The start of it all

The Trio

What should we do now" He asks after we finish eating. "The arcade?" I ask. "Sure lets go." We run to the arcade. I don't play video games so i'm pretty sure he's gonna win every single time. In fact I've never been to an arcade before. SunRi and LiNa say that it's really sad.

"NO YOU BEAT ME AGAIN HOW COULD YOU!" I yell at Donghae after he beats me for the 8th time. "Sorry i'm just good at this." He laughs. I pout "Aww cheer up" He says poking my side. I squeak. "What was that?" "I squeak when people poke my sides" "Really now" He smiles evily. I run, away, fast. He runs after me. "Get back here" He shouts. "never" I yell back. I run around the corner and hide. I scream when he runs around the corner and grabs my middle.

"I gotcha" He says tickling my sides. I shriek and laugh and yell at him to stop. When he stops i hit him over the head. "You're mean" I say sticking my tongue out "You know you love me" He says laughing. I punch his arm. "No don't hurt me." He curls up in a ball. Then he gets up and helps me up. But I slip on my shoelace and fall backwards. He reaches out and catches me around the waist pulling me close to him. I stare at him. He stares at me.

We both let go of each other at the same time. Awkward silence. "Soooo......." He starts. "what do you wanna do now?" "I'm not sure? Wait we left the bags at the arcade." We quickly run back to the arcade. Did he notice that as well. Maybe it was just me. No stop that. but when we were close he felt so nice and warm and strong. "stop it" I say. "What?" Donghae turns and looks at me. "Nothing" I squeak.

We get to the arcade and pick up at the bags. We start walking away and I notice he keeps looking at me. "Do you wanna go to the fair that's in town?" He asks. "Sure" I answer. We decide to walk to the fair. " you wanna talk about your ex?" he asks me while we walk along the sidewalk. "Sure, but it's a long story." I say. "We have time." He answers. "Well we dated for a year, off and on. And the last time we broke up we both expected to get back together after maybe 2 weeks. But then people started telling me about how he was had been dating other people while he was dating me. And he told a bunch of girls he was single. He even tried to kiss SunRi. Which was stupid.

So I confronted him about it but he denied it all. I told him I wasn't getting back together with him anyway, cuz he played with my emotions while we were dating. Then he started being a total jerk. He kept telling me I was stupid and worthless and he only cheated on me cuz i wouldn't do it with him. And now he's being nice and sweet again and it ." I pause. "And thats one of the reasons i came here, to get away from all that." I look over at Donghae. "I'm so sorry" he says and hugs me. "It's ok" "NO, no it isn't. you're nice and sweet and cute and pretty and he shouldn't have done that" He says looking at me. I laugh "If you want honesty i think i'm totally over him." "You are?" "Yup" I smile. "Come on lets go." I grab his arm and drag him towards the entrance to the fair. We pay the admission and go inside. "What do ya want to do first" He asks me. "Rides, then games and food." I look up. "And the giant ferris wheel last" "Ok" He says.

First we go on all the stupid kiddie rides like the little roller coaster, the bus ride and the swings. On the carousel I keep falling off the horse because i'm too big to actually fit on the seat. He has to hold onto my arm and I laugh the whole ride. All the parents near us give us strange looks. At the end iIcompletely fall off the horse and land on my back. He looks down at me from between 2 horses and helps me up. We get off the carousel and he pulls me over to the popcorn vendor. We get popcorn and hot dogs and lemonade. We walk around the park eating and pointing out funny stuff. After we finish we go to the games and he beats me........every time. "It's because Kyuhyun always plays with me" "yeah sure it is" I say laughing.

We walk around for awhile, and watch a magic show. In which he volunteers me for a trick. I had to wear a hat while it got set on fire. "Thanks now im gonna smell like smoke forever." I say. He smiles and pulls me towards the ferris wheel. We get in the first car. They are enclosed with doors, walls, and a roof. It starts to go up. We are both staring outside when we hear a crash and a shudder. The ferris wheel stops with us at the top. "I'm sorry but we're having technical difficulties please remain calm and stay seated we will have you down soon." I look at him and giggle.

We sit down on the floor and I teach him Miss Mary Mac and cat's cradle. After awhile I get up and look out the window. I gasp. The sun is setting and you can see the whole fair it looks beautiful. I feel him come and stand next to me. "thats amazing" He says staring at the sunset with me. Then he hugs me and puts his face into my hair smelling it. I freeze. What on earth is he doing. Does my hair smell weird? Maybe it's the new shampoo. I turn around and face him. "

What is it?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles. "What?" I ask again. "Wow you're really clueless aren't you" He laughs. "yes, yes i am.....why?" He smiles again and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. Oh crap what's he doing. is he going to kiss me maybe he will. I hope he does. WHAT AM I THINKING I'VE ONLY KNOW HIM FOR A DAY.He looks into my eyes and our noses touch. Crap why can't i do anything. His eyes are are so deep and STOP IT MIND. He closes his eyes and kisses me. I swear the sky erupted with fireworks. I close my eyes and put my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

The ferris wheel starts up again with a loud shudder knocking the both of us off our feet and we fall. He lands on top of me. Awkward moment where neither of us move. He gets up blushing and helps me up. i get up and smile. "I have a question" He says "Ask away" "Will you be my girlfriend." My heart jumps "Yes" I say throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him on the cheek. He laughs and we get off the ferris wheel and catch a taxi home.

He holds my hand and walks me all the way to my room. "Goodnight" He says kissing me on the tip of my nose. "Thanks for the great day" I say hugging him. I go inside and fall down on my bed. LiNa and SunRi are asleep I get on my nightshirt and crawl into bed with warm happy feelings inside me.


This chapter is kinda cliche......please tell me what you think ^^

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Chapter 21: Great Story! :D
Chapter 21: I thought that the first married couple would be Lina and onew but I am glad kyuhyun and sunri got married they are spoof cutee :)))))))
Chapter 20: they are getting marriedddddD??????????????? soo sweet!!!
Chapter 19: ha???? what did ji ji see/////????? i want to read the next chapp!!! and end ???? nooooooo I don't want it to end :(((
Chapter 9: great so far^^
Chapter 18: ohh auntie!!!!! poor sam he must be soo sad :(((
Chapter 17: ohh my god !!! poor people :(((((
Chapter 16: hhehehehehe cute .... :)))))
Chapter 15: wooooowwwwww >.....< donghae totally misunderstood that :(((((
hope they make up soon :D :D update soon.....
Chapter 14: awwww!!!! poor ji ji :((( update soon hope she is just fiinee