(One-Shot): Christmas Memories


Love survives anything.

At least thats what they say, right?


Beginning of it :) 



I kicked at the leaves, mud droplets clinging on to the heels of my boots.

It was cold, cold enough to bring tears to my eyes, the chill biting its way through my layers as I kept walking, shoving my hands deep into my pockets as I sighed, the exhale taking form into misty wisps.

It was Friday, Christmas eve, roughly midnight. The stars shone bright against the dark sky, accompanied by the brilliant moon. Aside from the occasional antique lamppost, it was the only light allowing the pathway to be visible. The pathway which, now covered in dirt and dancing, decaying leaves, I’d walked on so many times.

I kept walking, ignoring everybody and everything. A garden worker looked up from gathering leaves, only to give me a grim smile as he tipped his hat, going back to his work.

Distantly, I heard an owl howl, the noise echoing through the hollow yard.

And somewhere, engraved in the bark of the trees and silenced by the layers of leaves, I could hear laughter.






Go to chap 1 for the rest!! 


I'm depressed, hopefully this will symbolise that xx


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Chapter 1: That was so sad omg I'm crying so much but that was an amazing story, well done (:
Shawol93 #2
Chapter 1: omg I'm am crying because of how sad this is but u hope you feel better
Chapter 1: I'm in the middle of a school meeting for my sister. I had so hold myself back from just sobbing out: WHHHYYYY DID TAEMIN HAVE TO DIE?.....WHY?!!! I might've looked pretty weird....i even had to hold my tears back. It sounded like Taemin committed suicide...../cries/ why'd you do this to me author-nim?!
Chapter 1: omg i wanted to cry so badly but i held it in like a champ but all i want to say is?
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! why did my poor baby taemin have to go and poor baby yoogeun. omg this story was truly good.
Chapter 1: So sad :( but a super sweet story after all, I liked it.