Welcome To Seoul

It Was Love (사랑했나봐)



Weeks passed, your files and id was all prepared. You never forgot to thank Mr. Lee about it.

He was helpful and when you tried to return the favor, he'd decline your offer and say, "My child, this is all enough; you standing in for the company and your grandfather is a humbling sight enough"

You hugged him and tell him again how grateful you are.

The sound of the tickling wind eased you. The note only said vague information about the boy. Mr. Lee was loading your stuff in the car.

You were in deep thought of how you would resolve the company’s problem. You were too young, too afraid and too inexperience. You sat quietly for an hour in the car, receiving worried glances from the old butler and driver *Poor child. This must be hard for her to take in. I’ll take care of her for you old friend.*

TOP High, Seoul. TEEN TOP.

You read the words behind the picture. “Not even a name or at least where he livesl” you turned to your driver/butler “Ajusshi, what do you think harabuji wanted me to find in him? Is he my fiancé Is he going to lead me to my fiancé?”

He shrugged. He didn’t know the answers either. For the past year Mr. Yoo had been asking him to find the boy’s papers. He delivered everything to him without prying to his old friend’s motive. “I don’t know, Sooyeon”

You pouted “Come on ajusshi! He must’ve told you something!” He took a breath then turned to you “I told you, I don’t know, Sooyeon.” You made a face then crossed your arms “Stingy” He sighed and shook his head.

“Do you really think he’s my fiancé? The one I have to marry? Does he know that he's my fiance? What if he doesn’t love me? Or maybe this is just all a misunderstanding? And how do I tell him this? ‘Hi I’m Yoo Sooyeon and you’re supposed to be my fiancé who I’ll marry to save my grandfather’s company; so come with me. Don’t worry this isn’t a joke. This is true. This feels surreal right, because it seems like a movie from a book, right? But trust me just marry me and it will end. We can even get divorce after I turn 23’ So please bear with me for 6 years?!” You stressed “Argh! I hate this. At least he should’ve finished what he said before he went away” You felt like pulling your hair at the moment.

He turned to you “Child, just believe in your grandfather. I knew him for a long time and even if it seemed hard at the beginning, it flows easy as times go by. He chooses the best solutions. And your grandfather didn’t chose him randomly”

He cupped your shoulder and gave you a firm hug “Now, sleep. You should rest for tomorrow. I already prepared your schedule and uniform in the house” He said before he went in the driver’s seat. He opened the door for you. You gave him an appreciative smile. It was nice to know that someone is looking out for you.

“You’re the best ajusshi” He soften and warmly smiled at you “I am your only relative here, even if we’re not blood related, I’m your second grand-daddy” He winked. You shook your head but smiled nonetheless *At least I have you here with me, Lee ajusshi*

"Don’t you have a grandson, ajusshi?” You looked up. You remembered suddenly an old playmate you had when you were younger.

He answered “Yes, actually, he studies where you’ll be going” Your eyes shot open “REALLY?!” he nodded. You snapped your fingers “Then he knows everything I need to know!”

You mind drifted to memory lane; you were outside to greet the new butler with your grandfather

“Here Sooyeon, greet Mr. Lee” your grandfather gestured to a tall man. But your attention was with the little boy who didn’t have eye lids. He looked funny to you. You giggled “You look funny~” pointing at his flaw. *He looks like Snoopy!*

The talking adults stopped “I guess she wasn’t listening to you old friend, Sooyeon, listen when the elderly are talking” but you didn’t mind and poked the man in front of you “I never met anyone who has the same height as me

L. Joe was taken aback, never did a girl talk to him so carefree, especially insulting him in their first meeting. His cheeks blushed and he looked up to his grandfather “Harabuji, this girl is teasing me about my height! I should tell her off!”Mr. Lee’s eyes widen and shushed his grandson.

Your grandfather raised a brow in amusement “You’re grandson is very … out spoken, like little Sooyeon here”

You blinked with your big eyes “What’s out spoken, harabuji?”

He just laughed at you and messed up your hair.

Later that day you two became fast friends; you showed him you collection of toy robots. L. Joe couldn't believe his eyes, you loved robots than dolls. What kind of girl are you?

"See here Snoopy, this is the real deal" you held out a toy gun "Presenting the 'Spy Gun 2000'" you whispered in awe.

L. Joe was least interested in that "Hey, would you stop calling me names? I am L. Joe. L-Joe'" You giggled and pinched his cheek "Looky here," you grabbed your coloring book and looked for Snoopy's picture "You have similar eyes!" you exclaimed.

L. Joe got beet red and looked away "I do not!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Snoopy~" you poked his cheek.

He gave you blank expression, hoping you would stop "What are you doing?"

You nonchalantly shrugged "Just wondering... what do you wanna be when you grow up?"

L. Joe searched your eyes, his mouth answered but it was inaudible.

You didn’t remember the rest and that was the sad part of it. All you know was that was the first day you saw Mr. Lee’s grandson.


CAP flickered L. Joe’s forehead “You don’t know anything!” Everyone laughed. L. Joe stood up “I’ve had it! You know I don’t know anything about Math! Why are you asking me math related things?”

Chunji shook his head and took L. Joe’s food. He divided every last bit to the boys. They gleefully took it and ate. L. Joe glowered and crossed his arms “I hate this game. We’re not even in 1N2D to do this”

Ricky stuck his tongue out “It’s fun teasing you!” Everyone agreed. L. Joe glared at Ricky “Tease? Really?! Starving me amuses you?!” He shouted but they laughed nonetheless “I can’t even be taken seriously” he sulked.

Niel patted his back “It’s okay” but he was still teasing him. L. Joe sighed *These boys. So immature*

Chunji shook his head and ate his meal.

Just then L. Joe received a message. His eyes widen in surprise “RIGHT NOW?!”

They turned to him. “Why?” CAP asked. L. Joe took his bag “My grandfather just arrived. . I haven’t even eaten anything”

Niel blinked “Why so suddenly?” L. Joe lifted his shoulders “I don’t know too…” It was unusual for his grandfather to visit him. He only came once every 3 years. And a sudden visit was a surprise to him.

He waved goodbye to his friends then dashed to his motorcycle *I haven’t even cleaned! Holy , I am so dead!*

Mr. Lee shook his head. *I should’ve known* He knew very well his grandson would be late and not be at the house at this hour. You were asleep in the car. It was a long and tiring day for you, both of you had drove half of the day to arrive to Seoul.

L. Joe arrived 15 minutes later. Mr. Kim shook his head in disapproval and tapped his watch “I told you I’ll be coming over 30 minutes ago”

L. Joe meekly smiled and scratched his head “Sorry, grandpa. But you could’ve texted me four hours earlier.”

He sighed and hugged his grandson nonetheless. It’s been a while before he saw him, though he didn’t tell him about his joy and indescribable feelings, he knew to himself, it was good to see him after 2 years “It’s okay. It’s good to see you, Byunghun, why were you late?” He crossed his arms at his grandson.

L. Joe scratched his head and looked elsewhere, not bearing to look into his grandfather’s eyes “Well, my friends and I had eaten out and you know things got carried away. We were doing nonalcoholic things if you’re suspecting. Wait, harabuji, what’s that?” he stopped with his words when he saw someone inside his grandfather’s car “Who is she?” Something reminded him of her *I know her…* but he can’t seem to put a finger at it. Something familiar-- a familiar feeling he had.

Mr. Lee followed his gaze and smiled “That’s the granddaughter of my friend, remember? You two met a few years back. Her grandfather died three weeks ago and I decided to take her in; since she has something to do with TOP High” *The girl who called me short!* L. Joe brows knitted together in confusion “TOP? My school?” He questioned. Mr. Lee nodded “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Now, unlock this door and help me settle her in.”

L. Joe nodded, still looking at you *She’s… okay. She lost her parents too...* While L. Joe unlocked the door he said "Didn't you have the spare key?" "I lost it on my way here." His grandfather calmly answered

L. Joe feigned shocked "You lose stuff too? Haha" He twisted the knob and unlocked the door. At the moment it was seen, his grandfather gasped in horror and in irritation “Lee Byunghun! Is this a pig’s den?!” He slapped the back of his grandson's head “Ow! Harabuji! It hurts!” Mr. Lee eyed him “Clean this up. NOW!”

L. Joe winced. He didn’t need to be told twice. He went inside and uncluttered everything *My grandson…* Mr. Lee turned to you *I hope she’ll be alright. Yoo Woonghun, why did you leave her so suddenly? I know she’s all grown up now, but, she lost both of her parents and spent the rest of her life with you. But... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I should've inspected the area... if I did that I... you... wouldn't have been shot. I'm sorry old friend.*

That night the two Lees settled the bags and fixed your clothes, had put them in the drawer and placed you on your bed.

L. Joe walked pass your door and return *What is her business here?*

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WOW! It's been a long week! I'm currently writing Chapter 20. I re-wrote at least 5 version of the chapter. This is the 6th and final. Sorry for the wait! >


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ChunjiLover #3
Chapter 15: I ship Daehyun and her!!! And even her grandpa wanted them together~~ <3 <3 <3
Update often!!!
girlove #5
Oh! A new story from you eonnie! :) I subscribed! I missed reading your fanfics! WEEEEEEEEEEE~ ^^
ChunjiLover #6
Chapter 10: Wow soo CUTE!!!! Update soon!!!!
Chapter 10: Hi i am a new reader omg! I support ljoe and her. Together i dont care!
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