The Chase and Hunt

When I began to believe...

Taemin's POV

"Run!" Jonghyun whispered hoarsly, grabbing my elbow.

I didn't have a chance to react before he was dragging me away. I could feel the mud scraping against my sore feet as I half-ran, half-stumbled, behind him. The wind was harsh now, the rain turning into viscious needles against my skin.

"Jonghyun..." I panted. He stopped in his tracks, looking at me with question in his eyes. "What? He asked, impatient.

"We can't outrun him" I explained. "This garden... It's fenced... There's no way to get out by force".

"How do you think I got in, in the first place?" He asked, his tone dripping with humorous sarcasm. "My car is parked..." He turned and looked around, his face serious. Nothing surrounded us but wet bushes."There" he concluded, pointing at one of the smallest pathways I'd ever seen between 2 of the plants.

Without a second of warning, I was dragged through it. The thorns scraped at my skin, prickling at my flesh. My eyes watered and my vision became more blurry with each step I took, almost toppling over with dizziness.

The decorative garden slowly began to morph into heavy woodlands, the bushes turning into thick trees. "He owns woods too?!" I asked, voice like poison.

Jonghyun looked at me in confusion. "You didn't know?" He asked, frowning.

"Noo, I.." How do I explain the lasts couple of weeks I'd been held prisoned? How do I state, in words, what my prison had been like, not a cell, but one of the most luxury bedrooms in all of Seoul? How do I explain GD's commands and threats of what he'd do if I broke the only promise I couldn't break? But above all...

...How do I explain Minho?

Minho. My heart skipped a beat. Was he still with that devil? Was he planning what he'd do if he caught me?

Was there a chance... He still cared?

I shook my head. He kept GD's plans from me for a reason, I thought with confidence. He doesn't care.

But still... That night...

"Taemin! Snap out of it it" Jonghyun's voice brought me back to reality, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry... I... I was locked up, I never knew what was behind that door" I finished. Except for that day Minho decided to take you out... That voice guilted me with. So? I thought back. He only did it to win my trust, I thought with forced conviction.

Jonghyun looked at me, and opened his mouth to say something just as a bolt of thunder roared above us. I sprang to him in fear, like I'd done so many times before, reflexively.

"Taemin... I know you're scared, I am too, but we gotta keep moving," he whispered soothingly into my ear, his voice tense with strained patience. He pulled off his shirt, handing it to me. I looked at him in objection but he only pressed it harder into my chest. "You gotta keep warm" he stated, and began to walk again. I put on the oversized shirt and began to trail after him.

"Are you sure-"


I spun around, hearing my name being called from the distance.


From afar, he was running towards me, his feet pounding on the ground. My heart did a pirouette in my. He wasn't with GD... Did this mean...?

Did this mean he hadn't sided with him? 

I was unsure how to react, but didn't have the chance to when he wrapped me in a bear hug, so powerful it almost knocked us both over.

"Taemin-ah" he said into my neck, tears running down his cheeks.

Wait, tears? Minho was crying...? "M-Minho?" I stammered, uncertain of what I should say.

"Taemin, you have to listen to me" he said, his voice taking on a much serious, yet equally caring, tone.

I looked over to Jonghyun, who stood there with a facial expression similar to what it'd be like an alien had just dropped out of the sky. I gave him a look of calmness, which he responded with a You're-gonna-have-to-explain-this-to-me-later glare.

"Minho... W-what are you talking about?" I asked.

He pulled away and placed both hands firmly on my shoulders, looking me dead in the eye. "Listen, GD has spies all over the place; he's already found Jonghyun car..." He slowed, flicking his eyes over to a cursing Jonghyun "and if you don't do what I say, he'll fins you too. Trust me, you need to hide. Hide until-"

"Well, well, well..."

I froze.

I didn't need to turn around to be see who was behind me.


"Looks like the hide-and-seek is over" he said. I felt Minho physically tense, his shoulders squared as his face morphed into a snarl. Jonghyun's nostrils flared as he looked over, his eyes narrowing,

I turned around to face him.

Like I'd seen him last, he was still looking so idiotically perfect business-like. Not a hint of mud on him, despite what the rain had done to his yard. That trademark smile pasted to his face, promising all evil in the , his eyes glinting mischievously.

"What do you want?" I asked, stalling for time, despretly thinking of an idea of escape.

"You." He stated. "Well, technically your secret, but since I can't have that, I suppose your death will suffice." He continued, shrugging casually.

"If you kill me, will you let the others go?" Crap, crap, crap. What do I do?!

"Oh no..." He said, cocking his head to the side. "See, that's the fun part. First I kill all your little friends" he said, nodding to Jonghyun and Minho "whilst you watch, and Then I kill you" he finished, his smirk growing wider with every word.

At a holster I hadn't seen before, he drew his gun out.

"Say goodbye to your little friends, Taemin" he said sarcastically , pointing his gun at Jonghyun, who stood frozen on the spot in shock, having the gun pressed against his chest, against his beating heart.


A shot was fired.


A/N: DUM, DUM, DERR!!!! 

Oh, I love my cliffhangers <3 Thank you all for reading! Don't forget to comment if you have any ideas and subscribe for more!

Update soon <3

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Chapter 25: Oh dear! Why did this happen? Nice fic author-nim!
Chapter 25: ok so i just read it all or not she is alive...i don't know, i could imagine her telling on GD and then commiting suicide before he had a chance to kill her in a more painful way
what i don't understand...where is the child now?
Mawyna #3
Chapter 5: Though I just started reading this, I'm already in love with this story.. I should have found this earlier and have fun commenting chapter by chapter.. (Sigh) .. I'm outdated.. But I still say No to Ontae pairing.. Hehehe.. JongKey and 2min hard core shipper here..
Fine, lets be fair.. I found someone for Onew..guess who?? amazing, talented, awesome author-nim, LiveeN..
Ok.. I'm just kidding for the pairing parts but sincere on my thought of you..
Mawyna #4
Chapter 3: couldn't be.. No Onew, you can't kiss Taemin! Author-nim, you said it was 2min based.. baby Tae's 1st kiss was with Onew! not Minho! .. Dush..dush..
(2min fangirling mode down)..
Chapter 24: The injection ruined it for me.. You did that on purpose didn't you? :P
Chapter 22: Nooooooo!!!!!! WHY?! TAEMIN ;;;;;;;;;;; Please update soon~ I love your fic so much but I don't want that Tae dies ;;
Kpopismahlife #7
Chapter 22: ... O_O OMG NOOOOOOOO TAEMINNIE ;~; DON'T LEAVE THE STORY! D: Very VERY good! Please update~
Kpopismahlife #8
Kpopismahlife #9
Chapter 18: This chapter was ASDFGHJKL; AMAZING! I love your writing skills, a lot of describing words :) It helps me to imagine the scene better! Oh lord! I LOVE DRAMA! PLEASE CONTINUE ^^