
Married to my bestfriend

"Have fun at your honeymoon!" Chen cooed "make sure when you come home you have Sooyeol or Chanyoung!" Tao said "aish...oppa seriously?" Sooyoung blushes "you have to buy me something!" Sehun said cutely and Sooyoung chuckles "ya! We're going on our honeymoon not to buy you toys!" Chanyeol scolds and Sehun pouts "you're so mean hyung..." Sehun said "well it's time to go," Chanyeol said holding Sooyoung's hand, "okay, we'll see you in two weeks. Bye oppa, bye unnie" Sooyoung waves happily. Her and Chanyeol walk to the gates hand in hand with a smile on their face "sometimes I really hate reporters and parapazzis...." Sooyoung mumbles.

The only reason Sooyoung and Chanyeol were acting all lovey dovey was because reporters and parapazzis were following them. Once they were on the plane Sooyoung lets go of Chanyeol's hand and does her own things. She puts in her headphones and looks out the window while she listens to 'And One' by Taeyeon Chanyeol looks at her and sighs but says nothing. 

As time past she slowly starts to fall asleep and her head moves around, then her head falls on Chanyeol's shoulder. Chanyeol looks over at her and smiles, he lightly brushes her hair away from her face and he soon falls asleep as well. When the plane landed the flight attendant woke up Chanyeol "sir we landed," she said politely with a smile, Chanyeol nods and wakes Sooyoung up "Sooyoung we're here..." He shook her she opens her eyes and stands up. They got off the plane and took a taxi to their hotel.

Sooyoung was feeling hungry but she felt kind of awkward talking to Chanyeol so she didn't say anything until she got really hungry, she slowly turns to Chanyeol "ya...I'm hungry..." Sooyoung said quietly, Chanyeol smiles, happy she was finally talking to him "we'll drop off our stuff then go eat." He said and she nods. They got to their hotel and drop off their luggages and went around town looking for food. "What do you want to eat?" Chanyeol ask looking at Sooyoung, Sooyoung looks around "I want burgers." Sooyoung said

Pulling Chanyeol to McDonalds, they order their food and sat down to eat. Sooyoung looks around while she eats and sees someone familiar "Samuel?" Sooyoung said, Chanyeol follows her gaze and sees Samuel "it is him." Chanyeol said, Sooyoung stands up and walks over to Samuel who was outside of McDonald "Samuel oppa!" Sooyoung calls, Samuel turns around and smiles "Sooyoung? What are you doing here?" He hugs her then Chanyeol walks out behind "Chanyeol!" Samuel smiles "annyeong" Chanyeol smiles.

"seriously what are you two doing here?" Samuel ask with a raised eyebrow "we're on our honeymoon, what about you Samuel oppa? I thought you were in Korea, why are you here?" Sooyoung ask "did I not tell you? I have a girlfriend here in Florida, so I came back to surprise her," Samuel said with a smile, Sooyoung giggles "Samuel you're so sweet~" Sooyoung smiles. "Samuel?" A brown haired girl walks up to them "Melissa," Samuel smiles and holds her hand, Melissa looks at Chanyeol and Sooyoung and nod

"these are my friends from Korea, this is Chanyeol and this is Sooyoung. They're married," Samuel added and Melissa nods understanding "do you speak English?" Melissa ask, Sooyoung nods "yes we do, Melissa you speak really well korean. Are you half korean like Samuel oppa?" Sooyoung ask "no, but before Samuel moved to Seoul he taught me korean right Samuel?" Melissa looks at Samuel and they smile lovingly to each other.

"oh your husband is quiet," Melissa pointed out "sorry he's usually not like that, I guess he's shy...?" Sooyoung intertwine her fingers with Chanyeol and he smiles "sorry, I'm still kind of hungry..." Chanyeol rubs the back of his neck "why don't we eat together? I know a really good place." Samuel said and Sooyoung and Chanyeol nods. The four of them ate happily while they talked and Sooyoung and Chanyeol acted as a real couple.

"okay I think we should go now. Melissa unnie you should come to Seoul and I'll show you around," Sooyoung said with a smile "I will and please take care of Samuel, and make sure no girls go near him," Melissa jokes and they chuckle. "Goodbye," they bid goodbye and the couple went back to the hotel.

Sooyoung was so tired *sleep....sleep...sleep...sleep* was all she thought about, she laid on her bed and buried her face in her pillow. Because their parents set up this whole trip Chanyeol and Sooyoung had to share one room and one bed. "Are you not going to wash up?" Chanyeol ask taking off his shirt leaving him half nake, Sooyoung mumbles into the pillow so Chanyeol couldn't hear her "what?" He ask, Sooyoung turns to him with her eyes closed "sleep....sleep..." Sooyoung said and he chuckles.

"okay I get it. Goodnight." He said and she sleeps, he washes up and got ready for bed. Chanyeol place Sooyoung in a proper sleeping position, he laid down beside her and looked at her face and gently her cheek. *I miss talking to you...will you ignore me again tomorrow?* Chanyeol smiles bitterly, he pulls Sooyoung closer "I love you Sooyoung..." Chanyeol whispers in her ears before falling asleep.


Sooyoung woke up when the sunlight hit through the window, she closes her eyes again and adjust to the light. She looks around the room and sees Chanyeol sleeping beside her, she sat up and headed to the bathroom to wash up. After she finished she changed into a pair of blue jean shorts and a light purple t-shirt, she went to Chanyeol to wake him up "Chanyeol.....wake up..." Sooyoung shook him but he didn't wake up "ya....Chanyeol....." Sooyoung called him "Park Chanyeol get up," Sooyoung pouts when he didn't wake up.

She sat on the bed beside him and puffs her cheeks *how do I wake him up?* she sat there thinking, she then smirked. She got some ice cubes from the hotel and she flip Chanyeol over so that he was lying on his stomach, she then put the ice cubes on his back and waited for the show to happen. Chanyeol woke up feeling something wet and cold on his back "AHHHH!!! Cold cold cold cold cold cold!!!!" Chanyeol jumped out of bed and looks at Sooyoung who was laughing really hard.

"oh my gosh!! Hahahaha!!!! You should have seen your face!!!" Sooyoung held onto her stomach, Chanyeol frowns "why did you do that?!" He ask, Sooyoung stop laughing and breathed "it was time to wake up but you wouldn't get up so.....I decided to put a few ice cubes on your back to wake you up!" Sooyoung said innocently, Chanyeol looks at Sooyoung in disbelief she looked like an angel but she was really a devil 

"now go get ready and we can eat breakfast...I'm really hungry from doing all this..." Sooyoung pouts cutely and Chanyeol couldn't help but smile "fine. But next time find a different way to wake me up," Chanyeol ruffles her hair and walks to the bathroom. After he finished they both went downstairs to eat breakfast before heading out, Chanyeol made Sooyoung sit down while he went to get breakfast for both of them.

Sooyoung watched Chanyeol while he got the food then an old couple came over to Sooyoung "is that your boyfriend?" The old women asked Sooyoung in English "not boyfriend, he's my husband." Sooyoung answered in fluent English, the old couple smiles sweetly "that's really sweet that your husband is getting the food for you. You two look really good together." The women commented and Sooyoung smiles "thank you" Sooyoung said and the couple walks away. 

Sooyoung smiles as she repeated the words the old women said "why are you smiling?" Chanyeol ask as he place her breakfast in front of her "nothing" Sooyoung said and Chanyeol shrugs, Sooyoung looks at her breakfast and smiles wider. She starts eating her breakfast "yummm..." She smiles and Chanyeol chuckles "so where do you want to go later?" Chanyeol ask while he ate his breakfast "lets go to DisneyWorld!" Sooyoung said excitingly Chanyeol smiles and nods.


After breakfast Chanyeol and Sooyoung decided to go to DisneyWorld "woah!! So many rides!!!!!" Sooyoung said happily while they walk in "which one do you want to go on first?" Chanyeol ask "that one!" Sooyoung pointed to the roller coaster and dragged Chanyeol to line up.  Ride after ride Sooyoung and Chanyeol grew hungry again "can we have two vanilla ice cream cones dipped in chocolate please," Chanyeol said in fluent English, he paid for the ice cream and went back to Sooyoung who was on a bench waiting for him.

Chanyeol hand her, her ice cream and sat down beside her "thanks," Sooyoung her ice cream, they sat there quietly while eating their ice cream and it started to get awkward "so...can I ask you something Chanyeol?" Sooyoung ask looking at her ice cream, Chanyeol looks at her and nods, Sooyoung takes a deep breath preparing for the worst "you.....and Fiona her?" Sooyoung didn't dare look up. She didn't want to hear the answer but that question was bothering her, Chanyeol looks at her "no. I don't like her." Chanyeol said with a serious face

"then...when I was in China...why did you and Fiona unnie....?" Sooyoung felt tears well up in her eyes, Chanyeol took her hand and intertwine them with his "Sooyoung...I really didn't mean to sleep with Fiona. I was drunk I swear. I really don't like her, I actually don't remember anything that happened that night. I just remember Fiona asked me to go get some drinks so we went to the club and we drank a lot, then. I guess I got drunk and I didn't remember anything until I woke up and saw her sleeping beside me wearing my clothes." Chanyeol explains "I seriously don't like her, believe me" Chanyeol said in a sincere voice.

Sooyoung looks at Chanyeol and smiles "I trust you." She said and Chanyeol smiles and kiss her cheek "thanks yeobo~" he cooed and Sooyoung giggles. They enjoyed the rest of the day happily until it was night time and they decided to go back to the hotel, Sooyoung went to the bathroom to shower while Chanyeol watched some TV. *He doesn't like Fiona unnie right? Why am I worrying if he likes her or not? Do I really like my bestfriend? Then does he like me back?* Sooyoung thought while showering. Once she finished showering she wore a tank top and pajama pants.

She open the door and looks at Chanyeol "your turn," she said putting her clothes away, Chanyeol went to shower and Sooyoung laid on the bed and closed her eyes *Why did Fiona unnie move out? How come Chanyeol never told me?* Sooyoung thought and Chanyeol comes out "I'm finished." He said and she opens her eyes "lets sleep I'm tired...." Sooyoung said as she lays on her stomach and buries her face in the pillow, Chanyeol laid down beside her and her back. Sooyoung turns to face Chanyeol "goodnight yeobo~" she peck his lips then buries her face in the pillow again and fell asleep.

Chanyeol chuckles at her cuteness "goodnight." He smiles and hugs her *One day I will tell you how much I love you* Chanyeol thought, he kiss her head and soon he fell asleep.

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Chapter 54: wah this was perfect~~~ ♡♡♡♡♡
missbluz #2
Chapter 24: Don't take this personally but the story started going down hill as of this chapter. Please don't think of it as an insult, more of constructive criticism.
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 54: Awww.hehe, done reading this one,hehe,looove this story, its related to me , though i have a so called bestfriend in life hehe ^^
KimRoseMinnie #4
Chapter 54: Wow that was good story !! But the girl was using to much agioo it was gross :b lol othe than that is was great .! I was glad when she got all her memorie back .! To much honorifics tho just use names next time and call the special one oppa .. (: hihihi
exoticxsonexmelody #5
Chapter 54: NOOOOOO!!!!!!! It's over T^T
I love this story so much <3
Thanks for writing an awesome story Author-nim^^
Chapter 53: I'm a new reader ! :3 I love it! <3<3 Kyaahh. please update soon! ^^
Yiracaro #7
Chapter 51: Ahhhh <3<3<3 can't wait!! Update soon :D
Chapter 50: urghhh ing chanyeol and sooyoung! aaaahhh please!
rawr_imadragon #9
Chapter 50: ~Sooyoung and Chanyeol sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. I can't wait for the next update. :)