Going home

The Trio

I wake up at 10 am. I pull the covers over my head. I'm so glad I left. I get up and walk around the apartment. I look at myself in the mirror. I have short hair thats messed up. I'm wearing a really long shirt. And I have a scar across my face. I smile it could be worse. I could be dead. I sigh and get a peice of bread and throw on my jeans and a tank top and run my fingers through my hair. I grab my bag and leave.

I go to the supermarket and get lotsa food. (cuz I eat ALOT) I go to the mall and get some shoes and cute shirts. I go home and make food and wrap presents. My phone beeps. It's Donghae. "Hey cutie what's up? Just wanted to let you know imma be over at your place soon" I smile and get up. I "clean" the apartment. (shoving everything out of sight) Then the door opens.

"HEY SWEETIE" I get picked up and swung around. I laugh a we both fall on the bed. "Hi" I say "How was practice?" "Ya know the usual. Guess what" "What?" " I got you this" He pulls out a rose and gives it to me. "For the most beautiful girl I have ever met." I smile and kiss him. "Thank you, you know you didn't need to do this." I say smelling it. He's so sweet. "I know" I laugh at him and we both sit up."I quit my job yesterday" I tell him. "Couldn't handle the deaths." He asks. I nod then I sit on his lap and we have a lovely kissing session. I snuggle into his arms. The girls come home and find the two of us sitting on my bed watching tv. The girls and I stay up late talking about old times.

The next day I get up and start to get dressed. I'm pulling on my jeans when my phone rings. I answer it. "Hello" "Hi Lizzy." "Oh hi Sam. What's up?" Why is he calling me what happened. "Auntie died this morning from a heart attack." "WHAT?" "Yeah....." I can hear crying. I'm sitting on the floor. "And I was wondering if you could come back to the states for a while." "Oh course i'll catch the next flight there" "K thank you" "Bye Sammy" I hang up and grab my suitcase. I throw clothes into my suitcase.

Then LiNa walks in the door with SunRi "Hey JIJI do you know.....WHAT ARE YOU DOING" SunRi screams at me. I look up at them. "Leaving" "Why?" "Auntie died, so Sam has to leave and he wants me." "Oh i'm sorry....What about Donghae?" "Um i dunno, I'm coming back soon don't worry." I take out my phone and text Donghae. 5 minutes later he comes running through the door. "WHAT?" "Hey" I say pushing more stuff into my suitcase and closing it. LiNa pulls SunRi out of the room. Donghae starts to cry. I give him a hug.

"Listen i'll be back i'm only gonna be gone for a month tops. Don't worry" "I'm gonna miss you so much" "I'm gonna miss you too" I kiss him. He grabs me and kisses me hungrily. I kiss him back and then pull away. "Don't worry" I pull my suitcase out the door and down the stairs. I ride to the airport hug and cry with my friends and get on the plane. I look down at the city I have grown to call home. I'll be back.

The plane lands in NYC. I go through customs and get my bags. I catch a cab to motorcycle rental. Then I ride all the way to my home town. I get to my old neighbor hood but I see another family in my old house. I call sam. "Hey i'm here where are you?" "Oh sorry i'm staying at Josh's" I ride to Josh's house. He's Sam's best friend. I get there and run inside. He's sitting on the couch. I go over and hug him. We both cry.

Auntie may have been the meanest person ever but she was all we had. Because Sam's only in 8th grade he has to stay with Anita's family. The door opens and Ben our older brother in colleage walks in. He never knew Auntie. We all have a family reunion with Josh's family that night and they ask me about korea.

I go to sleep that night with a bittersweet feeling. The next day we all go to the funeral and we all are sad. It's funny. I didn't realize I miss the US so much until I get back here. I feel kinda sad I have to go back to Korea. I stay in the US for another week. I stay with all my old friends. We stay up late and talk for hours. But then I start to miss Korea. So I call up LiNa and SunRI and tell them that i'm coming back in 3 days. "YAY WE CAN'T WAIT WE MISS YOU SOO MUCH" "SunRi stop shouting" "Hey what's going on" It's Donghae. "JISU IS COMING BACK" "Really!" "YEAH" I laugh. "See you soon" I hang up and spend my last day with my two brothers we watch old movies and look at pictures. I get up early the next day and catch a flight to Korea.

This one ins't the best chapter........comment please ^^


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Chapter 21: Great Story! :D
Chapter 21: I thought that the first married couple would be Lina and onew but I am glad kyuhyun and sunri got married they are spoof cutee :)))))))
Chapter 20: they are getting marriedddddD??????????????? soo sweet!!!
Chapter 19: ha???? what did ji ji see/////????? i want to read the next chapp!!! and end ???? nooooooo I don't want it to end :(((
Chapter 9: great so far^^
Chapter 18: ohh auntie!!!!! poor sam he must be soo sad :(((
Chapter 17: ohh my god !!! poor people :(((((
Chapter 16: hhehehehehe cute .... :)))))
Chapter 15: wooooowwwwww >.....< donghae totally misunderstood that :(((((
hope they make up soon :D :D update soon.....
Chapter 14: awwww!!!! poor ji ji :((( update soon hope she is just fiinee