The Meeting

It Was Love (사랑했나봐)


The next day, you woke up in your clothes from yesterday. You opened your eyes and saw yourself in an unfamiliar room *Where am I?* You looked around and stretched. You noticed your luggage and remembered *Oh, right. I went with ajusshi. I wonder where he is*

You took a shower and got dressed for school. Surprised, you walked towards the bathroom. Your toiletries were neatly sorted out, your face foams, toothbrush and the like.

Your school uniform was laid on the chair and your shoes under them. Finished getting ready, you found your way to the kitchen, thanks to the boiling of the water and frying of bacon.

In the kitchen, L. Joe was preparing for breakfast. “Don’t forget to introduce her to good friends and always look after her. Her only family just passed away.” L. Joe nodded at his grandfather.

He understood what it was like to be alone, to have a void of emptiness of a family less life. He was only seven when his parents left him to his grandfather for their business trip to Cuba, but they came back lifeless after the plane crash, just because the plane wasn't properly inspected.

“Tell her I’m off to work. Her allowance is taken care of, and so is yours. If you need anything more, you have your phone. And please don’t contain her. She’s too pure for your taste. Okay? Take care of her”

“What?! Contain her?! Do you really see me as that kind of person, harabuji?!” "Now, now it's only the start of the day. Don't deny the truth. So, goodbye Byunghun!" He pats his grandson. L. Joe sighed in defeat and sees him to the door. He waved at his grandfather and he waved back and went inside the car.

You ran off to the door, trying to catch up with Mr. Lee but the screeching of the car was drifting away and the moment you arrived, only a retreating figure of the car and sand dust was seen.

Taken by surprise, L. Joe bewilderedly looked at you. He didn’t know you’d wake up any sooner. You sighed “I was hoping to say goodbye to him… and say ‘thank you’” You turned back and saw a boy and smiled.

You bowed “You’re ajusshi’s grandson, if I’m not mistaken?” He smiled back “And your name is Yoo Sooyeon?” You nodded. L. Joe flashed another smile at you “I’m Lee L. Joe, I think we met a while back. Harabuji told me you’re a junior. So it means I’m older. Call me L. Joe oppa” he held out his hand for a shake. “Err… Yes, I am aware, but… your name is ‘L. Joe’? What kind of name is that?” You muffled laughter

“Well, it’s my nickname” L. Joe answered. “Oh...” You nodded your head and looked elsewhere. You were trying to hold in your laughter. L. Joe felt like he was the reason you were laughing "Why?"

You waved your hand "No, it's just... Hahaha, what kind of nickname is 'L. Joe?' It sounds ridiculous" L. Joe heard every word and something in him remembered this feeling *Why does it feel like I met this sife of her?*

"Hey, it sticks to your head" L. Joe lifted his nose. You nodded and pat his shoulder "Whatever you say~" You cooed teasing him some more. You didn't know why you were pretty comfortable with him.

Sure a few years back were your first meeting but it didn't stop you fromw being too happy just teasing him. Now you kinda felt bad you were rude to him. If he was angry or not he didn't show.

It was quiet and L. Joe sensed the atmosphere too and tried to shift the topic into breakfast “Hey, I prepared breakfast”

“Halelluja” You cheered. You two headed inside the house and went to the kitchen

L. Joe took a plate “Oh yeah, harabuji told me you were looking for something in TOP?”

You nodded and took the plate “Thank you. Actually, I’m looking for this man.” You took out a picture and showed it to L. Joe. You didn't remove the picture in your pocket. It was there since yesterday.

His eyes enlarged in surprise “H-him?!” “Yes,” you answered.

“Why?” he said in an unpleasant tone. Like this person was the worst

Why is there a problem?” You took a bite of the bacon.

“Yes! One big detail you didn’t check, he doesn’t study in TOP!” L. Joe stated. You stopped “What?!”

You two turned to the picture, both confused, especially you *This guy doesn’t go to TOP?! Now that I thought I was at least done with step one! HARABUJI! What are you doing to me?!*

You and L. Joe tried to call his grandfather but no answer “Great” he muttered.

“How convenient” You were thinking deeply *This is ridiculous. If he doesn’t go to TOP, why would harabuji hand me a note with TOP high in it?!*

You took a deep breath then turned to L. Joe “So, if he doesn’t go to TOP then, where does he go?” L. Joe frowned before he answered “TS High” he said the words as if they were poison.

“Okay, what’s his name?” You tried to at least know something true about this man. “Jung Daehyun…” “Jung Daehyun… it sounds actually cute” You repeated "It fits his image"

L. Joe scowled and looked at you as if you were crazy “What’s cute about that? It sounds like a rats-!”

You turned to him “Why? He looks nice!” L. Joe scoffed as he washed your plate “Nice? More like dirty” “Dirty? What’s dirty about him? Does he hold a criminal record? Does he sell drugs? What?” You listened with both your ears and followed L. Joe. If he was going to be your fiancé, then he should be neat as a clean window. You can't afford such future dilemma for the company. Korea is very harsh with rumors and scandals.

L. Joe nodded and looked at the picture one more time then scowled.

"What does that nod mean?!” You were getting frustrated but he went to his room. He slung his bag and walked pass you, to the door “Wait. How severe is your definition of ‘dirty’, oppa?” You followed him out as he locked the door.

“Hop on,” L. Joe patted the backseat of his motorcycle. You gave him a queer look “We’re riding that?” L. Joe rose his brow “Unless you want to ride the public transport of ert-ness and hassle, be my guest” You made a face at his sarcasm. *And I thought you were good looking.*

You rode reluctantly and wrapped your arms around L. Joe. His heart went bu-bump, suddenly a warm feeling surged through his body but he quickly shook it off, "Hold on tight. We’re running late, so we’ll be racing here.” Your face drained “W-what?! Wait! I change my mind!” but L. Joe smirked, “Too late” and just like a speed of light, he drove off

“AAAHHH!” Your hands tightly gripped on for your dear life. L. Joe’s ride was the worst you had experienced. His speed was unbelievably fast. And it made you queasy like you were accelerated for a time travel but only worse, it wasn’t a time travel.

After what seemed like forever, he stopped “We’re here. Now, wasn’t that fun?” L. Joe smiled at you. Your shivering hands slowly unclasped and took cautious steps off the motorcycle “Next time, I’ll take the bus.” L. Joe chuckled and you gave him a look to shut up. You looked at the school and amazed at its size *It’s cool... but why are there dirt everywhere?*

You irked at the dirty ruined trash bins and the poor graffities 'Trash' 'Die' and some offensive words youu didn't finish reading

L. Joe stopped you when you were about to take another step “Hey, don’t you need help to get to your class?” You plucked his hand from your arm “I think you’ve done your part and it’s enough, thank you so much” you sighed and wobbly walked to school. L. Joe shook his head “Whatever. Suit yourself” *I hope you'd have fun today, Sooyeon. Too bad we aren't in the same grade. I would've...* he didn't continue

Just then the rest of TEEN TOP came flooding with their own motorcycles “Hey, who’s that chic you have?” Chunji nodded at your retreating figure.

“Yeah, leave us in dinner for a girl?” Ricky nudged his shoulder.

“Ooo~ L. Joe has a girlfriend” they teased but L. Joe wasn’t one bit fazed “Don’t be childish freaks like that guy” He nodded at Niel “HEY! YOU !”

L. Joe waved him off and continued “She’s just a friend. And besides, she’s looking for Jung Daehyun” he said the name with disgust.

Their eyes dared to pop out “JUNG DAEHYUN?! Why would she look for him?” Chunji furrowed his brows. Irritated by the name, he stepped forward “BAP ’s Daehyun?” “Yeah” L. Joe crossed his arms and continued “I don’t even know why she’s looking for him. And she seemed very interested in him” He wasn't that close to you but since he knew what kind of a jerk Daehyun was he didn't like the idea of giving you to Daehyun.

Changjo whistled “Hooo~ And I thought I might have at least have someone beside my bed tonight” “Oh Stop it!” Niel smacked the back of his head

“Ow!” Changjo scowled and glared at him “What was that for?!”

“For being high!” Niel spat back “Hey! You!” Changjo chased after him.

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WOW! It's been a long week! I'm currently writing Chapter 20. I re-wrote at least 5 version of the chapter. This is the 6th and final. Sorry for the wait! >


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ChunjiLover #3
Chapter 15: I ship Daehyun and her!!! And even her grandpa wanted them together~~ <3 <3 <3
Update often!!!
girlove #5
Oh! A new story from you eonnie! :) I subscribed! I missed reading your fanfics! WEEEEEEEEEEE~ ^^
ChunjiLover #6
Chapter 10: Wow soo CUTE!!!! Update soon!!!!
Chapter 10: Hi i am a new reader omg! I support ljoe and her. Together i dont care!
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