The concert

The Trio

"Ummmm she might be a little shocked and embarrassed but otherwise go for it." I say smiling and patting him on the back. "You think so?" "Yeah. Don't worry" I give him a hug and go back into the room. Boy's are strange. LiNa and SunRi walk out and sit down. I do LiNa's makeup and hair. Then I do SunRi's hair. They both stand up when we're done and look in the mirror. "The seam is ripped" SunRi says pointing at LiNa's shorts. Crap. Problem solve.

I grab another shirt and a skirt and push her back into the changing room. She comes back out and twirls smiling. All better. I smile at the both of them. SunRi looks punk-scene-ish in black baggy shorts and a neon purple tank top and black hoodie. LiNa looks innocent and aborable in her flowered skirt and cute blue shirt. I smile at them, hug them, and push them towards the stage. Donghae comes up behind me hugging my waist. "You seem nervous?" He says. "I am for them." Then the lights go on.

SunRi and LiNa both lift up their mikes. I cross my fingers. The music starts. They sing. My jaw drops. THEY ARE FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!!! Then they starts to dance. They both move together and work like a well oiled machine. They're just awesome. I laugh and smile at Donghae and i kiss him. He wraps his arms around my middle and we both move to the music. Kyuhyun and Onew join us and smile at their girls. I swear LiNa and SunRi and one of the best group I have ever seen.

After the first song everyone claps and we all jump up and down. LiNa looks at me and smiles. I give her a thumbs up sign. They sing/ dance another 6 songs. I didn't know they were this good. The last song ends and they bow. We all clap. "WHOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO" I shout jumping up and down. Kyuhyun looks at me and walks towards the stage. Onew follows him. They are both holding flowers. I give Kyuhyun a thumbs up. He gives me a nervous smile and walks out on stage.

SunRi see's him and runs over to him and jumps up and glomps him. He laughs. Onew gives LiNa the flowers and bows and kisses her hand. I smile and clap. Then Kyuhyun gives SunRi her flowers and kisses her on the cheek. She blushes and sticks her face in the flowers. Then Kyuhyun gets down on one knee and takes a small box out of his pocket. SunRi looks up and freezes. The crowd goes silent. "SunRi, you know I love you. Will you marry me?" She pauses for half a second. "yes, Yes, YES" He jumps up and hugs her. They kiss in front of everyone and picks her up and swings her around.


The next thing is the epiloge......comment :) 

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Chapter 21: Great Story! :D
Chapter 21: I thought that the first married couple would be Lina and onew but I am glad kyuhyun and sunri got married they are spoof cutee :)))))))
Chapter 20: they are getting marriedddddD??????????????? soo sweet!!!
Chapter 19: ha???? what did ji ji see/////????? i want to read the next chapp!!! and end ???? nooooooo I don't want it to end :(((
Chapter 9: great so far^^
Chapter 18: ohh auntie!!!!! poor sam he must be soo sad :(((
Chapter 17: ohh my god !!! poor people :(((((
Chapter 16: hhehehehehe cute .... :)))))
Chapter 15: wooooowwwwww >.....< donghae totally misunderstood that :(((((
hope they make up soon :D :D update soon.....
Chapter 14: awwww!!!! poor ji ji :((( update soon hope she is just fiinee