Chunji's Past: Choi Heejum

It Was Love (사랑했나봐)


L. Joe stared at the hard cement while he waited at the porch. After Chunji took you, God knows where you are. He pulled his hair in frustration *Why does these things keep happening?! It’s so annoying!* He couldn’t concentrate. Where you well? How did you feel? Did he do so much damage to you that night? The hospital, it was his fault. It was his stupid pride and fear to know the essence of his love, because he couldn’t love himself.

“ARGH!” He screamed

“Hey,” someone called from a far. He lifted his head up and saw CAP walking his way with Eric. Yes, they were together, it was Eric who took care of the six of them and acted like their real hyung. Coincidentally, they were all the only child of their family, except CAP and Niel who had older brothers and are already with their own families.

“Someone told me you cussed the lady with you last time” Eric warmed up the atmosphere, letting L. Joe know he is knowledgeable of the situation. “Hyung… I” the latter couldn’t find any words from his mouth. He was sorry for you and didn’t want to forgive himself “I was so…” “Stupid” the elder one continued.

“Tell me about it” Eric popped his knuckles and stretched as he and CAP sat beside their friend.

Back at the other Lee’s manor, Chunji settled you on his bed. He tapped the sweats on your head with a face towel as he observed your deep breathes. He looked at his watched and saw it was already 5 in the afternoon. He thought, should you stay here, or should he bring you back to L. Joe’s house? He didn’t like how the latter would answer. He punched his best friend… for the woman he loved. Was it ing fate to now love someone who’s already in love with another? He suddenly thought of the one girl he loved…

“Heejum…” he whispered. Tears fell down his face “Heejum, why does fate give me so many reasons to do what I don’t want to?” he gripped unto your hand tightly when he saw you stir in your sleep. *Am I a traitor? A traitor to my friend? To Sooyeon?* He let out a long sigh and settled his head just an inch away from you “I don’t know what happened to you and L. Joe, I want to know what he did to you. I want to show him he shouldn’t do treat you that way, Sooyeon. You’re too precious, such a special girl and you don’t even know it”

“Just like Heejum once were…” the last words that came from his mouth before a memory of his first love entered his heart.


A lady sitting on the school bench on the first day of school was reading a book. She wore a long skirt just below the knees, unlike the girls in TOP High. Her cardigan that her grandmother knitted for her was color yellow and she looked majestic. She didn’t want to attend the opening ceremony since she wouldn’t be able to understand a thing. It’ll be full of students who’ll spit words here and there whenever they want.

Chunji was on a lollipop as Teen Top approached the auditorium. He stopped his tracks when a girl stole his eyes. She was occasionally raising her brow and laughed while reading her book. He couldn’t understand it since it was in English *Pretty…*

“Hey! Blockhead, stop staring!” CAP smacked his head as everyone snickered. L. Joe shook his head as he familiarized the girl’s face before following his friends. A knowing smile came upon from his lips *I think he has a little crush for her. Aigoo, Chunji*


The second meeting came when Chunji was passing by the library. He had a gut feeling that girl wasn’t one who’ll be holding up mirrors in the classroom, picking fat free foods to watch her weigh in the cafeteria, nor would she spend half an hour fixing her hair in the comfort room just to admire herself; she wasn’t that kind of girl, so he searched for her. Maybe she loves plants? Was she in the garden? He went to the school garden and saw no one. His heart deflated.

He suddenly remembered her fondly reading a book on the first day of school… *LIBRARY!* He dashed to the library as fast as he could, nervous like a child going to his first day of school. He stopped when he peered at the window. It was a guess but he hoped to see her there.

He scanned the vicinity and his eyes landed on a peculiar half-bunned high schooler, she lightly trailed her finger on the books. Suddenly his heart beat fast like a time bomb waiting to explode. She was so enchanting to him, and he was trapped. Spell bound.

With a hesitating heart, his hand twisted the knob. Walking slowly with his hands in his pockets to dry then when their sweaty. His eyes focused on only one girl and one girl only. The closer he got, the more he smelled her scent, *Vanilla…* His heart yearned for more and his greediness pushed him to walk with more bold steps.

Now she was in front of him, unaware of his existence “E-excuse me,” She turned her head to follow the voice who might be calling her. Her hair followed her head as they delicately cascaded down to her shoulders. Now he was up close with her beauty, he know now how he’ll be spending his life from now on. Everyday trying to woe get heart, everyday wanting to make her smile, everyday wanting to know her personality, everyday wanting to hear her voice if it’s laughing, angry or sad, everyday wanting to stay by her side and everyday seeing her age with him as their children would come from their school ‘til they grow up and have their own kids. It was a ridiculous idea, the most ridiculous he ever had, and the ridiculous it got the more he wanted it to come true. Even if it was a long shot, he’d go there.

Heejum stared at him, waiting for his response; she already asked him what he wanted, still no answer, only a dazed expression. Warily, she scooted to the side and walked away *Strange guy. Is everyone here like that?*

Realizing what was now happening, he blinked a few times before he stopped Heejum from stepping any further “Wait!”

“SHH! You two, quiet please” The librarian eyed him.

Heejum stopped winced *Me? No I wasn’t* she slowly shifted her gaze to the man that approached her “Why?”

Chunji scratched the back of his head as he looked for the right words, “D-do you want to go out?”

She hesitated and knee-jerk “W-what?” she whispered “No.” and declined immediately before she could let the man answer. “Hey, miss!” Chunji chased after her and earned another glare from the librarian “Student, please!” He bowed apologetically and ran outside.

Heejum felt the student running towards her and she fastened her paced *Why is he following me? It’s scary!* One step after another, she was speed walking. “Wait! Miss!” she heard him call out again. She didn’t want to reject twice. She couldn’t stand people who’d have two rejections from the same person, so she was just going to avoid him.

She peaked from behind and met eyes with Chunji and he was this close. “Eeep!” Losing, her balance, she fell backwards, but Chunji caught her. Their heads stopped when they were face to face, just an inch away ** Chunji thought.

Their lips was meeting and her eyes was staring back at him. Before anything could happen, Heejum pushed him away from her and she fell on the hard ground “Ow!”  “Are you okay?” Panicking of how stupid he was to let her fall on her own “I’m so, sorry, here, let me help you up-“

“It’s fine, please. I can do it myself” She sent him a small smile, clearly in pain, as she rubbed her sore back *It hurts so much…*

“I’ll help you to the nurse’s office`”

“I’m late for class, goodbye” With that, she sprinted to her room making sure he wasn’t following her.

Chunji blinked in space before he crumpled his fine hair “What the hell did I just do?!” he yelled in frustration, knowing he won’t be able to be seen in another way in Heejum’s eyes.

Returning to the classroom, Changjo raised his brow “How was operation know Choi Heejum and take her out on a date?” knowing what happened from his friend’s despicable aura.

The others were laughing of how humiliated he must’ve been “Shut up,” He grumbled as he buried his head in his arms “Let me sulk alone”

They shook their heads and smiled. It was definitely the first time they saw him stressing over a girl and it was entertaining.

Later that afternoon, it started to rain. Since Chunji was grounded for a week, his transportation was taken away from him. And it made him miserable even more when he had to ride the bus under the rain. The bus station was still a kilometer away, he wouldn’t bother him if it was that far, but today was freaking raining and his buddies wasn’t here when he needed them the most “And you call yourselves friends? Pft!” he scoffed as he covered his head with his bag and walked under the rain

Heejum was getting her umbrella from her bag. After she finished cleaning the room, she walked away from school and started to head to the bus station. It was dark and there was a sick feeling in her gut that something ominous was going to happen, still she continued and head out.

“What’s that? Aw… He must’ve forgotten to bring an umbrella” Without any hesitation, she rushed to catch up with the lonely looking back and offered to share her umbrella with “Excuse me, student let me share my umbrella with you-oh!” she almost lost the grip from her umbrella when she saw who the student was *The creepy man* *Choi Heejum.* Both stared at each other for a while before realizing reality.

“Ehem. I-I thought you were someone I know…” She bowed before retreating, still not letting Chunji have a conversation with her. Her cheeks started to heat up despite the cold weather *How embarrassing…*

*Didn’t she just ask me if I wanted to share an umbrella with her?* His heart grew a ray of hope and walked a little faster. He walked speed fast and tried to catch up with her.

While she walked away, her guilt grew “What was I thinking?! I should go back and share him my umbrella. Creepy or not, he needs help. Aish. Right, I should go back and shar with him my umbrella, I should share what I have with others...” When she turned her head to go back to Chunji, her face was already in front of his .Chunji made a knowing smile. Yes, he heard everything she spoke to herself.

“Can I share your umbrella?” he asked a little too kindly. Heejum snorted before realizing she was caught “Fine…”


Chunji smiled at the memory *Was I so happy back then?*

His gaze then shifted to you, sleeping soundly “Sooyeon, help me forget her” He then propped his hands and placed his lips just right in front of you. No sound but only your faint breaths. He felt your breathing, so innocent, he couldn’t bring himself to kiss you *No. I can’t…* Kissing you know was like taking a candy from a baby. Something to foul in his heart he’ll know he’ll regret.

*And I promised myself I’ll help you with Daehyun. Just… sleep tight, Sooyeon* With that, he left the room and closed the lights. Letting darkness consume the room and hide the misery behind it.


Thank you for reading this chapter:D Sorry it took 9 hours for me to post this... KKKK

I'm ashamed, please forgive me! ><

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WOW! It's been a long week! I'm currently writing Chapter 20. I re-wrote at least 5 version of the chapter. This is the 6th and final. Sorry for the wait! >


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ChunjiLover #3
Chapter 15: I ship Daehyun and her!!! And even her grandpa wanted them together~~ <3 <3 <3
Update often!!!
girlove #5
Oh! A new story from you eonnie! :) I subscribed! I missed reading your fanfics! WEEEEEEEEEEE~ ^^
ChunjiLover #6
Chapter 10: Wow soo CUTE!!!! Update soon!!!!
Chapter 10: Hi i am a new reader omg! I support ljoe and her. Together i dont care!
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