Getting ready

The Trio

I walk up the stairs to our apartment. I open the door and get glomped by SunRi and LiNa. "WE MISSED YOU!" I laugh and push them both off me. "I missed you guys too." We go inside. I look around. The place is a mess. Dirty clothes are everywhere, the sink is piled with dishes, the table is covered with half eaten food.

"WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?" SunRi looks at the floor. "We thought you were coming home tomorrow." I look at both of them. "I'm going to SM to see Donghae. This place better be clean when I come back." They nod sadly I walk out the door and get on my beloved motorcycle. I ride down to SM. I walk down to Super Junior M's practice room. I stand in the doorway and watch them dance and sing. They don't notice me. The song ends and I clap.

"JISU" Donghae run over and glomps me then he picks me up and kisses me. I laugh. "I was only gone for a few weeks" "I still missed you" I kiss him back and he goes back to practicing. I watch him and smile. I swear he is the sweetest guy i know. They finish. He rides home when me on the back of my motorcycle.

We get to the building and I go to my room. I walk inside and the place is spotless. SunRi and LiNa are sitting on the floor looking tired. I smile and hug them both. "Thank You Thank You Thank You" We giggle and then they remind me. "Jiji the concerts tomorrow." I smack myself. "I remember now your guyses concert IS tomorrow. Are you ready?" "Yes we are." "Good" I say  and then we go to sleep.

I get up early and make the girls breakfast. I make bacon eggs and rice. I shove them out of their beds and they both fall on the floor. "You guys gotta get ready." They both grumble and LiNa eats first and SunRi takes a shower. "So are you guys excited?" I ask them when they're both ready. "I'M PUMPED WE'RE GONNA ROCK THIS" SunRi yells jumping up and down. "I ready" LiNa says smiling.



The door opens and Onew and Kyuhyun walk in. "You guys ready?" Onew asks them. "YES" they both answer. "Cool cuz we gotta go get you guys ready." Kyuhyun says. They all file out the door. "I see you guys later backstage." I tell them. "On yeah, I almost forgot." Kyuhyun turns around. "I gotta tell you something later." He winks and leaves. What was that about. I'm not sure. I shrug it off and get myself ready.


Around lunch I pull on my shoes and start to run out the door. Then the room phone rings. I pick it up. "Hey Jisu are you there?" It's Kyuhyun. "Yes" "Hey I left something in my room. Can you get it for me?" "Sure. What is it?" "My's on the couch and it's green" "Okay" "Thanks bye" The line goes dead. I run downstairs and open the door. Donghae gave me one of the room keys. I go inside and grab the green backpack off the couch and run downstairs.


I jump on my motorcycle and go to the concert place. I hop off and run inside. The girls are there and their boys are with them. I throw Kyuhyun his bag and glomp LiNa and SunRi. "How are you guys doing?" I ask them when the boys leave. "Our fashion person/makeup person/manager left" LiNa says crying. "What?" I ask. "She said that the stress was too much" She answers. "Ok......umm. I guess I'll do it. I don't have a job anyway." "Are you sure" SunRi asks. "YUP" I answer.


"I'm a little nervous" SunRi admits later after I finish a buch of paper work fo the job. I can't belive it, I going to be my friends mamanger.....and their gonna be famous. "I'm a lot nervous." LiNa says "We could fall off the stage, or forget the words, or forget the moves, or be off key, or-"You're gonna do fine" I say hugging her. She relaxes. "Kay thanks." "And remember if you do mess up and ruin your career, the Pikachus will love you forever." "Thanks" She says punching my arm.


"Ok we gotta get you two ready" I say looking at the clock. "We have two hours till the concert." We all get up and start getting ready. I find LiNa's shorts and shirt and throw them at her. SunRi grabs her baggy shorts and tank top, with matching jacket. They both go to change and I start getting the makeup out. Then Kyuhyun pulls me into the hall. "I have a question" Then he whispers something in my ear. My eyes widen. "What do you think" He asks nervously.


I think the next chapter might be the last......what do you think?



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Chapter 21: Great Story! :D
Chapter 21: I thought that the first married couple would be Lina and onew but I am glad kyuhyun and sunri got married they are spoof cutee :)))))))
Chapter 20: they are getting marriedddddD??????????????? soo sweet!!!
Chapter 19: ha???? what did ji ji see/////????? i want to read the next chapp!!! and end ???? nooooooo I don't want it to end :(((
Chapter 9: great so far^^
Chapter 18: ohh auntie!!!!! poor sam he must be soo sad :(((
Chapter 17: ohh my god !!! poor people :(((((
Chapter 16: hhehehehehe cute .... :)))))
Chapter 15: wooooowwwwww >.....< donghae totally misunderstood that :(((((
hope they make up soon :D :D update soon.....
Chapter 14: awwww!!!! poor ji ji :((( update soon hope she is just fiinee