
Married to my bestfriend

Sooyoung skips back to the living room with a big piece of cake, she sat down and her lips. She starts eating "yummm...." Sooyoung smiles happily "I want to try," Chanyeol said opening his mouth "no! Mine!" Sooyoung said moving the cake away from Chanyeol, "I'm your husband! Share!" Chanyeol said and grabs her hand and scooped some cake and puts it in his mouth "ya!" Sooyoug pouts "aw, hyung this is good cake where did you buy it?" Chanyeol ask with wide eyes

"the cake shop near the mall" Baekhyun said "this is good!" Chanyeol compliment again wanting more, Sooyoung glares at Chanyeol "no way! Go get your own piece of coffee cheesecake" she stook out her tongue, Chanyeol pouts and pretends to look sad, Sooyoung softened and sighs "fine...you only get half..." She mumbles and feeds him some cake, he smiles happily and pecks her lips "I love you yeobo~" he cooed "eww.....only do that when you guys are alone please...." D.O said with a face.


Sooyoung and Chanyeol were at their backyard reading, Chanyeol's back was leaning against the tree while Sooyoung laid her head on his lap, as he her hair. Sooyoug suddenly closed her book and Chanyeol looks down at her "Chanyeol," she said and he hummed and continues to read "lets go eat cake," she said poking his stomach "cake? Now?" He ask looking at her, "ne! And we should ask the other oppa's too!" She said with a smile while sitting up 

"do we have to ask them? Can't we just go with the two of us?" Chanyeol ask with a small frown, pulling her up to sit on his lap "come on it'll be fun, please? We'll go on a date tomorrow, just the two of us, I promise." Sooyoung said with a sweet smile "fine..." He mumbles, "thanks," she peck his lips and he smiles.


"Guys sit down!" Suho scold Sehun and Kai who were standing up while making faces at each other, they were at the cake shop near the mall. "He started it first!" Kai said pointing to Sehun "no he did!" Sehun said making a face at Kai, Chanyeol sighs and rubs his temple "this is so embarrassing..." He grumbles, Sooyoung smiles "it's not that bad, it's only Sehun and Kai oppa, the rest of the oppa's are fine" she said patting his thigh

"Give me back my cake!!" Baekhyun yelled "but I only wanted to try a piece!!!!" Tao yelled back holding he cake away from Baekhyun. Chanyeol looks at Sooyoung "you were saying?" He ask with a raised eyebrow, she smiles slyly "sometimes I forget why I decided to move in with you guys..." Suho said rubbing his temples, Sooyoung smiles and clears "oppa!" Sooyoung said loudly and the guys turn to her

"Sehun oppa, Kai oppa, you guys are 21 years old not 5, please sit down." She said politely and they sat down and ate their cake "Baekhyun oppa just be the mature one and give Tao oppa a piece to try, and Tao oppa you're not suppose to take people's things" Sooyoug said motherly, Tao pouts and gives Baekhyun back his cake. Baekhyun softens and gives Tao a piece of the cake, Tao smiles happily and eats it "it's good hyung!" He smiles and Baekhyun ruffles his hair.

"Thanks for inviting us" Lay said ruffling Sooyoung's hair "no problem!" She smiles "yeah, we were so bored at home." Luhan said "and I really needed a breather from math, it's really stressful" Sehun said "and Chen hyung at explaining the equation steps to me" Sehun said "well you're not the brightest either!" Chen said with a scoff "so where are we heading to after this?" Xiumin ask "we can go to the mall, it's so close." D.O suggested "that sounds like fun," Luhan smiles 

"then hurry up and finish the food!" Xiumin said and everybody quickly finished their piece of cake and went to the mall.


They entered a clothing store and the workers were surprised to see one girl with 11 guys, they walk to the male section and the guys went through the racks "Sooyounggie which one looks better?" Sehun ask holding up two hoddies, Sooyoung placed each hoodie in front of Sehun and compared them "uhm...the blue one!" She said and he smiles "okay, the blue one it is!" He smiles and continues to look through the racks of clothes,

Sooyoung looks out the window and sees Youngguk and the guys, she smiles and walks out the store without telling the guys "Youngguk oppa!" Sooyoung called out, they turned around and smiles widely "Sooyoung!" "Dongsaeng!" They hug her tightly, they were all there besides Daehyun "what are you guys doing here?" She ask with a smile "well, we were kind of bored at home and Youngjae wanted to by a new belt so...here we are!" Himchan smiles "what are you doing here Sooyoung?" Jongup ask

"oh, I'm here with my friends and...husband." Sooyoung said the last part quietly. They knew that Sooyoung was married, but they also knew it was a fake, and they knew she was divorcing soon and she truely loved Daehyun so they didn't mind. "Oh..." Was all they said, there was an awkward silence until Sooyoung spoke up "so...where's D-Daehyun?" Sooyoung ask, she felt like there was a rock in makibg her stutter at his name.

The guys glance at each other nervously, Sooyoung saw and knew right away where, or who he was with "is....he with Euna unnie?" She ask softly, Youngguk frowns a bit "ne...they're on a date..." He said knowing how painful thoses words were towards Sooyoung. Sooyoung forces a smile, she knew it would be like this, she told herself to be ready for this but, she had to be lying if she said it didn't hurt. Because it did. And it does. A lot. "Well, maybe I'll see him next time." She said softly,

"I better go back before my friends think I got kidnapped or something," Sooyoung jokes and they smile "see you guys next time oppa," she waved and walks back to the store. "I really missed Sooyoung," Himchan said honestly "things wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for Jung Daehyun!" Youngjae suddenly burst "Youngjae we know you like Sooyoung...we all do, but maybe they're just not ment to be," Youngguk said placing a hand on Youngjae's shoulder

"no! Sooyoung was so faithful to him! he made a promise!" Youngjae yelled "he said he was going to wait for her and wait until she divorced then proposed to her! But he just had to ruin everything!" Youngjae frowns "Youngjae, no matter what Daehyun is our friend. We can't hate him because of this" Youngguk said "Hyung, he cheated on her!" Youngjae said "and I bet the Euna seduced him!" Zelo added, the guys were taken back because they've never seen Zelo so rude and hash

"Zelo--" Himchan said trying to calm him down but Zelo cut him "no hyung! Daehyun hyung really hurt Sooyoung's feelings! He betrayed her!" Zelo said, his fist balls up "Zelo's right! They've been together for almost three years! While Sooyoung's in pain he's with someone else doing whatever they're doing! Sooyoung never crossed his mind until she left him!" Youngjae said "he ignored her texts and calls, because he was with Euna!" Youngjae and Zelo were angry,

Sure Daehyun was their friend but Sooyoung also became a really close friend and they couldn't stand how Daehyun justed hurt Sooyoung's feelings like that. "Guys calm down...." Jongup said kind of scared, "I'm going home." Zelo said walking away, Youngjae followed behind him. Youngguk sighs and placed a hand on his forehead "I guess we should go home." He said and the three of them followed Zelo and Youngjae.

Sooyoung walks back into the store "where did you go?" Chanyeol ask intertwining their hands "oh, I saw some friends. Did you see anything you want?" She ask changing the topic "ne, and the guys want to ask about your opinion on which clothes to choose." Chanyeol said and Sooyoung giggles "Jaygiya~ does this look good on me?" Kai ask, Sooyoung looks him up and down "uhm....that makes you look a bit to mature don't you think oppa? How about...." Sooyoung looks through the racks

"this shirt would look good on you!" She beamed, placing the shirt in front of him "okay, whatever you like," he winks at her and puts the other shirt away "Sooyoung! How about this shirt?" Lay ask with a wide smile on his face "it looks good oppa!" She smiles, showing a thumb up.


Sooyoung went for a walk, as she walked she passed a flower shop, she looks and sees a bunch of yellow daisies. Right away she thought of Daehyun, when they were in Busan and he showed her the field of yellow daisies. Her heart clenched *I'm not suppose to feel like this anymore,* she shook her head and walks away. The promises he made were broken and she couldn't do anything about it. If he didn't love her she wasn't going to force him, but she couldn't help but still miss him every once in awhile.

Sooyoung let out a breath, when she thought of Daehyun sometimes her mind would slowly drift to Chanyeol and she would smile. She didn't know why, but she always seem to forget about Daehyun when she was with Chanyeol. She had this feeling before but now she had it more often and it was a stronger feeling. Suddenly Sooyoung felt a pair of hands cover her eyes, she reached up and touched the pair of hands "Chanyeol oppa it's not nice to sneak up on people." She said removing his hands.

She turns to him and he was pouting "you're no fun," he said intertwining their fingers, Sooyoung giggles "what are you doing here?" She ask as they start walking , Chanyeol swings their hands back and forth "I was going to buy some snacks for the guys, we're watching the baseball game tonight remember?" Chanyeol said poking her head "oh yeah~....hehehe forgot," she rubs the back of her neck "should we buy some beer?" Sooyoung ask

"beer? Are you going to be drinking?" He ask with raised eyebrows Sooyoung nods "well, duh. I'm not sitting there to watch you guys get drunk then take care of you guys. I rather get drunk with you guys." She said "then who's going to take care of us?" He ask "yourselves" she smirks, and they walk into the beer store.


"HOME RUN!" Sooyoung and the guys cheered with peanut shells and beer spilled everywhere "tsk, YA! YA! Be careful!! Aish..I have to clean this up later!!!" D.O scold "ah~ D.O-ssi, chill~" Sooyoung giggles pinching his cheeks, the baseball game was just starting and Baekhyun, Xiumin, Suho, Kai, Chen and Sooyoung were already drunk. "BANANA!" Suho suddenly shouts "lalalalalalala~" Xiumin said making faces at the tv

"you know you're to much of an umma?" Kai complained to D.O "well you're to much of a baby," D.O said rolling his eyes, Baekhyun jumped off the couch and jumped to the kitchen, then jumped back to the living room, he jumped in front of the tv then to Sooyoung's lap, he sat there and squished her cheeks together "Baekhyun oppa you're heavy~" Sooyoung pouts, Baekhyun giggles and jumps to Sehun then he jumped back to his seat but kept moving like a hyper kid "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Chen points to the tv laughing

"DISNEY!!!!" Suho shouts "we shouldn't have let them drink the beer" Luhan said shaking his head "I don't think we can watch the game with them drunk," Tao said trying to keep Baekhyun from moving "Hyung stop moving!!" Tao frowns "Chen stop laughing! Nothings funny!" Sehun whined, Chen looks at Sehun and continues to laugh "KISS!!!" Suho shout blowing kisses everywhere "hyung you're so loud," Lay said covering his ear because he was sitting right beside Suho.

Xiumin went in front of Sooyoung and puffed his cheek while sticking his tongue out, Chen saw and points to Xiumin and laughs "hyung stop making faces," Kai complained "it's childish," he added. "Sooyoung-ah you alright?" Chanyeol ask, he doesn't know how Sooyoung would act like when she's drunk but he was worried, he saw the hole and dent she made last time on the wall and he doesn't know what would happen this time "I'm fine..." She said making popping noise with ,

She leaned her head on his shoulder and she stared at the tv, unknowingly tears started to welled up in her eyes and she starts crying. The guys heard her cry and they turn their full attention to her worried, even the drunk ones. Chanyeol turns her to face him and he cups her face "why are you crying?" He ask softly wiping her tears with his thumb, Sooyoung didn't know why she was crying, she just had the urge to cry, she found it hard to breathe "I-I don't k-know..." She cried,

Chanyeol pulls her in for a hug, with his arms wrap around her body she rest her head on his chest while he caress her back, the guys were quiet not wanting to make Sooyoung cry they all watched the rest of the baseball game quietly as Sooyoung slowly drifted to sleep in Chanyeol's arms. Chanyeol looked down and gently her hair "you can bring her upstairs to sleep on Kris hyung's bed since he's not here," Kai said finally sober enough to stop nagging, Chanyeol nods and caefully carries Sooyoung upstairs bridal style.

She snuggles against him and mumbles a few words he couldn't make out "what are you saying?" He whispers, her hands grip onto his shirt tightly but said nothing. He chuckles and kiss her head, he quietly opens the bedroom door and walks to the bed and gently placed her down, he adjusted the pillow so she was comfortable then he pulled the blanket to cover her body making sure she wasn't to cold or to hot, Sooyoung snuggles closer to the pillow almost hugging it.

Chanyeol giggles and placed another pillow under her head so she can hug the other one. He was worried she would wake up and cry or punch the wall so he sat on the bed watching her. He laugh quietly to himself thinking how creepy he sounded, but once he looked at Sooyoung he couldn't help but only think of her, he wonders if she still loves Daehyun, he wonders if she's still hurt, he didn't like seeing her sad. Sometimes he wished she lost her memories again so she can forget about Daehyun and all the sad things.

Chanyeol wished Sooyoung could remember everything they had together. Sure the marriage was fake. But his feelings were real. He loves Sooyoung and he knew that, he hated himself for not confessing earlier. He now had the chance but he was scared she wasn't ready for a new relationship, he was worried she still loves Daehyun. He was scared of rejection.

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Chapter 54: wah this was perfect~~~ ♡♡♡♡♡
missbluz #2
Chapter 24: Don't take this personally but the story started going down hill as of this chapter. Please don't think of it as an insult, more of constructive criticism.
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 54: Awww.hehe, done reading this one,hehe,looove this story, its related to me , though i have a so called bestfriend in life hehe ^^
KimRoseMinnie #4
Chapter 54: Wow that was good story !! But the girl was using to much agioo it was gross :b lol othe than that is was great .! I was glad when she got all her memorie back .! To much honorifics tho just use names next time and call the special one oppa .. (: hihihi
exoticxsonexmelody #5
Chapter 54: NOOOOOO!!!!!!! It's over T^T
I love this story so much <3
Thanks for writing an awesome story Author-nim^^
Chapter 53: I'm a new reader ! :3 I love it! <3<3 Kyaahh. please update soon! ^^
Yiracaro #7
Chapter 51: Ahhhh <3<3<3 can't wait!! Update soon :D
Chapter 50: urghhh ing chanyeol and sooyoung! aaaahhh please!
rawr_imadragon #9
Chapter 50: ~Sooyoung and Chanyeol sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. I can't wait for the next update. :)