
It Was Love (사랑했나봐)



Two days passed, you were a few minutes late in school. Your foot had regained its health and you were looking forward to run. You flex your foot and it didn’t hurt when you tried to twist it. The guard was lightly hitting his palm in a rhythm. Hearing some footsteps he followed his ears.

You walked in synchronization with L. Joe. It was awkward and no one uttered a single word until L. Joe realized this week's guard was *Holy freak. How the hell did I forget?*

"Sooyeon, let's skip today's class." he bent his knees in your level. "I don't think today is a good day to be late too"

Baffled, you shifted your eyes and met his "Why? It's a democratic country we can take responsibility" L. Joe clucked his tongue. He didn't need you to be your stubborn self-right now.

The other guards, he could handle, but this ajusshi he had been avoiding was the worst; he would injure someone regardless of the gender, he'd hit any boy or girl if they were late. It was an enough reason him to spin you off.

"Just listen to me Sooyeon," he grabbed your wrist for a run "No! I can't skip school just for being late!" you skidded to a stop

"I'd normally admire that sense of being you have Sooyeon, but we have bigger problems than that" he pointed at Mr. Song angrily heading to the two of you "Hey you punks!"

His language surprised and scared you. Something in the pit of your stomach said he didn't seem like a reasonable man to talk to "Is that even allowed to shout to students?!" You gestured at the metal bat he had, horrifying you more. L. Joe didn't hesitate to run with you "Unlucky for us, he don't see us as human beings"

"You trouble making people! Stop right there! You violated student handbook number 4.5.2!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

He was closing in. You didn’t care if he memorized the student handbook, you were solely focused on escaping from the mean ajusshi.

Your breath was shortening and you knew you could pass out any second now *I have to run. I can't let him down*

With all you might, you two made it to the gate "You're not getting away that easy!" Mr. Song was now a meter away from you.

"Oppa, he's so close!" you frantically alarmed L. Joe.

"You should think about negativity Sooyeon, look!" he beamed at you. Your eyes flew to the opening gate.

"See?" L. Joe chuckled in relief.

To be honest, he didn't know what to do too, but timing was beautiful, a black car was entering the school.

"Thank you" L. Joe saluted to the car as you two passed the gate.

The gate closed, trapping Mr. Song. He cursed under his breath.

He headed to his motorcycle "Looky here, this is why I park my baby outside" he said.

"You're amazing oppa" you breathed. You were exhausted. A twisting feeling of headache and blurry vision attacked you.

L. Joe didn't notice. Heat was creeping on his cheeks and his heart was beating fast *I just ran. Maybe that's why*

"Sooyeon, here" He reached his helmet but it was left hanging. He heard a loud thud.

You were lying on the ground unconscious. For a second he thought you were dead, but that was just ridiculous.

He stooped down, panicking "Sooyeon! Yoo Sooyeon!" *. . . Why is she lying on the ground?!*

His palms were sweating. His mind was blank but his strong arms picked up your unconscious body. He didn't risk your safety with his vehicle and carried you with his back.

With each heavy step, his heart was tensed and nervous of what could have he done. *Is it because I made her run? Stupid L. Joe! You should've carried her!*

His mind was battling with his conscience.

The hospital was a kilometer away and he didn't care, you were his priority now, his tired legs of hurting back.

The walk was long but soon enough L. Joe arrived. His eyes lit up at the 'emergency room' sign and dashed you there "Help! Please, she fainted!"

He took everyone's attention and they went to your side at once.

"What did she do before she fainted?" a nurse asked

L. Joe's face was filled with sweat and he was breathing hard, yet he still answered "We sprinted"

Another nurse gave him a glass of water, “Drink this first, sir”

L. Joe pushed the glass away “Tell me first why she fainted!” He could care less if he was thirsty or not, YOU WERE LYING DEAD ON THE GROUND!

The nurse walked towards you and checked your pulse, she nodded in understanding and reassured L. Joe “Don’t worry, the immediate sprint just shook her asthma, or she might have been too much stress, maybe something bothering her ad accumulated her sleep. Your girlfriend should be okay, just help her rest"

“Thank you,” L. Joe’s eyes widen as he caught up with how she had address towards him “Please no, I am not her… boyfriend” He didn’t like to let those words escape from his lips. A surge of regret cam over him.

“Oh, come on! Kids these days. You don't have to explain” the nurse patted his shoulder and never letting L. Joe explain further.

A few hours passed and you were delivered in a room. L. Joe bought fruits while you were sleeping and placed it on the table beside you. *I hope you get better soon, Sooyeon*

It was tiring to wait for you to wake up but he stayed beside you. *What were you thinking, Sooyeon? Why didn’t you tell me you had asthma! I’m so mad at you because of that. You risked your health for an escape with that Song! Or is it because of Jung Daehyun? You’ve just started, you shouldn’t worry about him! Worry about yourself first!* He was frustrated but he contained his anger inside.

Then there it was again, the mention of ‘Jung Daehyun’, ached his heart, why of all people him? Then he imagined you being happy with Jung Daehyun, completely happy, forgetting him.

He stopped, why did he feel this way when he first saw you? Was it just infatuation? It is impossible to believe in love at first sight because first, it was a Stone Age saying and second, he didn’t believe that such thing existed. Sure you’d feel attached to someone, but that attachment only lasts of so long until it fades.

L. Joe gave up and considered the last *It only has been two days, this, whatever this I am feeling, will eventually fade. No sweat. Like I didn’t even feel this way at all* Ending his thought, he began to relax

“No worries, I won’t be startled when my heart beats, this will end and with a snap it’ll be like I didn’t like you at all” he repeated as he drifted to sleep "Like you were only a challenge I had to," he yawned "cross over. Man, you're hard" His head fell on his arms. The last thing he saw was you and a smile crept slowly on his face.

You couldn’t help but bite your lip. Hearing him say such painful words was more severe than hearing a screeching blackboard. Sensing he was fast asleep, your eyes fluttered open.

Your ears started to wake your brain minutes before L. Joe said what he said but his sudden declaration made you not want to 'wake up'

*Does he think of me as a burden?*

It didn't turn out how you imagined it to be; his words echoed to your heart and it hurt.

*Why did he have to say those mean words?* you sat up and looked at his sleeping face with teary eyes. *Did I do something to you?* you didn’t know but his opinion mattered so much to you. One snap, your world could fall apart.

A tear managed to escape from your eye.


I know you guys are waiting for Daehyunie to come out:D

I'm just building up the story, he'll appear SOON

^^ I really thank you for subscribing :D

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WOW! It's been a long week! I'm currently writing Chapter 20. I re-wrote at least 5 version of the chapter. This is the 6th and final. Sorry for the wait! >


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ChunjiLover #3
Chapter 15: I ship Daehyun and her!!! And even her grandpa wanted them together~~ <3 <3 <3
Update often!!!
girlove #5
Oh! A new story from you eonnie! :) I subscribed! I missed reading your fanfics! WEEEEEEEEEEE~ ^^
ChunjiLover #6
Chapter 10: Wow soo CUTE!!!! Update soon!!!!
Chapter 10: Hi i am a new reader omg! I support ljoe and her. Together i dont care!
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