Going home

The Trio

"Were going to unwrap your head bandage now" The Doctor tells me. "Ok" I say. The bandage goes half across my face. He unwraps it and I look into the mirror. The bandage comes off and I realize that I now have a scar next to my left eye along the side of my face. Then  look closer into the mirror. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HAIR" I shout running my hands through the short pixie cut I now have. "We had to cut it shorter to work with your head. Most of it was also stuck under a piece of the track." The nurse says to me. I feel sad."Oh Ok" I say. "You may go home now" the doctor kindly tells me. I get up, thank him, and walk out.

I catch a taxi to the building. When I get there I walk up the stairs to our "house". I walk inside and turn on the lights. It's clean........I can't believe it. It's actually clean. I go over the sink and there are no dirty dishes. I'm in shock. All of SunRi's clothes are folded and her bed is made. I laugh and sit down. My friends are amazing. I go and get a thing of Dr.Pepper and sit down on my bed and put in my headphones.

Suddenly I feel two arms around my waist hugging me. I turn around and look at Donghae. "hey thanks for the help the other day." He says to me. "Your welcome" I answer smiling. He turns me around so i'm staring into his face. "Your hair is short." he points out messing it up. I giggle "Yeah" "well it's cute" He stands up "I came here to give you this." he hands me a box. "You didn't need t-" "I hope you like it" He walks out. I open the box. It has a picture and a necklace. It's a picture of me laughing with my hair messed up after we got off the tall roller coaster. I smile and put the necklace on. A small purpleish stone lights up my eyes.

Yay your home" LiNa shouts running through the door hugging me. "WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOUR HAIR?" SunRi shouts pointing at my head. "They had to cut it...but I like it" I say looking at it in the mirror. SunRi pouts. Eunhyuk pokes his head in the room. "hey girls were gonna have party toni-......What happened to your hair?" "It got cut......what time" I giggle. "Anytime just come down later" "OKIE BYEEEEEEEEE" SunRi says pushing him out the door.

"What was that for?" I ask her. "We need to look pretty before we go." She says throwing open the closet. After giving me 3 different outfits to try on LiNa and SunRi finally decide that i should wear black skinny jeans, a purple tank top and a blue shirt over it. Then they both attempt to do my hair.....at the same time.

"No it should look Spiky" SunRi says trying to push LiNa away. "No she should look sleek and sophisticated." LiNa says back elbowing me in the face while trying to get SunRi to move. "People, people calm down. " Say pushing them both away. "I can do my own hair" I get all the moose out of my hair and ruffle it up. "There that looks good" After they get ready and we all do our makeup we stand and look into the mirror at ourselves.

LiNa is wearing blue jeans and a cute green shirt with birds on it. Her hair is half up in a bun. The picture of complete innocence. SunRi has the "scene" look going on with her black jeans and emo eye makeup. She looks tough. And I look kinda cute and sweet...sorta. I don't feel right with the scar on my face. "LETS GO " LiNa shouts running out of the room. We follow.


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Chapter 21: Great Story! :D
Chapter 21: I thought that the first married couple would be Lina and onew but I am glad kyuhyun and sunri got married they are spoof cutee :)))))))
Chapter 20: they are getting marriedddddD??????????????? soo sweet!!!
Chapter 19: ha???? what did ji ji see/////????? i want to read the next chapp!!! and end ???? nooooooo I don't want it to end :(((
Chapter 9: great so far^^
Chapter 18: ohh auntie!!!!! poor sam he must be soo sad :(((
Chapter 17: ohh my god !!! poor people :(((((
Chapter 16: hhehehehehe cute .... :)))))
Chapter 15: wooooowwwwww >.....< donghae totally misunderstood that :(((((
hope they make up soon :D :D update soon.....
Chapter 14: awwww!!!! poor ji ji :((( update soon hope she is just fiinee