Scary Sooyoung

Married to my bestfriend

Daehyun convince Sooyoung to be Chanyeol's wife for the one and a half year, so Sooyoung will be moving in with Chanyeol tonight, he knew the marriage was for the company and after all this Sooyoung and Chanyeol would divorce and he would be able to be with Sooyoung freely and marry her. "You're coming to visit me right?" Sooyoung ask "yes," Daehyun smiles "good. I can't believe you're making me do this....when I said we'll think of something I didn't mean this. I don't want you in the dark," Sooyoung pouts "it's only for a little while, I'll wait." Daehyun kiss her cheeks "but why do I have to move in with him, what if he tries to me?!" Sooyoung said and Daehyun sits down beside her 

"Sooyoung you're his wife, you have to live in the same house." Daehyun reasons "and I'm sure he won't you, if he tries to I will run there and stop him." Daehyun pinches her cheeks "I know you don't like this but, once you divorce we can be offical." He smiles sweetly and Sooyoung softens "I'm really sorry..." Sooyoung said hanging her head, Daehyun lift her chin up and he smiles at her "don't miss me to much okay? I'll call you tonight," Daehyun pecks her lips, Sooyoung smiles and nods.

Sooyoung arrived at the house and she looks at it *my in-laws sure know how to choose a nice place* Sooyoung looked at the front door and frowns, at this point Chanyeol was not someone she wants to see, she takes four deep breaths while walking towards the front door. She pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to open it, finally Chanyeol opens the door and he looks at Sooyoung. He was happy she finally arrived but then he remembered that she probably hates him right now so he kept a straight face.
Sooyoung brought her stuff in the house *can't believe I'm back here,* she thought "so where's my room?" Sooyoung ask looking at Chanyeol, he motioned her to follow him and they went upstairs to Sooyoung's old room, he opens the door and Sooyoung walks in "this used to be your room, so everything in here are yours. My room is next door, and the bathroom is right there." Chanyeol said and Sooyoung nods. She puts down her stuff and looks around the room, there were pictures of her and Jessica, some wedding pictures, some pictures with her parents, some pictures with the guys, then a picture caught her eyes, it was a picture her and Chanyeol took at DisneyWorld on their honeymoon "we went to DisneyWorld?" Sooyoung ask looking closely at the picture "we went there for our honeymoon," Chanyeol said, Sooyoung nods *we look happy,* Sooyoung thought and walk towards the closet.
She opens it and looks through the clothes "I have some much clothes..." Sooyoung to herself amazed "maybe I should throw some away...." Sooyoung thought out loud, Chanyeol watched Sooyoung closely *still the same you,* he smiles "well you unpack, I'm making dinner so come down when you're finished." Chanyeol said and closed the door. Sooyoung walk to her bed and laid down burying her face into the pillow, "this is so soft..." Sooyoung mumbles into the pillow "man I'm so spoiled....aish I must have been a brat." Sooyoung thought.
After Sooyoung finished unpacking, she showered and changed into a white t-shirt and blue jean shorts, she tied her hair up in a high ponytail and went downstairs, she walked in the kitchen to see Chanyeol making kimchi spaghetti, she stands beside him and watch him make it like a little kid. Chanyeol glances at her and smiles. When he finished he brought it to the dinning room and Sooyoung followed him,  she sat down across from him and he pushed the plate towards her, he motioned her to eat and she picks up her chopsticks and looks at him, even through she didn't really like him right now she's still mannered. So she waited for him to eat first, Chanyeol smiles then picks up his chopsticks and starts eating. Sooyoung smiles and eats, Chanyeol glances up at her and see her smiling while she ate.
It was a smile Chanyeol hasn't seen in two years, the smile he missed "so do you like it?" Chanyeol ask and Sooyoung looks at him then nods with her eye smile "I learned it from D.O," Chanyeol said and Sooyoung nods "it taste really good." She said eating more. Chanyeol learned to make kimchi spaghetti because Sooyoung liked eating it so he learned it from D.O when Sooyoung went missing. After they finished eating Chanyeol washed the dishes while Sooyoung toured the house, she went to the living room and saw some pictures of her and Chanyeol together as kids *I don't remember any of this...* Sooyoung frowns a bit, she then looked at her wedding pictures "the dress was beautiful.." Sooyoung smiles at the picture. Chanyeol then sat down beside her on the couch,
"It not remembering your own wedding," Sooyoung pouts, Chanyeol looks at her, Chanyeol was going to say something when Sooyoung's cell phone rings, "yobosayo?" Sooyoung picks up "you miss me?" Daehyun ask with a chuckle "Daehyun oppa!" Sooyoung smiles widely, Chanyeol frowns hearing that name "how is it there? Are you guys already fighting?" Daehyun ask jokingly, Sooyoung puff we cheeks "ya~ you make me sound like a trouble maker..." Sooyoung said and Daehyun chuckles
"I miss you already," Daehyun admit, Sooyoung softens "I miss you too oppa....lets go on a date tomorrow ne?" Sooyoung ask "pabo you have school tomorrow," Daehyun reminded her and she pouts "lets go Friday," Daehyun said and Sooyoung nods "Friday it is!" Sooyoung smiles "okay go to bed, see you Friday," Daehyun said sweetly "bye oppa, I love you." Sooyoung whispers the last part and Daehyun chuckles "I love you too, bye." And with that they hung up.
Chanyeol was full of jealousy by now and he frowned, Sooyoung smiles at her phone then stands up "well, uhm I'm off to bed." Sooyoung said and she walks upstairs. Chanyeol watches her walk away "doesn't even bother saying goodnight..." He mumbles angrily to himself and walks upstairs to bed.
Sooyoung was walking to the cafeteria for lunch when someone calls her name, she turns around and sees Kai and everybody else behind him, Sooyoung bows once they all reach her "annyeongahseyo," Sooyoung said "come eat lunch with us ne?" Kai ask holding her arm "I heard there's cake today," Kris said, Sooyoung blinks at them while thinking "sure," she smiles, Kai quickly pulls Sooyoung to the cafeteria. There was a lot of people in line, today's cake was strawberry, there was one left and it was Sooyoung's, but when she went to grab it someone else took it. Sooyoung looks at the person and frowns "that's mine." Sooyoung said
The girl who took the cake smirked "does it have your name on it?" She said, Sooyoung didn't like this girl, she was one of the cocky rich girls and her name was Ada, "but I was here first, so it's mine." Sooyoung said, the guys at the table saw what was happening and they walk up to Sooyoung "what's wrong?" Suho ask "Kai oppa Sooyoung-ssi wants to steal my cake..." Ada said with a pout, Sooyoung scoffs *this is stupid, we're fighting about cake. I'll go buy a whole cake and eat by myself after school* Sooyoung thought "forget it, you keep the cake. You already dirtied it with your hands." Sooyoung said putting her tray of food down "I'm not hungry anymore so I'm leaving." Sooyoung smirks at Ada's reaction to what she just said and walks away.
The boys were surprised Sooyoung said those harsh words "woah...our Sooyounggie, is so...mean" Tao said and they all nod. Sooyoung walks to the school front yard and saw someone at the gates *Daehyun oppa?* Sooyoung stood up and walks closer "Daehyun oppa!" Sooyoung smiles and runs to the gate "oppa what are you doing here?" Sooyoung ask happily "I came to see you! I miss you so much I couldn't wait till Friday to see you." Daehyun said with a pout and Sooyoung smiles widely "I miss you too oppa," Sooyoung said, "I want to hug you..." Sooyoung pouts. Daehyun then started to climb over the gates "oppa be careful!" Sooyoung said worried, Daehyun jumped and landed on his feet and Sooyoung quickly hugs him. He spins her around a few times and he kiss her lips 
"Did you eat yet?" He ask and she shakes her head "good," he smiles then whistles, then out of nowhere Youngguk, Himchan, Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo showed up "oppa's!" Sooyoung shouts "hyung hurry up and open the gates!" Zelo said and Daehyun picks the lock on the gate, Sooyoung was surprised "I never knew you know how to pick locks oppa," Sooyoung said amazed "it's my secret talent," he winks at her and opens the gates. Zelo runs to Sooyoung and hugs her tightly "AHH!!! Dongsaeng I miss you sooooo much!!!!!" Zelo said and Sooyoung chuckles 
Youngguk pulled Zelo off and hugs Sooyoung "we missed you," he ruffles her hair and she smiles "me too Youngguk oppa," she said "but you miss me most ne?" Himchan said opening his arms and Sooyoung hugs him "you wish, you don't do anything useful, unlike me who helps her with her homework." Youngjae winks at her "but Himchan hyung cooks for Sooyoung," Jongup said and Youngjae punches Jongup's arm "ouch...just saying..." Jongup said. "We made lunch," Daehyun said intertwining his fingers with Sooyoung "good I'm starving," Sooyoung said and they all chuckle 
They all sat down under a tree and ate happily while Daehyun and Sooyoung was also enjoying each others company, "okay I think it's time to go, lunch is almost over and we have to bring Zelo back to school," Daehyun said "already?" Zelo and Sooyoung both said with a cute pout "I'll see you Friday," Daehyun caress her cheeks and she nods "okay...then bye oppa." Sooyoung said sadly "see you soon dongsaeng!!" Zelo shouts and she giggles "bye," Daehyun peck her lips and they all left. Sooyoung sighs and walks back in the school.
Chanyeol saw the whole thing and was there the whole time, his heart tighten and his hands turns into a fist, when he first talked to Daehyun on the phone he already had a bad feeling. Chanyeol never really liked Daehyun and got jealous I him easily because Sooyoung is always with Daehyun at work.
After school Sooyoung bumped into Ada "it's you again," Ada said with a smirk, Sooyoung ignores her and moves away from her "stop acting all cool when you're not." Ada said pointing her finger at Sooyoung "aish, why are you so annoying? Just ignore me and I'll ignore you, does that sound good? Good," Sooyoung said and walks away until Ada grabs Sooyoung's wrist "how dare you talk to me like that?" Ada said angrily 
Chanyeol and the guys walk by and saw what was happening. "Seriously what's your problem? I didn't do anything to you," Sooyoung said trying to pull her wrist away, "you did a lot of things. You know because you came to this school Kai oppa has been ignoring me!" Ada yells, "number one it's not my fault he doesn't like you, number two it's not my fault he's toying with you and number three it's not my fault you're stupid enough to fall for his words!" Sooyoung shouts and harshly pulls her wrist away "crazy..." Sooyoung mumbles while stomping out the school.
The guys all watch as Sooyoung leaves the school "wow..Sooyoung scary...and mean..." Tao said and they all nod, they all went out the school and found Sooyoung waiting at the school gates "S-Sooyoung-ah..." Sehun stutters, Sooyoung looks up at them and puts on a smile *first she steals my cake then blames me, then she becomes like a crazy chick? ,* Sooyoung thought "you know you shouldn't be playing around with girls like that," Sooyoung said looking at Kai, Kai points to himself "we girls are not your toy. We have feelings." Sooyoung said seriously 
"why am I even friends with these people?" Sooyoun ask herself quietly "anyways I'm going to go buy cake can go home first." Sooyoung said turning around but Chanyeol grab her hand "we'll come with you." He said, Sooyoung pulls her hand away "whatever, I'm not sharin my cake." Sooyoung said an walks away with the guys trailing behind, they didn't really like the cold Sooyoung and it made them kind of scared to talk to her.
The walk to the cake shop was quiet, Sooyoung was walking ahead ignoring the guys while the guys were to scared to even talk, once they reach the cake shop Sooyoung smiles happily and walks towards the cake "cake!!" She squeals, the guys look at her and smiles "so many!!" Sooyoung jumps up and down "may I help you?" The worker there ask and Sooyoung nods "I want this, this, this, this and this please." Sooyoung smiles brightly, the worker looks at Sooyoung shocked by how many cakes she bought but shrugs it off and left.
Sooyoung sits down at a table and the guys follow her, Chanyeol sat down on her right and Luhan sat on her left "cake, cake, cake, cake...." Sooyoung taps the table happily when the cakes came Sooyoung quickly started eating "yummy~" she her lips. Sooyoung then notice the guys were all looking at her, she stop smiling and looks at them "it's rude to stare." She said coldly, they all look away. Sooyoung knew she was being rude to them and was probably starting to scare them and she didn't want that. She sighs "look, I'm sorry." She said 
"I know I'm rude and I'm probably scaring you," Sooyoung said and Sehun, Tao, and Kai nods. Sooyoung chuckles "here lets share the cake," Sooyoung smiles warmly pushing the cakes towards them, the guys look at each other not sure if they should. Sooyoung scoops a spoonful and fed Luhan, he was taken by surprise but smiles "eat up," Sooyoung said and they all ate happily. Chanyeol smiles at Sooyoung "here have some as well," Sooyoung puts the spoon close to Chanyeol's mouth and he ate it. After they finished eating the cake they decided to go to Chanyeol and Sooyoung's house.
Sooyoung noticed her shoelace was undone so she knelt down to tie her shoelace, when a soccor ball was kicked and was heading towards her head, Chanyeol saw and quickly pulled Sooyoung away but it hit his head. The kick was hard so it made him a bit dizzy, "ya...are you okay?" Sooyoung ask touching Chanyeol's head "yeah...I'm fine, just a little dizzy." Chanyeol said, the guys picked up the soccor ball "aish...hyung are you sure you're okay?" Tao ask and Chanyeol nods, Sooyoung helps Chanyeol stand up and she brushes his shirt and ruffles his hair "such a pabo," she mumbles
But he heard her "ya! I saved you," he said and Sooyoung rolled her eyes "yeah but you got hit." She touch his head again "next time if you save someone make sure you don't get hurt either." Sooyoung said looking away. Chanyeol smiles because Sooyoung cared about him, then the owner of the ball came "ya! Kid, be careful where you kick next time, got it?" Kai scared the kid and he nods while running away. 
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Chapter 54: wah this was perfect~~~ ♡♡♡♡♡
missbluz #2
Chapter 24: Don't take this personally but the story started going down hill as of this chapter. Please don't think of it as an insult, more of constructive criticism.
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 54: Awww.hehe, done reading this one,hehe,looove this story, its related to me , though i have a so called bestfriend in life hehe ^^
KimRoseMinnie #4
Chapter 54: Wow that was good story !! But the girl was using to much agioo it was gross :b lol othe than that is was great .! I was glad when she got all her memorie back .! To much honorifics tho just use names next time and call the special one oppa .. (: hihihi
exoticxsonexmelody #5
Chapter 54: NOOOOOO!!!!!!! It's over T^T
I love this story so much <3
Thanks for writing an awesome story Author-nim^^
Chapter 53: I'm a new reader ! :3 I love it! <3<3 Kyaahh. please update soon! ^^
Yiracaro #7
Chapter 51: Ahhhh <3<3<3 can't wait!! Update soon :D
Chapter 50: urghhh ing chanyeol and sooyoung! aaaahhh please!
rawr_imadragon #9
Chapter 50: ~Sooyoung and Chanyeol sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. I can't wait for the next update. :)