Falling deeper

It Was Love (사랑했나봐)



The next morning you woke up an hour earlier to prepare breakfast, you placed the ingredients on the table, pre-heated the pan, arranged the silverwares diligently and boiled water like for a hot chocolate drink, like how your grandfather and you have breakfast, a pang of pain shot through your heart as you remembered your grandfather *Look harabuji, I'm doing the cooking like a good house wife would do*

Honestly you weren't experienced with cooking. You watch tv networks air cooking shows but you repel to learn them, even if you wanted to; it always ends with disaster.

But somehow today you felt confident.

After preparing the things needed, you have only but one problem:

"Do I mix the flour first with the egg?" You tapped your finger on your chin. Kicking the thought away, you cracked the egg and poured the flour in the bowl. Like how a professional, you mixed it smoothly without any difficulty.

The boiling water screeched "Oof! It's done" you got the mittens and pulled the plug.

"It's hot! It's hot!" You blew the steam as you poured it on a cup *Where did I put the chocolate powder?* You unconciously bumped the cup, spilling the hot water on your hand "Ouch!" *Clumsy me!*

L. Joe got up with noise on his ears "What the? Again?" He rubbed his eyes and got down "Yoo Sooyeon!"

His eyes enlarged at the burnt pan. "Yoo Sooyeon, look at the pan!" He rushed the stove and turned it off.

You whimpered in pain of the hot water "What happened here?" He asked in concern. The kitchen that he kept tidy was now a cooking show gone wrong. The plates were staked in the counter neatly but there were drops of flour and oil all over.

"I-it’s my first time to cook?" your voice wavered. You were embarrassed to admit it.

L. Joe shook his head “You don’t know how to cook.”

You pouted “I’m trying. This was supposed to be… breakfast” With the sight, it wasn’t the ideal breakfast you had pre-planned.

You looked at the time; it was 30 minutes before school “Bye Miru!” you placed him in his home and slung your satchel “L. Joe oppa!” you called out to him.

L. Joe was in the kitchen, he cleaned all the mess you made and prepared a proper breakfast “Ya! What kind of girl doesn’t know how to cook?!”

You bit your lip “Hey, at least I tried!”

L. Joe made a puppet with his hands imitating you. You puffed air in your cheeks and kneed his leg. L. Joe almost lost his balance but regained it “HEY!”

Today was a different feel than yesterday; you two weren’t the mutual civilians but the normal clash of a man and a woman.

Ten minutes later, L. Joe professionally flipped the last pancake *It’s done* He served the food on the table “Here” You were fighting with your stomach and your guilt with putting L. Joe through this morning.

“What are you waiting for?” He said as he picked the top pancake and placed it on his plate. You blinked his way and rashly got your pancake and muttered in a fast manner “Sorry oppa”

“Huh?” L. Joe asked slightly hearing ‘-ry oppa’

You shrugged and beamed “This is delicious stuff!”

He exhaled "Nothing's gonna make sense here. Eat fast and get out"

You stopped "What did you say?" "Get out and wait for me as I fix things here" he covered up "You didn't let me finish" a mischievous smile appeared in his lips.

You knew very well what he meant and snorted irritably.

Finished washing the dishes he dried his hands *What kind of girl doesn't know how to cook?* He pondered as he liked to cook too, he was expecting to have someone to cook more professionally than him and had a warm heart. He did not think you could change his favorite place in the house into the most unwanted place someone would be in.

You waited in beside the motorcycle "Is it allowed in your school to have this kind of dangerous vehicle being driven by a student?" He shrugged "As long as this gives me a ride to school, they won't mind" Rolling your eyes, you hoped into your seat

L. Joe blinked his eyes in shock "Why the sudden change of heart?"

"If I'm gonna hangout somewhere near you then I might as well adapt in your kind of lifestyle" you said with a glint of smile on your face.

"Are you belittling me?" he raised a brow.

You patted his shoulders and made him face forward "Less than ten minutes oppa"

L. Joe admitted defeat with closing the topic but his motor growl with him "Ten minutes it is Miss Sooyeon" He twisted the fuel and sped off. A little scream escaped your lips and just hearing it was victory for L. Joe. He chuckled and enjoyed the ride.

In the classroom, you were used to the bullying your classmates gave you. But even after everything, it all disappeared when your oppas made you smile every morning, lunch and dismissal.

You earned a few dirty looks from the girls. They weren’t happy at all. The constant days they’d see you happily interacting with their precious handsome seniors, they felt a chunk of jealously brewing on them.

The leader of the menacing group, Dalbi dabbed the excess sauce that was beside her lips. She sat with two other beautiful vulomptuos figures, Yuri and Kiha. They were big players in the school, practically every guy had experience their flirting. Once they were done, they’d dumped them.

But Yuri was different, she didn’t like the flirting, the touching of the skin, she shivered with just the thought of it. But she wanted to fit in and be looked up to. So she had to pay the price, she had to be labeled a ‘’ and a ‘’

No one could touch them. Rumor has it they have a number of connections to physically fit men who can beat anyone that would lay a finger. Dalbi had her eyes on L. Joe. She liked him since she was a new transferee here, approximately three years ago. L. Joe never noticed her. No matter what she did she was only preferred to as ‘her’, ‘you’ and ‘that girl’

And it was infuriating to her that a newcomer had swept his gazes like a magnet. Riding on his motorcycle she always wanted to try and hugging his firm stomach. What did this girl have that she doesn’t?! She had it all. She glared at you laughing with Niel and Changjo. You repeatedly slapped L. Joe’s shoulder, Chunji was making a joke and unfortunately you sat beside L. Joe *That * she thought.

“You’re much, more, prettier, Dalbi” Yuri comforted her friend. She was scared when Dalbi was this possessive. She had remembered her first love was taken away by this girl who she called her friend. She dumped him after he cheated on her with Dalbi. She didn’t do anything but break up with him and just befriended this girl she now calls ‘friend’

Dalbi scoffed as she turned away and turned to Yuri. She flipped her hair “I know” she stomped her feet as she walked out.

Yuri lightly smiled at her friend and collected the trays to throw them in the trash. She warily glanced at you, smiling and all happy, before walking out. CAP caught her gaze and she hurriedly left the cafeteria *Strange. Oh well* He shrugged and continued to listen to his friends as he took a big bite of his burger.

Dalbi opened her phone and called someone.

“Hey oppa! Why? Do I call you just because I needed something? ...Hahaha. No, well... Of course! What? No... There is just one tiny favor I want to ask you…”

Yuri heard her friend and she was sure what she was up to. She knew her enough to guess what she’s planning. “Dalbi, I don’t think it’s right to bully her. It’s enough you trash talk her.” She tried to reason with her friend, but Dalbi just shot her a look “Shut up. And no, I think it is right to mess up her life. Don’t you dare interrupt me when I talk to my brother” she hissed.

Yuri could only bow her head *Should I warn her?*

Teen Top soon left. L. Joe decided to just follow.

An hour had passed and still you weren't going out. L. Joe grew worried *How long does it take for a healthy girl to walk out from her school? Did something happened?*

*If she doesn't come out after I count to ten, I'm going in to find her.* He started to count in his head *One... Two... What the hell! I'm going in!*

Without any hesitation he rushed to the school. He wasn't going to wait for something bad to happen to you. His heart pounded in his chest.

Breathless or not he only cared about your safety. Were you harassed, were you bleeding in the court, these thoughts filled his head and fueled his strength.

He checked the classrooms.


All empty lifeless rooms. *WHERE IS SHE?!*

He went out the school, to the field, to the restrooms. Where were you? His heart pounded like a drum. He imagined things in his head of you limping with one foot, accidentally slipping on the wet floor, or been bullied or. He stopped, what was he thinking? Why is he thinking these bad stuffs? He has to find you


Meanwhile, you were in the library, you had picked up a book that took your interest. You spent the whole break there and unconsciously, fell asleep.

You woke up and saw a tint of orange on the windows shining on you. You stretched and yawned before it registered to you that it was pass dismissal *OH MY GOSH!* You scrambled up “L. Joe oppa must’ve been waiting for me! Aigoo! I’m so clumsy!” You said to yourself.

You winced at the pain from your foot as you tried to speed walk. Just in time, L. Joe was going to check the library and saw you limping “Sooyeon!”

You heard someone call your name and looked up *L. Joe oppa!* “Oppa!”

“Where have you been?!” he asked in concern slightly angry. You saw him breathe hard and beats of sweat dripping from his face “I thought something bad happened to you!”

You didn’t know what was painful, your lifeless foot or him yelling at you. Yelling. In concern. Frantically. You reached out and gave him a big hug, catching him off guard “I’m so sorry, oppa”

You heard the fast beating of his heart *He must’ve been worried. His grandfather did ask him to take care of me and I do reckless things. I have put you through a lot of work since I came here*

"I'm sorry oppa..." You repeated. All the worries left him at once you were safely hugging him, tightly.


How is the story so far? Did you enjoy it?

What do you think are the things that lacked? I wanna hear from you, my readers! ><

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I was when I was writing it! ^^

So long~ :D

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WOW! It's been a long week! I'm currently writing Chapter 20. I re-wrote at least 5 version of the chapter. This is the 6th and final. Sorry for the wait! >


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ChunjiLover #3
Chapter 15: I ship Daehyun and her!!! And even her grandpa wanted them together~~ <3 <3 <3
Update often!!!
girlove #5
Oh! A new story from you eonnie! :) I subscribed! I missed reading your fanfics! WEEEEEEEEEEE~ ^^
ChunjiLover #6
Chapter 10: Wow soo CUTE!!!! Update soon!!!!
Chapter 10: Hi i am a new reader omg! I support ljoe and her. Together i dont care!
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