Let Me Make You Smile

It Was Love (사랑했나봐)



The night wasn’t pleasant for the both of you. You placed Miru beside and gently her *Was I too rash? Did I hurt his feelings? Maybe I shouldn’t have shouted. We could’ve solved this in a civil way rather than like kids. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did*

A gush of coldness ran through you. You shivered at the raw wind caressing your skin *It’s cold. I can’t sleep. I still have class tomorrow. I wasn’t able to today.* With a heavy heart, you left the room with Miru and went to the living room

L. Joe was the same, he kept turning his body. He breathed out an exhausted breath *Why can’t I sleep?* He opened his windows and watched a couple walking hand in hand, engulfed by the darkness. A little tint of their silhouette was seen. In that short moment he imagined it was you and him laughing in the dark, concealing yourselves and just have fun.

Realizing what he was doing, he bitterly closed the window *I need to rest*

His ears perked up, what was that sound he was hearing. It couldn’t be you; you were asleep—as far as he knew. Then a thought came into his mind: Burglar.

He gritted his teeth *You just came in the right time. I needed to beat someone to take my mind off of something* He popped his knuckles, readying them for a fight.

Stealthy, he crept pass the kitchen. He was cautious; he didn’t want to wake you up. Waking you up and scaring you was the last thing he’d do right now. His heart trembled but the courage he had was greater. The closer he got the more surreal it felt.

The tv was on. There was laughing. There was a beep from the microwave, ding! He just passed the kitchen and saw the microwave’s led sign ‘End’

Then he heard a voice “It’s done!”

Footsteps coming closer and nearer; he turned his head to see if you were awake or not but instead he saw your face.

It was close to him, he could feel you breathing. You muffled your mouth and pushed him away *Oh my god, we were this close* Shocked you spoke in a whispered voice “Wh-what are you doing so late at night?”

L. Joe got himself back together and wiped an invisible sweat “I awoke from the strange noise I heard, here” he partly lied *Well, I couldn’t sleep because I don’t want us fighting. I don’t want to lose you*

You scrambled up and stuttered “I-is that so…” you avoided his gaze *Oh no, I woke him up. Was the movie too funny?*

It was now his turn to ask his question “You, why are you up so late at night?”

You bit your lip and honestly answered “I… couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d watch a movie…” you trailed off. He felt familiarity, *She couldn’t sleep too. I wonder… was it because the outburst I gave her?* He was thinking whether he should apologize or not but the words couldn’t seem to escape from his mouth.

When the house was quiet, you both said in unison “Hey-” “About earlier” You two blinked. You casted a small smile, he looked away in embarrassment

“You go first”

“You go first”

You both said again.

Both wanting to make up and tell each other you're sorry. You stopped and stuck an exhausted tongue out “You should start” you gestured towards him.

L. Joe shyly scratched the back of his head and spoke “Yeah.. Alright, about earlier, I’m really sorry” he started “I was just worried about you gone. You know, the first thing I saw in the morning was empty sheets after I slept seeing you unconscious” he said calmly this time.

You stopped; you wanted to tell him what you heard. You wanted to tell him how hurt you were but there was no use of that now. You needed time and didn’t want any complications. “Well about that, I was…” *I was heartbroken! I thought I could trust you! I wanted to cry but I couldn’t!* “I think I was sleep walking.” You let your eyes roam, you didn’t want to look in his eyes and lie.

“Really? Then why didn’t you call me?” *Why did you call Chunji?* He wanted to ask but held it in “I didn’t know, the first thing who came into my mind was, Chunji” you said. It hurt. It was like a fresh wound that stabbed him *No, this will fade. It will fade* He breathed in and out.

“Okay, then why didn’t you at least call or…” he stopped himself. He was losing it, he looked up and searched your eyes. It didn’t show. He shrugged the conversation, “Anyways, let’s forget about that. I’m sorry if I shouted at you” “No, I should’ve been more… mature about my reactions” you spoke. You shifted your weigh on the other side of your body.

He took out his hand “Friends?” you stared at it for a while before you finally took it. There was a short hault in your actions, right then it was at it again, your heartbreaking, your inner self stopping you from taking his hand, but it wavered

“Friends” you brightly smiled at him. At the contact, L. Joe became rigid again, his heart palpitating, he was sweating. He didn’t want to let go but he did.

L. Joe was at ease now; knowing things were good with you and him. He smiled widely, ear to ear as he pressed your hand firmer before he let go “Good”

There it was again, the awkward empty space, “So, what where you watching?”

You shifted your gaze to him “Just, a movie. You wanna join me?” L. Joe nervously nodded “Sure”

The atmosphere was bland and he took the liberty to take the popcorn “I’ll go get it” he smiled at you. It’s been a while since you saw him really smile, you felt your knees weaken *He always had a nice smile*

You went back to the couch and uneasily waited for him *Relax, we’re just going to watch a movie. Together. Now. In the middle of the night*

L. Joe was also thinking the same, he drew the popcorn from the microwave and mumbled himself some words “It’s just like a normal movie marathon with the guys. Cool it, L. Joe. What you’re feeling right now, it’s forbidden”

He walked to the living room and saw you holding Miru *She brought Miru with her. How cute*

“Here” he invited himself to sit beside you and took a handful of popcorn. He plopped it in his mouth and enjoyed the food.

You stared at his profile once again and a warm feeling crept its way to your heart. If he had ears so big, you swore, he could’ve heard your heart beating fast. “I know I’m gorgeous, you can stop it now” He felt your gaze and turned to you.

He gave you a sweet smile before you looked away, blushing “I-I wasn’t” He chuckled and offered you popcorn “I can’t finish this myself” he lied and you gave him an appreciative smile “Thank you”

The two of you laughed a lot while watching the movie. The television was the only one who spoke but you two were communicating; when he felt you were done chewing, he’d offer you the popcorn. A while after he took a bite, he stood up and spun to you “I’m going to get some juice, you want me to get you some too?” You nodded and answer “Yup, water is enough, oppa” He made a small salute and marched to the kitchen

Five minute later, he had a glass of juice on his left hand and water on the right. He stretched the glass of water to you and you accepted it. You bowed and thanked him again. You took a sip and settled it on the table before you

The movie was about to end and L. Joe was laughing hard. “Did you see that?” he stopped when he saw your head nodding forward *She fell asleep.* He shook his head and carried you to your room. He swept the fringe blocking your eyes and his heart thumped again.

*She’s beautiful. She’s kind but temperamental; how could I say these things to you when you’ve only been in my care for less than a month?* He was happy, but he was scared. He was scared of having feelings for somebody he’s afraid to lose. His mind was saying you’re just an infatuation but his beating heart told you otherwise.

Nonetheless he curled your hair behind your ear and traced your face; from your forehead to your jaw. There was a certain churning in the pit of his stomach, *Butterflies?* he thought. He retreats his hand from you to stop the butterflies. He swallowed hard before he planted a kiss on your forehead “Sweet dreams… Sooyeon”

When he walked out of your room, he saw Miru mindlessly blinking at him, “You too” he carried her and placed her in her home. He left the room and tidied up the living room.


I'm terribly sorry for not updating for so long!

Hyuuu~ L. Joe is so cute here right? Kkkkk

We hope Sooyeon won't think hard about what he said to her at the hospital...

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WOW! It's been a long week! I'm currently writing Chapter 20. I re-wrote at least 5 version of the chapter. This is the 6th and final. Sorry for the wait! >


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ChunjiLover #3
Chapter 15: I ship Daehyun and her!!! And even her grandpa wanted them together~~ <3 <3 <3
Update often!!!
girlove #5
Oh! A new story from you eonnie! :) I subscribed! I missed reading your fanfics! WEEEEEEEEEEE~ ^^
ChunjiLover #6
Chapter 10: Wow soo CUTE!!!! Update soon!!!!
Chapter 10: Hi i am a new reader omg! I support ljoe and her. Together i dont care!
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