Coming Home part 2

A Heart that beats for only You
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To the main image up there: THEY are MORE THAN REAL...more than REAL, i tell you! *le me spazzing* TAEEEEEENNNNYYYY!!! HAIL TAEEEENNNNYYYY!!!HAILLLLLL TAENY!!!!!




okay...done spazzing... i love spazzing on my OTP...



okay, okay...



let's go to the story~~









BGM: Coming Home by Diddy



I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her into a tight hug. She was surprised at the sudden gesture but so am I. I felt my heart pound rapidly and I wasn’t thinking anymore. Everything I’ll do or ever did at that moment is out of instinct—pure humanistic instinct.


I was scared.


She was going to jump.


What do you expect me to do?


I heaved her to safety.


She tried to peel my hands off her and pushed me away from her; that’s when I saw her face and recognized that she was the person living across my apartment.


“Taeyeon-shi?” I let go of my tight grip, my brow raised in confusion.


She stared at me but there was no sign of recognition.


“Who are you?”



What the --?

You already forgot who I am?

We just met…like days ago!

You even gave me ice creams…twice!



“Ugh… My name’s Tiffany Hwang. I live across your apartment, remember?” I tried to make her recall who I was.


She dropped to her knees. I was so shocked, I thought she fainted. I was going to run and call for help when she held my wrist to stop me.











I gazed at her; she was still holding that vacant stare. She looked like a porcelain doll under a heavy ton of metals dangling above her—one wrong tip and she’ll break into white dust. She seemed so weak—so fragile.


I stooped and sat beside her. I took the ice cream I had in my bag and offered her one. She stared at me for a while before deciding to take it.


“Strawberry” She blankly said while loosely holding the delicacy.


“You okay?” I glanced at her as I mine.


“No” She’s looking down.






“I want to die”



“There are thousands of people in the world who wish they can live for another day… while you on the other hand… would just throw yours?” I mumbled to the air as plainly as I can, not really caring if she heard me or not.


She must have heard me as she frowned, still holding her unwrapped ice cream. I grabbed it and peeled the wrapper off for her.


“It’s going to melt if you don’t eat it. So, eat.” I put the cold sweet in her loosened grip.


She just blankly stared at the ice cream like it was nothing.


“Why do you even care?” She blinked.



Girl, you were on the edge, almost falling down to the ground.

What am I supposed to do, watch you die?

What are you thinking?



“If you fall down there, you’ll die a messy death. This is like what? The rooftop of the hospital! That’s the ground down there, pabo.” I pointed to the ground. “We’re more than ten floors above the ground. Your bones will stuck out of your body, all of it might even be dismantled” I started imagining it. “Oh god the horror, your head might also be crushed by the impact and your blood, good lord, it would ruin the floor! The ahjummas will surely have a hard time disinfecting the perimeters.  And I seriously don’t like gory images in my mind; I hate nightmares. If you wanted to die, at least try not to discomfort anyone.” I massaged my temples as I gave her a playful glare.


She looked at me intently, her head completely focused to my direction.


I didn’t mind her stare and just continued my dessert.


She smiled and took a small bite from her ice cream.




“Then, how should I die?”



“Why would you want to die in the first place?”



“I think I’ve suffered enough in this life”




Why…did you have like…cancer or something?

Are you in so much your marrows digging through and through your bones?




“What happened to you?”




“I… I’m…all…alone”

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Chapter 1: Re-reading this again. Preparing myself for another heartbreak
I miss jeti T^T
Chapter 1: Hi. Wherever you are, whoever you are, i just wanna let you know that this is one of the stories that got me crying like hell. Now rereading everything. Thanks for writing this
Touching story. I liked it!
Jeti48 #5
Chapter 36: I never thought that jeti will dead in this story... Huhuh... U make me cry a lot...
bintangkejora #6
Chapter 36: Read this story made me cry like a baby..
_"A cold hearted" people like me_
thats what my loves one often called me ehh..
Too shock witnessing I cry and almost empty a box of tissue...wakakaka
Great job author :-)
Krystlxjung_ #7
Chapter 36: so taeyeon was hallucinating only when she see jessica?? At the first part?? i thought there was two jessica tho. But it's a Nice story!!! You made me cry like a baby :(( thank you for thisss
jessibias #8
Chapter 36: I hold back my tears! But clearly, I learned a lot from your story. Keep it up authornim~
Chapter 25: I've never really commented twice in a row but I'm crying so hard, this is so so so good this is so sad but so amazing.
Chapter 22: the let me go part totally made me cry like a baby. NOOOOO, that was my last straw, I couldn't hold it in anymore.