Just a dream

A Heart that beats for only You
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BGM: Just a dream by Nelly



“Hi. My name’s Taeyeon Kim.” I extended my hand to take hers as I sit myself in front of her.






“Hi. I see you’re all alone. Can I sit here?” I laid my food tray in the table even before she can answer.




I cowered in fear and went away.




“So, ughhh…there’s this new movie on—“




“Yeah, thought so.”


I walked away nodding to myself.




“So? So? What happened? What did she say?” Yuri excitedly asked me.


She was too excited when I agreed to help her get the love of her life. But truth be told, it was proving to be harder than anything I’ve done before. That woman is a tough one. She’s hard to crack. Every time I would try to come near her, she would just stare at me, evilly I should say. That’s not all! I feel my spine shiver at her cold glares.


It was scarier than a hungry Sooyoung.


“It was…good.” I smiled.


I’m such a bad liar. But I can’t put Yuri’s hope down. I promised her she would get a date with that Jessica Jung. And I seriously intend to do it. It’s just that… it takes time…and courage?




And an extra life?




“Please, just one date! You don’t have to think it’s a date. Yeah! It’s not a date. It’s just—“ I tried to persuade her.




Oh, no! Taeyeonah! You can do it. Yuri is counting on you. Omaygad. Where’s that extra life when you need it?


“I’ll do anything you want! I’ll buy you food. I’ll do your assignments. I’ll even carry you on my back if you’ll ask me to. I’ll be your slave! Just one date! One! PLEEEEEEEEEASE???” I clasped my hands and did the worst best aegyo I can do.


DAMN! I did not just do that. Yuri, you owe me a lot.






No no no no! Taeyeonah! She’s going to crack today! She has to say yes today!



I exhaled loudly.




If she’s not going to give up to my wishes when I’m asking really nice, I guess I should use that method…








I kneeled and embraced her leg, much to her surprise.



“I’m begging you. If you don’t go on this date, my life would be over. Please. Please. Preeeeeeeettty pleeeeeeeeaaaase?” I faked my tears and sobbed a little.



She tried to get my grip off her leg but it was to no avail. I made sure I anchored myself tightly. There is no way she can win against me. I might be small but I’m strong. HA! Those bullies in the orphanage did do me some good in life.


“Fine. Let go of my leg. I’ll go to that date. But you have to grant me 3 wishes” Jessica smirked.


“Yes, yes! Okay! It’s a deal then.” I fist pumped in my mind. FINALLY! I quickly let go, gave her bow and run to where Yuri was waiting for me.



That evil smirk. Oh, girl! What did I put myself into?





“Taeyeonah! It was sooooo great! Oh my goodness! Like seriously!” Yuri clapped her hands and shook my shoulders in utmost happiness. She just had her first date with the Jessica Jung.

She was too happy she didn’t see the fear in my eyes.

God! Please let me live. Being her slave might be the last thing I’ll do in this planet alive.





Rooftop in 5 minutes.

I locked my phone after I read the text message from my new master.

This is gonna be one hell of a day!



I bowed in 90 degrees.

“What is your request your highness?”






I swallow the lump in my throat, wishing that I would get out of here alive.



“Do I really look scary?” Jessica asked while tilting her head sideways. I have never seen this side of her. She was so… She looks so… innocent.

I was so mesmerized at what I saw her do that I think I blanked out.



 Her laughter woke me up from my daze.



And as if time stopped, I found her as the focal point of everything, the only moving object in my peripherals, while the things around us are inanimated and lifeless.



It was like everything was in greyscale and she was the only colored existence in my eyes.



I shook my head to straighten my thoughts. “Ugh, what did you say your wish was again?”



Jessica blinked her dreamy eyes.














Why am I counting?



“Buy me an ice cream. Then, I’ll tell you my wish.” She said, her eyes shyly darting at the ground.

I scrammed as fast as I can to get her ice cream. When I came back, she was lying in a corner looking at the sky above. I slowly walked to get to her.


“*cough* *cough*  Your ice cream is here. Yuri said you like strawberry flavored ones so I got you this.”



Yeah! You’re doing good Taeyeonah! Build up Yuri’s image!



I took the dessert out of the paper bag and handed it to her.



“Thank you.” Jessica got up and took the ice cream from me. She sat in the corner and leaned her back to the wall. She tapped the space next to her.



Didn’t she like what I brought her? Will she kill me know? Or she might deep fry me first and put some seasoning…or or…



This type of thoughts crept in my mind, scaring the out of me. She smiled and her dessert.


“I was motioning you to come seat next to me. But if you don’t want, it’s okay. There’s no need to be so scared. I don’t bite people…much” She giggled.




My jaws dropped.



Was she playing me?



I gathered all the courage I have and sat next to her.



“Ugghhh…so what’s your wish?” I asked her again.


A long period of silence engulfed us. I tho

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Chapter 1: Re-reading this again. Preparing myself for another heartbreak
I miss jeti T^T
Chapter 1: Hi. Wherever you are, whoever you are, i just wanna let you know that this is one of the stories that got me crying like hell. Now rereading everything. Thanks for writing this
Touching story. I liked it!
Jeti48 #5
Chapter 36: I never thought that jeti will dead in this story... Huhuh... U make me cry a lot...
bintangkejora #6
Chapter 36: Read this story made me cry like a baby..
_"A cold hearted" people like me_
thats what my loves one often called me ehh..
Too shock witnessing I cry and almost empty a box of tissue...wakakaka
Great job author :-)
Krystlxjung_ #7
Chapter 36: so taeyeon was hallucinating only when she see jessica?? At the first part?? i thought there was two jessica tho. But it's a Nice story!!! You made me cry like a baby :(( thank you for thisss
jessibias #8
Chapter 36: I hold back my tears! But clearly, I learned a lot from your story. Keep it up authornim~
Chapter 25: I've never really commented twice in a row but I'm crying so hard, this is so so so good this is so sad but so amazing.
Chapter 22: the let me go part totally made me cry like a baby. NOOOOO, that was my last straw, I couldn't hold it in anymore.