Chapter 8

Lotus Flower

You glared at Ilhoon behind your bangs. You turned around and leaned against the sturdy wall. **This guy just has no shame...** you thought angrily as you sat down. You had been rudely shaken awake early in the morning just to cook breakfast. And guess what? He didn't even eat it! No, in fact, he gave it to no other than Eun Kyung. You had nothing against her but shouldn't he at least give her time and not rush everything? Now, you were stuck standing 20 steps away from them, but that didn't stop you from taking glances now and then. 

You blew your bangs in frustration and pouted. **When is he going to leave? I wish he would stop staring at her...**

"Bored?" said a voice.

You looked up and instantly got up. "Minhyuk-sshi," you said. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here don't I?" he asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"W-Well of course, but that wasn't what I-" He chuckled and you looked down. **Did I say something wrong?** You gasped **Is there something on my face?** you thought as you touched your face.

"Sorry," he said. "It's just *chuckles* you're so cute when you stutter," he said. Your cheeks flushed red and you didn't know what to say.

"So, would you like to escape?" he asked.

"Huh?" you said, still fazed by his comment. 

"Aren't you bored?" he asked.

"Completely," you said and quickly clamped your mouth with your hand and shook your head with wide eyes.

"Then let's go somewhere else," he said.

"But I'm supposed to-"

"It's fine," he said. "I'm pretty sure he's not going to miss you while you're gone," Minhyuk said.

You glanced and Ilhoon, he was laughing as he stared lovingly at Eun Kyung. You frowned **Meanie** 

You gasped as Minhyuk grabbed your hands, "Come on, I'm just going to borrow you for a bit. You won't get into trouble, not while I'm here."

You glanced back once more and took a deep breath. You looked at Minhyuk and nodded. "So where are we going?" you asked.

"That's more like it," he said.


"The garden?" you asked. "What are we doing here?" 

"Sorry, but we can't leave the palace today," he said with a frown. "The guards were given orders by the king, not even I can convince them this time."

"Oh," you said. 

"Are you disappointed?" he asked. 

You turned around and smiled, "Not at all," you said. "I love the garden. Besides, I haven't been able to come and relax since Ilhoon-sshi has been torturing me."

Minhyuk chuckled and smiled, "So am I more fun than Ilhoon?"

You grinned, "Definitely." 

Minhyuk secretly smiled, suddenly feeling bubbly inside. "So, would you like to learn some basic skills of self defense?" 

"Oh, thank you," you said. "I'd rather just watch you."

"But it might come in handy someday when Ilhoon teases you," he said, giving you a knowing look.

Your grin grew wider as you nodded. "Okay, but I'm warning you, no funny businesses."

He raised his hands up as if surrendering, "I won't."

"Promise?" you said. "Promise," he said.

Minhyuk taught you different stretches. Of course, it was simple since you were quite flexible. Then, he taught you how to punch someone with force, just enough to knock them out for a while. 

"Owww," you said as you held tightly onto your fist. 

"Come on, hit me one more time," he said.

"But it hurts," you said. "I don't like this! It's like your chest is made of steel or something," you said with a pout. 

"Years of training," he said simply. "Now come on, one more hit."

"That's what you said for the last 25 punches," you complained. 

"I promise, one last one," he said with a grin. You glared at him suspiciously. Your knuckles hurt a lot, your skin was dried and tough. But you wanted to show him that you were strong, not a weakling. 

You imagined Ilhoon's face, replacing Minhyuk's hand. **Meanie left me out to stand there and do nothing. Meanie made me wake up early to cook breakfast. Meanie who always gets on my nerves.* You your lips and slammed your fist against his palm. 

Minhyuk took a small step back as he stared at you in astonishment. "Woah, good job," he said as he began to clap. 

You blinked and looked up, "Did I do better this time?" you asked.

"Much better," he said with a grin. But where did all that energy come from?" he asked. 

"I don't know," you lied. 

"Hmm, well you did well dongsaeng," he said with a bright smile.

"Finally, I found you!"interrupted a voice.

You and Minhyuk turned around, Ilhoon was glaring at you with angry eyes. You winced and stood behind Minhyuk for protection. 

"How could you leave without my permission?" he asked. **Took me forever to find you** 

"I gave her permission to leave," Minhyuk said.

Ilhoon ignored Minhyuk as he continued to glare at you. "Come here. Now!"

You pouted and slowly slid out from behind Minhyuk. You walked towards Ilhoon and stopped when you were 5 feet away from him.

"Punishment," he said.

"What?" you said. "But I-"

"Kneel down," he said.


"Now," he said sternly. You did as told and knelt on your knees. "Now stay there and don't move," he said. He turned around and walked away.

"Come on, get up," Minhyuk said as he tried to help you up. You shook your head and stayed put.

Minhyuk sighed, "I'm sorry," he murmured. "This was all my fault. I'll go speak with him," he said and quickly ran after Ilhoon.

Your visions blurred as tears formed. A tear slid down your face and dripped onto the dirt. **Meanie who left me sad** 


Ilhoon angrily walked away. Eun Kyung had left to attend some business. When he had come back to fetch you, you were missing. He searched for you, but he couldn't find you. He walked by the garden and immediately stopped when he heard Minhyuk's voice. 


Minhyuk took a small step back as he stared at you in astonishment. "Woah, good job," he said as he began to clap. 

You blinked and looked up, "Did I do better this time?" you asked.

"Much better," he said with a grin. But where did all that energy come from?" he asked. 

"I don't know," you lied. 

"Hmm, well you did well dongsaeng," he said with a bright smile.

He didn't know what had happened, but his gut twisted in jealousy. You looked a lot happier with Minhyuk, more at ease. 

"Ilhoon!" Minhyuk shouted.

Ilhoon continued walking as thought he hadn't heard anything. Minhyuk's arm grabbed him by the shoulder and held him back.

"I need to speak with you," he said.

"Well, I have nothing to say to you," he replied back, monotone.

"Look, I made her come with me," Minhyuk said, "Don't punish her, punish me instead."

Anger boiled in his blood, "She is my attendant," he hissed. He walked away and headed towards his room. He slammed the door and laid on his bed. He shielded his eyes with his arm.

**What's going on me? Why am I like this?** he thought. 


Hi Melodies~ ^^

I'm so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated for more than a month TT^TT Forgive me? Please? ><

Regents has been coming up and my teachers have been giving me crazy amounts of homework and tests /:

Anyways, I updated and this time, it's a bit longer than the other chapters  (and hopefully more interesting!~). I hope I will be able to update more often by like...the second week of June? Maybe I'll be able to update every other day since I will have no more tests! Yay! Woohoo!!!!! 

tumblr_lmdhuiYcDe1qbx63vo1_500.gif Nah! More like: mblaq_gif__let__s_party_hard___by_xrinnn Haha, just kidding, it's not even close xD

tumblr_lxm25eT5pT1r662zao1_500.gif That's more like it ^^ tumblr_m8hle1iwL21qfpk9b.gif

-iHartCupcakes (:

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nice story ^^
Chapter 24: Author-nimmm, it's been month since you last updated! Update soon pleasee?
o3n2e9w #3
KrisAce #4
Chapter 24: like her better with Ilhoon.. huhu, I miss him..
Chapter 24: .....................Minhyuk............If you pull anything................I WILL SO FREAKING DESTROY YOU!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sigh. Why does my biases have to go for one girl. ILHOON COME TO ME BB ;n; <3
KrisAce #9
Chapter 23: Update soon!!!! Best Story In The Universe! I love Ilhoon here but Minhyuk is also awesome!!!!
Chapter 23: huhu T.T I suddenly misses Ilhoon's presences..