
Married to my bestfriend

After school Sooyoung asked Suho to walk home with her "hey I don't want to go home yet so lets walk around for a bit?" Suho ask "oh! I want to get bubble tea!" Sooyoung said with a bright smile "you and guys just love bubble tea," Suho chuckles. "We do!" Sooyoung said proudly. They walk to a bubble tea store and ordered bubble tea, as they walk around Sooyoung and Suho sees something they weren't expecting. 

Fiona and Chanyeol were kissing in the cafe, Sooyoung's chest had this stinging feeling, she felt like she couldn't breathe like her whole world had stopped, she held onto the rim of her skirt and she had the urge to cry, she didn't know why she felt that way but she didn't like the feeling "Sooyoung you okay?" Suho ask worried Sooyoung turns to Suho "oppa lets go home, I feel sick right now," Sooyoung said and Suho nods. Sooyoug quickly turns around and starts walking away *why does my chest hurt? Why are they kissing? I thought he was just helping her with her science homework,* Sooyoung kept thinking about it "I'm pretty sure it's not what it seems," Suho said placing a hand on her shoulder, Sooyoung smiles "what are you talking about Suho oppa?" She ask

"what we both saw, you should ask him about it" Suho said with a smile "it's his life, I have no right to stop him from liking, dating, or kissing another girl. Our marriage is fake Suho oppa, Chanyeol is my bestfriend and since he found happiness I would be happy for him." Sooyoung said with a smile, Suho nods but he can tell she was hurt.


When Sooyoung got home the stinging feeling in her chest wouldn't go away, tears filled her eyes and she started crying. She ran to her room and locks the door and quietly she cries she didn't know why she felt like that, she clench her chest "w-why does it hurt?" She ask herself, she lied in bed and soon cried herself to sleep.

Chanyeol came home excited to see Sooyoung "Sooyoung?" He calls out but no answer "Sooyoung?" He calls again, he walks to the living room and kitchen but she wasn't there, he went upstairs to her room and tried to open her room door but it was locked "Sooyoung are you in there?" Chanyeol knocks on the door but no answer *maybe she's sleeping?* Chanyeol thought so he walks back to his room "where's the key to the room?" Chanyeol looks for the key that opens all the room doors, "found it," he said happily, he walks to Sooyoung's room and unlocks the door quietly not wanting to wake her up. 

"Sooyoung," he calls her quietly "I'm coming in...." He whispers but of course she didn't answer so he came in her room and closed the door, he walks towards her. He sits down on the floor and looks at Sooyoung, he saw tear stains on her cheeks and her eyes were puffy "did you cry?" He ask Sooyoung and he reaches out and her cheeks, Sooyoung slowly opens her eyes and was surprised to see Chanyeol in front of her "ahhhh!!" She screams and sat up "YA! Park Chanyeol you scared me!!!" Sooyoung yelled and he chuckles "I thought I locked the door?" Sooyoung said quietly "you did but I used the key" Chanyeol said and sat down on her bed "why? What if I was changing or something?! You can't just open a girls room door like that!" Sooyoung said with a frown "but you weren't answering me so I assumed you were sleeping but I just wanted to make sure you were sleeping and not dead" Chanyeol said jokingly 

"whatever," Sooyoung rolls her eyes and got up. "I'm going to shower," Sooyoung said and turns to Chanyeol and points to him "don't unlock the bathroom door or I will kill you with my own bare hands got it?" She said with a serious face, Chanyeol puts his hands up in defeat "got it," he chuckles.


When Sooyoung and Chanyeol got to school holding hands everybody still looks at them, some girls hate Sooyoung for marrying Chanyeol, some students were happy for the couple, some people didn't care, and some people just make rumours about them. Sooyoung tries her best to ignore them "Chanyeol oppa~" someone calls from behind and Sooyoung knew who it was, Chanyeol and Sooyoung turns around and saw Fiona "annyeongahseyo Chanyeol oppa~" Fiona said was a bright smile, Sooyoung started felling the stinging again in her chest *no not again* Sooyoung lets go of Chanyeol's hand "uhm....I have to go and find Luhan oppa, see you guys later," Sooyoung said without looking at them and quickly walks away.

 Fiona quickly stands beside Chanyeol "thanks for helping me with science yesterday, and sorry for accidentally kissing you too....." Fiona said *And I bet Sooyoung enjoyed looking at it to* Fiona smirked in her head. Fiona saw Sooyoung and Suho yesterday at the cafe so she quickly pretend to get up and accidentally trip and kiss Chanyeol "no worries it was just an accident," Chanyeol said awkwardly "well I better get to class, see you around" Chanyeol said and walks away *I will make you guys divorce and you I will mine* Fiona smirks


Sooyoung couldn't concentrate in class all she could think about was Fiona and Chanyeol, the more she thought about it the more her chest stings. ~ring~ "okay class dismiss" the teacher said and left, students pack their books for their next class, Sooyoung slowly puts her books in her backpack and walks to her next class. She placed her hand on her chest and feels her heart beat *do you like him now? Are you hurting because you like him?* Sooyoung stops walking and closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she opens her eyes again and decided to go to the company.

She walks to the bus stop and waits for the bus, because all the students were in class she was the only one at the bus stop. Sooyoung looks in the sky and it was bright and sunny "beautiful day...." Sooyoung said quietly, finally the bus came, she got on and sat at the back beside the window. She still felt the stinging in her chest and she hated the feeling *I don't like Park Chanyeol, he's my best friend I can't like him, and besides we have a contract, everything he does to me is just an act nothing more nothing less,* Sooyoung kept reminding herself.

When she reaches the company she started to get excited to see Daehyun again, she goes on the elevator and sees some other workers Daehyun introduced to her last time she came "annyeongahseyo" Sooyoung bows "oh young Miss annyeongahseyo" they bow "just call me Sooyoung, and no need to bow I'm younger I must respect you guys," Sooyoung smiles politely, they smile and nod. When they reach the floor they all got off and Sooyoung wanted to look for Daehyun but didn't want to disturb his work so she went to her dads office instead.

~Knock knock~ "come in" Mr.Kim said, Sooyoung opens the door and walks in "appa" Sooyoung said and bows "Sooyoung? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" He ask her with a serious face "I was feeling sick so I left, but then I wanted to come to the company so......." Sooyoung trails off and lowers her head scared her dad would yell at her "(sigh)'re already so grown up I can't tell you what to do anymore," Mr.Kim said "take a seat I'll give you some work to do if that's what you want" Mr.Kim said with a smile, Sooyoung looks at Mr.Kim "really?" Sooyoung ask "well you will be working here soon so I don't mind if you start now" Mr.Kim said and Sooyoung smiles brightly "thanks appa!" She hugs him and kiss his cheek 

Mr.Kim gave her some files and Sooyoung went to her office to work on it. Her desk faces towards the office outside that faces directly at Daehyun's office, and behind her was a big window with a view outside "lets see what we have here..." Sooyoung opens the files in front of her and starts reading it, ~Knock knock~ "come in" Sooyoung said without looking up "welcome back," the person said and Sooyoung looks up and smiles "Daehyun oppa!" Sooyoung said happily "I thought I wouldn't see you until you graduate? Aren't you a bit to early?" He ask jokingly and sat down in front of her

"well I wanted to come back, and I can't wait till graduation" Sooyoung said honestly, he chuckles "want to go out for lunch later?" Daehyun ask with a smile and Sooyoung nods happily "yes, I would love to! And this time I'm paying," Sooyoung said with a stern face, Daehyun chuckles "okay okay," he smiles. Even though it was their second time seeing each other Daehyun enjoyed being with Sooyoung, she was a happy person and got excited really easily like a little kid. 


The bell ran for lunch and Chanyeol went to Sooyoung's class to pick her up but she wasn't there *did she go to the cafeteria already?* he thought and went to the cafeteria but he didn't see her, he walks to the table where they all sit at for lunch "have you guys seen Sooyoung?" Chanyeol ask "we thought she was with you like always," Kai said "well I didn't see her in class when I went to pick her up" Chanyeol said "where could she be?" Chanyeol frowns, Suho looks at Chanyeol *did Sooyoung leave because of you?* Suho ask in his head "maybe she went home sick?" Suho suggested 

"try calling her," Lay said, Chanyeol takes out his cell phone and calls Sooyoung's cell phone. 

"Excuse me I need to use the washroom," Sooyoung excused herself. Once she was in the washroom her cell phone starts ringing, Daehyun looks at it and decided to answer for her "yobosayo?" Daehyun said, Chanyeol was confused to hear a guys voice "is this Sooyoung's cell phone?" Chanyeol ask "yes, she's just in the washroom right now" Daehyun answered "may I ask who this is?" Daehyun ask "I'm her husband," Chanyeol said, and that surprised everybody at the table "he just said husband?" Chen ask Kris and Kris nods.

"Husband? Sooyoung never told me she had a husband," Daehyun said, Sooyoung then walks out of the washroom "Daehyun oppa who is it?" She ask sweetly. Chanyeol heard her voice and he felt his heart tighten "your husband?" Daehyun said handing her the cell phone "husband?" Sooyoung takes the cell phone and sits down "yobosayo?" Sooyoung said "Sooyoung where are you? Who's that guy?" Chanyeol ask he felt his heart beat fast but it wasn't in a good way 

"Chanyeol? I'm having lunch near the company." Sooyoung answered "near the company? You left school?" Chanyeol ask "yeah I wasn't feeling well, hey lunch time is almost over I have to go now see you at home okay bye" and Sooyoung hung up on Chanyeol. Chanyeol looks a his cell phone "why is she at the company?" Xiumin ask "dude I heard a guys voice who was it?" Tao ask "I.....I-I don't know..." Chanyeol said, *is she cheating on me? I have to find out who that guy is!* Chanyeol thought.

"You never told me you were married," Daehyun said surprised "you never asked," Sooyoung smiles "but aren't you a bit young?" Daehyun questions "Long story short. My parents and my best friends parents thought that we should get married and the to company will become 1 bigger company so yeah," Sooyoung said with a shrug "so that was your husband? Bestfriend?" Daehyun ask confused and Sooyoung chuckles and nods "but do you like him?" Daehyun ask, Sooyoung thought about it, "no" she said "does he like you?" He ask "no way, I think he already likes someone else" Sooyoung whispers the last part "then wouldn't that be....cheating on you?" Daehyun ask 

"well our marriage is real to the world but it's fake between us so no, and I have the rights to date other guys to," Sooyoung said with a smile, Daehyun felt relief and smiles back *that means I have a chance and be with you* he thought.


After school Chanyeol went straight home hoping Sooyoung would be there but to his dismay she wasn't, so he sat down in the living room waiting for her to come home. He felt nervous, scared, angry and sad, he was mixed with emotions. He kept staring at the clock and the front door wanting to see Sooyoung.

Sooyoung was working at her office with Daehyun "wow you really got this," Daehyun praised "really? I hope so because I will be here for a long time in the future" Sooyoung said "well you really got the hang of things so you should have no problems in the future," Daehyun smiles "will you be staying late today? Want to go out of dinner?" Daehyun ask with a sweet smile, Sooyoung looks at the clock "uhm.....there is still a lot of sure what not? And you don't mind driving me home right?" She ask and he chuckles "of course not," he pats her head.

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Chapter 54: wah this was perfect~~~ ♡♡♡♡♡
missbluz #2
Chapter 24: Don't take this personally but the story started going down hill as of this chapter. Please don't think of it as an insult, more of constructive criticism.
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 54: Awww.hehe, done reading this one,hehe,looove this story, its related to me , though i have a so called bestfriend in life hehe ^^
KimRoseMinnie #4
Chapter 54: Wow that was good story !! But the girl was using to much agioo it was gross :b lol othe than that is was great .! I was glad when she got all her memorie back .! To much honorifics tho just use names next time and call the special one oppa .. (: hihihi
exoticxsonexmelody #5
Chapter 54: NOOOOOO!!!!!!! It's over T^T
I love this story so much <3
Thanks for writing an awesome story Author-nim^^
Chapter 53: I'm a new reader ! :3 I love it! <3<3 Kyaahh. please update soon! ^^
Yiracaro #7
Chapter 51: Ahhhh <3<3<3 can't wait!! Update soon :D
Chapter 50: urghhh ing chanyeol and sooyoung! aaaahhh please!
rawr_imadragon #9
Chapter 50: ~Sooyoung and Chanyeol sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. I can't wait for the next update. :)