
Married to my bestfriend

Sooyoung and Chanyeol were walking around town because Sooyoung wanted ice cream. "Jessica unnie and I were planning to go shopping tomorrow for the wedding, and I want you to come to," Sooyoung said, Chanyeol turned to her and raised a brow "why?" He ask "I want to buy you a new tuxdo," Sooyoung said. They enter the ice cream shop and ordered their ice cream. They sat down and Sooyoung looked out the window while Chanyeol looks at Sooyoung,

She felt like someone was looking at her so she turns to Chanyeol "ya why are you staring at me you pabo?" She flicked his forehead, "I wasn't staring! I-I was looking!" Chanyeol defended "right," she rolls her eyes. She looks out the window to see Daehyun and Euna together holding hand in hand, Sooyoung quickly runs out the shop to follow them, Chanyeol watch her confused and quickly followed after her. Daehyun and Euna were on a date "Daehyun oppa, this is so pretty!" Euna said leading Daehyun to the couple rings

"you want it?" He ask looking at Euna, she smiles and nods "can I have this one," Daehyun pointed, the sales smiles and gives him the rings "you guys make a sweet couple" she said, Daehyun looks at Euna and kiss her cheeks "I know," he smiles, Euna blush and puts the ring on his finger as he does the same. Sooyoung and Chanyeol saw the whole thing and tears welled up in her eyes, Chanyeol looks at Daehyun in anger "how dare he do this to you?!" He said and walks towards Daehyun and Euna but Sooyoung holds him back,

She shakes her head "n-no....d-don't.." Tears fell from her eyes and she turns away "I want to go home..." She said and starts going home. Chanyeol glares at Daehyun and follows Sooyoung, she stop crying by the time they got home. She went to her room and sat down on her bed, the scene flashed back in her head and unknowingly tears fell from her eyes. Chanyeol walks in her room and he hated what he saw,

He sat down beside her. She hugs Chanyeol and cried into his chest, he hugged her tightly "I knew about this...I just a-always t-told myself to believe him...I-I thought that h-he'll wait for me..." Sooyoung cried, Chanyeol hugged her tightly "w-why did he cheat on me? D-does he not like me anymore? Is that why he doesn't call me? Why Chanyeol? Why?..." Sooyoung ask pulling away, Chanyeol wipe her tears with his hands

"Sooyoung..." He said and she hugs him, he stayed with her until she fell asleep crying in his arms. He looks at her and see the tear stains on her cheeks, "Sooyoung don't cry for still have me," he her cheeks and laid her down and tucked her in, as he was about to leave Sooyoung woke up and grabbed his hand, he turns around "c-can you s-stay?" Sooyoung ask "c-can you s-sleep beside me?" She ask pulling Chanyeol, he nods and lays down beside her,

She lays her head on his chest to hear his heart beat *his heart beat sounds the same as Daehyun oppa's...but Daehyun oppa's heart isn't the same. His heart doesn't love me anymore.* Sooyoung closed her eyes and grips onto Chanyeol's shirt tightly as tears ran down her face. She soon fell asleep again.


Sooyoung sat on the chair with her knees tucked under her chin, looking out the window blankly. Chanyeol looks at her worried, it has been a week since she's been like that, she would just sit there and look out the window. Chanyeol sat beside her and looks at her "Sooyoung-ah are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" He ask softly, Sooyoung shakes her head "I'm not hungry, you eat." She said quietly,

Chanyeol sigh "Sooyoung you can't be like this, you're inside all the time,lets go hangout with the guys ne?" Chanyeol ask taking her hand, Sooyoung doesn't look at him and doesn't say anything, she lightly squeezes Chanyeol's hand and closes her eyes "...let me wash up first...." She said quietly and he smiles, "take your time, don't rush okay? I'll be downstairs." He let's go of her hand and goes downstairs to wait.

Sooyoung looks out the window a few more minutes before she walks to her closet and finds an outift. She wore a pair of blue jean shorts and a samon coloured V-neck T-shirt, she tied her hair up in a side braid and she slowly walks downstairs to Chanyeol. He smiles widely seeing her come down, they wear their shoes and head out to the guys house. The car ride was silent as Sooyoung only gazed out the window not saying anything,

Chanyeol glances at her once in a while worried she might cry and want to go home. They arrive at the house and Sooyoung and Chanyeol got off, she had no emotions, she looked dead. Her face looked pale, her eyes a bit puff and red, looking tired as if she would pass out at any moment, her lips dry with little wounds on it from biting to much and to hard. Chanyeol frowns a little seeing her at this state made him scared, she seem depressed, hurt, and Chanyeol is scared that she might not be able to take it and just leave.

Leave him, and never come back, and surely he wasn't going to let her slip away so easily this time. He holds her hand tightly and presses the doorbell waiting for one of the guys to open the door. They heard footsteps followed by cheerful shouts, after waiting a minute the front door swings open relieving 10 jumpy, cheery, smiley guys "Sooyoung!!" They cheer and she looks up at them and smiles weakly, she hasn't slept in days and she didn't want to be around a bunch of loud, jumpy, smiley guys.

"Annyeong," she bows slightly, Chanyeol told the guys what happen and they were as mad and angry as Chanyeol was, they didn't understand why Daehyun would cheat on Sooyoung, but they never really liked him in the first place. But they only talked to him because of Sooyoung, because they knew she would want them to get along. They all walk in the living room and sit down "where's Kris hyung?" Chanyeol ask noticing the tall giant gone

"the wedding is coming up, the groom has to get things ready, we were planning on helping him bit later today, would you like to come?" Xiumin ask, they all look at Sooyoung "Jessica noona will be there too," Lay added hoping Sooyoung would go. Sooyoung wasn't paying attention to the conversation as she dozed off once she sat down, she felt stares so she looks up to see the boys smiling at her, "d-did you ask me something?" She ask sitting up straight

"ne, we were wondering if you would like to go and help Kris and Jessica with the wedding stuff" Xiumin repeated, Sooyoung didn't want to go, she wanted to go home and sleep, but she promised Jessica she would help with planning the wedding so Sooyoung must go "ne, that sounds like fun," Sooyoung fakes a smile and they all smile back. "Sooyoung did you eat yet? Are you hungry?" Lay ask, Sooyoung shakes her head, a small yawn escapes .

The boys had a bright smile on their faces but as they watch Sooyoung they feel pain, she wasn't happy, her smiles were forced, they want to make her laugh and be happy again, they all watch her in worried as she tries to keep her eyes open while they talked. Her eyes closed every 10 seconds and her head drops every 2 minutes, they all frown upon seeing her, it hasn't been long since they last saw her and she's already starting to lose weight,

She was skinner, she had bags under her eyes, her hands shaking a little bit from lack of energy and food. Her head drops for the 20th time and she sits up straight and shakes her head trying to keep awake, she tries to hold back her yawns or hide them, she pats her face lightly trying to wake herself "excuse me I need to use the bathroom," Sooyoung excuses herself and goes to the bathroom to wash her face to keep awake, once she was in the bathroom and the door closed the guys look at each other worried

"Sooyoung is so pale...." Sehun said his voice quiet "she looks so tired, she tries to smile but they're all forced," Suho said heavily, "h-hyung...w-what do we do? S-Sooyoung is going t-to b-break!" Kai ask stuttering with tears threatening to fall as he asks his hyung's "Kai, calm down. We're scared to, but....we can't do anything but wait until she gets over it herself..." Luhan said hopelessly "that Jung Daehyun. If I see him I'm going to make sure he feels the pain Sooyoung feels but 100 times more!" Tao said gritting his teeth,

Chanyeol sat there quiet, he, himself was very scared, he couldn't tell the guys everything was going to be alright because he knew how much Sooyoung loves Daehyun, and he knew she won't just forget him like that. Chanyeol was scared that one day it will push her off the cliff and she will lose it. The noise of the bathroom door opening the guys quiet and stop talking, Sooyoung walks back to the living room with a wide smile on her face

"why are you guys so quiet? Oppa when are we going to Kris oppa? I want to see what Jessica unnie looks like in her wedding dress," Sooyoung said happily as she tries to not show her sadness, "how about we go now and we can all go out and eat?" Chen suggested "that sounds like a plan! Let's go!" Sooyoung smiles.


They called Kris and told him they were on their way. Kris seemed relief as he sees his friends walk through the front doors "you guys are finally here!" He hugs them "you sound like you're in there something wrong?" Sooyoung ask, Kris pulled away and sigh while rubbing his temple "who knew a wedding needed so much things? You need to choose which plate to match with the setting and fork and spoon, you need to choose the flowers, the cloth for he table and chairs, how you're going to walk down the aisle, what food you want to serve, what host you want for the wedding, the cake topping, the photographer, and the events.....! I don't know how you guys did that when you guys got married!!" Kris said looking a Chanyeol and Sooyoung,

Sooyoung looks at Chanyeol "well, I won't be much help on that because I don't remember our wedding so sorry." Sooyoung said "but of course you always have Channie here to help right yeobo?" Sooyoung ask Chanyeol and he nods with a smile "no worries hyung, you've got me," Chanyeol said putting an arm around Kris's shoulders "thanks," Kris sighs in relief "but you know I can help you with the cake toppings and help Jessica unnie with some simple stuff," Sooyoung said with a smile

"no worries hyung you have us! Don't stress yourself!" Kai said with a smile "yeah Kris you've got us! We'll help out! So don't stress," Luhan said patting Kris's back "thanks guys, I don't know what I would've done without you guys," Kris smiles. "Sooyoung?" Jessica calls out surprised "unnie~" Sooyoung skips to Jessica's side and link arms wih her "what are you guys all doing here?" Jessica ask confused and surprised

"we thought maybe you and Kris oppa would want some help on the wedding," Sooyoung smiles "like what we said to Kris hyung, don't stress yourself noona," Sehun said, Jessica smiles "thank you, that really means a lot. I mean there's so much to's just....." Jessica runs her fingers through her hair and smiles "don't worry! You've got me to help!" Sooyoung said proudly "then shall we get started?" D.O said rolling up his sleeves,

everybody chuckles and they split themselves into groups of two and started to help around with choosing food, cloth, music, events, wine, etc. while the guys were busy with those, Sooyoung and Jessica went to choose the wedding dress, "so unnie where are you guys going for honeymoon?" Sooyoung ask looking at the dresses "we might go to Japan? I guess we haven't really thought about it," Jessica shrugs "then after you guys get married are you going to move in with the guys or are you guys moving out?" Sooyoung ask looking at Jessica

"we're moving out of course," Jessica said "I like the guys and all but we will be making our own little family and there wouldn't be enough room," Jessica said, Sooyoung smirks "unnie~ you want to make a family with Kris oppa?~" Sooyoung ask wiggling her eyes brows, Jessica blushes "o-of course! That's why we're getting married, it's because we love each other and we want to make a family!" Jessica said with an innocent smile, Sooyoung chuckles "well then I hope to see little Kris or Jessica juniors soon," Sooyoung said.

After trying on a few dresses Sooyoung went to find Kris to see which wedding dress he liked best on Jessica, "Sehun oppa where's Kris oppa?" Sooyoung ask "I think he's with Xiumin hyung and Lay hyung," Tao answered "ya! She ask me not you! She ask Sehun oppa not Tao oppa," Sehun said frowning "what's the difference? It's going to be the same answer," Tao said with a shrug, Sooyoug didn't want to see a fight "thanks oppa's, well I'm going to go now, bye" Sooyoung waved and left,

she looked around and found Kris drinking coffee while ruffling his hair, Sooyoung walks to him and sits down beside him "Kris oppa," Sooyoung calls out and he turns to her "how are things going with you and Jessica? Did you choose the dress yet?" Kris ask and Sooyoung nods "we chose three we like but of course you get to choose which one you want unnie to wear," Sooyoung said "and hey, remember don't stress yourself. You've got us! Now go and I'll deal with everything else with my best ability!" Sooyoung stood up and shooes Kris to Jessica while she let out a deep breath

*my friend is in need right now so my feels must be pushed aside until later* Sooyoung nods and goes help. Through out the day they were all preparing for the wedding until they decided that was enough work for the day, it was dark out and Sooyoung was more tired then before, even though she told herself to push the Daehyun problem aside she couldn't help but think about it, she dozed out most the time and the guys all noticed.

Jessica worried and wanted to ask what's wrong but Kris held her back. They all went back to the guys house, Jessica went home, it was just the guys and Sooyoung. Sooyoung was dozing off again and the guys saw, "Sooyoung," Luhan called but she couldn't hear him "Sooyoung-ah," Lay shook her a little and she snaps back to reality and blinks at him "n-ne?" Sooyoung ask "are you okay?" Baekhyun ask

"ne, I'm fine...maybe just a little tired. You guys must be tired to, we should get going Chanyeol" Sooyoung said standing up "okay then, we'll see you tomorrow at school," D.O said, Chanyeol and Sooyoung walk to the door and wore their shoes "bye," they waved and left.

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Chapter 54: wah this was perfect~~~ ♡♡♡♡♡
missbluz #2
Chapter 24: Don't take this personally but the story started going down hill as of this chapter. Please don't think of it as an insult, more of constructive criticism.
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 54: Awww.hehe, done reading this one,hehe,looove this story, its related to me , though i have a so called bestfriend in life hehe ^^
KimRoseMinnie #4
Chapter 54: Wow that was good story !! But the girl was using to much agioo it was gross :b lol othe than that is was great .! I was glad when she got all her memorie back .! To much honorifics tho just use names next time and call the special one oppa .. (: hihihi
exoticxsonexmelody #5
Chapter 54: NOOOOOO!!!!!!! It's over T^T
I love this story so much <3
Thanks for writing an awesome story Author-nim^^
Chapter 53: I'm a new reader ! :3 I love it! <3<3 Kyaahh. please update soon! ^^
Yiracaro #7
Chapter 51: Ahhhh <3<3<3 can't wait!! Update soon :D
Chapter 50: urghhh ing chanyeol and sooyoung! aaaahhh please!
rawr_imadragon #9
Chapter 50: ~Sooyoung and Chanyeol sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. I can't wait for the next update. :)