Of Mindless Acts

The Other Side of the Mirror
"Sunmi, I heard you don't have a date for the dance." Jonghyun leaned against her locker, swiping his bangs suavely. "Do you want to go with me?"
Sunmi pushed Jonghyun a little so that she could have access to her locker. "I'm going with the rest of the EXO-K boys." she murmured distractedly.
Jonghyun gazed at her. "Yeah, but it isn't the same if you don't go with a date." he defended. "You're a beautiful girl, Sunmi. It's a waste if you don't go to the dance with a romantic partner."
"Romantic partner?" Sunmi shot her gaze up at him. "I'm dating Sehun."
"Yeah so?" Jonghyun shrugged. "It's not like you signed a contract with him forever. From what I hear you and him aren't that couple-like either."
"That doesn't show anything about how long our relationship will last, right?" Sunmi felt defensive even though Sehun and her weren't dating. She just felt that way. "Anyway, I'm going with the rest of the EXO-K boys without a date. That's final."
Jonghyun just shrugged and sent her a small smile while handing her a slip of paper. "Here's my number. If you change your mind, call me." he winked and walked away.
Sunmi rolled her eyes and crushed the piece of paper into a ball, tossing it into a near by trash can. She strolled back to the rest of the EXO-K boys who were waiting for her, not noticing how Sehun was glaring daggers into the back of Jonghyun's head.
"He's rentless isn't he?" Chanyeol murmured, slinging an arm around Sunmi's shoulders. "He's been asking you for the past years and not knowing when to give up. Perhaps you should give him a chance."
"I really don't think that's neccessary." Sunmi muttered.
"Give that guy a break, at least he's trying." Baekhyun shrugged.
The gang walked on to their next class and Sehun was being held back by a few of his fan girls of which were asking the same old question of wanting him to go to the dance with them. He was very distracted, however, because he saw Jonghyun send Sunmi a flying kiss from the other end of the room and it irked him immensely.
What in the world were these guys doing? Didn't they know that she was dating him? It was fake yes, but they didn't know it did they? Just because he wasn't going to the dance with Sunmi, all these boys were trying to grab this precious opportunity to latch onto her.
Perhaps it was because the idea of winning Oh Sehun's girlfriend from under hise nose or they really did like Sunmi for real, whichever the case, Sehun was thoroughly annoyed. If only they could keep their minds of his girl....
These guys were acting as if Sunmi wasn't attached! The nerve!
Sehun didn't even notice Jina coming up to him and asking the same question as the rest of the girls while twirling her hair around her finger in that seductive manner of his. He was too distracted to notice anything except for the fact that he was plain stupid to not have seen how the other boys in school were looking at Sunmi.
Looking with that hungry dazed gaze, full of thirst. Damn. That unpleasant feeling rose up in his chest once more and he really felt like killing just anyone of these people. He vaguely wondered if his violence edge appeared only in this world because he was slowly turning into the Devil himself.
"Sehun oppa, I heard you aren't going to the school dance." Jina cooed into his ear. "Why? You're missing out on a lot of fun. You should totally go for it and I'll make your night really happy, I promise. The entire night, till morning if you want to." she grinned coyly, wondering if he got her double meaning.
Apparently not.
"I think I've changed my mind." Sehun muttered, crushing the plastic bottle he was holding onto. "I'm going to the dance."
Jina lit up. "Great! What colour bow are you going to wear because we've got to match, Sehunnie oppa. I'm thinking of getting a pink dress but if you don't want to wear a pink bow, I can get another dre-" she stopped short in her words when Sehun suddenly tore himself away from her, striding away purposefully. "Sehun oppa?"
He didn't even notice her as he reached Sunmi, grabbing her arm as she talked to another guy in their Chemistry Class called Onew about their newest assignment since they were lab partners. "Sunmi?"
Sunmi was surprised to find that his gaze was exceptionally determined and rather than unreadable, it was an emotion that Sunmi had never seen in his eyes before, therefore unable to place the emotion. "Yeah?" she asksed, slightly startled.
"Will you go to the school dance with me?" Sehun blurted.
Sunmi blinked, confused. "I thought you didn't want to go." she smiled lightly. "You changed your mind? That's great. We can pool two cabs with the rest of the boys and-"
"No." Sehun pushed Onew away discreetly and between the guy and Sunmi. The EXO-K boys watched in confusion at his outburst and the sudden turn of events. Strange, he seemed really bent on not going in the first place. What made him change his mind?
"We're not going with the other boys." Sehun muttered, his face flushed with a foreign expression. "Let's go together. Come as my date."
"Date?" Sunmi's eyes rounded, blinking up at him. She looked around and leaned closer to him. "Sehun, is something wrong?" she whispered. "Why this all of a sudden? Are the fangirls really persistent on dragging you to the hmmmfff-"
Sehun didn't know what got into his head because at that moment, his hand just shot out to pull Sunmi close by her waist and he bent down to plant his lips on hers without a moment's hesitation. Maybe it was that unpleasant feeling doing weird things to his head. Maybe he was just losing his sanity. Maybe he just had that secret desire to do that and wasn't aware of it.
Either way, he was kissing Sunmi. AGAIN.
Sunmi's eyes widened and she blinked rapidly at the face in front of hers. Sehun's eyes were shut and his lips were pressing lightly against hers, his hands cupping her cheek.
She gasped and stepped away, her face flushed and her eyes glimmering with shock. What the...
The thing was that Sehun looked equally shocked that he did what he did and Sunmi wanted to slap some sense into him. DID HE KNOW WHAT JUST HAPPENED? Apparently he was rather surprised that just happened as well but he quickly collected his nerves, clearing his throat as if it was normal for him to just swoop down to claim her lips like he just did.
"I'm picking you up at your house at six thirty." Sehun said in an authoritative tone. "Alright?"
Sunmi was too stunned to answer, but she was saved from being forced to produce an audible word when Teacher Jung appeared all of a sudden. "Detention, Kim Sunmi, Oh Sehun, for outrageous public display of affection on the school grounds!"
"What in the world did you think you were doing?" Suho growled, shoving Sehun into the wall.
It was truly a stunning sight to see the always nice and smiling Suho so worked up for once, but the rest of the EXO-K boys were too bothered to care. All of them looked like a bunch of outraged, angered and possessive older brothers with their fists clenched as they surrounded the maknae.
Sehun was shivering himself, but he looked confused like the others. "I...I..."
"Sunmi is like our little sister." Baekhyun muttered grimly. "We can't let just any guy go kissing her in school so casually even if you're our good friend, Sehun. It's just wrong, especially when you two aren't even dating for real."
Sunmi bit her lip as she stared at the ground. Her heart was still pounding from before and she just couldn't calm down.
"Why did you do it?" Kai scowled. "You better have a good reason for it."
Sehun swallowed. Well , because he most definitely didn't. How was he supposed to explain he just felt like doing it? How was he to explain he hated how the other guys were staring at Sunmi and how he wanted to just show them...show their freaking faces that she was his?
"I uh...those guys are pestering Sunmi, the girls are pestering me, the people don't believe us that we're actually dating so I thought.." he rambled mindlessly, not at all meaning what he said. "I'm just trying to keep up with the act!"
"You didn't need to kiss Sunmi for real." D.O. murmured.
"I'm sorry, okay?" Sehun hung his head. "But what's done done and well, I think we convinced everyone that our relationship is real now."
"With a great sacrifice, not to mention." Suho muttered under his breath. Sehun didn't know why he couldn't feel that way.
"Okay cool it everyone." Sunmi finally spoke out, her face unreadable. "Sehun and I have to go to detention and we're going to be late. It'll be dreadful if we get there late. Sehun, let's go."
She strode out of there as quickly as possible and Suho finally let go of Sehun, heaving heavily. Sehun bit his lip, sorry for not being able to explain for his actions. "Go, detention." Suho murmured.
Sehun nodded and quickly followed after Sunmi. He gazed at the back of her head, wondering what she was feeling. Did she feel repulsed or angry? , he really should have controlled himself.
The both of them entered detention and the teacher gave them a stern look before instructing them to sit at opposite sides of the classroom. Sehun and Sunmi took out their books and started on their homework obediently, much to the teacher's approval.
A little while later, the teacher left for a while to bring more assignments to mark. She warned them about even daring to move an inch from their seats and promptly left. Sehun glanced over at Sunmi and saw that she wasn't looking at him, her head bent to look as if she was completely engrossed in her work but he knew better. Her hand wasn't even moving.
"Sunmi?" he whispered.
He saw her still but she didn't make any noise to acknowledge that she heard him. , she must really be angry.
"Sunmi?" he tried again. "Uhm...I just...I just want to say sorry about what happened." he fidgeted in his seat. Yes he was sorry for scaring her, sorry for his mindless act, sorry for not thinking it true but the last thing he would say was to be sorry for the kiss. Because that would be a lie.
"I uhm, I wasn't thinking much. No scratch that, I didn't think at all. I just thought you know, how these guys were bothering you all the time and how they didn't believe we were dating for real or that we could last and," he took a deep breath. "It irked me that they didn't put faith in our relationship. Even if it isn't real."
Sunmi stared at her book. So he felt that too?
"And just," Sehun raked his fingers through his hair, swallowing. "I just wanted to prove to them something. To show that that they're wrong, that we are really very much in love and we'll die without each other and whatnot." he bit his lip. "I just wasn't thinking about the consequences when I kissed you. I'm sorry." he whispered.
Sunmi stared at her fingers, not knowing what to say. To be completely honest, she felt kind of angry at Sehun, but not for the reasons the EXO-K boys would have thought.
She was angry at him for kissing her and for making her feel confused and delirious all over again since that janitor's closet incident. This was the second time they had kissed that week and worst, this wasn't even an accident which she could dismiss as a faux kiss.
She was angry because what right did he have to make her feel so...tingly warm when he wasn't even the guy she liked? Since when did he control her emotions so perfectly?
"Sunmi?" Sehun whispered again when she didn't respond. "Are you angry?"
Yes. Hell yes.
"No." she found herself answering. Oh great, Sunmi, you're one honest woman. "I'm not. I forgive you." she sighed softly, finally looking up at him. "Just, don't do it again."
Sehun nodded, estatic that she wasn't mad. "Okay, I promise!"
"And just," she struggled with her words. "A kiss may not mean that much to you, but to me a kiss means a lot. I don't go around kissing guys I don't feel anything for and I hope you don't do that either. Just promise me that the next time you kiss someone, it means something alright?" she twisted her lips. "For myself as well."
Sehun didn't know why he felt a little put off by what she said even though it made sense. So that kiss back there didn't mean anything? Oh right, it didn't.
"Okay, I promise." he found himself saying. "Maybe the next time I kiss someone, it's going to be Jina." he joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Sunmi cracked an amused smile. "Well you can try, because unfortunately mister, she was looking when you pulled that act on all of them. At least everyone believes we're together now."
"Oh really?" Sehun gasped, pale. "She was there...oh right she was there! I completely forgot!" he whined. "What am I going to do now?"
Sunmi shook her head and turned back to her book, not reading the words even as she stared at them. What a great question. What was she going to do now too?
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Y'all Goddess invented parallel universe since 2014!!
22 streak #2
Chapter 64: Now I finally understand everything. Maaaaan this is so creepy and amusing. All those what ifs
22 streak #3
Chapter 42: Ohhh just passing by. Really?!
22 streak #4
Chapter 11: Both Sehun’s are suffering from this situation
Erponnn108 #5
GOOd story
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