
The Trio

I adjust SunRi's veil. "You look beautiful" I say "Are you sure....what if I mess up, what if I trip and fall, I can't stand these shoes, what if I-" "You're gonna do fien" I tell her. She smiles. I hug her and turn. The music starts playing. I take a deep breath and walk down the aisle throwing flower petals at all the happy faces. I walk towards the preacher and turn and watch one of my best friends walk down the aisle.

I pat Kyuhyun's back and go stand near Donghae. He's the ring bearer. I smile at him. SunRi walks down the aisle in her pure white dress with the biggest smile ever on her face. She is stunning. She stands next to Kyuhyun and they exchange vows. Then the preacher announces "You may kiss the bride." Kyuhyun dips her and kisses her. I clap and laugh. I can't believe my little SunRi is Married now.

Then she walks back down the aisle with him. Onew and LiNa follow them. Her new engagement ring glints on her finger. Then Donghae offers me his arm. I slip my arm through his and escorts me to the reception. After talking to everyone. SunRi runs over and glomps me. We both smile and laugh and then LiNa glomps us and we almost fall over. Then we eat and dance. I swear it's the best night ever. I go over to SunRi right before she leaves with Kyuhyun. "Have fun" I whisper into her ear and wink. She pushes me and gets in the car and leaves.  

We all disperse and I change out of my dress into shorts. I get onto my motorcycle and i'm about to leave with I feel Donghae get on behind me. I smile and we go to my new apartment. We get off and I lead him inside. He sits down and i make food for the both of us. Later we play checkers while sitting on my bed. He stops and moves the board. "What's up?" I ask. He reaches out and hugs me. I snuggle into his chest.

"JiSu-ah I have a question for you." "What?" "Do you love me" I turn and look at him. "Of course I do Oppa" He looks down. "No I mean love, love" "Oh.........yes I do." I kiss his cheek. "Really?" "Yup" "Cuz I love you too" I smile and kiss him. "I like hearing you say that say it again." "I love you." I kiss him again. "I love you" I kiss him a third time. "I love you" I push him over and lie next to him on the bed. "You know I kinda wished that you were my bride today"

I sit up and look at him. "Really?" "Yes ma'am" I push him off the bed and lie back down.  Boy's confuse me. He jumps back on the bed. "I'm serious" He says. I laugh and punch his arm. "Who knows I might ask you someday?" "Nice to know." "But not just yet." "Yeah not yet." I kiss him. He smiles and kisses me back. I yawn. "Big day hunh." He smirks. I nod and yawn again. "I'll be back" He leaves. I quickly change into my night shirt. He comes back into the room, wearing his pj's. I laugh hop into my bed and he jumps in next to me. I snuggle up to him and fall asleep.


It's done.....what do you think? Please comment :) <3

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Chapter 21: Great Story! :D
Chapter 21: I thought that the first married couple would be Lina and onew but I am glad kyuhyun and sunri got married they are spoof cutee :)))))))
Chapter 20: they are getting marriedddddD??????????????? soo sweet!!!
Chapter 19: ha???? what did ji ji see/////????? i want to read the next chapp!!! and end ???? nooooooo I don't want it to end :(((
Chapter 9: great so far^^
Chapter 18: ohh auntie!!!!! poor sam he must be soo sad :(((
Chapter 17: ohh my god !!! poor people :(((((
Chapter 16: hhehehehehe cute .... :)))))
Chapter 15: wooooowwwwww >.....< donghae totally misunderstood that :(((((
hope they make up soon :D :D update soon.....
Chapter 14: awwww!!!! poor ji ji :((( update soon hope she is just fiinee