it touched. Still nothing. Maybe he was just being paranoid. Taking another step, Baekhyun froze. He looked down at his feet and noticed his shadow moving.
"What the hell is this ?" He asked reaching down to touch it only to get pulled down and flipped on his back.
"Luminescence." Dark blue eyes met his bright light ones and he blinked in confusion.
"You reached out for me." The guy on top of him said. The voice sounded a bit happy and Baekhyun looked at the guy confused.
"Who are you ?" Baekhyun asked.
"I am your darkness, little light." The guy said. 
"My darkness ?" Baekhyun blinked confused.
"Yes I am the one who walks with the shadows, I am Kai." The boy said.
"Kai..." The name tasted familiar on his tongue. He reached up to touch the other's cheek gently and watched as the shadows moved endearing to his fingertips.
"Do you wish to die Kai ?" Baekhyun asked, voice all but a whisper.
"By you it would be an honor." Kai said as he placed his hand on top of Baekhyun's. "But we co exist for a reason and if I die," the shadows hardened around Baekhyun hand. "So will you."
Baekhyun cocked an eyebrow before smiling. "Then let's survive together Kai."
"Of course my light." Kai said kissing the hand he held and making them both disappear.
"Zitao ? Is that you ?" Yixing blinked seeing familiar black hair.
"Yixing ge ? You're-" Zitao paused and took in the sight of Yixing sitting down in a pile of dead bodies. Blood covered his hands and some spattered on his pure white outfit. His pale blue eyes looked confused and almost lost. As if he wasn't fully there.
"Ge are you okay ?" Zitao asked.
"I'm fine. Oh are you talking about these guys here ? They're fine too. They're were in so much pain, I made it so it wouldn't hurt any more." Yixing said.
"Oh okay. Hey lets get you cleaned up. Did you eat ? How long have you been sitting there ?" Zitao said reaching out towards the older male. He pulled the doctor up and gave the shorter a smile. Yixing gave a timid smile back as they walked towards the sea. Tao helped Yixing wash the blood off his hands and handed him some food. Once they were all cleaned up, Zitao pulled his Gege into a hug.
"It's been such a long time since I've seen you ge." Zitao said.
"Yes. I thought master wouldn't revive you again." Yixing said.
"Same. But he did. Do you know why ?" Zitao asked.
"I have no clue." Yixing said.
"Then is Yifan-ge..."
Yixing tensed up at that name.
"My brother isn't of this world anymore." Yixing said.
"He's dead ?" Zitao asked.
"I don't know. Master took you and him a long time ago but now you're back but I think he sent Yifan somewhere far away." Yixing said.
"Well I guess we will have to find him then. Let's survive the games first." Zitao said patting Yixing on his shoulder.
"Do you hear that ?" Yixing asked as they began walking.
"There's dark creatures roaming these lands ge. We shouldn't stay in once place for long." Zitao said and Yixing nodded. They began running. Only stopping when they reached these giant mud flats. Steam raised out of them and Zitao raised his hand.
"Someone's hiding around here." He pointed.
"I can sense them. They're in pain." Yixing said.
"Shall we leave them to die ?" Zitao asked.
Yixing didn't get to answer as a shadow whipped out and lashed at him. He jumped out the way and almost fell into one of the hot mud puddles.
Another shadow lashed at him but Zitao stuck his staff out freezing it in time. He then shattered it with the swing of his staff.
A sudden giant hand of shadows grabbed both of them and slammed them up against a rocky wall. Both Chinese males groaned as they banged their heads. The shadows grip was tight on them and they could barely move.
Soon two bodies came into view.
"Yixing hyung ?" Yixing looked up to see Sehun.
"Hi Sehun-ah. And whose this human boy ?" Yixing cocked his head.
"Jongin. I see you found Tao." Sehun said.
"Yes. You are hurt." Yixing said taking in the blood stain on Sehun's side. "Let me heal you."
"You trust these two ?" Jongin asked.
"I trust Yixing-hyung. Tao though.." Sehun gave the older a look and Tao's eyes narrowed.
"Hmm I'll let the doctor down for now." Jongin said letting the doctor go. Yixing walked over to heal Sehun. His hand glowing as he pressed it to Sehun's side. It stitched up instantly.
"Let Tao go please. He will cause you two no harm." Yixing said and Jongin looked at Sehun who nodded. Tao was let go and he gave Sehun a look as he stood next to Yixing.
"Do you know how many people are left ?" Sehun asked Yixing.
"No, there could be less then fifty. The second round goes quickly though as its a free for all. A life for a life." Yixing said.
"Do you all talk like this ? Like you're not from this century ?" Jongin asked.
"They are not human Jongin. They learned language that master has given them." Sehun said.
"So none of you are human ?" Jongin asked.
"No. Master created us all." Yixing said.
"Who exactly is this master ?" Jongin asked.
"You are very unlucky to see him ever. Those who do see him usually are never the same again. Some never come back." Zitao said.
"But Yixing hyung. You are his favorite yet he has you down here playing his games. I wonder what he is planning." Sehun said.
"I do not know what master plans." Yixing said. "He does not cherish me as much as you all think." 
"You are blind to not see it."
"You are all idiots to just be standing around talking in the middle of the Crusades." They all looked up to see a group of guys standing on top of the rocks.
"Nope." Zitao said freezing them in time as they all jumped in the air.
"I don't have the patience to die again." Zitao said jumping up and slicing everyone with his sword. When he jumped back down he resumed time and they all dropped in pieces.
"Ew." Jongin said as blood splashed every where. "Let's get out of here." 
"To Kyungsoo and Luhan hyung." Sehun said and he looked at Yixing and Tao. "Come with us. Let's all survive this together."
Minseok had grabbed the hand on him, immediately freezing it.
"Ah it burns !" The girl screamed. She tried to pull it off throwing her slime at it but Minseok just froze that too. He let the ice freeze up her arm and crush it. The girl shouted but Minseok paid her no mind as he walked away from her quickly freezing body.
"Burning ice. What a big change you've made First." Minseok turned to see Jongdae and Joonmyeon.
"Hyung !" Joonmyeon carefully ran into the older males arms, giving his elder a hug. 
"I'm glad you're alive." Joonmyeon said and Minseok smiled.
"So am I." 
"I could live without you." Jongdae said ruining their moment. Minseok glared at him but Joonmyeon just squeezed his arm.
"Hey do you hear that ?" Minseok asked suddenly heading a small beeping sound. The younger males paused before turning to see a halo gram ball blinking a arrow in a direction.
"Do we follow it ?" Joonmyeon asked.
"Perhaps. May we see the final 12 who managed to survive these horrid games." Jongdae said.
"Oh I thought you loved this games Sparker." Minseok asked.
"The thrill is loosing its value now that I have something else worthy of its place." Jongdae said and Minseok missed the way he looked at Joonmyeon as they climbed up the rocky rain.
There was another blinking orb up ahead and Minseok was hoping these weren't leading them to their death. He kept his frost up. Freezing the outer layer of his body so if angry if were to try and sneak up on them, it wouldn't work. He stayed a good distance away from Jongdae. The Sparker had hurt him to a point where he couldn't go back. He did not trust the younger but Joonmyeon did. He wondered why.
They finally made it to a giant platform. There were twelve hexagons indented on the platform. The three males looked at one another before stepping on one. The hexagons glowed blue and Minseok could feel something pierce inside them. It didn't hurt but it wasn't the most comfortable feeling.
"What's this ?" Minseok could see figures from the corner of his eye. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of Yixing , Zitao, Sehun and Jongin. 
"Step on one. Only twelve can make it out of here right ?" Minseok said and the younger makes did as they were told. More figures popped out of the shadows, he heard shouting and screaming and he figured a battle was happening. He watched as the earth shook and shot up as Kyungsoo flew out and slid across the platform. He got up quickly though as a girl jumped at him. He blocked her punches and when she was suddenly being thrown into the air and off the cliff everyone turned to look at Luhan.
"Hyungs quick ! Stand on the hexagons !" Sehun shouted and Luhan and Kyungsoo moved towards their friends.
Lastly the sound of popping caught everyone's attention and they looked to see Kai popping up with Baekhyun.
"Oh this is a interesting sight." Jongdae grinned. Both makes took their places and there was one spot left glowing.
"Seriously ?! We are missing one ? Did that master guy not let twelve of us survive ?" Jongin asked.
"No he wouldn't just let us over kill." Joonmyeon said.
"Unless.." Sehun trailed off.
"Unless we aren't the only ones left." Minseok said and they all turned to watched the opening of the forest.
"I can feel someone." Kyungsoo said. He's walking slow.
"Well can he hurry up. There could be others still alive." Jongin said.
"You're pretty bratty you know." Baekhyun said.
"You be quiet traitor." Jongin spat, shadows curling around him in anger.
"Hmm. Humans." Baekhyun tisked annoyed. He didn't get to say anymore as the person finally walked out the bushes. Everyone blinked appalled.
"Well well well look who woke up." Jongdae said with a grin. "Our favorite pyromaniac, Park Chanyeol."
Kyungsoo watched as the pyromaniac said nothing and took his place on the final hexagon. Everyone took guard as the platform beneath them shook and everything went white. Kyungsoo felt like his soul was being out of his body and it hurt as they all were being teleported somewhere.
Kyungsoo didn't even noticed his eyes had closed until he felt someone shaking him.
"Hyung ? Kyungsoo are you okay ?" Jongin's conceded face came into view.
"Huh ? What happened ?" Kyungsoo asked looked around. Everyone seemed to be confused and some were on the ground trying to steady themselves. 
"I don't know. But look. There's a door." Jongin said and true to his word was a door standing in the middle of nothing.
"Whose going to be the tough guy and open it ?" Jongdae asked.
"It should be you since you have so much to say." Joonmyeon said and Jongdae gave him a look before walking towards it. They all followed him closely, cautiously. Jongdae's hands sparked up as he touched the knob, checking to see if there were any traps. When he got none, he twisted it and pushed it open.
They walked inside carefully, the door actually leading to-
"Outside, we're outside." Luhan said.
"Wow." Joonmyeon breathed talking in the fresh air. He hasn't smelled this in years. They seemed to be on a beach of sorts, the sand connecting with the vast ocean. Joonmyeon touched it and grinned.
"It feels so alive." He said letting the water wrap around him.
"Such innocence Aquamarine. You have never failed me in that sense." Everyone jumped at the voice. They all turned to see, in the flesh, their master. He was tall, taller then everyone in the group and his face serious.
Kyungsoo watched as Yixing tensed up at the masters voice.
"Yes sir ?"
"Heal your fellow champions please. We have much to discuss." Their master said. Yixing nodded and began to work on Zitao.
"Now while that happens, let us talk about our future together boys." Their master said. "Take a seat."
They didn't have much of a say as they were all forced down into chairs.
"Shall I start from the beginning ?" Their master asked and they all nodded.
"I came from another universe. A place completely different from this world. In my world, we see humans like scum. You are nothing to bother with but the dirt under our shows. I am a scientist of sorts from my planets. My job was to create for the guard. Create for our military and make our planet the strongest. But people of my planet thought I was a joke. They laughed at my ideas. Called me useless and wasted no time hearing my ideas. The only people who listened were my sons Yifan and Yixing." 
Everyone paused to look at Yixing. The male paused as well, hand glowing faintly at Luhan's forearm. 
"Yifan and Yixing were my everything and like me they too wanted to help our planet thrive. It was only until I found something that could help me make the perfect soldiers that my life began going down hill.  I became obsessed with the idea of perfection. Every little thing must be perfect. Strength, speed, power, emotion. It only took the death of Yixing to make me realize that everything is not perfect. I realize that a lot now and almost every time I see Yixing's face I think of how I could go back."
"Excuse me sir but what exactly happened to Yixing ? He's perfectly fine right here right ?" Jongin asked.
"Oh you poor human child. No Yixing is not who we all believe Yixing to be. The real Yixing died. My real son realized my fixation on trying  to please our planet so much that he sacrificed himself to be the first test subject. Everything went well at first. Yixing was a healthy strong young man. But I felt like it wasn't enough. I kept adding more. I kept increasing the dosages and undergoing changes. Even when he begged me to stop I couldn't because I knew I was close to it. And my madness drove me to killing him. He died in my lab cold and alone. My oldest son Yifan hated me for what I had done and ended up leaving me. At first I was alone. The council on my planet kicked me out. I went to countless planets trying to seek a way to get my son back I knew I was close to perfection it would only take a little bit more to reach but I didn't know what. It angered me that no matter how hard I tried I could never build a perfect soldier so I came here to Earth. I found my own island and created this institution."
Kyungsoo almost scoffed at that world. This place was a hell hole.
"Minseok you are not my first creation per say. Yixing is. He is the living breathing replica of my son but he is not perfect. He fears me. He fears a lot of things. I don't know where I went wrong or how I can change that but maybe this was how my true son was. I made Yifan a model too as some of you remember but he failed horrible so I had to  discard him."
"Why do you still make soldiers then ? If you know they weren't going to be perfect. ?" Kyungsoo asked.
"I stopped looking for perfection long ago. When I created you guys, I was looking for not one perfect soldier but a team. A team that will not only protect and serve but almost be a family. I wanted to give Yixing back the brother be lost and also the life he lost as well." The master explained.
"So why take me ?" Kyungsoo asked.
"You child are different then normal humans. Like your friends you possessed a natural talent towards other worldly things. The grass grew green beneath your feet and I was amazing that maybe you it to make this team complete."
"Where is Suho hyung ?" Jongin asked.
"Your human Doctor is alright. He is back where he belongs for now." The master said.
"And can we too go back where we belong ?" Luhan asked.
"In all due time my dear. For now your powers are needed elsewhere and once we are done, you shall be free."  The master said.
"You promise ?" Yixing asked and all eyes turned towards him. The master looked shocked.
"Yixing ?"
"Do you promise to let them all go ? After we do whatever it is you wish of us ?" Yixing asked again.
"Of course. The chains are merely cracked and soon to be broken." The master said.
"What are we to do ?" Jongdae asked.
"We are going to find my son Yifan."
"Why ?" Baekhyun asked finally speaking up.
"He has a key to something you all will like. Now will you help me ?"
"We have a choice ?" Jongin looked shocked.
"No of course not I was just giving you the benefit of a doubt. Now stand up my children and let this be the last journey you make as a creation."
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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 24: great story. hope to have an update soon...
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 6: i was not to give comment yet till i finished the story, but i can't help it. my fingers say otherwise. this story is really nice - picturing this like i'm watching a korean drama/suspense/thriller one. i love this. i'm going to finish this before i start working tomorrow after a long weekend holiday haha. thanks authornim! keep it up. i'll leave some comments again after the story hehe. i really love this one!
rossette69 #3
Chapter 24: This story is great!! Please update soon.
Chapter 24: .. baekhyun..oh god. T_T
deadroseforu #5
Chapter 23: Wow your story is really interesting, although I don't like boyxboy. Waiting for update.
Chapter 23: I feel like crying. Why Baekhyun? Why him? Where's Chanyeol? Why is it always my ship that's gets ed up the most? *cry*

I really hope nobody dies though, Kyungsoo don't be an idiot and egg yourself killed over someone else, I can see that happening
Chapter 23: Damn I'm so into this!!! plase update soon!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh lord the SuChen feels are real. Zitao.....oh wonderful Zitao let these game begin
bdz357998 #9
Chapter 21: Omg please update soon!!!
Chapter 21: Noooo not little Yxing! He's going to die. Kris you . What the hell happened to beakyeol? And you Jongdae..... you