Sailing Ships

The Other Side of the Mirror

Warm breaths tickled her lips, sending tingles down her spine. She was vaguely aware of his fingers caressing her cheeks lightly and his forehead leaning against hers.
She couldn't bear to open her eyes. The kiss affected her so much that she seemed to be in a trance, a sort of dream. She was afraid that if she opened her eyes all this would fade away.
"Sunmi." He murmured against her cheek. "Sunmi look at me please?"
No! What if he faded away or something?
"Sunmi." His fingers lifted her chin and her eyes automatically fluttered open. By gods, it wasn't a dream. He was still there.
Sunmi stared at Sehun, her heart thudding hard in her chest. What had he said just before he took her breath away with that kiss again?
Oh right he didn't want to go back.
Sunmi's eyes widened and she punched his arm hard. "Are you insane?" She hissed. "How can you say that?" Even if it pleased her a lot.
"Say what?" Sehun looked confused. "That I love you?" He scratched his head. "I'm not allowed to say that?"
Sunmi stared up at him in surprise. Saying that for the second time didn't make it any less shocking than the first. "You do?" She squeaked.
Sehun pinked and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah." He bit his lip. "I uh well, it took me some time to realize it but well erm..." He looked down at the mirror at their feet. "I kind of can't go back anymore either. Not that I want to leave you, but Uhm..." He peered at her face. "Aren't you going to answer my confession? I'm stuck here with you and it can't change but I would prefer if you liked me back, you know."
Sunmi swallowed. "So you're staying because of me?" She whispered, tearing up. "Do you realize how stupid that is? Your entire life is back in the other world. What about Jina? Your friends? You belong there."
Sehun shifted. "But you're here. That's a good enough reason for me to stay." He searched her face. "I didn't say anything for the past few days because I wasn't sure of my choice. Should I stay or go? Leave you or not?" He sighed softly, raking his fingers through his hair.
"And then you found the mirror." Sehun stared at the broken shards at their feet. "I thought I had time to think through my choices but suddenly I had to make the choice now. And and...I can't leave, Sunmi." He croaked, staring at her. "I won't leave even if you find another mirror or if you don't want me here, I just can't."
Sunmi sniffled. Oh Sehun.....
"But uhm.." Sehun cocked his head to look at her face as she lowered her head. "I'd prefer it if you were happy about me staying."
Sunmi let out a soft chuckle. "Sehun..."
"Are you happy or not?" Sehun poked her forehead, pouting. "Don't tease me! I'm like melting into a pool of nervousness here and you're not helping. If you still like Suho hyung you can tell me. Although I'd like to have a chance to prove that I can be better than him." He harrumphed.
Sunmi laughed and watched him with adoration. "Better than Suho? That's quite hard..." She pretended to tap her chin while thinking. "I really don't know if you staying is a good thing or not...."
"Kim Sunmi~~~~" Sehun whined, shaking her arm and pressing a kiss to her temple. "You're mean."
Sunmi smiled and buried her face in his chest, letting out a contented sigh. She still couldn't believe he was willing to give up his entire life in the other world just for her and it just made her love him more. Oh Sehun...
"I'm glad you're not going." Sunmi admitted, smiling softly. "I'm really, really, really happy you're not."
Sehun beamed and hugged her back, burying his face in her hair. "Does this mean you like me back?"
"Nope." Sunmi whispered, making Sehun stiffen for a moment. "I love you."
Sehun broke into a large smile and held into her tighter. He never thought his decision was anymore worthwhile than at this moment. He never realized that to love someone and have that someone love you back, that was pure ecstasy and happiness.
Sehun pulled away to smile at Sunmi but found his gaze involuntarily trailing to her lips. Her eyes fluttered close and he leaned down to meet her lips when-
"Yah! You two broke my mirror! Pay up!"
Sehun and Sunmi broke away from each other awkwardly and cleared their throats. The store Ahjusshi who had returned from his toilet trip glared at the two. "Pay up for the mirror! 30 thousand won!"
Sehun reached for his wallet quickly and pulled out a wad of notes. "Very sorry about it Ahjusshi." He handed the cash over.
The Ahjusshi looked elated at the thick stack of money and just as he reached out to grab it, a blue of grey and white appeared out of nowhere to snatch the notes from Sehun's hands. "Don't give it to him maknae!!"
Sunmi and Sehun did a double take at D.O. who had appeared all of a sudden. Talk about ninja skills. "That mirror isn't one from your shop, Ahjusshi. I brought it here and planted it amongst the shelves." D.O. huffed. "You only sell wood frames mirrors and not metal framed ones. You can't expect us to pay for something that belonged to us in the first place, right?"
The ahjusshi stared at the mess and recognized that what D.O. said was true. Unfortunately. He cleared his throat and scowled. "AISH fine. Clear the mess and don't appear in my shop again."
"Fine!" D.O. harrumphed. He grabbed the broom from he corner and started cleaning up the mess. "Yah you two lovebirds. Aren't you gonna help?"
Sunmi stared at D.O. incredulously and crossed her arms while Sehun wrinkled his nose. "You planted the mirror there?" They demanded in unison. "That mirror wasn't even the real one is it!!"
D.O. stilled and sent them a sheepish grin. "Oops?"




"So the two of you are together now?"
"And maknae isn't going back?"
"And hyung, you actually thought to plant a fake enchanted mirror in the shelves?" Kai gaped at D.O. with newfound respect. "Wow hyung. I never knew you were so sly."
D.O. tipped an imaginary hat. "Why thank you." He smirked.
Baekhyun shook his head in amusement and turned to Sehun in wonder. "But really. At that time you really thought that mirror was your ticket back to your own world, and you smashed it? GAWD, I never knew our Sunmi was so attractive."
"Yah." Sunmi scowled, pouting.
"But maknae," Suho's curt voice turned the atmosphere serious all of a sudden. "Do you really know why you're giving up? You're giving up your entire life back there. You're not going to get another chance to go back unless you find another mirror. Are you really willing to sacrifice everything back there?"
"Yes." Sehun nodded. He met Sunmi's eyes and smiled softly, giving her hand a squeeze under the table. "Because Sunmi is here."
Suho bit back a smile as D.O. nudged him. "So Appa, he passed the test didn't he?" He grinned. "I knew my ship would said! Woohoo!!"
"But man, you're giving up your life back there for Sunmi, I still can't get over that." Kai muttered, rubbing his temples.
Sehun shrugged. "My life here has been so much happier than back there. I met Sunmi, I met friends like you guys. The only thing is that I didn't get to say goodbye to my only friend Jina back there."
Sunmi wrinkled her nose at the mention of the name and Sehun grinned. "Are you jealous?" He poke her cheek.
"I'm not!" Sunmi protested. "My nose was itchy." She fibbed.
"Yeah right you were jealous weren't you." Sehun poked her forehead again. "Don't worry Sunmi, the only girl I love is you." He whispered.
Sunmi bit back a smile and squeezed his hand.
"Stop. Please stop." Chanyeol squeezed his eyes shut and shuddered. "Spare a thought for us single men."
Sunmi pinked and Sehun just beamed in a manner that was completely not bashful as if he couldn't be prouder that he scored Sunmi as his girlfriend. Oh Sehun...
"But well, I hope the Devil is happy over in the other world because I'd feel bad if he was suffering in my world while I'm thriving in his." Sehun pouted. "Because I'd feel guilty."
Sunmi harrumphed. "Who cares about the Devil anyway. Now that he's gone and you're here, the world's a much nicer place."
Sehun grinned and kissed his fingers, pressing his fingers to her cheeks. "The world's a much nicer place because of you too."
Sunmi smiled and the two of them leaned towards each other unconsciously when...
"WHAT DID I TELL YOU? Spare a thought for us single men!!!" Chanyeol groaned.


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Y'all Goddess invented parallel universe since 2014!!
22 streak #2
Chapter 64: Now I finally understand everything. Maaaaan this is so creepy and amusing. All those what ifs
22 streak #3
Chapter 42: Ohhh just passing by. Really?!
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Chapter 11: Both Sehun’s are suffering from this situation
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GOOd story
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