
Married to my bestfriend

Luhan, Lay and Tao came back with drinks and snacks "is Sooyoung sleeping?" Lay ask as he hands everybody drinks "yup," Chanyeol shook Sooyoung "ya, wake up" he said she sat up, ruffles her hair and rubs her eyes "here," Tao hands her a drink and a bag of chips "thanks Tao oppa~" she smiles and takes it. Sooyoung's cell phone rings "yobosayo?" She answers "Sooyoung, where are you? I called your house but your maids said you were out," Jessica said "oh I'm at the baseball diamond, why? Do you need something unnie?" Sooyoung ask sipping her drink "I just wanted to hangout that's all," she said "but if you're busy it's okay," Jessica said "no! Why don't you come to the baseball diamond and hangout with me!" Sooyoung said happily "are you sure?" Jessica ask "of course I'll see you in...15 minutes?" Sooyoung ask "okay bye!" Jessica said and hung up.

"who was that?" Baekhyun ask "Jessica unnie, she'll be here in 15 minutes" Sooyoung takes Sehun's bag of chips "Kris oppa carry me over your shoulder!" Sooyoung suddenly said "what?!" He raised his brows "please......" Sooyoung gave him her puppy dog eyes "fine..." He sigh, she smiles and climbs on his shoulders. He stood up and Sooyoung was really high up "woah! Now I taller then all of you!" She pointed to the boys siting on the ground "this is the best!" Sooyoung smiles happily, she saw a tall tree "Kris oppa can you walk there?" She pointed to the tree, he nods and walks to the tree. Sooyoung grabs a branch and climbs up the tree getting off Kris' shoulder without hurting him "thanks Kris oppa," she smiles "ya! Don't climb so high!" He said fatherly "okay!" She waves and climbs higher. She climb until she thought it was high enough she stops and sat on a big branch.

Her legs dangles while she watches the view. The sun was starting to set and Sooyoung smiles "you know it's really high up here," Sooyoung turns and saw Chanyeol climbing up and sat next to her "I didn't hear you climb up," Sooyoung looks at him "that's because you were to busy enjoying the view pabo," he smiles and looks at the view, Sooyoung leans her head on his shoulder "I'm sorry...." Sooyoung said "what for?" Chanyeol ask confused "if it wasn't for my parents then we wouldn't have to marry..." She said still looking at the sun set. Chanyeol looks at her and caresses her face "it's kind if my parents fault to...I should be the one sorry.." He smiles sweetly at her. Sooyoung's heart raced at Chanyeol's touch *why am I feeling like that?* she was used to Chanyeol doing these things to her "Chanyeol I'm so glad I have you in my life..." She takes his hands in hers 

"HEY! LOVEBIRDS! SORRY TO INTERRUPT BUT LET'S GO EAT WE'RE ALL HUNGRY HERE!!!" Jessica shout from the bottom of the tree "unnie!" Sooyoung waves "lets go down." Sooyoung smiles and starts climbing down with Chanyeol following. "Sorry to ruin the moment," Suho teased as they reached the bottom, Sooyoung looks at them confused but shrugs it off and hugs Jessica "unnie!!" Sooyoung smiles "lets go eat I'm starving! And you also didn't tell me that Kris oppa was here..." Jessica whisper the last part. She had always had a cruch on Kris since they first met at Sooyoung's 10th birthday party "but you didn't even ask," Sooyoung said linking arms with Jessica "aish..."Jessica flicked her forehead. Sooyoung ignores the guys when she was with Jessica because Jessica was like Sooyoung's umma.

The two girls walks ahead while the 12 boys walk behind them "Sooyoung always ignore us when she's with Jessica..." Kai pouts, Luhan, Chanyeol, Sehun, D.O and Tao all nod and pouts while Suho and Kris shake their heads and chuckles, Xiumin, Lay, Chen and Baekhyun was busy playing 'rock, paper, scissors' and didn't notice anything else "unnie you want to sleep over next week?" Sooyoung ask Jessica "sure, but is Kris oppa going to be there?" Jessica ask with an excited smile, Sooyoung chuckles "sure I'll invite them over to...but!" Sooyoung smirks "don't do anything erted unnie~" Sooyoung teased and Jessica's cheeks turned deep red "YA! I'm not like that!" Jessica pouts and Sooyoung burst out laughing.


Jessica and Sooyoung sat beside each other while Kris sat beside Jessica and Chanyeol sat on the other side of Sooyoung at the pizza restaurant "I'm so hungry!!" Sooyoung grabs a slice of pizza and shoved it in "Sooyoung-ah you eat like a 5 years old, you should eat smaller and with more manners" Jessica scold and Sooyoung pouts and takes smaller bites, Kai snickers "I told you, you eat like a monster!" Kai smirks, Sooyoung frowns "shut up Kai.." She mumbles "Kai OPPA. OPPA." Kai repeated, Sooyoung rested her elbows on the table and her chin on her palms "Kris oppa, Kai's bullying me..." Sooyoung pouts "Kai stop it. Don't bully our princess," Kris glares at Kai and Kai puts his hands up in defeat.


Chanyeol came to pick Sooyoung up for school. He pressed the doorbell and a maid opens the door "young Mr.Park," she bows "is Sooyoung awake yet?" He ask politely "no, do you want me to wake her up sir?" She ask quietly "no it's okay I'll wake her up," he smiles and walks to Sooyoung's room. He slowly opens the door and walks in the room, he looks at Sooyoung's sleeping body and smirks. He walks up to her bed side and bends down to her level "YA! KIM SOOYOUNG WAKE UP FOR SCHOOL!!" He screamed and her eyes quickly widen, she saw Chanyeol and groans, she throws a pillow at his face and it hit him "aish....what do you want?!" She moans, "time for school pabo," he threw the pillow on the bed "but I'm so tired......" Sooyoung whines "get up....get up...." Chanyeol pulls her up "tsk....aish.." She ruffles her hair and gets up and walks to the bathroom. 

"Why are you here so early anyways?" She ask as she brushes her teeth "ah~ umma wants to have dinner with my fiancé tonight," Chanyeol said laying on her bed "really? Okay so I'm guessing you're going to come pick me up right?" She ask washing her face, she closed her bathroom door to change. "okay lets go to school now," Sooyoung said


Chanyeol walks Sooyoung to class while talking about random stuff "is it me....but I haven't seen Fiona unnie since our engagement party," Sooyoung said worried "maybe she's been busy with her classes," Chanyeol shrug, Sooyoung nods hoping nothing had happened. They reached Sooyoung's class "okay I'll see you at lunch," Sooyoung waves and turns around but Chanyeol grabs her hand and turns her back, Sooyoung looks at him confused "don't I get a kiss?" He ask with a smirk jokingly "a kiss? Here? Right now?" Sooyoung ask and Chanyeol nods " ask for it~" Sooyoung smirks. She goes on her tipy-toes and pulled his collar and kissed his lips, he was taken a back because he didn't expect Sooyoung to kiss his lips.

Students around stopped and gasp at the sence, some students started crying because they liked Chanyeol. Sooyoung pulls away and winks at him "see you at lunch," and she walks in class. Chanyeol stood there blinking a few times while his heart starts beating rapidly, he cheeks turns pink and he slowly walks away with his fingers on his lips and a big smiles forms on his lips "s-she...k-kissed my l-lips..." He mumbles and mindlessly walks to his class. Sooyoung sat down at her deck, her cheeks were red and and her heart beat raced, she had no idea why she kissed him but she had the urge to. *maybe this whole marriage thing is getting into my head...* Sooyoung shook her head *now it's going to be so awkward..* Sooyoung face plams herself.


Chanyeol still smiled like an idiot when he sat down at his seat in class "ya, why are you smiling like that?" Chen ask but Chanyeol blocked everything out and couldn't hear him "Chanyeol hyung? Hello~? You there?" Sehun waves his hands in front of Chanyeol's face. Chanyeol quickly snap back into reality "what?" He ask with a smile "what's with your creepy smile bro?" Kai ask "n-nothing..." Chanyeol said but couldn't help to smile. "Weirdo~" Chen said, Chanyeol touched his lips again and smiles wider. *she kissed me!* 


During lunch Sooyoung and Chanyeol tried to act normal but inside they were going crazy, they would glance at each other once in awhile, the boys notices and looks at each other "what's with you guys?" Lay ask looking at them "what are you talking about?" Sooyoung ask "you guys are acting weird, did something happen that we didn't know about?" Luhan ask with a suspicious look, "nothing happened," Sooyoung quickly said. 

Students around the cafeteria started whispering and looking at their cell phones and laptops "did you see it?" "OMO! I can't believe they kissed!" Students said looking at Sooyoung and Chanyeol. All 13 of them heard, Chanyeol and Sooyoung blushes, the other 11 boys looked at their phones and gasp "Y-you...guys KISS?!?" Kai said out loud and the 11 boys looks at Chanyeol and Sooyoung. They turn bright red but didn't say anything "so you guys really did?!" Luhan ask, Sooyoung looks at them "is it weird to kiss my soon-to-be husband?" Sooyoung ask innocently, Chanyeol smiles when she called him that "yeah guys, don't over reacted. Maybe in a few months Sooyoung would be pregnant," Kris said coolly, Sooyoung and Chanyeol's eyes widen "ya! Hyung!" Chanyeol said, Kris shrugs and everybody else snickers while the couple blushes.


Sooyoung wore her dress and curled her long hair, ~knock knock~ "Miss, young Mr.Park is here." Sara said and Sooyoung nods " do I look?" Sooyoung asks nervously, Sara smiles "Miss you look pretty tonight," Sara said softly "thanks," Sooyoung smiles and walks downstairs to where Chanyeol was waiting "hey~" Sooyoung said softly Chanyeol stands up and turns to her, a smile forms on his lips "hey, you ready?" He ask, Sooyoung nods. They get in his car ad they drove to Chanyeol's parents mansion.

Chanyeol got off the car and opens the door for Sooyoung, he holds out his hand and she takes it. "For some reason I'm feeling kind of....nervous.." Sooyoung said biting her bottom lips, Chanyeol pulls her closer and puts his arms around her waist "don't worry, if anything happens I'll be right beside you," he smiles sweetly at her and she nods. They press the doorbell and a maid opens the door "Master Chanyeol," she bows, Sooyoung and Chanyeol walk in "annyeonghaseyo aunty, uncle." Sooyoung bows "umma, appa." Chanyeol bows "aigoo~ just call us umma and appa like Chanyeol does, we'll be family soon." Mrs.Park pats Sooyoung's hand, Sooyoung nods and smiles.

"come in, come in." Mrs.Park leads them to the dinning room. Chanyeol sat beside Sooyoung "so you guys excited for the wedding?" Mr.Park ask "appa," Chanyeol said and Mr.Park chuckles "yeobo~ stop teasing them," Mrs.Park smiles at her husband "okay okay, but for your wedding gift we bought you a house of your own." Mr.Park said and Sooyoung chokes, Chanyeol quickly gives her a cup of water and pats her back "you okay?" He ask worriedly, Sooyoung drinks the water and nods "ne.....sorry, did you say house?" Sooyoung ask and Mr.Park nods "you'll have to live together, have your own place to live. Take responsibility," Mr.Park said with a smile "you guys will be moving in next week before your wedding," Mrs.Park said excitingly, Sooyoung smiles weakly, she never really thought of moving in with Chanyeol *it wouldn't be that bad right?* Sooyoung continues to eat.

After they finished eating they went to Chanyeol's room. Sooyoung sits down on Chanyeol's bed and lies down "I love your bed~" Sooyoung takes in the bed scent "it smells like you Channie..." She mumbles, Chanyeol chuckles "it is my bed," he lays down beside her. Sooyoung turns to face him and he turns to face her "ah~ Chanyeol-ah..." Sooyoung said "hmmm?" He ask "we'll be married soon so umma said we have to choose the dress, and you have to come with me." She said pinching his left cheek, he nods.

They stare at each other without saying a single thing "Sooyoung-ah..." Chanyeol said softly, Sooyoung looks in his eyes and smiles sweetly *aish....the way you smile makes me want to....(sigh)* Chanyeol thought "remember when you first met the guys back in freshmen year?" Chanyeol ask "yeah! How can I forget?" Sooyoung giggles, they both sat up "remember how Suho oppa was an angel? So sweet and gentle?" Sooyoung smiles "and remember when Kai tried making a move on me? That was so funny," Sooyoung laughed "ya! Those guys all tried to hit on you," Chanyeol pouts "trying to steal you away," Chanyeol mumbles under his breath. "Aigoo~ someone jealous?" Sooyoung ruffles his hair 

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Chapter 54: wah this was perfect~~~ ♡♡♡♡♡
missbluz #2
Chapter 24: Don't take this personally but the story started going down hill as of this chapter. Please don't think of it as an insult, more of constructive criticism.
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 54: Awww.hehe, done reading this one,hehe,looove this story, its related to me , though i have a so called bestfriend in life hehe ^^
KimRoseMinnie #4
Chapter 54: Wow that was good story !! But the girl was using to much agioo it was gross :b lol othe than that is was great .! I was glad when she got all her memorie back .! To much honorifics tho just use names next time and call the special one oppa .. (: hihihi
exoticxsonexmelody #5
Chapter 54: NOOOOOO!!!!!!! It's over T^T
I love this story so much <3
Thanks for writing an awesome story Author-nim^^
Chapter 53: I'm a new reader ! :3 I love it! <3<3 Kyaahh. please update soon! ^^
Yiracaro #7
Chapter 51: Ahhhh <3<3<3 can't wait!! Update soon :D
Chapter 50: urghhh ing chanyeol and sooyoung! aaaahhh please!
rawr_imadragon #9
Chapter 50: ~Sooyoung and Chanyeol sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. I can't wait for the next update. :)