Chapter 24

Lotus Flower
"Owww! That hurts! Okay, not there! Aish!" you squealed in pain. You winced as the servant continued to scrub your back with the rough sponge. *How did I end up bathing?* 
You woke up and stretched, inhaling Ilhoon's scent. You smiled, just three more days! Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. You frowned *Who could it be? BTOB didn't come until later on near the afternoon* You got off the bed and opened the door, a servant bowed and said, "I have come to prepare you for the celebration." 
*Celebration? What celebration...oh* you remembered. You frowned, "I'm sorry, but please tell Minhyuk that I am not going to attend." 
"Well, Minhyuk disapproves." Minhyuk appeared behind the door and grinned. 
"Minhyuk, I am not going! I don't belong there," you frowned. You looked down at your dirty hanbok. "My hanbok tells it all!" 
"That's why you are going to have a make over, no one will be able to tell the difference!" he grinned. 
"But-" you were cut off as he grabbed your wrist and dragged your towards another room. "Where are you taking me? Minhyuk!" He let go of your wrist when you were in another room. It appeared to be a bath house. "Have fun," he whispered and closed the door as the servant entered the room. 
"What?" you said, confused by his words. The servant bowed, "Please take off your clothes and step into the tub." 
"WHAT?" you looked down at yourself and covered your body. "If I am going to bath, I would like to do this myself!" The servant nodded and turned around as you entered the bath tub. You didn't want to admit aloud, but it felt really nice in the tub. It was warm and scented from the rose petals that floated on the water. 
"YAHHH!" you squealed as you felt something rough against your back.
You sighed, *Minhyuk, you are so mean!* "Oww! Okay, no more!" you frowned and grabbed the sponge away. The servant bowed and walked away as you sunk deeper into the water. You closed your eyes and drifted into a small nap.
You woke up and shivered. You looked around and sighed, you looked around the room and you sighed in relief when you found it empty. However, your eye caught onto something. It was a hanbok. 
The outfit was pink. The cardigan on top was light pink with a brown belt that was embroidered with pink flowers. The sleeves were more colorful being striped with pink, blue, yellow, and purple. The bottom of the dress was darker shade of pink. You smiled and got out of the tub to change. When you had finished changing, you looked down at the beautiful hanbok. It fit comfortably on you and the fabric felt great against your skin. You made a small twirl and giggled as the dress floated in a circle. The door opened and ajumma walked in.
"Ajumma!" you squealed and ran towards her to embrace her. "Oh, you looked beautiful!" she grinned. You grinned. 
"Where were you? I haven't seen you!" you frowned. "I was busy, besides, I thought you said you would visit me!" You laughed, "Okay, we are even!" 
"Now," she said as she led you towards the table. "Let's get your hair done." 
You looked at the mirror when the finishing touches were made. "The boys will blush when they see you," ajumma said as she placed a butterfly clip onto your hair. 
When you stepped out of the door, Minhyuk looked up and gasped. You blushed and looked down at the ground, "Um, thank you for everything," you muttered. The ajumma smiled and gave you a wink before leaving.  "Uh, n-no problem," he said and cleared his throat. "Let's get going," he said and hesitated before grabbing your arm  and leading you towards the celebration. 
You gasped as your entered the big ballroom like room. The room was decorated with ribbons of all different colors that clung onto the ceilings and dipped low to form a 'U' shape. You nervously looked around, and clung tightly onto Minhyuk's arms. 
Minhyuk noticed you were uncomfortable and guided you towards the BTOB boys. 
"Seongjae, I thought we told you we were all going to-" Changsub stopped talking and the boys followed his eyes. Their mouth formed an 'O' shape. You blushed and looked down at your shoes, "Does it look that bad?" 
"N-No," Eunkwang said and cleared his throat. 
"You look really pretty!" Seongjae blurted. You let out a small laugh, "Thank you." 
"Minhyuk!" All of you turned around and saw Eun Kyung gliding towards him. "Of course, how could we forget Eun Kyung?" Seongjae muttered. 
"Minhyuk! You look so handsome~" she sing-said and giggled. She stopped giggling and stared at you..."Minhyuk, who is this? You never introduced me to her." Your eyes widened, *She doesn't recognize me?*
"This? You don't-" Seongjae was cut off. "-This Mei Li," Minhyuk said. "I was told to her here today. She comes from the Li Palace."
"Huh, I never heard of the Li Palace," Eun Kyung said as she eyed you up and down. *She looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it...*
"Of course, she is visiting...from China," Minhyuk said with a smile. She stared at you for a couple of seconds before grinning, "Well have fun then!" She left and headed towards another group to talk.
You looked up at Minhyuk, "Why did you lie to her? What if she finds out?"
"She won't find out," Minhyuk reassured. "She didn't even recognize you."
"But what if she finds out later?" you panicked. "It's fine, we'll make sure she won't."
When it was time to eat, everyone surrounded a long table. The table displayed various types of food, from meat to vegetables to dessert. Your mouth watered at the sight. *Maybe it was a bit worth it to come here* You your lips, Minhyuk grinned *Cute*. "Come on, let's go and eat." You were about to take a seat when Minhyuk pulled out your seat, "Please take a seat." You smiled, "Thank you." Eun Kyung sat at the farther end near her father as she watched you. *She reminds me of someone...but who is it...?* 
Minhyuk placed a bunch of food onto your plate, "Dig in." You giggled, "Are you sure you're supposed to say that here?" 
"Why not, you are hungry aren't you?" he said. You nodded, "I guess so. Maybe just this one time?" 
Eun Kyung watched at the farther end of the table. *Why does she look so familiar?* Her hands clenched into a fist as she watched Minhyuk feed you. She scoffed as she watched you gobble down your food *For someone who comes from another kingdom, she has no manners!* Eunkwang suddenly appeared and took his seat beside Eun Kyung. 
"Hello lil sis," he grinned and began to grab some food.
"Why are you sitting here? Shouldn't you be sitting with those boys?" she said as she continued to watch you. 
Eunkwang chuckled, "Why? I can't sit here? I have every right to sit here just as you do."
Eun Kyung finally looked away and stared back at Eunkwang. "I know why you are here. You're trying to distract me from Minhyuk and that...Mei Li girl. Well it's not working," she said. 
Eunkwang shrugged his shoulders, "What ever you say. But you should try this meat," he said as he tried to feed her. "It comes from the Jung Palace. It's really rare at this time." Eun Kyung smacked his hand away and the meat landed on the floor. "I'm not hungry."
Eunkwang pouted, *I will never understand how guys fall for her, she may be pretty but her heart is quite dark*
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nice story ^^
Chapter 24: Author-nimmm, it's been month since you last updated! Update soon pleasee?
o3n2e9w #3
KrisAce #4
Chapter 24: like her better with Ilhoon.. huhu, I miss him..
Chapter 24: .....................Minhyuk............If you pull anything................I WILL SO FREAKING DESTROY YOU!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sigh. Why does my biases have to go for one girl. ILHOON COME TO ME BB ;n; <3
KrisAce #9
Chapter 23: Update soon!!!! Best Story In The Universe! I love Ilhoon here but Minhyuk is also awesome!!!!
Chapter 23: huhu T.T I suddenly misses Ilhoon's presences..