The Beginning

It Was Love (사랑했나봐)


You looked at the man in the picture your grandfather gave you. He was smiling with a cute peace sign and didn’t look a day old 20 *My… fiancé?*



A misfortunate memory came back to you. You took a deep breath as a tear escaped from your eye. You quickly wiped it and tried to be strong *I have to be... for harabuji*

“You must find this boy…” he pulled a picture from his pocket with a letter attached to it. Your grandfather slowly took a breath before he spoke again “…and-ARGH! Give him happiness…” You jumped in your seat and tightly held on your grandfather’s hand. With tears flowing, you said “Grandpa, please… we’re almost there! Hold on!”

Your grandfather smiled and brushed his palms on your granddaughter’s cheeks “Sooyeon-ah….” “Ne, Harabuji?” You eagerly answered and closed your hand on your grandfathers. “Please, be well…. Even if I’m gone” Your eyes flowed with tears “HARABUJI! DON’T SAY THOSE THINGS! YOU HAVE TO BE WITH ME UNTIL I’M WELL! YOU…You promised”

Mr. Yoo lightly smiled “I will” “But you’re speaking like you won’t!” You turned to the driver “Ajusshi! Drive faster!” you frantically shouted at the driver.

Mr. Yoo turned your face to his and sympathetically looked at his crying granddaughter “My Sooyeon-ah, don’t be scared. I won’t leave you alone completely. I’ll be with you... here,” he pointed at your heart “I’ll always be inside. And from above, I’ll watch over you. But I don’t think they’ll accept me there since...*cough* I’m leaving such a beautiful young lady by herself” He tried to joke but you weren't laughing nor was he, only a bitter chuckled.

“Harabuji…Please don’t say such things. I hate this!” You delicately spoke.

You finally arrived and both of you were greeted by rushing doctors and nurses who carried him to the bed. You were still holding your grandfather’s hands, not letting go, you had no plan to. It was the most precious treasure you have.

He cupped your head and brought it close enough for him to kiss “I love you, Sooyeon…” he kissed your forehead. His hand slowly fell. It was like slow motion, the tragic moment you realize he was gone.

“HARABUJI! DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES! STAY!” You shook his body but it was as good as dead. There was an eerie silence. One of the nurses looked for a pulse but none was found, he spoke “Time of death-” “Don’t you dare say it! He’s still alive! My grandfather’s still alive! He won’t leave me here alone!” You glared at the nurse. From fright, he looked away. But he wrote the time of death nonetheless.

You clutched on the dead body and pulled it for a hug “Harabuji…. Harabuji…” you continued to cry until you entered the hospital.

Immediately, doctors and nurses flooded him. The nurse with you shook his head, saying he is dead. Everyone dropped their heads. “What are you doing just standing here?! Get him to the emergency room!” you snapped. They sympathetically looked at you and didn't move.

The head doctor instructed the nurse to deliver the dead body inside and clean it. He then turned to you and placed his hand on her shoulder “I’m sorry agashi for your loss” You sniffed and looked at your grandfather’s dead body being escorted by the nurses. “It can’t be…”

You shook the painful memory and turned to the sky *You’re always watching over me, right grandpa? Just wait and see; I’ll bring back our company to its feet* You gave the picture one last look then tucked it in your pocket. “Bye harabuji…” you placed the bouquet of flowers on the grave and took out the glass of soju “Here harabuji” you poured a glass and let every drop fall unto the grave

After doing this, you stood up and dried your tears before going back to your car.

The butler, Mr. Lee bowed and opened the door for your “Where to miss?”

You read the note and took a deep breath.

“Yoo Telecom”


The lawyer paced back and forth. The shares of the company were present too. He took a breath then turned to the lady in front of him “So, you’ll be gone for two years?” you nodded. Mr. jung, the vice pre rose his brow “How sure are you that you’ll be married after high school?” He was a bad and selfish man. He has a black suffocating aura that made you shiver.

You shrugged “I just know and because the company needs me. I can’t just trust everything to the VP.” The man in a suit eyed you “And I should be old enough to handle my decisions” You shifted your gazed towards the man “Isn’t that right ajusshi?” He faked a smile and nodded his head “Agreed. Mr. Yoo trusts his granddaughter very well. Even only teaching her about the tactics he knows” His voice sounded bitter but no one noticed.

Your face smiled at the flow of his words. He needed to agree with you, or else, he’ll have a bad name in front of the sharers *Damn this child*

The lawyer nodded “Okay, but-” The man interrupted “Excuse me, Mr. Kim. What if Ms. Sooyeon didn’t get married after a year? How about the company?”

All eyes shifted to him. “Then 80% of the company will go to charity and 18% to the employees and 2% of the remaining will be given to agasshi. The investors’ money will be returned to them also. As agreed three months before Mr. Yoo’s death. The investors’ had already agreed to this decision.” You made a firm line with your lips, hoping it would not come to this. After all the hard work your grandfather had put into, you were willing to save it no matter what.

He shot out of his seat “WHAT?! 80% TO CHARITY?!” Surprised with his sudden outburst, everyone turned to him. You skeptically eyed him. He stopped when he realized he was fuming. It was dead silent in the room and all eyes had shifted to him.

“Why? Is there a problem Mr. Jung?” the lawyer settled the papers on the table. Everyone else in the room looked at Mr. Jung suspiciously. “N-no… Not at all…” He lowered his head and sat *Damn this*

*There’s something fishy about him…* You gave him one last look then turned to the sharers “Trust me ajusshies. I will marry and save the company. Mr. Jung’s decisions will also be good. Just bear with us with two years”

The investors looked at each other, doubting this young lady in front of them. What do you know about this business? How can you be so sure of yourself you'll marry a man after two years?

When you saw their distrustful looks, you bit your lip, a habit you do when you’re nervous and spoke up “I can do this. Though I might seem young to you ajusshies. I had been taught by CEO himself. I know where to get the disadvantages and advantages”

Mr. Jung raised a brow, clearly knowing where this was going to lead to “Ms. Sooyeon, how can you make someone marry you within two years of company? I do not doubt your looks or anything but, as far as I know, couples don’t last 3 months longer. Or if they do, only lucky people get to meet their ‘soul mates’ early.”

You pressed your lips and answered “You’re right, but ajusshi, I’m one of those lucky people” *I’m so screwed. What did I just say?!* You regret the words as soon as you finished them. He was containing his surprise from your remark and stayed silent.

Your mind was on uproar of your sudden comeback and confidence. “I’ll find my boyfriend, and he’ll marry me for sure and that’s after we receive our diplomas”

Mr. Jung couldn’t say a word. He had lost this battle with a 17 year old. He secretly glared at you *Just because you’re the old man’s granddaughter doesn’t mean you’ll be better than me, you’ll see you little brat* “Alright, I hope things turn out right for you” He bitterly smiled.

The meeting ended and everyone, except for Mr. Jung, was hoping for you to get a husband after you graduate high school.

The butler looked at Mr. Jung’s way. Mr. Jung ducked his head and turned the other way *I have to be careful around him. He's a bad prick and I know it* he thought before following you out.

Mr. Jung looked at the calendar and crossed the date today *364 days and one more year left*


How was it? >< I'm so nervous right now. I'm sorry if I'm very unpredictable.

There was just so much commotion and I wasn't able to hold my computer for 3 months.

But here I am now. I hope we'll still right this, right? 


What do you think will happened to Sooyeon? THat was a mean ajusshi right?

>< Hmphf!

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WOW! It's been a long week! I'm currently writing Chapter 20. I re-wrote at least 5 version of the chapter. This is the 6th and final. Sorry for the wait! >


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ChunjiLover #3
Chapter 15: I ship Daehyun and her!!! And even her grandpa wanted them together~~ <3 <3 <3
Update often!!!
girlove #5
Oh! A new story from you eonnie! :) I subscribed! I missed reading your fanfics! WEEEEEEEEEEE~ ^^
ChunjiLover #6
Chapter 10: Wow soo CUTE!!!! Update soon!!!!
Chapter 10: Hi i am a new reader omg! I support ljoe and her. Together i dont care!
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