Close with the 12 guys

Married to my bestfriend

They all sat in the living room while Sooyoung went to go change, she wore a light grey tube top covering just over her belly button, she wore a white cardigan over it with blue short. She tied her hair in a high ponytail and ran downstairs to the living room where the boys were. When they saw her outfit their jaws opened "ya! You're showing to much skin!!" Chanyeol said covering her with a pillow, Sooyoung looks at her outfit then the guys "seriously? You should see the girls in New York City," Sooyoung said rolling her eyes "it doesn't matter. I will not allow my wife to wear something like that with other men around," Chanyeol said

Sooyoung frowns "whatever," Sooyoung said "now...Kai," Sooyoung said "Kai OPPA. OPPA." Kai said Sooyoung sigh "Kai oppa," Kai nod satisfied "Ada-ssi, is one of your toy? Someone you use for pleasure then throw away?" She ask and they were shocked, Kai's eyes widen "n-no." He said and she nods "I see....well, just be careful Kai oppa ne?" Sooyoung said with a small smile and he nods. 

They all decided to watch a scary movie since it's been awhile, Sooyoung was sitting beside Chanyeol and Kris. In the middle of the movie Sooyoung was getting a bit tired "ya...Chanyeol...I'm tired...." Sooyoung whispers to Chanyeol. Sooyoung was already half asleep and just wanted to lay down, because there was no room on the couch because the guys were sitting there, Chanyeol made Sooyoung sit on his lap and put her legs on Kris' lap, Kris looks over and sees Sooyoung sleepy so he let her legs stay on his lap, Sooyoung rested her head on Chanyeol's chest while he wrapped his arms around her so she won't fall.

Sooyoung fell asleep right away and Chanyeol noticed. He tucks her hair behind her ear away from her face. Slowly one by one they all fell asleep leaving the TV for the whole night. 


Chanyeol woke up and rubs his eyes, he looks around and see the TV still on and everybody else was still sleeping *we all fell asleep...* he said and look down to see Sooyoung sleeping peacefully in his arms, he hugs her and kiss her head and she stirs a bit before she placed a hand on his chest and snuggles closer to him. He chuckles quietly at her cuteness and her cheek gently, he sighs, he misses her so much, he miss the old days they had together.

He miss the way she would know he was jealous, he miss the way she would do random aegyos, he miss the way she always just sleep and eat, he miss the way she smiles brightly when he buys her yellow daisies. Chanyeol's thoughts were disturbed when someone spoke "Chanyeol stop staring at her." Chanyeol looks up and sees Luhan "if Sooyoung didn't go to New York, if she never got in that accident, if she didn't lose her memories.....and if I confessed to her...what do you think would happen?" Chanyeol ask Luhan, "I don't know...Chanyeol, I don't know..." Luhan said and Sooyoung slowly opens her eyes.

She yawns cutely and rubs her eyes, she blinks a few times and then looks at Chanyeol and Luhan and the rest of the guys who were sleeping. She scratches her head and pat her cheeks lightly trying to wake up, she then looks at Chanyeol again and realized she was on his lap, her eyes widen and she quickly pushes Chanyeol away but she falls off and hits the floor "ouch....." Sooyoung rubs her "are you okay?!" Chanyeol ask and Sooyoung frowns and stands up "yeah..." She said "sorry for sleeping on you all night," Sooyoung said a bit embarrassed

"it's okay," Chanyeol smiles "what's with all the noise?" Kai ask waking up and so did everybody else "nothing. Lets eat I'm hungry," Sooyoung said and she looks at D.O, D.O blinks a couple of times and scratches his head "I guess...I'll make breakfast?" D.O said and heads to the bathroom to wash up. "Sooyoung...." Kai tugs on Sooyoung's sleeve, Sooyoung turns to him "c-can I get a m-morning k-kiss?" He ask scared, Sooyoung looks at him weirdly "uhm...." Sooyoung raised a brow "when we used to have sleepovers, you would give us a kiss the next morning," Chen explained and they nod 

"woah...I was so opened back then." Sooyoung said surprised "I guess I can give you a kiss..." Sooyoung said unsure, she leans in and peck Kai's cheek "uhm....good morning," she said awkwardly, Kai smiles happily and kiss her cheek "good morning!" And then he skips to the bathroom *that guy is so weird,* Sooyoung thought "well, I'm going to wash up," Sooyoung went to her room. Chanyeol smiles at her cuteness "she probably thinks Kai is a weirdo," Chanyeol said out loud and the guys all chuckles "I would," Baekhyun said.


It's been a month since Sooyoung moved in and things were going well, Sooyoung wasn't mad at the guys anymore and they're not scared of her anymore either. "Sooyounggie~" Xiumin sang "ne?" Sooyoung ask not looking up from her book "I'm bored. Lets play baseball," Xiumin said "baseball?" Sooyoung ask looking up from her book and Xiumin nods his head "did I just hear baseball?!" Sehun ask popping his head in the living room "baseball?!" Everyone runs in the room "ne, baseball." Sooyoung said 

"But I don't think I know how to play baseball." Sooyoung said "what are you talking about?! You LOVE baseball!!!" Lay said shaking her back and forth "well, I don't remember and it's been a while...." Sooyoung said "then lets go play, we'll buy some snacks to eat to. My treat ne?" Kris said ruffling her hair, Sooyoung nods and they all cheer. Sooyoung changed into a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white tank top with a thin aqua hoodie, she wore a baseball cap she found in her room "huh, I guess I did like baseball." Sooyoung said to herself and walk downstairs.


After they finished playing baseball they were all tired, "we'll go buy food" Kris, Xiumin and D.O left while the others rested under a shady tree. Sooyoung was laying on her stomach and she rested her head on her arms "I'm soooooo sleepy right now..." She yawns "then sleep, we'll wake you up when the guys come back with food," Sehun said and Sooyoung nods, she buries her face into her arms and fell right asleep, "we haven't played baseball since Sooyoung went missing." Lay said quietly "I had a lot of fun today," Sehun smiles "I'm glad Sooyoung is Sooyoung again...well she's not exactly the same but, we're getting there." Baekhyun said.

Sooyoung turns her body so now she was laying on her back, "I'm sleepy...." Sehun yawns "me too...." Kai rubs his eyes "then sleep," Chanyeol said. Sehun laid his head on Sooyoung's lap while Kai laid down beside her and soon they fell asleep "aish...why do they have to sleep like that near Sooyoung?" Chanyeol puffs his cheeks "Chanyeol-ah your jealousy is showing again~" Suho sang and Chanyeol glares at him "well when you get a wife you would know how I feel." Chanyeol defended

Kris, Xiumin and D.O came back to see the three maknaes sleeping like babies "woah they're so cute!!!!" D.O squeals, everybody looks at him weirdly "what? Seriously look at them!! They look like babies~ that is until they wake up. They're soooo annoying, beside Sooyoung," D.O said and quickly went to wake her up "Sooyounggie~" he said softly and Sooyoung stirs "we have food, wake to eat." D.O said poking her cheeks, Sooyoung opens her eyes and sees a smiling D.O in front of her, she blinks few times then yawns "food...." She said and he nods. "Okay," she smiles and he left to get the drinks.

Sooyoung turns to her left and sees Kai sleeping *wow....he's pretty cute when he's not being cocky...or player, or a flirt...I see why I was friends with him,* Sooyoung thought "I know I'm handsome but you don't have to stare" Kai smirks with his eyes still closed *nope. Now the flirt is back,* Sooyoung thought and flicked his forehead "ouch...." Kai sat up and pouts. Sooyoung sat up and saw Sehun sleeping on her lap "why is he sleeping on my lap?" Sooyoung ask "no worries I've got this...." Chanyeol said.

Chanyeol clears his throat and leans close to Sehun's ears "OH SEHUN WAKE UP!!! FOODS HERE AND YOU'RE HURTING SOOYOUNGGIES LEGS!!!!" He shouts and Sehun's eyes widen and he quickly sat up " ear!!!" Sehun glares at Chanyeol and Chanyeol just sticks out his tongue and walks away "thanks for getting up Sehunnie, I am really hungry," Sooyoung said ruffling his hair, he softens at Sooyoung and helps her stand up "so what snack do you want babe?" Kai ask giving her a piggy back ride "uhm....that one, that one and that one." Sooyoung points 

Suho walks to her and gives her the food "thanks Suho oppa," she smiles her eye smile and he pats her head. Kai set Sooyoung down while he went to get his own snacks, "want me to show yu something?" Chanyeol ask sitting beside her "what?" She ask "come," Chanyeol pulls Sooyoung to a tree, Sooyoung looks at the tree then back at Chanyeol "lets climb up the tree," Chanyeol said looking at Sooyoung, she made a face but climbs the tree anyways.

She got on Chanyeol's shoulder and she reached for a branch and started climbing and Chanyeol followed behind her. Once they reach near the top Chanyeol told Sooyoung to stop climbing and sit on a branch, and he sat down beside her. They watched the sun slowly go down "it's beautiful isn't it?" He ask and Sooyoung nods, they were quiet for a while but it wasn't awkward at all. Chanyeol looks over at Sooyoung and smiles, Sooyoung turns to him and smiles "you know, you're no that bad of a guy sometimes." Sooyoung admits "I wonder how we became bestfriends?" Sooyoung ask herself 

"I can't believe you forgot about me, I'm your bestfriend and you husband." Chanyeol said playfully "I mean I'm one of the most important people in your life," Chanyeol said crossing his arms "I didn't choose what to remember and what to forget pabo," Sooyoung pokes his cheeks. Chanyeol turns to Sooyoung and they met eyes, their hearts started to race *what is this?* Sooyoung thought, slowly Chanyeol started to lean in, and they were only a few inches away and just when they were about to kiss "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Sooyoung and Chanyeol move away "what was that?" Sooyoung ask and they quickly climb down and went back to the guys.

"did you hear that scream?" Chanyeol ask and they all nod "lets to see what it is," Sooyoung said and starts walking towards the scream, the guys had a bad feeling about this but they followed Sooyoung. When they got there Sooyoung saw a girl and a man there, the girl was holding a knife and the guy was backing away from her, because it was dark Sooyoung couldn't see the faces, Sooyoung walks closer but the guys hold her back "Sooyoung what are you doing?!" Chanyeol ask "I think the guy is in danger we have to help him." Sooyoung said

And walks close to the girl, she had blood running down her arm "miss...." Sooyoung called out, the girl turns to Sooyoung "w-who are you?" The girl ask while crying "I'm Kim Sooyoung," Sooyoung answers calmly. Chanyeol and the guys wanted to go over there but they know the girl holding the knife might get scared and start attacking them. "S-Sooyoung?" The man spoke *Daehyun?* "Daehyun oppa?" Sooyoung ask "Sooyoung it's really you!" Daehyun smiles, he wanted to go hug Sooyoung but the girl pointed the knife at the both of them. " left me...for this girl?!" Girl ask 

"miss, I don't even know you." Daehyun said "now please...put the knife down..." Daehyun said trying to calm her down "no!! If I can't have you! No one can!!!" The girl shouts and the girl charges for Daehyun, Sooyoung's eyes widen and she quickly pulls Daehyun away but the girl stabs Sooyoung instead, the guys saw and quickly went out to stop the girl, "I will kill you!!!!" The girl screams and charges at Sooyoung and Daehyun again but the guys all grabbed her and made her drop the knife, and they called the police

"thanks guys," Sooyoung said with a weak smile, she turns to Daehyun "Daehyun oppa are you okay? You hurt anywhere?" Sooyoung ask worried "I'm fine, you're hurt though," Daehyun looks at Sooyoung worried "I'm fine as long as you're okay," Sooyoung smiles but blood kept coming out from the cut and Sooyoung falls down, Daehyun catches her "Sooyoung!!!" Daehyun calls her name, Chanyeol quickly rushes to her "Sooyoung!!" Chanyeol calls but she doesn't move "she's losing to much blood! She needs to go to the hospital!!" Chanyeol shout 

"Sooyoung can you hear me?! Stay in there okay?! Sooyoung!!" Chanyeol said as tears starting to form in his eyes. The guys were all worried. The ambulance came and put Sooyoung in the car "only one person goes with her," the police said, both Chanyeol and Daehyun wanted to go "Daehyun hyung you go, Sooyoung would want you there with her," Chanyeol said and Daehyun nods and gets in the van, the ambulance drives away while the police ask the guys questions then they all rushed to the hospital. 

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Chapter 54: wah this was perfect~~~ ♡♡♡♡♡
missbluz #2
Chapter 24: Don't take this personally but the story started going down hill as of this chapter. Please don't think of it as an insult, more of constructive criticism.
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 54: Awww.hehe, done reading this one,hehe,looove this story, its related to me , though i have a so called bestfriend in life hehe ^^
KimRoseMinnie #4
Chapter 54: Wow that was good story !! But the girl was using to much agioo it was gross :b lol othe than that is was great .! I was glad when she got all her memorie back .! To much honorifics tho just use names next time and call the special one oppa .. (: hihihi
exoticxsonexmelody #5
Chapter 54: NOOOOOO!!!!!!! It's over T^T
I love this story so much <3
Thanks for writing an awesome story Author-nim^^
Chapter 53: I'm a new reader ! :3 I love it! <3<3 Kyaahh. please update soon! ^^
Yiracaro #7
Chapter 51: Ahhhh <3<3<3 can't wait!! Update soon :D
Chapter 50: urghhh ing chanyeol and sooyoung! aaaahhh please!
rawr_imadragon #9
Chapter 50: ~Sooyoung and Chanyeol sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. I can't wait for the next update. :)